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1、外研版高考英语一轮复习Module6TheInternetandTelecommunications学案Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications三言两语1.Nowadays, its not an uncommon phenomenon that more and more high school students open their own blogs on the Internet.2Therefore, we should stop surfing the Internet and spend time with our families

2、, enjoying the time when we are together.3With the exam approaching,it is a good idea to review your class notes.1.随着互联网的发展,很多人喜欢网上购物,因为它更方便而且能节省时间。With_the_development_of_the_Internet,_many individuals favour_online_shopping because it is more convenient and can save time.2毫无疑问,因特网使交流更简单了,也有助于我们跟上最

3、新的信息步伐。There_is_no_doubt_that the Internet makes_communication easier and helps us keep_up_with the latest information.单词拼写应用核心单词1contain vt.包括;包含2breakdown n故障3design vt.设计4document n文件5fantastic adj.极好的;美妙的6pass vt.超过;经过;(时间)过去7average adj.平均的8shorten vt.缩短语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空。1The book contains(contai

4、n) plenty of information on how to plant flowers.2Designed(design) for children,the album became popular as soon as it came out.3The night view of the harbour is even more_fantastic(fantastic)4With time passing(pass),they start showing care and understanding to one another.5We will look for ways to_

5、shorten(shorten) the time taken to complete these tasks.拓展单词1access n接近;通路accessible adj.可进入的;可使用的2defend vt.防护;防卫defence n保护;防卫3create vt.创造;发明creation n创造(力)creative adj.有创造力的4invent vt.发明invention n发明inventor n发明者5permit vt.许可 n许可证permission n许可6concentrate vi.集中(注意力、思想等)concentration n集中;专心7defi

6、nite adj.明确的definitely adv.明确地8independent adj.独立的independence n独立9frequent adj.频繁的frequently adv.时常;经常frequency n频率10advantage n优点;长处disadvantage n弊端;缺点语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空。1Fallen rocks cut off the only access to the village,so it is not accessible to the outside now.(access)2Its believed that hard wor

7、k can create wealth but the creation of wealth also needs creative quality.(create)3Mr. Smith,an inventor,has invented many useful things and has made much money from his inventions.(invent)4His father wouldnt permit him to drive there even if he had got his driving permit.Without his fathers permis

8、sion,he had no choice but to go there by bus or on a bike.(permit)5Concentration is important for this kind of work,and only by concentrating on it can you get it done well.(concentrate)6As a result of frequent smoking,the frequency of his asthma attack is increasing,and he coughs frequently.(freque

9、nt)7In fact,there are both advantages and disadvantages in online shopping.(advantage)阅读单词1crash vi.(计算机)崩溃2keyword n密码;口令3log vt.记录;登录4software n软件5source n来源;出处6data n数据7network n网络8percentage n百分数;百分率9military adj.军事的;军队的10essay n文章11statistics n统计数字12sideways adv.斜着地1(2019全国卷)HUNCH is designed t

10、o connect high school classrooms with NASA engineers.意欲2(2019北京卷)If a basketball star is, for example, trying to gain a high personal point total, he may take a shot himself when it would be better to pass the ball to a teammate, affecting the teams performance.传递3(2017全国卷)Freddy was an average stud

11、ent, but not an average person.普通的4(2017全国卷) The Transition is now going through crash tests to make sure it meets federal safety standards.撞击短语多维应用高频短语1.consist_of 由组成2as_well 也3compared_with 与相比4come_up_with 提出5concentrate_on 聚精会神;集中思想6become_known_as作为而出名;被称为语境运用选用左面短语的适当形式填空。Our class consists_o

12、f 56 students.With the help of our teachers,we have learned how to come_up_with questions.In class,we concentrate_on listening to our teachers.Compared_with other classes,our class is more active in school activities.We take an active part in social activities as_well.Finally,our class becomes_known

13、_as a model class.7.log_on/off 注册/注销8go_down 下降9from_that_moment_on 从那时起10a_series_of 一系列的语境运用选用左面短语的适当形式填空。Many young people couldnt afford houses.Fortunately,last year the government took a_series_of measures to reduce the prices of houses.From_that_moment_on,the prices of houses gradually went_do

14、wn. 句式结构仿写教材原句背诵句式仿写应用1.make复合结构中,it作形式宾语。Berners Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet,not just universities and the army.这项发明使我们在家里买我们需要的东西成为可能。This invention makes_it_possible_ for_us_to_buy what we need at home.2.部分否定。Our English teacher is excellent,but she cant help everyone in

15、 the class in 50 minutes.事实是并非每个人都把合理安排时间看得重要。The truth is that not_everyone is attaching great importance to time management.3.Why not do.?Im home now,why not give me a call?为什么不用其他办法试一试?Why_not_try_doing it in some other ways?1contain vt.包含;包括;容纳;忍住,抑制contain oneself 克制自己;自制container n容器contain a

16、lot of fruit and vegetables 含有大量的水果和蔬菜contain some important information about the project 包含了有关这项工程的一些重要信息too excited to contain himself 他激动得不能自已名师点津contain通常用来指某容器中盛有某物,装有某物;还可指某种物质中含有某成分或含有其他物质,指作为组成部分而被包含或容纳在内;include通常表示把某事物作为其中的一部分包含在内,在句中常构成分词短语sth.included或including sth.基础练习单句语法填空(2017全国卷 )W

17、hen the container(contain) is full, you can suck the refreshment out through the tube.When he was criticized by the boss, he was so angry that he couldnt contain himself(he)Be especially careful of the information contained(contain) in advertisements when buying products.能力提升一句多译饭后,她把一个装着一支旧钢笔的小盒子放到

18、我手里。After the meal, she placed a little box containing_an_old_pen in my hand.(分词作定语)After the meal, she placed a little box which/that_contained_an_old_pen in my hand.(定语从句)After the meal, she placed a little box with_an_old_pen_contained in my hand.(with复合结构)2access n接近,通路;接近(使用)的权利或机会 vt.使用;接近;进入(

19、1)access to .接近的机会;进入的权利have/get/gain/obtain access to .得以接近/进入(2)accessible adj.可进入的;可使用的be accessible to (对于某人是)容易接近的(3)inaccessible adj.不可进入的;不能使用的have access to a wide range of information on the subject 获取有关这个学科的大量信息have access to preschool education 享受学前教育have difficulty gaining access to soci

20、al services 难以享受社会服务基础练习单句语法填空(2019浙江卷)While restaurants throw away tons of food each year, much of it remains inaccessible(accessible) because of locked garbage containers, health regulations, or business policies.(2018江苏卷)Kids shouldnt have access to violent films because they might imitate the th

21、ings they see.All the sites are free to the public and accessible(access) to anyone with an Internet connection.能力提升词汇升级普通表达:Before the Project Hope was carried out in this poor area, children couldnt get education.高级表达:Before the Project Hope was carried out in this poor area, children had_no_acces

22、s_to education.3design vt.设计;构思;谋划 n设计;图案(1)design .for .为而设计be designed for/to do .目的是be designed as 被设置为(2)by design 有意地,故意地be designed for English beginners like you 为像你这样的英语初学者设计的be designed to relieve the heavy traffic 为缓解交通而设计的several designs for the new bridge 新桥的几种不同的设计图基础练习单句语法填空(2019天津卷)Mo

23、st colleges now offer firstyear students a course specially designed(design) to help them succeed academically and personally.She arrived just as we were leaving, but whether this was by accident or by design Im not sure.能力提升完成句子/句式升级设计这个项目本来是要帮助那些失业的人,结果却和计划不一样。普通表达:The programme was designed to he

24、lp jobless people in need, but it just didnt work out as planned.高级表达:The programme designed_to_help_jobless_people_in_need just didnt work out as planned.(分词作定语)高级表达:The programme that/which_was_designed_to_help_jobless_ people_in_need just didnt work out as planned.(定语从句)联想发散表示“故意”与“偶然”的词语小结(1)故意地

25、:be designon purposedeliberately(2)偶然地:by chanceby accidentaccidentally4concentrate v集中(注意力、思想等);集中于(1)concentrate on/upon 专心于 concentrate .on/upon .把专心于(2)concentration n专心, 集中concentrate our attention on protecting the water resources 把我们的注意力集中在保护水资源上concentrate more time and energy on their acade

26、mic work 把更多的时间和精力集中于他们的学业上aim to concentrate more on prevention than cure 力求将注意力更多地集中在预防而不是治疗上基础练习单句语法填空(2017全国卷 )She has turned down several invitations to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies.There is a great need for greater concentration(concentrate) on environmental issues.能力提升

27、完成句子/句式升级他正专心看书,没有注意我进来。He concentrated_his_attention_on_a_book and didnt notice me come in.With_his_attention_concentrated_on_a_book,_he didnt notice me come in. (with复合结构)联想发散表示“集中精力于”的短语还有:fix/focus ones attention/mind on/uponbe absorbed inbury oneself in/be buried input ones heart into5average a

28、dj.平均的;普通的;平常的 n平均数;平均水平 v平均为;计算出的平均数an average of 平均with the/an average of 平均为on (the/an) average 平均起来;在一般情况下 above/below (the) average 高于/低于平均数the average score in English 英语的平均分with an average of about 500 customers a week 每周平均约有500个顾客an average of nearly one million copies of all books平均接近100万册的

29、各种书籍基础练习单句语法填空(2016四川卷)The common cold is a good example: women, on average, get fewer colds than men.(2016浙江卷)An average of just 18.75 cm of rain fell last year, making it the driest year since California became a state in 1850.To their joy, their sons schoolwork is well above average.能力提升一句多译随着人口平

30、均年龄的增长,越来越多的老年人需要照顾。As_the_average_age_of_the_population_increases,_there are more and more old people to care for.(状语从句)With_an_average_age_of_the_population_increases,_there are more and more old people to care for.(with复合结构)6consist of 由组成;由构成(1)consist in 在于,存在于consist with 与一致/相吻合(2)consistent adj.相容的;一致的be consistent with 和一致/相符consist of not only sunshine but also hard times 不仅充满阳光而且困难重重consist in your successful work and your contribution towards others happiness 存在于你成功的工作和对他人幸福的贡献上consist with the promises he made in his speech 与他在演讲中的承诺一致名师点津

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