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1、精品牛津7AU1语法一般现在时讲解及练习语法讲解(一般现在时和be动词)一般现在时: 表示现阶段经常或习惯发生的动作或存在的状态,或说明主语的特征。(1)一般现在时的构成:主语(非三单)+动词(原形) 主语(三单)+动词(三单)(2)一般现在时的用法:表示经常性或习惯性的动作或存在的状态。与一般现在时连用的时间状语:表示频度的副词always,often,usually,sometimes等。on Sundays,on Monday afternoon,every day,in the morning,every year等时间状语。once a year, twice a month, th

2、ree times a week之类的表示频率的词组。如:He gets up at five oclock every day. He often plays football.2 表示客观真理、事实、人的技能或现在的状态时句子里一般不用时间状语。如: The earth turns round the sun.(地球绕着太阳转)Light travels faster than sound.(光传播比声音快)3 表示十分确定会发生(如安排好的事情)或按照时间表进行的(将要发生的)事情,用一般现在可以表达将来,句子中可以有将来时间。如:The train for Haikou leaves

3、at 8:00 in the morning.(开往汉口的列车上午8点开车)4 在时间状语从句中(以when, after, before, while, until, as soon as等引导)和条件状语从句中(以if,unless引导),用一般现在时代替一般将来时,句子可以有将来时间。如:Please ring me up as soon as you arrive in Germany.(你一到德国就给我打电话) / If it rains tomorrow, we will have to stay at home.(如果明天下雨我们就只好呆在家)5 一般现在时用于倒装句中可以表示正

4、在发生的动作,动词以come, go为主。如:Here comes the bus. (车来了) / There goes the bell.(铃响了)。一般现在时中be的用法:2.1 be动词的一般现在时be动词是系动词的一种,表示“是”的意思。现在式(The Present Forms)有am,is,are三种。这三种动词的原形是be,所以它们称为be动词。2.1.1 be动词的现在式be动词的现在式有am,is,are三种,分别接在不同人称的主语之后:2.1.2 be动词句型的构成肯定句:主语 + be动词(am/is/are).否定句:主语 + be动词(am/is/are) + no

5、t.疑问句:be动词(am/is/are) + 主语.?疑问代词/疑问副词 + be动词(am/is/are) + 主语.?2.1.3 be动词的肯定句句型:主语 + be动词.be动词的肯定句由“主语 + be动词(am/is/are) + 表语”构成:I am a doctor.我是一名医生。Mary is at work.玛丽在工作。You are my only friend.你是我惟一的朋友。2.1.4 be动词的否定句句型:主语 + be动词(am/is/are) + not.be动词一般现在时的否定句结构,是在be动词am,is,are之后加not:We arent her cl

6、assmates.我们不是她的同班同学。Im not Tom.我不是汤姆。(Im是I am的缩写,读作/aim/。)be动词否定句的缩写方式:is not的缩写是isnt,读作/iznt/;are not的缩写是arent,读作/a:nt/;I am的否定句是I am not,缩写为Im not;am not不缩写在一起。2.1.5 be动词的一般疑问句句型:be动词 + 主语.?回答方式:Yes,主语 + be动词(am/is/are).No,主语 + be动词(am/is/are) + not.be动词的一般疑问句是将be动词置于主语之前(大写am/is/are的第一个字母),在句尾加问号

7、;这种语序是主语和谓语倒装语序:肯定句:They are fruit.它们是水果。疑问句:Are they fruit? 它们是水果吗? (主语和谓语倒装)肯定句:The book is on the table.书在桌子上。(主语和谓语倒装)疑问句:Is the book on the table? 书是在桌子上吗?回答由be动词构成的疑问句时,肯定要用Yes,否定用No:Are you Johns brother? Yes,I am.你是约翰的兄弟吗? 是的,我是。Are Mary and John still at school? No,they are not.玛丽和约翰仍在学校吗?

8、不,不在了。Are you there? 喂,你听着吗? (打电话时用)【注意】 Yes或No的后面一定要加逗号,其后的主语小写,I(我)除外。I永远大写。在回答句子时,主语必须是代词。2.1.6 be动词的特殊疑问句句型:疑问代词(主语) + be动词(am/is/are).?疑问代词/疑问副词 + be动词(am/is/are) + 主语.?用who和how等疑问代词或疑问副词与be动词构成的疑问句称为特殊疑问句。就主语提问时,如果主语是疑问代词或是带有疑问限定词的名词词组,如What number is.? (什么数字是? ),Which boy likes.? (哪个男孩喜欢? ),W

9、hose car is.? (谁的车是? )等,将疑问代词或带有疑问限定词的名词词组置于be动词之前(am,is,are的第一个字母无需大写),在句尾加问号;这种语序是陈述句语序。就表语提问时,则以一个疑问代词或疑问副词开头,之后是“be动词 + 主语.”(am,is,are的第一个字母无需大写),在句尾加问号;这种语序是主语和谓语倒装语序。be动词的特殊疑问句不能用Yes或No来回答:who“谁”:Who is there? 谁在那里? (就主语提问)Who is she? She is my mother.她是谁? 她是我母亲。(就表语提问)Who are they? They are J

10、ohns classmates.他们是谁? 他们是约翰的同学。what(指某一或某种未知的事物或人)“什么”:What are these? These are books.这些是什么? 这些是书。What are they? They are sailors.他们是干什么的? 他们是海员。What is Susan like? 苏珊是什么样的人? /苏珊的人品如何? (就介词宾语提问)whose“谁的”:Whose house is this? The house is Janes.这是谁的房子? 是简的房子。Whose are these shoes? They are Toms.这些是谁

11、的鞋子? 是汤姆的鞋子。which“哪一个、哪一些”:Which of these books is yours? 这些书中哪一本是你的?Which is heavier,iron or copper? 铁和铜,哪一个更重?where“在哪里”:Where is he? Hes upstairs/at home/in the office.他在哪里? 他在楼上/在家里/在办公室。Where are John and Tom? They are at school.约翰和汤姆在哪里? 他们在学校。how“怎样、如何”:How is Helen? She is very well,thank yo

12、u.海伦好吗? 她很好,谢谢您。How old is your son now? He is fifteen.你儿子多大年纪了? 他15岁了。How is the weather today? The weather is nice today.今天天气怎样? 今天天气很好。2.1.7 There is/are的用法There is/are用于表示某物或某人的存在。1.There is/are.的肯定句句型:There is/are + 单数/复数名词 + 表示地点/场所的词或短语:Theres someone at the door to see you.门口有个人要见你。Where the

13、re is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成。Theres a cool breeze this evening.今晚有凉爽的微风。There are many flowers in the garden. 园子里有很多花。引导词 真正的主语 地点状语There be结构为倒装句,真正的主语是There is/are后的名词,如上述例句。详见第25章倒装25.1完全倒装。有的辞典将There be结构中的There列为代词,作be的主语2.There is/are的否定句句型:There is/are + not.There is/are的否定句是在is/are后面加n

14、ot:There isnt going to be a party tonight.今晚没有聚会。There arent any cakes left.没有一点蛋糕剩下来。3.There is/are的疑问句一般疑问句句型:Is/Are there.?There is/are的一般疑问句是将is/are调到there前面,大写is/are的第一个字母:Is there anything you want to tell me? 你有什么事情想告诉我吗?Are there enough tools to go round? 工具够大家用吗?特殊疑问句句型:疑问副词 + 形容词 + 名词 + is

15、/are + there.? There is/are的特殊疑问句是以“疑问副词 + 形容词 + 名词等”开头,之后是“is/are + there? ”:How much are there? 有多少?How many rooms are there in each flat? 每套房子里有多少个房间?How many students are there in your class? 你班上有多少名学生?【注意】 There be结构中的谓语有时不用动词be,而用seem,appear等:There appeared to be no one who could answer our in

16、quiries.似乎没有人能回答我们的询问。There appears to have been a nasty accident.似乎发生了一起严重事故。There seems(to be)no doubt about it.此事似乎无可置疑。There dont seem to be any missing.好像没有什么丢失了。2.1.8 Here的句型句型:Here is/are + 名词.用于把某物给某人。主语为名词时,动词放在名词之前;主语为代词时,动词放在代词之后:Here are two boys.这里有两个男孩。(名词之前)Here is the book you want.你

17、要的书在这里。Here is the pound I owe you.这是我欠你的英镑。Here they/we are! 他们/我们终于到了!(代词之后)但是:Here you are(it is).(=Here is what you asked for.)你所要的东西在这里。/你找的东西在这里。此句型还可用于引起对某物或某人注意:Here comes the manager.经理来了。Here he comes.他来了。练习:1.The plane _ over there.A. is B. are D. was 1. I _(be) from Australia. 2. Sh

18、e _ (be) a student.3. Jane and Tom _(be) my friends.4. My parents _ (be) very busy every day.5. _ (be) there a Chinese school in New York?6. _ (Be) they excited when he heard the news?7. There _ (be) some glasses on it.8.The twins (be) very happy.9. Our class (be) big, but their classes (be) small.1

19、0. The basketball club (be) exciting and fun .11. The girl in red clothes (be) my sister .12. Lilys room (be) not very big .13. I _ (be) nice to meet you. 14. Your name _(be) nice. 15. (be) you Li Fen ? No, I (be) not . 16. Mr. green very busy?Yes , he (be). 17. (be) the apples very fresh ?18. You a

20、nd I (be) good friends .19. His friends (be) very funny .20. There _(be) a big playground in our school.二仿照例句改写下列句子。例句:She is in Class One, Grade Two.否定句: She is not in Class One, Grade Two.一般疑问句: Is she in Class One, Grade Two? 回答:Yes, she is. (No, she isnt)1. Bob is on the football team.否定句: 一般疑问句

21、: 回答:2. They are in the teachers office.否定句: 一般疑问句: 回答:二、用am, is, are 填空1)I_astudent. 2) You_adoctor.3) _shefromJinan? 4) _youAmerican?5) He_inClass4,Grade1.6) It_acar. 7) They_cars 8) _yourmotherinChina?16).I_aboy._youaboy?No,I_not. 17).Thegirl_Jackssister. 18).Thedog_tallandfat. 19).Themanwithbige

22、yes_ateacher. 20)._yourbrotherintheclassroom? 21).Where_yourmother?She_athome. 22).How_yourfather? 23).MikeandLiuTao_atschool. 24).Whosedress_this? 25).Whosesocks_they? 26).That_myredskirt. 27).Who_I? 28).Thejeans_onthedesk. 29).Here_ascarfforyou. 30).Here_somesweatersforyou. 31).Theblackgloves_forS

23、uYang. 32).Thispairofgloves_forYangLing. 一、用be的适当形式填空1.-How_ you? -I_ fine.2.I_ David,and my family name_ Green.3.-What color _ your clock? -It_ white.4.-What_ this in English?-It_ an apple.5.Toy_my brother.David_my brother,too.They _ my brothers.6.Look!These_apple trees.7.We_ good students and you_

24、 good teacher.8.My sister and my brother_ students.9. _there many eggs in the kitchen?10._your card number 5578?11.Where_ your pencils?12.Thses sweaters _ fifty dollars.13.How much _ his jacket?14.My brothers birthday_ December 11th.15.When _ Kates birthday?16、There_a boy and two girls beside the ga

25、te.17、Five and three _ eight.二 、.将下面的句子变成一般疑问句并作出回答1. That is my football. 三、将下面的句子变成否定句1. His card is on the table. 第一单元综合练习( )1.He goes to school by bus, but he walks _after school.A. to home B. home C. his home D. the home( )2. She likes _. She is a good _.A. swim, swimming B. swimming, swimmer C

26、. swimmer, swimming D. to swim, swim( )3. I like reading. I often go to _.A. the classroom B. the Reading Club C. the teachers office D. the bus( )4. I like talking on the phone with my friends. -_. A. Me, too. B. You are right. C. Yes, I do D. I enjoy.( )5. Excuse me, _do you say that in English?A.

27、 How B. Who C. Where D. What( )6. - Do you have a pencil? - _. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I am not. D. No, I do.( )7. -Can I _ your new watch? -Sure.A. look at B. look after C. look for D. look like( )8. Jack _ doing his homework at eight.A. finish B. finishs C. finishes D. dont finish( )9.

28、- _ the boys enjoy _ the World Cup? -Yes, they_.A. Does, watching, does B. Do, watch, do C. Do, watching, do D. Does, watch, does( )10. He says “_” to his parents before he goes to bed. A.Good evening B. Goodbye C. Going to bed D. Good night( ) 11. Its too hot. You should _your sunglasses.A. break B. wear C. make D. clean( ) 12. What _ Jack _ every Saturday?A. does, do B. do, does C. do, do D. does, does( ) 13. My cousin is in _.A. class 4, grade 7 B. Class 4, Grade 7 C. grade7, class 4 D. Grade 7, Class 4( )1 4. _ your brother good at playing football?A. Are B. Is

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