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1、人教版英语必修四同步导学精品Unit1Section2Unit 1 Section .用所给词的适当形式填空1 Five years _has_ (have) passed since they moved to Canada.2 It is said that everybody _is_ (be) going to take part in the game this afternoon.3 His family _is_ (be)a big one.And his family _are_ (be) all music lovers.4 Look , those cattle _are_

2、 (be)eating grass on the hill now.5 Catherine and Jack _are_ (be) both interested in playing tennis.6 The news _is_ (be) of great importance.7 To master one foreign language _is_ (be)very important nowadays.8 The poet and singer _has_ (have) come here.9 Mary , who _is_ (be)an actress, will play the

3、leading part in the film.10 Tom,together with his friends , _has_ (have)gone out to play. .单项语法填空1 Did you learn any foreign language when you were in college ? Yes, more than one language _was_ (be)taught at that time.解析: more than one可数名词单数,表示复数的意义,但是谓语动词要用单数。2 The students each _have_ (have)an En

4、glish dictionary in our school.解析: 考查主谓一致。句意:我们学校的每个学生都有一本英语词典。 each在句中仅仅是主语 the students 的同位语,所以本题谓语应用复数。3 Two thirds of his book _has been finished_ (finish)so far.解析: 考查主谓一致。 句意: 到现在为止他已完成了这本书的三分之二。 分数作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于分数指代的内容,此处指 “ 书的三分之二的内容 ” ,且时间状语 sofar“ 到目前为止 ” 决定了本题的时态,用现在完成时;由句意可知用被动语态。4 Cat

5、herine is the only one of the visitors who _knows_ (know)a little Chinese and is one of my net friends who _are_ (be) studying in China now.解析: 当 one of 前有 the only 修饰时,后面的定语从句的谓语动词用单数形式,否则用复数。5 The police _are_ (be)keeping an eye on the suspect.解析: 考查主谓一致。句意:警察正在监视这个嫌疑犯。 police 是一个表示复数概念的名词,作主语时谓语动

6、词用复数。类似的名词还有 cattle, people 等。6 Every means _is used to_ (use)prevent the river from_being polluted_ (pollute).解析:句意:每一种方式都被用来阻止河流被污染。be used to do sth.被用来做某事; preventsth.from. 阻止某事发生。every决定了谓语为单数;pollute与the river之间为被动关系。7 When and where we will have our holiday _has_ (have) not been decided yet.解

7、析: 考查主谓一致。句意:我们何时何地度假还没定。表示 “ 到目前为止还没有决定下来 ”应用现在完成时; when and where 作主语表示同一概念,谓语动词用单数。8 Her family as well as she _are_ (be) glad to meet you here.解析: 考查主谓一致。 as well as 连接并列主语时,谓语动词的单复数与 as well as 短语之前的名词的单复数一致。集合名词在强调成员时,谓语动词用复数形式。9 The number of tourists travelling abroad _is_ (be)rising gradual

8、ly.解析: 考查主谓一致。句意:到国外旅游的游客的数目在逐渐上升。 the number of. 作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。10 The restaurant with thirty waiters _is offered_ (offer)to him as a gift.解析: 句意:有 30 名服务员的饭店被作为礼物送给了他。主语后面若跟with短语,谓语动词的单复数与主语一致,且主语与谓语之间为被动关系。 .单句改错1 The United States are made up of many states.(are is)2 Politics are related to fact

9、s closely.(are is)3 Many a student have a mobile phone.(have has)4 To have a sunbath are helpful to our health.(are is)5 Playing basketball are good to lose weight.(are is)6 What I want now is some reference books.(is are)7 When and where they will go climbing are unknown.(are is)8 The composer and

10、musician are world famous.(are is) .完成句子1 _What we badly need are_ good teachers.我们急需的是好老师。2 To prevent the air from being polluted _is what were now researching_.防止空气污染是我们正在研究的课题。3 Whether they will hold a party or not _has not been decided_.他们还没有决定是否开派对。4 Steve, together with his wife and children

11、, _is arriving tonight_.史蒂夫跟妻子和孩子们将于今晚到达。5 All _are eager to_ reach an agreement.大家都急于达成一项协议。6 None of the telephones _is/are working_.电话中没有一部不是坏的。7 Each of the books _costs five yuan_.每本书5 块钱。8 Quantities of time _were spent_ in saving the wounded.大量的时间被花在救护伤员上。9 A number of houses _were built_ the

12、re three years ago.那儿很多房子建于三年前。10 Land is valuable.Not an inch of land _is allowed to_ waste.土地很珍贵。不允许浪费一寸土地。 .完形填空(2018 安徽合肥第 168 中学高一下学期期末考试 )Eight days before I turned 18 , I stepped on to the stage at Brixton Academy ( 布里克斯顿学院 ).My family had travelled miles to1._B_.Perhaps now they understood w

13、hy I had2._D_ outof school after GCSHs( 普通中等教育证书 ).At 15, I started a3._A_with three mates.To our great joy , many people likedourperformance and slowly things began to4._C_.Two years later, we5._B_a record deal with Independiente, a famous record company.We toured with them and built up a small but

14、6._A_ group of fans.At the end of 2002,a well known rock band 7._C_ us to play with them.My teenage dream came true: the band I looked up to seemed to 8._B_ us.Our first album 9._D_ in 2003.The Observer declared it “ a snapshot(快照 )of one of themost important bands of their generation ” .10._C_, no

15、one bought the awful thing.Looking back , I think that was11._A_.Though Im incredibly proud of the music we12._A_ ,we were riding a wave of hype( 大肆宣传 )we could never 13._B_.Our label quietly dropped us and play time in a band was 14._C_.After I left the band ,I asked my old school if I could 15._B_

16、.They pleasantly welcomed me back, though I was16._C_ than the other students.I worked harder than ever and ended up at Oxford University.The band had 17._A_ everything.It took me out of Bolton and around the world.I 18._D_ that with a little luck and a lot of hard work , anything can happen.Now I o

17、ften tell my 19._D_life to my students.And when they tell me their dreams, I will 20._B_ them.After managed to make it that far , why shouldnt they ?all ,if I文章大意: 本文是记叙文,作者讲述了自己辍学,组建乐队,重返学校,考上大学的亲身经历,告诉我们只要运气好,工作努力,任何事情都有可能发生。1 A stopBwatchC lonelinessD misery解析: 考查名词。 A stop 停止; B watch 看望; C lone

18、liness 孤独; D misery 痛苦。我去了布里克斯顿学院,家人们去很远的地方看我。因为离家远,故选 B 。2 A takenBletC runD dropped解析: 考查动词。 A taken 拿,带; B let 让; C run 跑; D dropped 辍学。此处指家人们可能现在才明白我辍学的原因,drop out of school 辍学,失学,故选D。3 A bandBcompanyC tourD school解析: 考查名词。 A band 乐队; Bcompany 公司; C tour 旅游; D school 学校。15 岁时我和三个伙伴组建了一个乐队,下文 our

19、 performance ,Our first album ,one of the mostimportant bands 等信息给了提示,故选A 。4 A take placeBgo wrongC pick upD show up解析: 考查动词短语。 A take place 发生; B go wrong 出毛病; C pick up 获得,好转; Dshow up 揭露。此处指许多人喜欢我们的表演,事情开始好转。此处指“好转 ” ,故选 C。5 A cancelledBsignedC brokeD shared解析: 考查动词。 A cancelled 取消; B signed 签约,署

20、名; Cbroke 打破; D shared共享。此处指和著名唱片公司签约,故选 B。6 A devoted BambitiousC honestD optimistic解析: 考查形容词。A devoted忠诚的;B ambitious有雄心的;C honest 诚实的;D optimistic 乐观的。此处指和唱片公司巡回演出后,我们拥有了一小批忠诚的粉丝。指忠诚的粉丝,故选A 。7 A causedBappliedC invitedD ordered解析: 考查动词。 A caused 引起; B applied 应用; Cinvited 邀请; Dordered 命令。2002 年一个

21、著名的摇滚乐队邀请我们一起去演出,表示邀请,故选C。8 A know ofC hear ofBapprove ofD talk of解析: 考查动词短语。 A know of 了解; B approve of 赞成; Chear of 听说; D talkof谈论。此处指通过演出这个乐队似乎很赞成我们,故选B 。9 A publishedC struggledBfailedD appeared解析: 考查动词。 A published 出版; B failed 失败; C struggled 奋斗; D appeared出现,发表。 2003 年我们的第一张专辑出版,故选 D 。10 A Ev

22、entuallyBExactlyC UnfortunatelyD Actually解析: 考查副词。 A Eventually 最后; B Exactly 恰好地; C Unfortunately 不幸地;DActually 实际上。 The Observer 称这个专辑是这一代最重要的乐队的一个快照,不幸的是这个专辑卖得不好。表示前后意思转折,故选C。11 A rightC cruelBresponsibleD foolish解析: 考查形容词。 A right 正确的; Bresponsible 负责的; Ccruel 残忍的; D foolish愚蠢的。 现在回想起来我认为那是正确的,指

23、卖得不好是对的。 下文Our label quietly droppedus and ray time in a band was _14_.A12 A producedC enjoyedBwroteD shared解析: 考查动词。 A produced 创作; B wrote 写; C enjoyed 享受; D shared 共享。我们对自己创作的音乐非常自豪,指创作的专辑,故选A 。13 A dream aboutBlive up toC think aboutD put up with解析: 考查动词短语。 A dream about 梦想; B live up to 做到,实践;

24、C think about考虑; D put up with忍受。我们大肆宣传了我们没有做到的事情,故选B。14 A onC overBbackD up解析: 考查副词。 A on 向前地; Bback 向后地; Cover 结束; D up 向上。此处指我们在乐队表演的时间结束了,下文I left the band与之呼应,故选C。15 A succeedBreturnC resignD help解析: 考查动词。 A succeed 成功; Breturn 返回; Cresign 辞职; D help 帮助。根据my old school可知是返回母校询问是否能重回学校,表示重新返回,故选

25、B 。16 A youngerC olderBclevererD slower解析:考查形容词。 A younger 较年轻的; B cleverer 更聪明的; Colder 年长的;Dslower较慢的。因为是2 年前辍学,现在重返学校所以比其他学生年龄大,故选C。17 A changedBtookC ruinedD made解析: 考查动词。 A changed 改变; B took 拿,取; C ruined 毁灭; D made 做。此处指乐队的经历改变了我的一切,它使我离开学校去世界各地。故选 A 。18 A promisedBdoubtedC hopedD learned解析:

26、考查动词。 A promised 答应; B doubted 怀疑; C hoped 希望; D learned 得知,认识到。我认识到只要运气好,工作努力,任何事情都有可能发生。表示认识到,故选D。19 A presentBintelligentC easyD previous解析:考查形容词。 A present 现在的; B intelligent 聪明的; Ceasy 容易的; Dprevious以前的。我现在经常告诉学生们我以前的生活,以前的经历。故选 D。20 A congratulateBencourageC forgiveD praise解析: 考查动词。 A congratu

27、late 祝贺; Bencourage 鼓励; Cforgive 原谅; Dpraise赞扬。当学生们告诉我他们的梦想时,我会鼓励他们。指鼓励他们去实现梦想,故选 B 。 .短文改错When Xiao Ming was a primary school student, he had to wearing glasses.Now he is becoming more and more near sighted.The more he reads,the thick his glasses become.As far as I know , more and more students has

28、 poor eyesight in China.Why did so many students have to wear glasses ? Sometimes they read in the strong sunlightand sometimes they read which the light is too poor.Some watch TV too many.Some even have a bad habit of reading in bed.As result ,their eyesight becomes poorer and poorer.I think students should know the importance of protecting their eye.They

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