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1、换形译法英汉两种语言由于有着截然不同的文化背景,在习惯表达上也就存在着较大的差距,因此在翻译中经常要改换表达的方式,这就是翻译中的换形译法。1)You think she will come if it is fine tomorrow.But I dont think so.你认为明天天好,她就会来,我觉得她不不会来会来。(我不认为是这样是这样。)2)You say he works hard;so he does.你说他很努力,对,他确实很努力确实很努力。(他确实是这样是这样。)3)The whole project was completed in a quarter of a year

2、.整个工程在3个月个月内就完成了。(整个工程在四分之一年四分之一年内就完成了。)4)It took them two decades to do the job.这项工作花去了他们20年时间年时间。(这项工作花去了他们两个十年两个十年。)5)He was in New York in the first ten days of March.三月上旬上旬,他在纽约。(三月的前十天前十天)6)Her father is a famous professor,but I cant find any scholarly pretense in him.她父亲是一位有名望的教授,但我没有从她父亲身上看到

3、故作姿态的学者派头。(“她”和“他”同音,同一句子中易混淆)7)A dozen and a half airplanes poured into the airport during that five minutes.那五分钟内,有十八架飞机涌进了这个机场。(一打半飞机涌进了机场)8)He is over sixty years old.他已年逾花甲。(他已年过六旬。?他已经60多岁。)9)He is well over forty years old.他早过了不惑之年。(?他早过了四十岁)你会倒立,我也会倒立。You can stand on your hands,so can I.(?.

4、,I can stand on my hands,too.)我不喜欢抽烟,抽烟抽烟对身体没好处。I dont like smoking;it is no good to health.(?I dont like smoking;smoking is no good to health.)谣传说,七月下旬下旬将有大地震。Rumour has it that there will be a big earthquake in the last ten days of July.(或:in the last eleven days of July.)他买了二十四本二十四本杂志。He has boug

5、ht two dozen magazines.(?He has bought twenty-four magazines.)他将离开两个星期两个星期。He is going away for a fortnight.(?He is going away for two weeks.在过去的十年里,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。Great changes have taken place in China in the last decade.(?In the last ten years.)第一季度的工作尚未完成。第一季度的工作尚未完成。The work of the first quarter

6、of the year has not yet completed yet.(?The work of the first season)五百年来,中国的喜剧有了很大的发展。五百年来,中国的喜剧有了很大的发展。The past five centuries witnessed great development in Chinese drama.(?The past five hundred years)有三十位学生参加了考试。有三十位学生参加了考试。One and a half score of students took part in the examination(two and a

7、half dozen students;?;?Thirty students took part in)八十七年前,他出生在一个富贵人家。Four score and seven years ago,he was born in a rich family.或 Eight decades and seven years ago,he was born in a rich family.?Eighty-seven years ago,?Seven and a quarter dozen years ago;?One dozen and three quarters of a century ag

8、o褒贬译法词汇按照语法中的词性可以分成名词,代词,动词,形容词,副词,介词和叹词等;词汇按照感情色彩分成褒义贬义和中性。在翻译的过程中,词汇的词性并不是原封不动的从原文搬到译文,而是根据译文的语言习惯进行;词汇感情色彩的翻译一般应严格按照原文的精神来进行,而不是像词汇的词性翻译那样受译文的支配,也就是说,褒义词必须翻译成褒义词,贬义词必须翻译成贬义词,中性词也应翻译成中性词。The boy is appreciated by all his teachers for his carefulness in his homework.这个男孩因功课做得仔细认真仔细认真而受到所有老师的赞赏。In f

9、act,it is his meticulousness that is preventing him from making any progress in his research work.事实上,正是因为他的谨小慎微谨小慎微,他的研究工作得不到任何进展。Her husband was a brave pilot during the Second World War.她的丈夫是二战期间一位勇敢的勇敢的飞行员。The reckless driver died in the traffic accident.那个莽撞的驾车人莽撞的驾车人在这次车祸中丧生丧生。These boys are b

10、ig enough to be self-respecting.这些男孩大了,应该有自尊心有自尊心了。She is quite unpopular among her colleagues for she is so egotistic.她在同事中间非常吃不开,因为她太自私自利自私自利了。We need tough-minded soldiers in our army.我们军队需要意志坚强的意志坚强的士兵。He did not yield in the face of the ruthless enemies.他在残忍的残忍的敌人面前没有屈服。原文中包含明显的褒贬感情色彩,按照原文色彩翻译A

11、s luck would have it,no one was in the building when the explosion occurred.真幸运真幸运,发生爆炸时大楼里刚巧没有人。As luck would have it,there was rain on the day of the picnic.真不凑巧真不凑巧,野餐那天下雨了。Many people think that he is one of the most ambitious politicians of our times.很多人认为他是现今最有野心的政客之一。Although he is very young

12、,he is very ambitious in his research work.他虽然年轻,但是在研究工作中很有雄心壮志。The stubborn boy refused to listen to his parents advice.这个犟男孩不肯听父母的劝告。The invaders met a stubborn resistance from the local people.侵略者遭到了当地人民顽强的抵抗。The old couple made a persistent effort to search for their daughter lost in the war.这对老

13、夫妇执着的寻找着他们在战争中丢失的女儿。She was irritated by the persistent ringing of the phone.她被没完没了的电话铃声搞得心烦意乱。原文字面上没有明显表露出褒义或贬义的词语,必须通过上下文来发掘出句中词语的感情色彩,把这些字面上属于中性而实际上为褒义或贬义的词语中词语的忠实的翻译出来。这位导演别具匠心别具匠心,在剧中安排了一场演员走到观众当中的戏。The director showed his ingenuity by arranging a scene in which the actors went into the audienc

14、e of the play.这家伙老是别出心裁别出心裁,招摇撞骗招摇撞骗。That guy is always trying to be different so as to swindle and bluff.她父亲是一位有名的有名的外科医生。Her father is a famous surgeon.黄金荣是旧上海有名的有名的大流氓。Huang Jinrong was a notorious rogue in Shanghai in the old times.由于由于党的农业政策,我国千千万万农民走上了致富的道路。Thanks to the policies of the Communist Party of China on agriculture,millions of peasants in China are getting rich.由于由于两次世界大战的爆发,各国人民蒙受了极大的灾难。People of all countries have suffered great calamities in consequence of the two World Wars.

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