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1、燃气轮机英文词汇燃气轮机词汇表( A-I ) 英文索引AAcceptance test验 收实验Actual enthalpy drop (enthalpy rise) 实际焓降(焓增)Actuating oil system 压力油系统Aero-derivative gas turbine, aircraft-derivative gas turbine航 空衍生(派生)型燃气 机轮Air charging system 空气冲气系统Air film cooling 气膜冷却Air intake duck 进气道Alarm and protection system 报警保护系统Annula

2、r combustor 环行燃烧室Annulus drag loss 环壁阻力损失Area heat release rate面 积热强度Aspect ratio 展弦比Atomization 雾化Atomized particle size 雾化细度Automatic starting time of gas turbine 燃气机轮的自动起动时间Auxiliary loads 辅助负荷Availability 可用性Average continuous running time of gas turbine燃 气机轮平均连续运行时间Axial displacement limiting d

3、evice 轴向位移保护装置Axial flow compressor 轴流式压气机Axial flow turbine 轴流式透平Axial thrust 轴向推力BBase load rated output基 本负荷额定输出功率Black start 黑起动Blade 叶片Blade 叶片Blade height 叶(片)高(度)Blade inlet angle (叶片)进口角Blade outlet angle (叶片)出口角Blade profile 叶型Blade profile thickness 叶型厚度Blade root 叶根Bleed air/extraction ai

4、r 抽气Blow-off 放气Blow-off value 放气阀Burner outlet temperature透 平进口温度By-pass control 旁路控制By-pass control 旁路控制Camber angle叶 型转折角Camber line 中弧线Can annular combustor环 管型燃烧室Can-type combustor分 管型燃烧室Carbon deposit积 碳Casing 气缸Cascade叶 栅Catalytic combustion 催化燃烧Center support system定 中系统Centrifugal compressor

5、 径流式压气机Centripetal turbine 向心式(透平)Choking 堵塞Choking limit 阻塞极限Chord 弦长Closed-cycle 闭式循环Cogeneration 热电联供Cold starting 冷态起动Combined cycle 联合循环Combined cycle with multi-pressure level Rankine cycle 多压朗肯循环的联合循环Combined cycle with single pressure level Rankine cycle单 压朗肯循环的联合循环Combined supercharged boil

6、er and gas turbine cycle增 压锅炉型联合循环Combustion chamber 燃烧室Combustion intensity 燃烧强度Combustion liner/combustor can/combustor basket/flame tube火 焰筒Combustion stability 燃烧稳定性Combustion zone 燃烧区Combustion efficiency 燃烧室效率Combustion inspection 燃烧室检查Combustion outer casing燃 烧室外壳Combustion outlet temperature

7、透 平进口温度Combustion specific pressure loss燃 烧室比压力损失Compactness factor紧 凑系数Compressor 压气机Compressor characteristic curves压 气机特性线Compressor disc压 气机轮盘Compressor input power 压气机输入功率Compressor intake anti-icing system压 气机进气防冰系统Compressor rotor 压气机转子Compressor turbine压 气机透平Compressor washing system压 气机清洗系统

8、Compressor wheel压 气机叶轮Constant power operation恒 功率运行Constant temperature operation恒 温运行Control system 控制系统Convection cooling 对流冷却Cooled blade 冷却叶片Cooling down 冷却盘车Corrected flow 折算流量Corrected output折 算输出功率Corrected speed折 算转速Corrected thermal efficiency 折算热效率Counter flow combustor 逆流式燃烧室Critical spe

9、ed 临界转速Critical speed of rotor 转子临界速度Cross flame tube/inter-connector/cross fire tube/cross light tube联 烟管 confidence interval 置信区间DDead band迟 缓率Dead center死 点Deep stall 渐进失速Degree of reaction 反动度Design condition 设计工况Deviation angle 落后角Diaphragm 隔板Diffuser 扩压器Dilution of rotation 旋转方向Disc-coupled vi

10、bration 轮系振动Disc-friction loss 轮盘摩擦损失Dual fuel nozzle 双燃料喷嘴Dual fuel system 双燃料系统Dynamic balancing 动平衡EElectro-hydraulic control system 电液调节系统Enclosures 罩壳End plate 端板Energy effectiveness能 量有效度Equivalence ratio 当量比Evaporative 蒸发冷却器Excess air ratio 过量空气比Exhaust casing(plenum)(for a turbine)/discharge

11、 casing(plenum)(for a compresso排r) 气缸(室)Exhaust duct 排气道Exhaust gas flow 排气流量Exhaust combustion gas turbine外 燃式燃气轮机External loss 外损失Extraction gas turbine/bled gas turbine抽 气式燃气轮机Fast start快 速起动Feed-water heating heat recovery combined cycle给 水加热型联合循环Final temperature difference 端差Flame detector火 焰检

12、测器Flame failure limit 熄火极限Flame-failure tripping device 火焰失效遮断装置Flame-holder 火焰稳定器Flame-out ripping device 熄火遮断装置Flexible rotor 挠性(柔性)转子Flow coefficient 流量系数Flow inlet angle 进气角Flow outlet angle 出气角Flow passage通 流部分Flow pattern 流型Flow turning angle 气流转折角Fluidized-bed combustion combined cycle流 化床联合循

13、环Free piston turbine 自由活塞燃气轮机Front 额线Fuel coefficient 燃料系数Fuel consumption 燃料消耗量Fuel control system 燃料控制系统Fuel flow control valve 燃料流量控制阀Fuel injection pressure 燃料喷嘴压力Fuel injection pump 燃料注入泵Fuel injector 燃料喷嘴Fuel shut-off valve 燃料流量控制阀Fuel supply system 燃料供给系统Fuel treatment equipment燃 料处理设备Fuel-ai

14、r ratio 燃料空气比Fuel fired combined cycle 排气全燃型联合循环GGas expander turbine气 体膨胀透平Gas flow bending stress气 流弯应力Gas fuel nozzle 气体燃料喷嘴Gas generator燃 气发生器Gas temperature controller燃 气温度控制器Gas turbine 燃气轮机Gas turbine power plant 燃气轮机动力装置Governing system 调节系统Header 联箱Heat balance热 平衡Heat consumption 热耗Heat ex

15、changer plant换 热器板Heat exchanger tube换 热器管Heat loss 热损失Heat rate 热耗率Heat recovery steam generator/HRSG余 热锅炉Heat transfer rate of heating surface受 热表面的传热率Heat utilization 热能利用率Heater 加热器Heating surface area受 热面积High oil temperature protection device (润)滑油温过高保护装置High pressure compressor高 压压气机High pres

16、sure turbine 高压透平Hollow blade 空心叶片Hot corrosion 热腐蚀Hot section inspection 热通道检查Hot starting 热态起动IIdle time 惰转时间Idling speed 空负荷转速Ignition 点火Ignition equipment 点火装置Ignition speed 点火转速Impingement cooling 冲击冷却Impulse turbine 冲动式透平Incidence 冲角Inlet air flow 进口空气流量Inlet casing(plenum) 进气缸(室)Inlet conditi

17、on 进气参数Inlet guide vanes 进口导叶Inlet pressure 进口压力Inlet temperature 进口温度Inner casing 内气缸Intake air filter 进口过滤器Integral(tip)shroud 叶冠Integrated coal-gasification combined cycle整 体煤气化联合循环Intercooled cycle 中间冷却循环(间冷循环)Intercooler 中间冷却器Intermediate pressure compresso中r 压压气机Intermediate pressure turbine内

18、燃式燃气机轮Internal efficiency 内效率Internal loss 内损失Isentropic efficiency 等熵效率Isentropic efficiency 等熵效率Isentropic power 等熵功率LLagging 保温层Leaving velocity loss 余速损失Level pressure control 基准压力调节Light-off 着火Limit power 极限功率Load dump test 甩负荷试验Load rejection test 甩负荷试验Loading time 加载时间Locking piece 锁口件Logarit

19、hmic-mean temperature difference对 数平均温差Long shank blade root长 颈叶根Low fuel pressure protection device燃 料压力过低保护装置Low oil pressure protection device (润)滑油压力过低保护装置Low pressure compressor低 压压气机Low pressure turbine 低压透平Lower emissions combustors低 排放燃烧室Lubrication system 润滑油系统Main gear 负荷齿轮箱(主齿轮箱)Major ins

20、pection 关键(部件)检查Major overhaul 大修Manual tripping device 手动遮断装置Mass to power ratio(mobile applications) 质量功率比(用于移动式燃气机轮)Matrix 蓄热体Maximum continuous power 最大连续功率Maximum momentary speed 飞升转速Mechanical efficiency 机械效率Mechanical efficiency 机械效率Mechanical loss 机械损失Method of modelling stage 模型级法Method of

21、plane cascade平 面叶栅法Mobile gas turbine 移动式燃气机轮Moving blade/rotor blade 动叶片Multi-shaft gas turbine 多轴燃气机轮Multi-shaft type combined cycle 多轴联合循环Multi-spool gas turbine 多转子燃气机轮NNew and clean condition 新的和清洁的状态No-load operation 空负荷运行Normal start 正常起动Number of starts 起动次数OOff-design condition 变工况Open-cycl

22、e 开式循环Operating point 运行点Outer casing 外壳Outer casing 外壳Outlet condition 出气参数Outlet guide vanes出 口导叶Outlet pressure 出口压力Outlet pressure出 口压力Outlet pressure出 口压力Outlet temperature出 口温度Outlet temperature出 口温度Outlet temperature/burner outlet temperature燃 烧室出口温度Output limit 极限输出功率Output performance diagr

23、am输 出功率性能图Overspeed control device超 速控制装置Overspeed trip device超 速遮断装置Overtemperature control device超 温控制装置Overtemperature detector超 温检测器Overtemperature protective device超 温保护装置PPackaged gas turbine箱 式燃气轮机Particle separator颗 粒分离器Peak load rated output尖 峰负荷额定输出功率Performance map/characteristic map特 性图P

24、itch 节距Plate type recuperator板 式回热器Polytropic efficiency 多变效率Polytropic efficiency 多变效率Power recovery turbine 能量回收透平Power turbine 动力透平Power-heat ratio 功热比Precooler 预冷器Pressure level control压 力控制Pressure ratio膨 胀比(压比)Pressure ratio膨 胀比(压比)Primary air 一次空气Primary zone 一次燃烧区Profile loss 型面损失Protection

25、system保 护系统Protective device test保 护设备试验Purging 清吹RRadial flow compressor 径流式压气机Radial flow turbine 径流式透平Rate of load-up 负荷上升率Rated condition 额定工况Rated output 额定输出功率Rated speed额 定转速Reaction turbine 反动失透平Recirculating zone 回流区Recuperator 表面式回热器Referred output 折算输出功率Referred speed折 算转速Referred thermal

26、 efficiency 折算热效率Regenerative cycle回 热循环Regenerator回 热器Regenerator回 热器Regenerator effectiveness回 热度Reheat combustor再 热燃烧室Reheat combustor再 热燃烧室Reheat cycle再 热循环Reheat factor 重热系数Reheat Rankine combined cycle再 热朗肯联合循环Relative dead center相 对死点Reliability 可靠性Reserve peak load output备 用尖峰负荷额定输出功率(应急尖峰符合

27、额定输出功 率)rigid rotor 刚性转子Rotating regenerator回 转式回热器(再生式回热器)Rotating stall 旋转失速Rotor blade loss 动叶损失Rotor blade/rotor bucket 动叶片Rotor without blades 转子体SSealing 气封Secondary air 二次空气Secondary flow loss 二次流损失Secondary zone二 次燃烧区Self-sustaining speed自 持转速Semi-base-load rated output半 基本负荷额定输出功率(中间负荷额定输出功

28、率)Semiclosed-cycle 半闭式循环Shaft output 轴输出功率Shafting vibration 轴系振动Shell 壳体Shell and tube recuperator壳 管式回热器Silencer 消音器Silo combustor 筒形燃烧室Simple cycle 简单循环Single-shaft gas turbine单 轴燃气机轮Single-shaft type combined cycle单 轴联合循环Site conditions 现场条件Site rated output 现场额定输出功率Soot blower 吹灰器Spacer 隔叶块Spec

29、ific combustion intensity 比热燃烧强度Specific fuel consumption 燃料消耗率Specific power 比功率Speed changer转 速变换器Specific changer/synchronizer 转速变换器Speed governor转 速调节器Speed governor droop转 速不等率Spray cone angle雾 化锥角Stabilization time 稳定性时间Stage级Stage efficiency 级效率Stagger angle安 装角Stall 失速Standard atmosphere标 准大

30、气Standard rated output标 准额定输出功率Standard reference conditions标 准参考条件start 起动Starter cut-off 起动机脱扣Starting characteristics diagram起 动特性图Starting characteristics test起 动特性试验Starting equipment 起动设备Starting time 起动时间Static balancing 静平衡Stationary blade 静叶片Stationary blade loss静 叶损失Stationary gas turbine固 定式燃气机轮Stator 静子Steady-state incremental speed regulatio稳n 态转速增量调节Steady-state speed静 态转速Steady-state speed droop静 态转速不等率Steady-state speed regulation静 态转速调节Steam and/or water injection蒸 汽和 /或水的喷注Steam injection gas turbine注 蒸汽燃气机轮Steam/w

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