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1、大学英语2笔记教学文案大学英语2笔记UNIT 1小测错误Exploratory探索Reversal颠倒Bold勇敢的Evolve使逐步发展Originality新颖、独创性Feel your pulse把脉Min素Vitality Vitamin维他命The monitor is very vigorous in actionTough-minded意志坚定Borrowed wordsAcupressure=shiatsu 指压按摩House slave 房奴House boy/girl宅男/宅女Work as a teaching assistance in university在大学里做助

2、教Reposition reagainReposition 复位术 改变的位置 更新He is somewhat of a teacher他有点教师的味道、风范Expect 期望 expectation 动作期望的行为或状态Come up to ones/meet ones expectationFall/short of ones expectationBeyond ones expectationBeyond somebody into silenceTo neglect ones duties玩忽职守Make investigation into/on something Under i

3、nvestigation在调查之中Sympathetic植物感神经的Critical moment/stageFinancial crisis金融危机Principal food 主食Principal校长、委托人A man full of crafts 手段很多Promoter 赞助者关于文章的开头Begin1、with an anecdote2、with an incident3、gusting a newspaper headline or sth4、with a question5、with an imagined6、argument between被系在上be attached to

4、探索行为exploratory behavior偶尔 on occasion父母的责任 parental duties揭示 阐明to throw light on最终的目的 an ultimate purpose要做的动作 desired action所希望的结果 a desirable outcome关键 critical point育儿观a value of child rearing弥补某种错误的行为 making up for a misdeed回想起来 in retrospect善意的 well-intentioned前来帮助某人 come to somebodys rescue极其

5、熟练的 温和地 with extreme facility and gentleness把着手教teaching by holding his hand适用 apply to 发展的 evolve to发展创造为 promote creativity值得追求的目标 worthwhile goals引语 proverbs and quotations有利的论证telling argument交上 turn in年纪很小 tender age一点也不 not in the least到达 进入 find ones way to 有时 on occasion独立的 on ones own在适当的时机

6、in due course=at the proper time自力更生 self-reliance弥补 make up for好意 well-intentioned保持联系 keep track of开存款 open savings account利率 interest rate福利 compound interest本金 principal降息 role bake the interest rate根据要求 on demand宁愿干什么 would just as soon零花钱 allowance运营 in operation从某人的角度 from ones point of view获

7、利 harvest the benefit有的动机 have incentive to do something根据惯例 by custom度假的权利 vocation entitlement纪念品商店 souvenir store破裂 fall apart值得 钱花得值得 a good valueCrack open by hitting it with a hammer三思后行Think twice before doing sth 明智的Sensible/rational精明的经理shrewd manager不言而喻 self-explanatory短期的刺激 a short-term

8、incentive长期的眼观 a long-term perspective天生的 inborn/ innate/ instinctiveInstinctive singer/musician/fighter选择的余地 leeway正当的理由 valid reason达到如此程度以至于 so much so that 写关于做某件事的过程 例如写菜谱Yum better than candy Stuffed date枣 recipe 菜谱One pound of stuffed date / half cup raisins 提子Half cup nut meat / half cup sug

9、arFirst wash the date in cool water, after they are cleaned and dried remove them by cutting a small cut.chop fine切碎 fill the date with the chopped nuts and raisins. Put the sugar in a clean paper bag. Chop in the staff date a few at a time and shape them until they coated with sugar.Root 关于数字一MonoU

10、niHaplo关于数字二Di/Bi/ByDiploTwi/Duo/TwineOxide氧化物Ambi/Amphi Amphibian 两栖动物关于数字三Thi/Triplo/TerTertiary三次方关于数字四Quat/Quadr/Quadri/TetraTetracycline四环素关于数字五Pent /Pentagon 五角大楼关于数字六Hex/SexSexangular/Hexangular/Hexagon关于数字七Sept/Septi/HeptSeptangle 对or 错?字典没有!Septavalent七价的Heptachord七弦琴 字典没有!Heptad成七的一组Heptag

11、on 七角形、七边形关于数字八OctOctangleOctoplet八胞胎Octomom八胞胎母亲Octose辛糖Ose 糖Fruitose 果糖关于数字九NonNonage青年时期、未成熟、早期Nonet九重奏Nonose壬糖关于数字十DecDecade十年Decimal system十进制系统Decathlon 十项全能百cent千kil/miliMult multiple多个的 多种的Poly polyatomic 多原子的 聚合物Million /Billion/Trillion/Zillion不可数的MyriaMyriad无数、大量Myriapoda/Myriameter万米/Myr

12、ialiter万升核事故Nuclear accident 核泄露Nuclear leakage核电站Nuclear power station核工厂Nuclear plant氢爆炸Hydrogen explosion核辐射React emission / radiation核反应性Nuclear reactor核危机Nuclear crisisMeltdown被比作原子反应 核融化的情况Catastrophe灾难、浩劫、灾难性结局断裂Split and crack板块Plate断层Fault line潮汐tidal wave海啸tsunami洪水泛滥flood火山volcano active

13、volcano 活火山Sleeping volcano 休眠状态的火山Dead/extinct volcano 死火山liquid rock/lava(术语)熔岩ashes灰Come visit the lovely violets that live in the valley here. The loveliest violets you ever have seen. Over the hills or near.Of all the felt 毡 I ever felt. I never felt a piece of felt which felt as fine as that f

14、elt when first I felt that felt hats felt.Im thankful for a thousand things: for faithful earth for birth and breathe. For thought and health and strength and mirth.欢笑欢乐.And may be when it comes for death.UNIT 2廉价商店dime store普通人plain folk/average person人人都说for/by all account拥入blend in盛气凌人throw ones

15、weight around上头版新闻的人a front-page person不改变hold firm to 忙个不停on the run/keep move about名人 追星人celebrity hunters避免steer clear of组成make up of动员大会pep rally制定规划lay down集思广益get ideas from the bottom up最大减少利润cut prices and margins to the bone优先认股权qualify for stock options扩大思路cultivate ideas加盟come aboard和交往co

16、me into contact with获得、尤指遗产come into弯弯曲曲的小道 windy back roads排队等待wait in line备忘录memo炫耀be flashy尽兴have a big time不是那种人he is just not that way/kind of person前几天晚上the other night最近的一天早上one recent morning成为头条新闻make headline公司事务主任cooperate affairsDirector of the company心中惦记always on ones mindReally story

17、in sbs mind销售会议sales meeting新店开张new store opening往往会be liable to带头喊口号lead in the cheer没有感到一点愚蠢、无聊feel the least bit silly善待treat well/right这招管用the move works想方设法做manage to do龙卷风tornado对感到震惊be stunned at很大方generous日子好过be better off投身于to be involved in/plunge into澄清make it clear从早到晚all day long不少时间a g

18、ood bit of time花费大方the tremendous amount of hard labor involved in somebody手艺高明的木匠master work擅长a good man with tools非常自然地as natural as breezing多年以来over the years竞选campaign竞选总统president campaign手艺skill with ones own hand犁地plough/till the soil人生的起伏ups and downs到处ins and outs常指执政党和在野党、掌握权力或放弃权力唯唯诺诺的yes

19、 or not(person)降价cut price/discount/take off the full price行为举止carry on/conduct安稳地度过get away with/going on without trouble轻便货车pickup track有动机have the incentive motivation睡得香sleep well受到欢迎appeal to剥皮strip off the skin/bark政治危机political crisis手足之情brotherhood返璞归真back-to-basics回归基本技术back-to-basics skill

20、s空虚的未来an empty future林地timberland学会手艺pick up skills木工手艺carpentry住房工程housing program,闲暇时间spare time担当take on/undertake A thousand miles trip begins with one step.千里之行始于足下。As the touch stone tries gold and the gold tries men.Easy come easy go.易得也易失。All for one, one for all.人人为我我为人人。Vet-wet Vest-west V

21、eil-whale Vain-wane Veal-wheal Vent-went Why-wait Which-weekWhen and whereWhere there is a will , there is a way.Willie wept wildly when his uncle whipped him.You may do whatever you like go wherever you choose and with whoever you please.When the orchard-yield will be gathered soon. And the field b

22、eyond are yellow with corn. The dog in our yard awakes with a yawn. And yaps and yelps at the yellow moon.Odd number 奇数ever number 偶数元音+辅音+e结尾 united i发ai 音(即发字母音)make a发ei 音Top get sit 闭音节 短音书信的格式三思而后行look before you leap以其人之道还治其人之身to pay a person in his own coin熟能生巧practice makes perfect娇者必败pride

23、will have fall 居安思危in prosperity thinks of adversity言行一致practice what you peach(说教)良好的开well begin is half down岁月不饶人time and tide wait for no man雄辩是银沉默是金speech is silver silence is gold种瓜得瓜种豆得豆as a man sows, so he shell reap天下无不散之宴席all good things come to an end谋事在人成事在天man proposes god disposes智者千虑必有

24、一失even Homer sometimes nods天下无难事只怕有心人its dogged that does it失之毫厘差之千里a miss is as good as a mile少壮不努力老大徒伤悲an idle youth a needy age亡羊补牢为时不晚better late than never良药苦口bitter pills may have wholesome effects一失足成千古恨do wrong once and you will never hear the end of it量体裁衣cut your coat according to your clo

25、th实事求是call a spade a spade欲速则不达haste makes waste英雄所见略同great minds think alike机不可失失不再来opportunities seldom knocks twice识时务者为俊杰its as well to know which way the wind blowsUNIT 3舞台前方the edge of the stage对观众讲话address the audience到头来让某人尴尬end up embarrass in somebody餐厅的服务员wait tables为某人感到骄傲be proud of 异口同

26、声 一致的in unison偶尔一两次的once in a while围坐在餐桌旁be sited around the dining table使产生悬念keep somebody in suspense传下来hand down不管怎样any way/anyhow减少 缩小narrow down世界和平world peace/global peace转向某人turn to 突出jet out优秀生an honor student负责做什么in charge of整天提心吊胆 to live in constant dread填写(表格)fill out初中junior high school

27、明事理而不至于做no better than to do something拼写比赛spelling bea出类拔萃an inceptional person横加干涉heavy hand of interference咬紧牙关clech teeth一字一顿地说say sth. in a mono tone and evenly spaced郑重地 坦率的in a frank way以物易物trade for以某种方式in somehow or other捉弄某人pull dumb things on sb.快餐店fast-food restaurant摆姿势足够干be adequate急于干b

28、e eager/anxiously肯定会干be concern疯了干be crazy可能会干be likely to do sth很幸运干be fortunate/lucky to do sth热切地想干be keen to do sth有其父必有其子Like father like son不打不成器spare the rod spoil the child培养孩子走正路train up a child in the way he should go想要孩子脚踏实地就要对他们负责if you want your children to keep their feet on the ground

29、, put some responsibility on their shoulder.鸟瞰a birds-eye view深呼吸take a deep breath像鹰一样翱翔soaring like an eagle每隔一天、每两天every other day农场杂活house choice有一次on one occasion站on ones feet没有意识到的事实seems unaware of the fact that仰面躺着lie on ones back因而惭愧be ashamed of满脑子都想着fill ones mind with在这种时候at the time lik

30、e this在灵魂最深处from the deepest depth of ones soul慢慢移动in slow motion使某人回到现实中bring sb. back to earth从内心看see sth. in ones minds eye倾向于be inclined to sth./to do sth证明证实bear out显示一个人内在的东西bring (sth.) out in sb.与一致、同时发生coincide with俯卧撑push up起飞take off降落land提高了increase by创新纪录set a new record体育项目训练work out健美运动员body builder不知不觉out of nowhere苦苦挣扎地干某事have a hard struggle to do sth.很累utterly spent有志者事竟成Where there is a will there is a way.无劳无获No pain no gain.一分

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