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1、highwayExitEntranceParkingNo parkingNo tootingspeed limit世界卫生组织(WHO)10月8日在日内瓦最新公布的统计报告显示,中国平均每天有600多人死于各种交通事故。Lesson 130He cant have beenHe must have beenWhat did the policeman talk to Gary?The policeman told him not to drive quickly again.Listen and answerFast reading1.Where did the story happen?On

2、 the highway.2.Whats Garys driving habit?He likes to drive quickly.3.What do you think about his driving habit?Its very bad.在文中划出下列生单词,并记住汉语意思。在文中划出下列生单词,并记住汉语意思。12345678910Listen and number.Read for details!1.Why did that policeman stop Gary?2.How fast was the policeman driving when he overtook Gar

3、y?3.Did Gary see the speed limit?4.What did Ann tell Gary to do?5.Did the policeman charge Gary?6.What did the policeman advise Gary to do?7.What did Ann always do?8.What did Ann advise Gary to do next time?Read after the tape!That policemans waving to you.wave to sb.向某人招手on a race trackn.足迹;(火车等的)轨

4、道v.做梦;思想不集中 dream of sth./doing sth.梦想;向往dream signn.签名;手势;标语 stop the driver andcharge him罚款罚款driving licence根据单词首字母填空根据单词首字母填空1.Next time you w_ to me,use more than one finger,please!2.Trains run on a railway t_.3.NEXT year China will o_ Japan to become the worlds second largest economy(经济体)(经济体).

5、4.It works at twice the s_ of any computer now on the market.5.Look at the s_ in the river.It says“No swimming”.averackvertakepeedign6.The policeman asked to have a look at my d_ l_.7.If you drive too fast,the policeman will c_ you.8.We must be careful with the speed l_ while driving.9.The speed lim

6、it tells us that we can drive at most 80 m_ per hour.10.Hanhan didnt win the car r_ last time.rivingicencehargeimitilesace根据课文内容填空。根据课文内容填空。A:Look,Gary!That policemans _ to you.He wants you to _.P:Where do you think _ _.On a _ _?You must have been _ _ seventy _ an hour.G:I _ have been.P:I was _ eigh

7、ty when I _ you.P:Didnt you see the _ _?G:Im afraid I didnt,_.I _ have been _.wavingstopyou arerace trackdriving atmilescantdoingovertookspeed limitofficermustdreamingA:He wasnt _,officer.I was telling him to drive _.G:Thats _ I didnt see the _.P:Let me see your _ _.P:I wont _ you this time.But youd

8、 better _ _ it again.G:Thank you.Ill certainly be _ _.A:I told you to drive slowly,Gary.G:You _ tell me to drive slowly,darling.A:Well,next time youd better _ _ _!dreamingslowlywhysigndriving licencechargenot domorecarefulalwaystake myadvice情态动词表推测Youmusthavebeendrivingat70milesanhour.你一定开到每小时70迈了。m

9、usthavebeendoing肯定某人一直在做肯定某人一直在做某事某事 否定形式:canthavebeendoing情态动词表推测musthavebeen那时肯定是canthavebeen那时不可能是看图片,根据汉语意思用看图片,根据汉语意思用must have been和和 cant have been造句。造句。He _ (那时不可能生病那时不可能生病)。He _ (一定是累了一定是累了)。cant have been illmust have been tired It _(一定是一定是)my new_It _(不可能是不可能是)my old onemust have beencant

10、 have been hat She _ (不可能是不可能是)Danish.She _ (一定是一定是)Swedish.cant have been must have beenHe _ (不可能是一个牙不可能是一个牙医医).He _ (一定是一个医一定是一个医生生).cant have been a dentist must have been a doctor She _ (不可能不可能40岁岁).She _ (一定是一定是50岁岁).cant have been 40must have been 50It _ (不可能是不可能是20号号)It_ (一定是一定是21号号)。cant have been the 20thmust have been the 21stHe _ (不可不可能是最年轻的能是最年轻的).He _ (一定一定是最年长的是最年长的).cant have been the youngestmust have been the oldestHe _ (不可能一直不可能一直在看书在看书).He _ (一定一直一定一直在睡觉在睡觉).cant have been readingmust have been sleeping

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