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1、湖北省监利一中高二英语上学期期中无答案监利一中2010年高二上学期期中考试英 语第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. On which day doesnt the woman like to go to the zoo?A. On Fridays. B. On Sundays. C. On Saturdays.2. What is the man u

2、sed to?A. He is used to wearing no hat. B. He is used to going out on a cold winter day.C. He is used to being done harm to.3. How many children are there in the classroom?A. Seven. B. Five. C. Twelve.4. Where does this conversation take place?A. At a restaurant. B. At the theater. C. At the station

3、.5. How long will the boy be away from school?A. Its uncertain. B. For two days. C. For a week.第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或短文。每段对话或短文后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置上。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或短文读两遍。听第1段材料, 回答第68题:6. Where does the woman want to go?A. The p

4、ost office. B. The cinema. C. A park.7. Who can answer the womans question?A. The man with a beard. B. The man with a moustache. C. The man with a bottle of beer.8. Where is the man standing?A. By the post office. B. By the lamppost. C. By the mail box.听第2段材料,回答第911题:9. How many days has the man got

5、 for his vacation?A. 25 days. B. 10 days. C. 15 days.10. Whats the main purpose of the mans going to Hawaii with his family?A. To climb mountains. B. To go fishing and swimming. C. To have a rest.11. Wheres the woman going this summer?A. Africa. B. Europe. C. America.听第3段材料,回答第1214题:12. Which room i

6、s cheaper?A. The inside room with a bath. B. The outside room with a bath.C. The outside room without a bath.13. How long does the man plan to stay?A. One night. B. Two nights. C. One week.14. Whats the room number?A. Room 508. B. Room 509. C. Room 709.听第4段材料, 回答第1517题:15. Where was George yesterday

7、?A. At his usual place. B. In the newspaper office. C. At home.16. Why did the woman call George?A. To ask him to a concert. B. To go on a holiday with him.C. To invite him to dinner at home.17. Where did George see Mary?A. At the office. B. At the concert. C. In his sisters room.听第5段材料, 回答第1820题:18

8、. How many people are killed in Great Britain every year?A. Several thousand. B. Several hundred. C. 100,000 to 200,00019. What happened to the cyclist on Monday evening?A. He was knocked down by a truck. B. He saw a car accident.C. He saved some children in the accident.20. What should we do before

9、 crossing the road?A. We must look straight ahead. B. We must stop and look both ways.C. We should look left, look right and look left again.第二部分:词汇知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节:多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)21. Naughty and disobedient, what a_I must have been to this young teacher! A. challenge B. amateur C. conflic

10、t D. suspect22. The drawing of the suspect answers to the_the victim gave.A. instruction B. explanation C. impression D. description23. When you are _about something, you are likely to do whatever you can to get it. A. anxious B. eager C. enthusiastic D. concerned24. Since Hong Kongs return to China

11、, its_capitalist system and way of life have remained unchanged. A. previous B. efficient C. constant D. convenient25. As the victim could not give a(n)_account of the accident, the polce have not found the guilty driver yet. A. correct B. obvious C. accurate D. positive26. What annoyed me most was

12、that he_made things difficult for me. A. gradually B. deliberately C. privately D. severely27. And if you buy it, the manufacturer will_for a trained technician to install and test it for you free of charge.A. arrange B. send C. account D. asnswer28. Its very dangerous to be _ to the SARS virus with

13、out any protection.A disclosed B infected C affected D exposed 29. The teacher stressed again that the students should not _any important details while retelling the story. A. bring out B. let out C. leave out D. make out30. A girl of the German team was flying two steps_Wilma. A. instead of B. ahea

14、d of C. lack of D. free of第二节:完型填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。More and more students want to study in “hot” majors(专业). As a 31 , many students want to 32 their interests and study in these 33 such as foreign languages, international business and l

15、aw, etc.Fewer and fewer students choose scientific majors, 34 maths, physics and biology, and art 35 , like history, Chinese and philosophy(哲学). 36 students can study in these “hot” majors, because the 37 of these “hot” majors is limited. If 38 has no interest in his work or study, 39 can he do well

16、? I 40 this from one of my classmates. He is 41 the countryside. His parents are farmers. Though he 42 biology, he chose “international business.” He 43 to live a life which is different from 44 of his parents. In the end, he found he wasnt 45 in doing business. He found all the subjects to be 46 .

17、47 this wouldnt have happened if he had chosen his major according to his own interests. Choosing a major in university 48 decide ones whole life. Majors 49 are not “hot” today may become the “hot” major of tomorrow. Choosing your major according to your own 50 is the best way to succeed.31. A. pers

18、on B. way C. teacher D. result32. A. give up B. pick up C. take up D. make up33. A. places B. subjects C. areas D. schools34. A. for examples B. such as C. as to D. as well as35. A. works B. majors C. features D. museums36. A. Only a few B. Quite a few C. Perhaps few D. The few37. A. number B. power

19、 C. level D. degree38. A. that B. those C. one D. ones39. A. why B. where C. how D. when40. A. suggested B. guessed C. searched D. learned41. A. above B. off C. in D. from42. A. studies B. likes C. learns D. fails43. A. wants B. starts C. refuses D. stops44. A. what B. that C. which D. one45. A. ric

20、h B. clever C. interested D. easy46. A. lovely B. valuable C. simple D. tiresome47. A. So B. Then C. Just then D. Maybe48. A. does B. does not C. will D. can often49. A. what B. in which C. which D. when50. A. interests B. experiences C. mind D. skill第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个

21、选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AEducation is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we dont educate children only for the purpose of educating them. Our purpose is to fit them for life. In some modern countries, it has for some time been fashionable to think that by free education for a

22、llwhether rich or poor, clever or stupidone can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation.But we can already see that free education for all is not enough. We find in some countries a far larger number of people with university degrees; they refuse to do what they think “low” work

23、, and in fact, work with hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries. But we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor. We can live without education, but we die if we have no food.If no on

24、e cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses,we should get terrible disease in our townsIn fact, when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life, it means that we must have education in such a way: Firstly, each of us can do whatever work suited to his brains and ab

25、ility and secondly, we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society and that it is very bad to be ashamed of ones work. Only such a type of education can be considered valuable to society.51. The writer of the passage thinks that_.A. education can settle most of the worlds problemsB. free educ

26、ation for all probably leads to a perfect worldC. free education wont help to solve social problemsD. all the social problems cant be solved by education52. The writer wants to prove that_.A. our society needs all kinds of jobs B. our society needs free education for allC. a farmer is more important

27、 than a professorD. people with university degrees refuse to do what they think “low” work53. The purpose of education is_.A. to choose a system of education B. to prepare children mainly for their future workC. to let everyone receive education fit for himD. to build a perfect world54. The passage

28、tells us about_of education.A. the means B. the systems C. the value D. the typesBMost of the scientists worked with microscopes, telescopes or some kinds of laboratory equipment. They did experiments in order to solve the problems they were working on, or find the answers they were looking for.Albe

29、rt Einstein was a different kind of scientist. He was a theoretical physicist. He did not do experiments to prove his theory. He just wrote a lot of mathematical formulas(数学公式).Some of Einsteins theories were so far ahead of the time that they could not be tested until years later when better scient

30、ific instruments and equipment had been invented. For instance, one theory pointed out the existence of a certain star that nobody had ever seen.He could draw the conclusion from his famous Theory of Relativity. Finally Einsteins theory proved to be correct.Albert Einstein gave the world many new ma

31、thematical formulas that helped explain the laws of the universe. No one in history has done so much as Einstein to help us understand such mysterious things as light, energy, motion, gravity, space and time.55. The passage seems to tell us mainly that_.A. most of the scientists work with some kinds of laboratory equipmentB. without certain equipme

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