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1、Company Logo (2)词汇的变化词汇的变化Company LogoETS 评分标准(评分标准(5分)分)Displays consistent facility in the Displays consistent facility in the use of language,demonstrating use of language,demonstrating syntactic variety,appropriate word syntactic variety,appropriate word choice,and idiomaticity.choice,and Compan

2、y Logo 不同不同词性词汇之间替换词性词汇之间替换Company Logo名词换形容词名词换形容词Company Logov给每个人的自由设置一个限度是很有必要的。给每个人的自由设置一个限度是很有必要的。vIt is very necessary to establish a limit for each persons freedom.vTo establish a limit for each persons freedom is of great Company Logov购物对你的健康有利。购物对你的健康有利。vShopping will be very beneficial to

3、 your health.vShopping will be of utmost benefit to your Company Logov韩国政府认为保护和发展文化产业很重要。韩国政府认为保护和发展文化产业很重要。vThe Korean government thinks it is very important to protect and develop the culture industry.vThe Korean government thinks that protecting and developing the culture industry is of great Com

4、pany Logo名词换动词名词换动词Company Logov政府应当保护自然环境。政府应当保护自然环境。vThe government should protect the environment.vGovernment participation is needed to ensure environmental Company Logov修建一个大型购物中心是社区发展的一种表现。修建一个大型购物中心是社区发展的一种表现。vconstructing a new shopping center is a kind of development for our community.vCons

5、truction of a new shopping center a kind of development for our Company Logov我们可以为能预见到的困难做好充分的准备。我们可以为能预见到的困难做好充分的准备。vWe can prepare for all the expectable problems.vPreparations for all the expectable problems can be completed Company LogovTreating sleepwalking requires doctors to know a lot about

6、psychology.vTreating sleepwalking requires a good knowledge of psychology.vExploring outer space requires a good knowledge of Company LogovOne day everyone will talk about the news that I am accepted by Harvard University.vone day my acceptance by Harvard University will be on everyones Company Logo

7、vVegetarianism is becoming accepted and welcome by more and more western people.vVegetarianism has found its growing popularity and acceptance among western Company Logo 词汇具体化词汇具体化Company Logov人人-person/people-(表明身份的词表明身份的词)professor,babysitter,architect,fashion designer.v城市城市-city-(表明方位的词)(表明方位的词)S

8、eattle,Los Angeles,Paris,Hong Kong,Company Logov学校学校-school-(表明规模的词)(表明规模的词)university,college,University of Washington.v钱钱-money-(表明用途的词)(表明用途的词)cash,fund,tip,salary,tuition,Company Logov地方地方-place-(表明属性的词)(表明属性的词)shopping mall,china Town,art district,national park.v说话说话-say-(表明状态的词)(表明状态的词)comment

9、,complain,claim,Company Logo词汇具体化综合演练词汇具体化综合演练你来改改看?你来改改看?vA person I asked in a school said that if you live in a big city,life can be very interesting,because there are many places to go.-(28字)字)Company LogovA professor I interviewed in University of Washington commented that if you live in a metr

10、opolis like Seattle ,life can be very interesting,because there are shopping malls,China Towns,art districts and national parks where you can have fun.-(40字)字)Company Logo make-“make-“使得使得 /让让”-使得使得-Company Logov使开心:使开心:The opening ceremony for the Olympics will make me feel happy.The opening ceremo

11、ny for the Olympics will fill me with happiness.v使兴奋:使兴奋:fill with excitement v使惊奇:使惊奇:fill with surprise/astonishment Company Logov使兴奋:使兴奋:fill with excitementv使惊奇:使惊奇:fill with surprise/astonishment Company Logov“使出名使出名”vPablo Picassos 20,000 works made him famous as a master of modern art.vPablo

12、Picassos 20,000 works established him famous as a master of modern Company Logov“The old man and the sea”established Ernest Hemingway as a master of modern American literature.-让让-Company Logov钢琴曲能够钢琴曲能够让让听众自由的想象。听众自由的想象。Piano music can make listeners imagine freely.vPiano music allow more freedom for listeners Company Logo v历史遗迹能够历史遗迹能够让让我们铭记先辈们留下的丰富文化。我们铭记先辈们留下的丰富文化。vHistoric places can remind us of the abundant culture that was handed to us by our forefathers.LOGO

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