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My Favorite School Subject教案.docx

1、My Favorite School Subject教案My Favorite School Subject教案My Favorite School Subject鏁欐 Unit 2 My Favorite School Subject Lesson 9: Don鈥檛 be late for class Teaching aim: 鎺屾彙璇嶆眹鍙婄煭璇 細subject, art ,hope, show, sometimes, start, hurry, late, be good at, be late for 璇嗗埆璇嶆眹鍙婄煭璇?painting, painter, timetable,

2、 in two minutes teaching time : one class teaching resources: 褰曢煶鏈猴紝骞荤伅鐗囷紝鍗墖锛屾寕鍥?language points: 1 Don鈥檛 be late for class!涓婅 鍒 繜鍒?鍙瀷鏄 惁瀹氱 浣垮彞锛庡洜涓簂ate鏄 舰瀹硅瘝锛屾墍浠墠闈繀椤诲姞be .be late for sth. 鈥滃共鏌愪簨杩熷埌锛傦紟渚嬪 锛欻e was late for school yesterday.鏄浠栦笂瀛繜鍒颁簡锛?锛抙ow many subjects do you have?浣犳湁澶氬皯绉戯紵 How many 鍚庢

3、帴鍙 暟鍚嶈瘝澶嶆暟锛庝緥濡傦細How many apples does he have?浠栨湁澶氬皯涓 嫻鏋滐紵 锛擄缉have painted six new pictures this week.杩欏懆鎴戝凡缁忕敾浜嗗叚鍓 敾锛?鐜板湪瀹屾垚鏃讹紝琛瀵逛簬鐩 墠鏉 宸茬粡鍙戠敓鎴栧畬鎴愮殑鍔綔锛庝笉寮鸿皟鍔綔鍙戠敓鐨勬椂闂达紟鏋勬垚缁撴瀯涓猴細锛俬ave/has +v.鈥曡繃鍘诲垎璇嶏紓锛庝緥濡傦細He has done his homework.浠栦綔瀹屼簡浣滀笟锛?锛旓缉hope you鈥檒l show them to me sometime.鎴戝笇鏈涘皢鏉煇涓 椂闂翠綘浼氭妸浠栦滑

4、棰嗘潵缁欐垜鐪嬬湅锛?锛俌ou鈥檒l show them to me sometime锛傛槸锛侷 hope锛傚紩瀵肩殑瀹捐 浠庡彞锛嶩ope 鎰忔濇槸锛傚笇鏈涳紓锛庢湁涓 鎼 厤锛屽嵆锛歨ope+(that)浠庡彞锛岃绀轰富璇 笇鏈涜嚜宸辨垨鍒 汉鍋氭煇浜嬶紱hope to do sth, 琛涓昏 甯屾湜鑷 繁浣滄煇浜嬶紟濡傦細I hope (that) you can study hard.鎴戝笇鏈涗綘鑳藉濂藉 涔狅紟 He hopes to go there by bike.浠栧笇鏈涢獞鑷 杞幓閭紟 浣嗕竴瀹氳 娉剰锛屼笉鑳借 hope sb. To do sth. 锛昐he has ta

5、ught us a lot.濂规暀浜嗘垜浠 澶氫笢瑗匡紟 A lot锛傚緢锛岄潪甯革紓淇 鍔瘝锛岃绀虹搴紟A lot of 锛傝 澶氾紝澶噺锛備慨楗板彲鏁板悕璇嶅拰涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇嶏紟渚嬪 锛欻e likes rice a lot.浠栧緢鍠滄 绫抽锛?There are a lot of apples on the tree.鏁颁笂鏈夎 澶氳嫻鏋滐紟 锛朓t鈥檚 one of my favourites!瀹冩槸鎴戞渶鍠滄 鐨勭 鐩 箣涓. One of 鈥滃叾涓 箣涓锛傚悗鎺彲鏁板悕璇嶅 鏁帮紝鐢崟鏁拌皳璇 紟渚嬪 锛歄ne of my good friends is Li Ming.鎴戠殑涓涓

6、 鏈嬪弸鏄 潕鏄?Teaching process Class opening 1 let鈥檚 begin a free talk about what you did on weekend Ask a few students to come to the front and speak freely .They can ask anyone questions if they like. 2 Ask two questions: .What subjects do they have ? What are they? What鈥檚 your favourite subject? Why d

7、o you think so? Teaching steps: Step 1: Read the text by students. Then guess the meanings of the new words. Step2 :With a partner ,act out the dialoge. Then change the roles. Step 3:listen to the tape .let them repeat the important parts. Step 4:Encourage students to ask questions according to the

8、text.You can begin like this: What class does Brain have next? When does Jenny have art? Step 5:Make sentences with the important language points. Step 6:Use the present perfect tense Step 7:Do as the 鈥淟ET鈥橲 DO IT鈥?Class closing: Finish the activity book The next reading in the students book Summary

9、 缁冧範鐜板湪瀹屾垚鏃讹紝娉剰鏃堕棿鐘惰 鐨勫尯鍒?LESSON 10: E-mail Teaching Content 鎺屾彙璇嶆眹鍙婄煭璇?Study, except, funny, smile, soon, math, way, exam, tonight, quiz, a lot of (lots of), help鈥 ith鈥?璇嗗埆璇嶆眹鍙婄煭璇?physical, education, P.E., mathematics, project, examination, be short for鈥? see sb. Do鈥? make鈥?do鈥? Everyone鈥? except.

10、, have an exam Teaching Aims 1.鑳界粰鏈嬪弸鍙慹-mail. 2.鑳藉湪鍚 綍闊虫椂鏈夌洰鐨勭殑鑾峰彇鎵闇鍏抽敭淇伅. 3.鑳借杈捐嚜宸辨垨浠栦汉鐨勭埍濂? Teaching Important Points 1.The Present Perfect Tense 鐜板湪瀹屾垚鏃?2.Short forms of many words 涓浜涘崟璇嶇殑缂暐褰紡 3. The use of 鈥渕ake鈥?and 鈥渟ee鈥濅娇褰瑰姩璇嶅拰鎰熷畼鍔瘝鐨勭敤娉?Teaching Difficult Points 1. 鐜板湪瀹屾垚鏃剁殑鍐呮兜 2. 浣垮焦鍔瘝鍜屾劅瀹樺姩

11、璇嶇殑鐢硶 Teaching Preparation 鍜屽悇绫诲 绉戠浉鍏崇殑鏈変唬琛殑鐗搧 Teaching Aids 褰曢煶鏈? 纾佸甫, 骞荤伅鐗? 瀹炵墿, 鍗墖 Type of Lesson New Lesson Teaching Procedure Step 1.In a small group, talk about your favourite subject. Share your ideas with another group. Step 2. Come to 鈥淭HINK ABOUT IT鈥? Let the students express their persona

12、l views. Step 3. Now listen to the first part and answer the following questions: 1). Why is Danny always tired? 2). What is Danny鈥檚 favourite class? 3). What did Danny do in P.E. yesterday? Step 4. Listen to the tape again and retell the story in the third person. Step 5. Listen the tape and read a

13、fter it. Then let some students imitate in front of the class. Step 6. Read the next part and find the answers of the following questions: 1). What is Li Ming鈥檚 favourite subject? 2). Is Wang Mei good at maths? 3).When will they have a maths exam? Step 7 Do with part 2 like part 1. Step 8. Come to 鈥

14、淟ET鈥橲 DO IT!鈥?Step 9 Finish the activity book. Summary 1. 鍚屽 浠 浠鍚勭 鐨勮嫳璇 崟璇嶉潪甯告劅鍏磋叮, 鍙 槸瑕佽 浣忓畠浠 毦搴潪甯稿銆?2. 璇惧墠鍑嗗 瀹炵墿鐨勬晥鏋滈潪甯稿,鐗瑰埆鏄 腹灏兼妸鐭 ¥鏀惧湪澶翠笂,鎶婅窇闉嬪 鍦墜涓婄殑鍔綔璁瀹舵崸鑵瑰绗? 3. 浜嗚瀛敓瀵硅嚜宸辨墍浠诲 绉戠殑鎰忚 ,浠強浠悗搴旀敼杩涚殑鏂瑰悜. 鍐呭 璇 1. Do you think you have too much homework? 浣犺 涓轰綘鏈夊澶氫綔涓氬悧? You have too much homework 鍋欴o yo

15、u think 鐨勫 璇 粠鍙?too much 淇 涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇? Too 淇 much琛绋嬪害.homework鏄 笉鍙 暟鍚嶈瘝. 渚嬪 锛?There is too much snow in winter.鍐 鏈夊澶氱殑闆? 2. All our teachers make us study very, very hard. 鎵鏈夌殑鑰佸笀閮借 鎴戜滑鍔 姏瀛範. make 鈥滀娇褰瑰姩璇嶁?make sb. do sth. 鈥滀娇鏌愪汉鍋氭煇浜嬧? make 鍚庢帴鍔瘝鏃剁敤鍔瘝鍘熷舰.渚嬪 : His mother made him do some washing yesterd

16、ay. 浠栫殑鐖朵翰璁粬鏄娲椾簡璁稿 琛湇 3. Everyone laughed, except the teacher.闄佸笀涔嬪 ,澶 閮界瑧浜嗐?except 鈥滈櫎鈥箣澶?涓嶅寘鎷 ?涓嶅寘鎷琫xcept涔嬪悗鐨勫唴瀹?鍏跺悗鍙 帴鍚嶈瘝,浠瘝. 渚嬪 : All the students went to the park, except Wang Fei. 闄簡鐜嬮潪涔嬪 , 鎵鏈夌殑瀛敓閮藉幓鍏 洯浜? (鐜嬮潪娌幓) Besides 鈥滈櫎鈥箣澶? 杩樻湁鈥?鍖呮嫭besides 涔嬪悗鐨勫唴瀹? 渚嬪 : He likes all the food, besides dump

17、lings. 闄簡楗哄瓙涔嬪 , 浠栧枩娆墍鏈夌殑瀹炵墿. (鍖呮嫭楗哄瓙) 4. He said that it wasn鈥檛 funny, but I saw him smile.浠栬 閭笉濂界帺,浣嗘垜鐪嬭 浠栫瑧浜? see 鍚庣殑鍔瘝璺熶笉甯 o鐨勪笉瀹氬紡鍜屽姩鍚嶈瘝鎰忎箟涓嶅悓. see sb. do 琛 鈥滅湅瑙佹煇浜哄共浜嗘煇浜嬧?see sb. doing 琛 鈥滅湅瑙佹煇浜哄湪骞叉煇浜嬧?渚嬪 : I saw a man run into the house. 鎴戠湅瑙佷竴涓 汉璺戣繘閭墍瀹呭瓙閲屽幓浜? I saw children playing on the pla

18、yground. 鎴戠湅瑙佸 瀛愪滑姝湪鎿嶅満涓婄帺. smile 涓巐augh 鐨勫尯鍒?smile涓巐augh閮芥湁 鈥滅瑧鈥濈殑鎰忔? smile 鏄 寚 鈥滃井绗戔?寮鸿皟娌湁绗戝 澹伴煶鏉? 鍏惰繃鍘诲紡鍦瘝灏惧姞-d; laugh 鏄 寚锛傚绗戯紓锛屽己璋冪瑧鐨勬湁澹伴煶锛屽叾杩囧幓寮忔槸鍦瘝灏惧姞-ed. 5.Our English teacher has told us that the best way to learn English is to use it.鎴戜滑鑰佸笀鍛婅瘔鎴戜滑瀛嫳璇 渶濂界殑鏂规硶灏辨槸杩愮敤锛?that the best way to learn

19、 English is to use it 鍋氬 璇 粠鍙?that 鏄 璇 粠鍙殑寮曞 璇嶏紝鍙 渷鐣紟to learn English鍋歵he best way 鐨勫畾璇 紟 6.I like English best. 鎴戞渶鍠滄 鑻辫 锛?like鈥 est鏈鍠滄 銆like鈥 etter姣旇緝鍠滄 I like math best.鎴戞渶鍠滄 鏁板 锛?He likes English better. 浠栨瘮杈冨枩娆嫳璇 紟Lesson 11:What鈥檚 Your Favourite subject 涓 teaching Content: 鎺屾彙璇嶆眹鍙婄煭璇 細hall noon

20、 group everything cool stop o鈥檆lock turn out 璇嗗埆璇嶆眹鍙婄煭璇 細social studies go for a work stop doing 浜?Teaching Aims: Talking about Preference 琛揪鐖卞 Using the Present Perfect Tense 杩愮敤鐜板湪瀹屾垚鏃?涓?teaching Important Points : 瀹氳 浠庡彞 鍥?Teaching difficult Points: 姝杩愮敤鐜板湪瀹屾垚鏃讹紝杩愮敤浠嬬粛鑷 繁鍜屼粬浜虹殑鍩烘湰璇嶇粍鍜屽彞鍨嬭繘琛屼功闈杈俱?

21、浜?Preparation:甯拰浣犵埍濂芥湁鍏崇殑鐗搧锛岃繖浜涗笢瑗胯兘浠浣犳墍瀛 鐩 殑鏌愪簺鐗瑰緛銆?鍏?Teaching aids: 褰曢煶鏈恒佺 甯佸够鐏 墖銆?涓?Type of lesson: New Lesson 鍏玊eaching Procedure Step 1銆丅egin a free talk about your favorite subject. Let some students come to the front and face the class. After one student give a talk, the others can ask questi

22、ons. Step 2銆丷ead the text. Guess the meanings of the new words aaording to the text. You can use the gusture language to help students understand. Step 3銆丷ead the text and answer the question? (1) What are Danny鈥檚, Brian鈥檚 and Jenny鈥檚 favorite subjects? Why? (2) Where and when are they going to meet

23、? Step 4銆丩isten to the tape and imitate . Then let some students read the text loudly in roles . Then they can change the roles. Step 5銆丏iscuss in groups if you have subjects that you dislike ? Why ? Then the others can give you some advice . And we can give our teacher some advice to help him promo

24、te the class. Step 6銆丆ome to 鈥淧roject鈥? Answer the questions. Step 7銆丗inish the activity book. Summary: 1銆?璁 鐢熻 鍓嶅噯澶囪兘浠鍚勫 绉戠殑鐗搧闈炲父閲嶈 锛屽畠鏈夊埄浜庢縺娲昏 鍫傛皼鍥达紝寮鍙戝 鐢熺殑鍒涢犲姏銆?2銆?鍦皬缁勮 璁烘椂锛岄紦鍔扁滃 鍥扮敓鈥濆鑳嗗彂瑷銆傝 浣忎粬鐨勭偣婊磋繘姝傝 浠栦粠鍐呭績娣卞 鍙戠敓鈥滃肩殑鈥濆彉鍖栥備綋浼氬埌杩欎竴瀛 鐨勮 鎯戝姏銆?璁茶锛?1銆?For our project. We will play basketball. 鐞冪被鍓嶄笉

25、鍔爐he. 涔愬櫒鍓嶅繀椤诲姞:play the piano 鈥滃脊閽惔鈥?play the violin 鈥滄媺灏忔彁鐞粹濄?The boy often plays the piano on Sundays. 2銆両t would be fun to study about China. 鈥淚t +绯诲姩璇?甯 o鐨勪笉瀹氬紡鈥濈粨鏋勪腑锛孖t鏄 舰寮忎富璇 紝鐪熸 鐨勪富璇 槸甯 o鐨勪笉瀹氬紡銆?It is easy to learn English. 3銆両 liked drawing when I was a little boy. 褰撴垜鏄 釜灏忕敺瀛殑鏃跺欙紝鎴戝枩娆敾鐢汇?鈥渨

26、hen,before,after鈥濆紩瀵肩殑鏃堕棿鐘惰 浠庡彞锛岄伒浠庝富浠庝竴鏀瑰師鍒欍備富鍙敤杩囧幓鏃讹紝浠庡彞涔熺敤鐩?搴旂殑杩囧幓鏃躲?Before I went to work, I drank another cup of tea. 鍦垜涓婄彮涔嬪墠锛屾垜鍙堝枬浜嗕竴鏉 尪銆?4銆乀urn out the light. 鐔勭伃鐏?Turn on鏄痶urn out鐨勫弽涔夎瘝锛屼篃鍙 互璇存垚turn off.鎸囧紑鍏崇數鍣竴绫荤殑涓滆锛屽悓鏃秚urn up琛鈥滃紑澶偣鈥濓紝turn down琛鈥滄嫥灏忕偣鈥濄?5銆乄e should stop talking. 鎴戜滑搴旇 鍋滄 璋

27、堣瘽銆?鈥渟hould鈥?鎯呮佸姩璇嶁滃簲璇濓紝鍚庢帴鍔瘝鍘熷舰銆俆hey should go there on time. 浠栦滑搴旇 鎸夋椂鍘婚偅銆?Stop to do 鍋滀笅鏉幓鍋氭煇浜嬨?Stop doing 鍋滄 鍋氭煇浜嬨?We stop to eat some bread. 鎴戜滑鍋滀笅鏉幓鍚冮潰鍖呫?6銆佸叧浜庡畾璇 粠鍙?Find some classmates who like the same subject.鎵惧埌鍠滄 鍚屼竴绉戠殑涓浜涘悓瀛俉ho like the same subject 浣滃畾璇 紝淇 classmates锛屾槸瀹氳 浠庡彞銆?Here are

28、some things you can do. 杩欐槸浣犺兘鍋氱殑涓浜涗簨銆?That 鍦畾璇 粠鍙腑鍋歞o瀹捐 鏃跺彲浠渷鐣?Take about jobs that use math. that use math浣渏obs鐨勫畾璇 粠鍙?that鍦 璇 粠鍙腑浣滀富璇 椂锛屼笉鑳界渷鐣?Show some of the things you have made in your art class.灞曠鍦綘鐨勭編鏈 涓婂仛鐨勪竴浜涗笢瑗裤俌ou have made in your art class鍋歵hings鐨勫畾璇 粠鍙紝that鍦畾璇 粠鍙?LESSON 12 Tick-tock T

29、eaching Content 鎺屾彙璇嶆眹鍙婄煭璇? clock, half, half an hour, quarter, (a) quarter to three, Not yet 璇嗗埆璇嶆眹鍙婄煭璇 細clap, snap, tick-tock, yet Teaching Aims 1. Talking about time 璋堣 鏃堕棿鍙婃椂闂磋杈炬硶 2. Know about the importance of doing things on time and keeping promise in western countries 浜嗚瑗挎柟鏂囧寲涓 伒瀹堟椂闂村拰淇畧璇鸿鐨

30、勯噸瑕?Teaching Important Points 1. 鑳借 鐩 殑鍦版姄浣忔湁鍏虫椂闂寸殑鍏抽敭淇伅 2. 鑳芥牴鎹 笂涓嬫枃鐚滄祴璇嶄箟 3. 姣忎釜鏃堕棿鏈変袱绉嶈杈炬硶 Teaching Difficult Points to, past,銆half 鐨勭敤娉?Teaching Preparation 鐢绾稿仛澶挓琛?Teaching Aids 褰曢煶鏈猴紝纾佸甫锛屻骞荤伅鐗囷紝纭 焊鍋氱殑澶挓琛?Type of Lesson New Lesson Teaching Procedure Step1.Talk about your favourite subject. Divi

31、de the class into several groups and discuss. Then act it out in front of the class. Choose the best one. Step 2. Listen to the tape and repeat after it Step 3.Divide the class into three groups and sing the song . Step 4. Teacher says and the students do. If the teacher reads: 2:00, the students mu

32、st make their clock 2:00. Step 5. Play the game again. Compare who can do it more quickly. Step 6. Come to 鈥淟ET鈥橲 DO IT鈥? Step 7. Finish the activity book. Summary 1. 鍦暀瀛腑娉噸鍩瑰吇瀛瓙鐨勫姩鎵嬭兘鍔涳紝鍚堜綔绮剧 锛屾帰绱殑濂戒範鎯 紝鏄 潪甯稿繀瑕佺殑锛?2. 閬靛畧鏃堕棿鍜屼俊瀹堣 瑷鏄 汉搴旇 鍏锋湁鐨勯珮璐靛搧璐 紟 鍐呭 璇 What the time? ?鍑犵偣浜嗭紵 杩樺彲浠 锛歐hat time is it? 鍥炵瓟鏃剁敤It鈥檚鈥?3.What does this clock say?銆杩欒鍑犵偣浜嗭紵 say 鈥滆鏄庯紓锛庝緥濡傦細 My watch says five to two.鎴戠殑琛槸锛戯細锛曪紩锛?say 杩樻湁鍏朵粬鍚 箟 1) 鍐欓亾锛屾姤閬?The radio says there w

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