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1、Lessons 87-88 A car crashLesson 87If you see crashes,what will you do?Dont be nervous.Never cry/run.Call the police.Send the people to the near hospital.New words and expressionsattendant 1)n.接待员,服务员Eg:在我们酒店里面有18名接待 员。There are 18 attendants in our hotel.2)adj.随侍的,伴随的 Waiter (餐馆等的)男服务员,男侍者 Waitress

2、女服务生3)Attend V.参加,出席 attend school 上学 attend a meeting 出席会议 attend a wedding 参加婚礼New words and expressionsattend 是正式用语,指参加会议、婚礼、典礼;听报告、讲座等join 参加某个组织,成为其成员 join the army 参军join sb in(doing)sth 与某人一道参加某种活动,多指参加小规模的活动 如“球赛、游戏”take part in 参加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用Eg:Dont you want to take par

3、t in my birthday party?难道你不想参加我的生日聚会吗?New words and expressionsbring v.1)带,带着,带来Eg:你明天不要忘了带字典来。Dont forget to bring your dictionary with you tomorrow.你最好带上足够的钱。Youd better bring enough money with you.New words and expressions2)bring sb/sth to 将某人或某物带到某处Eg:He brought some friends home.他带了几个朋友回家。She b

4、rought her little sister to my birthday party.她带她小妹妹来参加我的生日宴会。Dont bring your toys to school.别把你们的玩具带到学校来。New words and expressions3)bring sb sth=bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人(接双宾语)Eg:把今天的报纸拿给我。Bring me todays paper.Bring todays paper to me.4)bring,take,fetch (1)bring一般是指拿来,即从别处往说话人这里拿,翻译成“带来”。Eg:He broug

5、ht us some good news.他给我们带来了一些好消息。Please dont forget to bring your homework tomorrow.明天请别忘了把家庭作业带来。New words and expressions (2)take一般是指从说话人这里往别处拿,翻译成“带走”。Eg:Please take the umbrella with you.Its going to rain.要下雨了,请把伞带上。She took the dictionary away.她把字典拿走了。New words and expressions (3)fetch表示的是“去取来

6、、去拿来、去叫来”等意思,包含去和来两趟。Eg:Ill fetch a glass.我去拿个杯子来。New words and expressionsgarage n.1)车库Eg:He put his car in the garage.他把车子停进车库。2)汽车修理厂Eg:How many mechanics are there in your garage?在你的汽车修理厂里面有多少名修理工?New words and expressionscrash1)n.相撞,碰撞,坠落Eg:All the passengers were killed in the plane crash.在那次飞

7、机失事中,乘客全部遇难。crash helmet n.安全帽,头盔 crash barrier n.分离人行与车道或高速公路上的的护栏New words and expressions2)(c)n.东西坠落或猛撞时的轰隆声Eg:The tree fell with a great crash.那棵树哗啦一声倒了下来。a crash of thunder 雷声轰鸣3)v.(飞机)坠毁,使坠毁Eg:The plane crashed in the mountains.那架飞机在山中坠毁。He crashed his car into the wall.他的车子撞到墙壁。New words and

8、expressionsLamp-post 灯杆灯杆 lamp 灯 Lamp shade 灯罩 a street lamp 街灯 an electric lamp 电灯 post 柱,支柱a telegraph post 电线杆 a gatepost 门柱 a signpost 路标New words and expressionsrepair 1)v.维修.repair a broken watch 修理坏掉的表repair a road 修复道路repair a bridge 修复桥梁Eg:I must have my car repaired.我必须把车子送去修理。New words an

9、d expressions2)v.补偿;恢复(体力等),使恢复Eg:Nothing can repair the loss.怎样都无法补偿那损失。3)n.修理,修复Eg:The hotel will be closed during repairs.那饭店在整修期间停业。New words and expressionstry1)v.努力,设法Eg:You should try it again and again.你应该一再努力做这件事。try ones best 尽最大的努力Eg:We should try our best.New words and expressions2)try t

10、o do 努力做某事,设法.,试行.Eg:Ill try to learn Spanish.我要设法学习西班牙语。3)try doing 试着做某事Eg:I tried opening the back door,but it was locked,too.我试着开后门,但后门也上了锁。New words and expressions注:try to do 指试图做.,努力做.;try doing 是想知道结果而尝试着去做做看。词组:try on 试穿(衣服,鞋等)试戴 have a try 试一试Eg:Please try the shoes on.Please try on the sh

11、oes.New words and expressionsA car crashPlease enjoy the video and then answer the questions on the right:1.Can the mechanics repair Mr.Woods car?No,they cant.2.Why cant they repair it?Because Mr.Woods car has a terrible crash.A car crashIs my car ready yet?Is dinner ready,Carol?yet一般是完成时的标志词(否定句或疑问

12、句中)但有时也可用于现在时,表示“已经”。你还没去过香港吗?Havent you been Hong Kong yet?已经在下雨了吗?Is it raining yet?A car crash-When did you bring it to us?-I brought it here three days ago.bring sb.把某物带给某人=bring sb.sth.I remember now.一般来说now的现在进行时的标志词但有时也可用于一般现在时中。A car crashTheyre still working on it.这里still是现在进行时的标志词,表

13、示“仍然,还在”。work on 表示“从事,做某事”。it指代car你完成作业了吗?没有,我正在做呢-Have you finished your homework yet?-No,Im still working on it.A car crashLets go into the garage and have a look at it.Let祈使句have a look sthLet me have a try=Let me trylook(at)强调看的动作see 强调看到的东西,强调结果watch 意思是观看、注视,用来指注视移动着的物体。一般都是

14、固定词组,如:watch TV等。Eg:Look!There is a bird in the tree.I dont see.A car crashIsnt that your car?否定疑问句,希望得到肯定答复Well,it was my car.Eg:难道你不能等到下午吗?Cant you wait till afternoon?你难道不幸运吗?Arent you lucky?A car crashIt used to be my car.Didnt you have a crash?Thats right./Thats true.I drove it into a lamp-post

15、.drive into:撞到了.Can your mechanics repair it?Well,theyre trying to repair it,sir.Eg:Tom tried to climb the tree,but he couldnt.But to tell you the truth,you need a new car!A car crash出车祸设法做.实话告诉你吧.Lesson 88 Have you.yet?现在完成时的构成:have/has+过去分词现在完成时的疑问句:have/has+主+过去分词现在完成时的否定句:have/has+not+过去分词Eg:Have they lived here for 10 years yet?他们已经在这儿住了10年了吗?No,they havent lived here for 10 years.没有,他们在这儿没有住了10年。Homework 1.回去之后把课文背熟,还有单词,词组以及相关句型掌握好。2.把180页的练习完成好 3.预习89课单词

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