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裕兴新概念英语第一册Lesson 1120.docx

1、裕兴新概念英语第一册Lesson 1120Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?语音双元音: i-earear 耳朵dear 亲爱的;昂贵的hear 听见clear 清楚的beard 山羊胡子双元音: i-eaIdea 思想 theatre 剧院双元音: i-erahere 这儿 mere 只;仅仅双元音: i-eerbeer 啤酒queer 奇怪的 engineer 工程师. The engineers idea is very queer.这个工程师的想法很奇怪。. Dear,come here and lets drink beer.亲爱的,过来我们喝些啤酒吧。. I

2、 cant hear the actors clearly in the theatre.我在剧院里听不清演员的说话。. My house is near the theatre. 我的房子离剧院很近。双元音: e-arecare 介意 share 分享 hare 野兔fare 费用双元音: e-airair 空气fair n.展览会adj.公平的chair 椅子.He bought a chair on the trade fair.他在贸易展览会上买了一把椅子。 . I dont care you share the room with me.我不介意你和我共住一间房子。. the air

3、 fare飞机票的费用i & ehear haredear darebeer bareear aircheer chair双元音: u-urtour 旅行sure 确信tourist 旅客cure 治愈pure 纯的. I am sure the tourists will like it.我确信旅行者会喜欢的。. The tourist is drinking pure water.那个游客正在喝纯净水。New words and expressionswhose pron.谁的blue adj蓝色的perhaps adv.大概white adj.白色的catch v.抓住whosepron

4、.谁的(特殊疑问词) what,who,why, where.That is my car. Whose car is that?.This is our classroom.Whose classroom is this? .Whose is this classroom?. That is their school. whose school is that?. Whose is that school?. He is her son. . Whose son is he?. That is his bed. .Whose bed is that? .Whose is that bed?m

5、y 我的. She is my mother.his 他的. Is Lucy his wife?her 她的.Her brother is very tall.your 你的. Is that your coat?our 我们的. We love our country.their 他们的. Their mother is a nurse.its 它的 its nose名词性物主代词my的名词性物主代词是mine. This suit is my. (错误). This suit is mine.(正确).This is my skirt. . This skirt is mine.his的名

6、词性物主代词是his .That is his shirt. . That shirt is his.her的名词性物主代词是hers .Her dress is blue. Hers is red.your的名词性物主代词是yours . Your bike is black. Yours is black.our的名词性物主代词是ours .That is our car. That car is ours.their的名词性物主代词是theirs . Is that their room? . Is that room theirs?名词性的物主代词必须单独使用,后面不再接名词。名词所有

7、格是在词尾加 s。这种形式既具有形容词性,也具有名词性。. whose skirt is this? .This is Wendys skirt. . This is her skirt.Whose is this skirt? . This skirt is Wendys. . This skirt is hers.Exercise你的车是红色的,而我的是蓝色的。 Your car is red; mine is blue.mine =my car这本书是他的,不是你的。This book is his,not yours.我有我的处事方式,她有她的。I have my way, and s

8、he has hers.whose引导的特殊疑问句既可用形容词性物主代词回答,也可用名词性物主代词回答。. Whose house is this?This is our house.(our:形容词性物主代词).Whose is that boat?That boat is theirs. (theirs:名词性物主代词)blueadj.蓝色的blue movie 黄色电影 blue-collar 蓝领工人adj.优郁的. Dont make my eyes blue.不要让我愁云满贽。perhaps 可能 maybe.Perhaps it will rain. 也许会下雨。. Perhap

9、s it is his car.white 白色的white-collar 白领pink-collar 粉领(女士从事办公室工作)white book 白皮书white lie 善意的谎言White House 白宫catch v.1)接住 . Catch!2)捕获,逮住 catch a thiefCatch v.3)染上(疾病)catch a cold 伤风;感冒. I have caught a bad cold.我得了重感冒。TextA: Whose shirt is that?A: Is this your shirt,Dave? B: No, sir. Its not my shir

10、t.B: This is my shirt. My shirts blue.Whose is that shirt?. Is this yours?your shirt = yours. Its not mine. mine= my shirt. This is mine.My shirts = My shirt is. Mine is blue.A: Is this shirt Tim s? B:Perhaps it is,sir. Tims shirts white.A: Tim!C: Yes,sir?. Is this Tims shirt?Tims表示Tim的 shirts = shi

11、rt isA: Is this your shirt? C:Yes,sir.A: Here you are.Catch! C: Thank you,sir.Here you are.给对方某东西-Can I borrow your pen?我可以借你的笔吗。-Yes,of course.Here you are. 可以,给你。指出某物在什么地方时用Here it is. (单数情况)Here they are. (复数情况)-Do you see my coat?- Here it is.- Where are my keys?- Here they are.Lesson 12Whose is

12、 this? This is my/your/his/herWhose is that? That is my /your/his/herNew words and expressionsfather n父亲mother n母亲blouse n女衬衫sister n妹妹tie n领带brother n哥哥his possessive adj他的her possessive adj她的father n父亲father = Dadmother n母亲mother = Mumparents:father and mother . His parents are in Germany.(his par

13、ents是复数,故系动词用are)blouse 衬衫(尤指女士衬衫) shirt 男士衬衫sister 姐;妹. I have two sisters.tie 领带 wear a tiebrother 兄弟.I have three brothers.hishermy your our theirher hersmy mineyour yoursour ourstheir theirshis hisExercise ATom is here.That is his car.1.Stella is here.That is her car.2.Excuse me,Steven.Is this y

14、our umbrella?3.I am an air hostess.My name is Britt.4.Paul is here,too.That is his coatExercise B1. coat/SophieWhose coat is this?(Whose is this coat?) Itis Sophies.It is hers.2. umbrella/StevenWhose umbrella is this? (Whose is this umbrella?)Its Stevens.Its his.3. suit/my fatherWhose suit is this?

15、(Whose is this suit?) Its my fathers.Its his.4. blouse/my sisterWhose blouse is this? (Whose is this blouse?) Its my sisters.Its hers.5. tie/my brotherWhose tie is this? (Whose is this tie?) Its my brothers. Its his.小结 Numbersone two three four five six seven eight nine teneleven twelve thirteen fou

16、rteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twentytwenty-one twenty-two twenty-threethirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninetythirty-six ninety-nine sixty-sevenLesson 13 A new dress语音辅音根据声带震动与否分为清辅音和浊辅音。清辅音p t k f s浊辅音b dg v z根据发音部位或发音方法的不同分为瀑破音pb t d k g摩擦音f v s z h r破擦音t d tr dr ts dz鼻音

17、m n 边音 l半元音jw清浊两种发音p bt dk gf vm n l j w h瀑破音p b t d k gp pea pat hope b bee bat labt tie tear let bat cat d die dear led bad gladk pick back Kate key g pig bag gate god. I pat the fat pig on its back. .A cat and a bee are in the lab.New words and expressionscolour n颜色green adj.绿色的come v来upstairs ad

18、v.楼上smart adj.时髦的;巧妙的hat n帽子same adj.相同的lovely adj.可爱的;秀丽的colour n.颜色(英) color(美)what colour is. What colour is Anns hat? . What colours Lucys cat? what colours = what colour isLucys表示”Lucy的” . What colours his tie?what make. What make is your watch?what nationality. What nationality is she?green ad

19、j.绿色的green hand 新手. He is a green 蓝色的blue filmblue movie 黄色电影white 白色的black 黑色的black and blue all over全身青一块紫一块的(受伤后)come v来go v去come on. Come on; lets go swiming.来吧,我们去游泳。. Come on; stop day-dreaming.得了,拜托,别再做白日梦了。. Come on; youll be fine.没关系,你会没事的:upstairs adv.楼上downstairs adv.楼下here ther

20、e home abroadcome here go there go home go abroadsmart adj.1) 漂亮的;时髦的. Lucys blouse is smart. . Her hat is very smart.2) 聪明的;机灵的. She is a smart student. . He is a smart businessmanclever 聪明的(指理解力);狡猾的bright (多指小孩). Your little son is so bright.wise 理性的;精明的(形容年纪较长者)hat n帽子. What colour is Anns hat?s

21、ame 一样的,同一个different 不同的,不一样的lovely 可爱的. Whose is this lovely hat? Whose lovely hat is this? Its Anns (hat).cute 小孩可爱. The baby is cute.Text A:What colours your new dress? B:Its green.what colours = what colour isA:Come upstairs and see it.B:Thank you.祈使句 : 谓语动词一般用原形,表示请求建议命令等。. Follow me. 跟我来。. Shu

22、t the door, please.请关上门。. Be careful 小心点。. Go and buy a new hat. 去买一顶新帽子吧。. Wait and see.等着瞧吧。upstairs adv. downstairshere there home abroadA:Look!Here it is!B:That is a nice is very smart.look atlook at the blackboard. Look at that man.He is short.see 强调看到的结果 . Look. I see nothing.listen /

23、listen to hear复数形式Here they are.A:Thats a nice dress. Its very smart.nice:good. He is very nice to me. . Have a nice time! = Have a good time! . Its a nice day.B:My hats new,too.A: What colour is it?My hats =My hat is = my hatB:It is the same colour.It is green too.A:That is a lovely hat!same常与the连用

24、,表示同一的,相同的the same age 同龄的the same city 同一个城市 . We live in the same city.我们居住在同一个城市。Lesson 14 What colours yourNew words and expressionscase n箱子carpet n地毯dog n狗case n箱子briefcase 公文包(软皮) attache casesuitcasepack the suitcasecarpet n地毯 rug:a small carpet matdoor matmouse mat 鼠标垫dog n狗love,love my dog

25、爱屋及乌 accept my friends as yourscolourWhat colour is/are sth?-What colour is her suitcase? -Its black.-What colour are her suitcases? -They are black.blackin the black. Our account is in the and blueblueblue film/blue movie out of the blue:unexpected 出乎意料. John came out of the blue.whitei

26、n black and white以书面形式记录下来;白纸黑字 . I want it in black and white.greygrey hairbrownredin the red 赤字red carpet 红地毯. Give him red carpet treatment.给他最高荣誉对待。yellow 黄色的orange adj桔黄色的 n.桔子green 绿色的green handExercise AExample:This is Stella.This is her handbag. This is Stellas handbag. This handbag is Stell

27、as.1. This is Paul.This is his car. This is Pauls car. This car is Pauls.2. This is Sophie.This is her coat. This is Sophie s coat. This coat is Sophies.3. This is Helen.This is her dog. This is Helens dog. This dog is Helens.4. This is my father.This is his suit.This is my fathers suit. This suit i

28、s my fathers.5. This is my daughter.This is her dress.This is my daughters dress.This dress is my daughters.Exercise BExample:Steven/umbrella/blackWhat colours Stevens umbrella? His umbrellas black.1. Mrs.White/carpet/redWhat colours Mrs.Whites carpet?Her carpet is red.2. Helen/dog/brown and white What colours Helens dog

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