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1、UNIT1 The evolution of management as a field of studyGlossaryEvolution Generalize autobiography memoir extremely anthropologistPerspective turnover approach contingency dynamic confrontation incur Compromise interdependent characteristic popularity sole reliance sufficient Alliance demographic compl

2、ement1、The managers described their own experiences and tried to(generalize)the principles they believed could be applied in similar situations.管理人员描述了自己的经历和试图推广的原则,他们认为可以应用在类似的情况下。2、Even today,a great deal of what we know about management comes from the autobiographies and(memoirs)of men and women

3、who are or have been practicing managers.甚至在今天,我们所了解的管理学也都出自于那些管理人员的自传和论文集。3、According to the text,the three well-established approaches to management thought are the(classical)approach,which focuses on the task of managing work and organizations;the(behavioral)approach,which focuses on the task of

4、managing people;and the(management science)approach,which focus on the task of production and operations.根据本文,管理思想中有三个行之有效的方法,分别是古典方法、行为方法和管理学科学方法,其中古典方法专注于管理工作和组织的任务,行为方法专注于管理人的任务,管理学科学方法专注于生产和运营的任务。4、During the last 30 years or so,there have been attempts to(integrate)the three approaches to manag

5、ement classical,behavioral,and management science.在过去的30年中,人们试图将古典的、行为的和科学的管理方法融合为一个整体。5、The contingency approach,stresses that the correctness of a managerial practice is(contingent)on how it fits the particular situation in which it is applied.权变方法,强调管理实践的正确性取决于它是否适合特定的应用情况。6、In solving problems,m

6、anagers using the systems approach must view the organization as a(dynamic)whole and must try to anticipate the intended as well as unintended impacts of their decisions.在使用系统方法解决问题时,管理者必须把组织作为一个动态的整体,必须设法预测影响他们决定的预期因素和意外因素。7、The age-old confrontation between the production objective of low costs an

7、d the marketing objective of a broad product line is a good example of the interrelated nature of management problems.Each objectives(conflicts)with the other.在低成本的生产目标与拓宽生产线的营销目标之间由来已久的冲突是一个管理学问题内在联系的好例子。每个目标之间都存在冲突。8、The objectives of individual parts must be(compromised)to meet the objectives of

8、the entire firm.各个部分的目标必须让步于整个公司的目标。9、The systems approach forces managers to recognize that organizations are systems made up of(interdependent)parts and that a change in one part affects other parts.系统方法将迫使管理者认识到组织由相互依存的部分组成,一个部分的变化会影响其他部分。10、The contingency approach has grown in(popularity)over t

9、he last two decades becauseresearch has found that,given certain characteristics of a job and certain characteristics of people doing the job,specific management practices tend to work better than others.在过去的二十年中,权变方法变得越来越普及,因为研究发现,了解一个工作的某些特点和做这项工作的人的某些特征,具体管理实践往往比其他人工作地更好。11、Managers around the gl

10、obe use more of a contingency approach to survive.Sole(reliance)on a classical or behavioral or a management science approach is not(sufficient)for organizations.经理在全球范围内使用的应急方法才能生存。仅仅依赖古典的、行为的或者科学的管理方法对于一个组织来说是不够的。12、Both the systems approach and the contingency approach can provide valuable insigh

11、ts and complement the classical,behavioral,and management science approaches.系统方法和权变方法可以为古典的、行为的和科学的管理方法提供宝贵的见解和补充。SpeakingJob interviewHR:Interview 人事:面试1 面试(1)Job Interview(1)Interviewer:Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?你能简单介绍一下自己吗?Interviewee:I am a graduate of a technical university a

12、nd have been employed as a technician with Company#for approximately 10 years.我毕业于一所科技大学,在#公司做技术人员快十年了。Interviewer:Please explain why you are interested in leaving your current position and please elaborate on your technical skills.请告诉我你为什么辞去现在的工作。请具体说明你的技术专长。Interviewee:I am looking for a growth op

13、portunity,which I feel is not available at my current employer.In terms of skills,I am Microsoft certified1 in Windows XP and several other operating systems.我在寻找发展机会,但是现在任职的公司不能提供给我这样的机遇。关于技术,我有Windows XP 和其他几个操作系统的微软证书。Interviewer:Where do you see yourself five years from now?根据你的个人发展目标,你认为自己五年以后会

14、怎样?Interviewee:I see myself in a management position.我想进入管理层。Interviewer:From reviewing your resume I can see that you have ample experience for this position.What I want to know is why you think youre right for the job.从你的简历,我可以看出你在 方面有丰富的经验。我想知道为什么你认为你适合这份工作。Interviewee:Well Im impressed with what

15、 the company has done in the past and I think by hiring me the companys future can only be brighter.I find that my personal goals and ideas about business operations mesh1 perfectly with this companys goals and mission statement.公司过去的业绩给我的印象很深,我认为公司雇佣我,公司的前景会更好。我觉得我的个人发展目标和商业理念和公司的目标完全吻合。Interviewer

16、:So youve acquainted yourself with the company.Its refreshing to interview someone whos sure of what they want.你对我们公司很了解。这样的申请者让我感到耳目一新。Interviewee:Yes,I believe that its crucial for me to know if a company is right for me,not just if Im right for the company.Ive only been impressed by what Ive read and heard and I see myself having a very rewarding and successful career here.是的,我觉得了解公司是否适合我也很关键,而不仅仅是我是否适合公司。我所见所闻给我的印象很深,我觉得我在这儿能开创有价值而且成功的事业。Interviewer:Commitment to the company and the team is

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