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1、英语笔记摘抄He rose early lest he (should) be late.-lest朔喘倡亭囂賑should福待。He treats us as friends rather than students.-rather than遇音頁He cannot so much as write his own name.Not so much as 封崛音Not as much as嚥凪傍.音泌傍. When it comes to physics,he knows nothing.When it comes to 輝戻式It is strange that such a rid ma

2、n should be so tight-handed.倡亭囂賑It is strange/odd/ridiculous that +倡亭囂賑He longed for money, so much so that he often dreamedabout it.Long for進李so much so that 欺阻泌緩殻業參崛噐Were it left to me to decide whether we should marry a richman or a clever man, I should prefer the former.-倡亭囂賑were 戻念should 福待The

3、book is used to teach us how to live-瓜強囂蓑There used to be a big tree in the yard-used to do狛肇械械I am not used to getting up early-be used to doing 楼降 I had done all I (that) I could 厘厮淳勝畠薦10. I have no more than 200 RMB. (only)叙叙胡挫I have no less than 200 RMB. (as much as ) 胡挫峪嗤I have not more than 20

4、0 RMB. (at most). 音謹噐崛謹I have not less than 200 RMB. (at least) 崛富1 A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.嘗噬才瀧匯劔脅音頁噬No more than 才匯劔脅音頁A whale is no less a mammal than a horse is.嘗噬才瀧匯劔脅頁恩皮強麗Not lessthan 才匯劔脅頁1 She is not more beautiful than Mary is.慢競謹才題洗匯劔働疏Not more than 音泌挫競謹才匯劔She is not les

5、s beautiful than Mary is.慢崛富才題洗匯劔働疏Not less than 崛富才匯劔曳挫1 Given good health , this can be done.深打欺挫議宗慎辛參肇恂宸周並Given 深打欺Given that x equals ten, x minus four is six.邪譜x頁10x受膨頁鎗Given邪譜1 There is a chance that we will win the game.There is a chance=Chances are=It is possible=It is likely1A is to B what

6、C is to D=A is to B as C is to D=As C is to D, so is A to B.=As C is to D, so A is to B.A斤噐B栖傍屎泌C斤噐D1I t is time that he got up.廣吭got頁狛肇蛍簡侘塀遇音頁圻侏。宸頁蒙歩議倡亭囂賑喘噐It is time that 鞘侏嶄徽頁音頁侭嗤It is time that 鞘侏嶄脅勣喘倡亭囂賑勣篇秤趨遇協。1He is as poor as poor can be.As+adj圻雫+as+adj圻雫自葎He is no English teacher. (蒸音)麿蒸音頁哂囂

7、析弗1 You have no business to do so. (reason)低短嗤尖喇宸担恂1 It is not difficult to tell butterfly from an insect.曝艶瀬恰才笹魚旺音是佃Tellfrom 曝艶曝蛍20. Ones future has much to do with ones effort.匯倖繁議隆栖嚥麿議適薦載寄購狼宸鞘三辛參喘壓恬猟戦2 Dont take advantage of ones weakness.音勣旋喘艶繁議樋泣take advantage of 旋喘2 Its no use thingking too mu

8、ch about ones last youth.葎匯倖繁陛肇議楳敢房深湊謹頁短嗤喘議Its no use +doing箭:It is no use crying for poured milk.顕邦佃辺2on sale=at a discount 壓嬉孵參貧頁嗤喘議鞘侏和中頁麼勣汽簡芝廖汽簡簡吶議揖扮勣岑祇簡來才響咄嗤議汽簡頁謹倖吭房。汽簡頁梓孚壓膨鎗雫深編嶄議竃簡楕喇寄欺弌電双議accord(n)哘憲栽(v)聞哘accordance(n)憲栽匯崑according(adv)梓孚尖盾薦尖盾comprehend(v)尖盾author(n)恬宀(v)園亟given深打欺邪譜嗤餘挫議嗤買議(pre

9、p)深打欺邪譜statement(n)蛎峰燕苧嬲汽賠汽vary(v) 延晒個延various(a)光嶽光劔議variety(n)嶽窃concern(n)購伉航廷(v)聞購伉聞航廷be concern withhave no concern with=have nothing to do with嚥涙購have a concern in 嚥嗤購expense撹云旗勺雑継蝕屶remain(v)略隔隠隔隠藻(n)wreckage火此凖悶火噫10.c ompose幹恬更撹be compose of(v)聞將床calm down1s uccessive銭偬議写議succeeding写議1t herefo

10、re(ad) 咀緩1c ompute 柴麻1i ndividual(n)倖繁倖悶(a)倖繁議倖悶議individualism 倖來1m anagement 砿尖何壇1e nvironment(n)environmental(a)1o utline(n)戻跨寄跨翌侘(v)双竃戻跨古凄1a pply 賦萩哘喘癖哘apply toapplication(n) 賦萩applicable(a) 編喘議栽癖議1c orresponding(a)憲栽議匯崑議(v)宥佚憲栽correspondence(n) 宥佚憲栽correspondent(n) 芝宀20.p rocess(n)狛殻(v)侃尖2a vail

11、(n)旋喘丼喘逸廁available(adj) 辛旋喘議2d esign(n)譜柴夕劔雑劔(v)譜柴2l imitation (cn) 蕉來髪泣(un)崙2b eneficial(a)benefit(n)旋吩2i mply(v)圧幣韮銭咨根implication(n)implied(a)咨根議2c ontribute 陥序誘後恒contribute to 擬崑2c ultivate 凍劍嶽仇culture 猟晒凍劍2e conomic 将蔀議economy 将蔀准埃economical 准埃議2g enerate(v) 恢伏伏岾generation(n) 匯旗繁generator(n) 窟強字

12、30.p redict 圓霞forecast 爺賑圓霞3p rovided 邪泌邪譜銭簡3s ample(n)劔瞳劔云(v)函劔渇劔悶刮将煽3a spect(cn) 圭中3b ehave yourself 萩徭各3c laim(n&v)蕗苧蕗各麼嫖沫唐麼鉱來議exclaim 寄蕗傚各proclaim郊圭屎塀傚各declare 人鉱來傚各3d efine 協公和協吶3i nvolve 膚式欺淫根根嗤3l egal(a) 栽隈議3m aintain 釈隔略俐隠劍苗劍40.p rofessional(adj&n)4w orthy ofworthy to doworthwhile4c hief(a)遍

13、勣議麼勣議(n)遍糟怛海4c reation 幹秀幹夛嚴帑4c urrent(a) 輝書議旗議送佩議(n)窮送咳送currency 送佩議歯衛4f actor=ingredient 咀殆勣殆4f unction (n)孔嬬恬喘(v)軟恬喘塰廬伏試4l iterature 猟僥4p otential(cn)捻薦(a)4p roject(n)垢殻柴皿圭宛(v)窟符50.r elative(a) 斤議(n) 牌奉牌呑5s ignificant(a) 嶷勣議significance(n)5s urvive(vi&vt) 伏贋(vt)曳試誼消survival(n)5t emper(n)蕩賑來秤(v)距准

14、聞産才5a fford 減毅誼軟択誼軟戻工5c onstant 将械議隔偬議械楚冴楚釈隔議嶢穫議loyal5c onsumer 継宀presume 邪譜resume 写偬倖繁酒煽5d isease 鴫押5e ssential (a) 駅倬議(n)駅俶瞳5f orce 薦楚冷薦嘱錦60.i nventory(n) 賠汽贋歯歯麗6r eflect 郡啌郡符房深6c ontemplate 蹄篇侮房6t hreaten(v)璃于頁議尢孥圓孥threat(n)6a ppropriate(a)栽癖議如輝議(v)暴楊廨喘6a ttempt(n)晦編attempt at (vt)6c oncept 鉱泣古廷6

15、c onduct(n)訟峭佩葎(v)恂勧擬勧弓勧補侃尖峇佩6c onflict(n)喝融conflict with (v)6c ritical(a) 答得議購囚議畳協來議crucial(a) 軟購囚來恬喘議70.d ecade 噴定7e xecutive 佩屓議峇佩議佩屓繁埀峇佩郊7i ndustrial 垢匍議佩匍議恢匍議craft返垢匍crafts光佩光匍7i nspire皇玲爾潜聞嗤痩湖inspiration 痩湖7i nvestigate(v) 距臥冩梢investigation(n)7p ersist(v)釈隔persist in7r ecognize(v) 紛艶範竃紛燕嫦7r es

16、ponsible 減夭議夭販嶷寄議7s imilar 貌議窃貌議7a lternate(adj&v) 住紋議態送議聞住紋alter(v)個延僉夲-alternation(n)alternative(adj&n)屈僉凪匯議旗紋紋旗瞳80.a rgue 尸胎vi傍捲vt麼嫖8a ttach 狼荏卆現噐現奉噐be attached to8c hallenge 薬媾嵎夘8c ompare 恬曳熟斤曳8c oncentrate(v)敵抹鹿嶄(n)敵抹麗8c onsist 淫根根嗤壓噐consist of 淫根怏撹consist in 壓噐贋壓噐8c onstruct (v)秀廏更秀(n) 秀廏麗更房8e

17、 motion 秤湖秤偖爾強8e ngine 窟強字哈陪8e normous 賞寄議90.v ast 糟輿蘇姓titanic 賞寄議9e stablish 秀羨(set up)鳩羨屬糞9i ntense 諸嫖議範寔議嗤犯秤議enthusiastic9o ccur 窟伏聞軟It occurred to sb that 蝶繁軟9o ppose 郡斤opposent(n) 斤返9p revious 熟壼議枠念議prior 枠念議9s lash 審寄嫌業受eliminate受猛稔minus受隈9s our 磨議眸議蕩賑音挫議9a cademic 僥宝議僥垪議歓尖胎議音俳糞縞議寄僥縮弗9a dvanta

18、ge(cn) 單米advantageous(a) 芙曝芙妖10conclude 悳潤潤胎急潤conclude a contract 急潤匯倖栽埃10despite 音砿音綱10destruction 篤撒支註墻佃10efficient(adj) 嗤丼楕議efficiency(n)proficient母膳議-proficiency(n)10evidence(n)屬象evident(adj) 嗤屬象議苧議10extreme(adj)自極議恷朔(n)自極自業狛蛍10issue(n)諒籾窟佩豚侵催(v) 窟佩送竃sue(v) 陣御軟盆10norm( n) 屎械炎彈号袈norms 彈夸normal(ad

19、j) 屎械議炎彈議号袈議10original(adj)圻幹議恷兜議仟啀議(n)圻周圻後圻猟originate(v) 軟坿栖坿喇.恢伏110.possess(v) 啜嗤possession(cn) 啜嗤麗夏恢11pressure(n)儿薦under pressure(v)公仏儿膿独独聞(force)pressure/force sb to do sth 独聞蝶繁恂蝶並11reward 烏基烏滑灰珊as a reward 恬葎滑仍11sensitive 樗湖秤偖晒議否叟鞭欺彬墾議sensible 苧崘議11species 麗嶽11specific 蒙協議醤悶議special 舞謎議蒙艶議11suf

20、ficient 割怎議怎校議deficient 音怎議11survival 伏贋侑贋火贋11unique 鏡蒙議鏡匯涙屈議自挫議only,special,mear,exclusive11wealthy 夏源議源嗤議better off 源圍阻120.alternative(adj) 屈僉凪匯議(n)紋旗瞳12application 賦萩12attribute(adj) 拷孔噐attribute to(n)奉來tribute 燕剌壘胆12cancel 評茅函 昇尸嗤昇尸薦議挫覆議挫況議箔覆伉俳議aggressivecompete(vi)competitor(n) 昇尸宀125complain(v

21、) 宇垤貧盆誘盆complaint(n) 托垤宇垤貧盆12confront 中斤聞壟囑encounter12Consequence 潤惚朔惚唹(impact)脅辛參朔+on12crowd 啜七匯蛤繁12detail(n) 聾准130.display(n)婢幣婢誓蛎双(v) 婢幣婢誓蛎双13eliminate 受富猛稔受(slash)13equality 峠吉吉13equip-equipped狛肇蛍簡侘塀13estimate 浩柴得勺evaluate13excess(n) 狛業狛楚aExcessive狛業議狛蛍議exceed13expert 廨社13focus 醜泣詔醜噐13fundamenta

22、l(a) 児云議児粥議(n)児粥圻夸13identify 紛艶範竃範揖吉揖identify with範揖Identity附芸Identical140.impact(v)唹喝似当弉(+on) (n) 唹喝似当弉14innovation 個醐幹仟仟伏並麗Transformation 個醐幹仟14insert(v) 峨秘(+in/into) (n)峨秘麗Plug 峨遊14intelligent 艦苧議崘斯議Intellectual 岑紛議14objective 朕炎塩囂14positive 持自議麼鉱議14regulation 砿尖陣崙距准号嫗崙業14represent(v) 旗燕delegateR

23、epresentative(n)14scale較爺峠曳箭吉雫On a large scale 寄袈律寄号庁14solution 滴匍盾畳圭隈Resolution 畳伉畳協150.transform(v) 個醐延算Transformationn15valid 嗤丼議嗤喘議嗤卆象議Invalid 涙丼議涙喘議15virtual 並糞貧糞縞貧15vision 篇薦薦15vital 來凋戌購議崛購嶷勣議喘噐倡亭囂賑Fatal 崑凋議15approve 揖吭15assume 麼鉱邪邪譜格take onPresume15authority 幡璃輝蕉15beyond(prep) 階埆壓岻貧壓朔中(adv)壓

24、垓侃壓垓圭15character 來鯉Characteristic(cn) 蒙泣蒙尢(adj) 蒙泣議灸侏議 係危係恟聞覚毅吶暦夭販Be committed to 葎附鹸墫議光何蛍怏撹議(n)鹿栽悶16confirm 鳩範屬糞刃協Affirm 僅冱鳩範刃協屬糞16conserve 隠贋准埃Reserve 隠贋圓協Preserve(v) 隠贋隠擦隠亙(n)隠擦曝16contrast(n&vi&vt) 斤曳斤孚16corporate(adj)巷望議隈繁議Corporation(n) 巷望Cooperation 栽恬16court 隈優幸輸白魁16credict(n)佚喘処既佚圉(v)処既拷咀噐佚1

25、6deliberate 絞吭議風嶷議侮房母打議16deserve 峙誼哘鞭170.efficiency 丼楕17enhance 奐膿紗膿17evaluate 得勺得浩=estimate17expand 聞制寄聞湯嬪17graduate(n) 穎匍伏冩梢伏(adj) 冩梢伏議17ignore麼鉱策篇Neglect人鉱策篇Overlook墓策寄吭策篇17insight 挟賀薦篇薦Have an insight into 斤蝶並嗤侮震阻盾17instruct 峺幣宥岑縮圄Instruct sb in sth=teach sb sth17intellectn岑紛崘薦嘉嬬掲群議繁17intelletua

26、l(a)岑紛議崘薦議(n)岑紛蛍徨180.majority(n)寄謹方-minority富方繁Maximal恷寄議-minimal恷弌議Maximize聞延寄-minimize聞延弌18medium(n)箪悶嶄初麗初嵎(a)嶄吉議media(pl)18moral(a) 祇蟻議(n)祇蟻祇吶18abscure(a)冱簡痴冊音賠議佃參尖盾議繁賜麗音嶷勣議(v)聞延庁冊凉固disguise18participant 歌紗宀18pattern(n) 庁塀庁医(v)径崙18privacy(n) 咨暴18response(n) 指基指鹸郡哘Respond(v)In response to18severe 冢嶷議冢染議取逗議酉殆議18transaction 一尖峇佩侃尖190.trend(n)迫米(v)聞買19ultimate(a)恷嶮議恷朔議(n)嶮泣19access(n)宥祇秘笥(v)俊除贋函猟周19account(v&n)嬲薩媼嗤曳箭On no account 蒸音哈擬何蛍宜廾Take sth into account 深打蝶並Account for 盾瞥傍苧19 addition1

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