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高考英语一轮选修7 Unit 5单元训练含答案人教版.docx

1、高考英语一轮选修7 Unit 5单元训练含答案人教版2017高考英语一轮选修7 Unit 5单元训练(含答案人教版) 2017高考英语一轮练习及答案人教版选修7 Unit 选修7 一、单句语法填空1I ant t use the sae tls _ ere used in ur fatr a fe das ag2Having pratised fr ears,he _ (suess)in inning the gld edal at last3hen I lse heart,it is ther that helps e regain_ (nfident)and gives e supprt4

2、He upies an iprtant psitin in the gvernent ffie,and his _ (up)brings hi great faeThese ung trees ill require_ (l) after arefull6Later,an began t settle _the plaes here the fd and ater ere plentiful7_ (adust) t the trpial heat as re diffiult than the had expeted8u ant g t the edding in that ld shirt,

3、its quite ut _ the questin9Tae T _ an exaple,a lt f bs are fnd f plaing puter gaes10This ahine,_ I have led after fr an ears,is still ring perfetl答案1as 2sueeded3nfidene4upatin ling/t be led6in7Adusting8f 9as/fr10hih二、完形填空阅读下面短,掌握其大意,然后从以下题所给的A、B、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Rsa lied aing up stries She as s _1_ tha

4、t her lassates believed her fr tie t tie In fat, the hle lass believed her! At first she suppsed it as _2_ N, as she gt up t _3_ befre the lass, She ne that ae believe stries had se a f ing ba t ae u sadRsas parents ere separated Nine nths ut f the ear, Rsa lived ith her ther in an apartent n Anders

5、n Street But hen suer _4_, she ent t her fathers far in AriznaThe far as great! Rsa rde hrses and _ ith se far r Her father, hever, as s _6_ that he uldnt find tie t g plaes ith her hen she arrived eah suer, her father uld _7_ her at the airprt and tae her ut t eat And the da she ent ba t the _8_ he

6、 uld alas bu her a presenthen suer ae t a lse, Rsa _9_ t her ther At shl she heard lts f stries her friends tld abut their fail trips Rsa ished she had a _10_ t tal abutNt lng after _11_ began, Rsa as ling thrugh travel agazines in the shl librar The taled abut an exiting _12_, lie England and Geran

7、 hen Rsas friends ased hat she had dne that suer, she ade up sething that as nt _13_ Reebering the travel agazines she had led at, she tld her lassates that she and her father had gne t _14_hen the lass began studing England, r Thas ased Rsa t tell all the things she uld _1_ abut her trip t England!

8、名师点评本讲述了父母已离异的罗莎喜欢编谎言骗人,从中获得乐趣。暑假过后其他同学都在谈假期中的家庭旅游时,罗莎只得自欺欺人,骗大家说她与爸爸去了英国。结果上时,老师让她谈英国的情况时,她无话可说了。()1 A afraidB rried sureD happ 【解析】。罗莎的谎言经常让同学们信以为真,说明她骗人时自信心强,把握大。故选择sure。(B)2 A e B fun turn D gae【解析】B。与下罗莎自欺欺人相对应,一开始她认为骗人是快乐的事,故选择fun。(A)3 A tal B teah sh D travel【解析】A。根据意,经过这事后她意识到骗人其实就是骗自己,这种意识在

9、平时与大伙交谈时更为强烈,故选tal。(B)4 A passed B arrived lasted D hanged【解析】B。夏天到时,罗莎就会到爸爸农场去度假,故选arrive。() A ade B plaed helped D did【解析】。help ith sth 意为“帮助干些事情”。()6 A ea B pleased bus D lnel【解析】。爸爸没时间陪她去其它地方游玩,说明爸爸很忙,故选bus。()7 A sh B visit eetD send【解析】。这里eet表示爸爸去机场接她。(B)8 A far B it fail D shl【解析】B。在农场度假结束后,罗莎

10、应返回城里,故选it(D)9 A rte B alled ved D returned 【解析】D。根据意暑假结束了,罗莎要返回到妈妈身边。故选 returned(A)10 A fail B shl teaher D far【解析】A。与上相对应,她的朋友都在谈假期与家人的旅游,罗莎因此希望拥有一个完整的家庭。(B)11 A eeting B shl suer D tal【解析】B。假期结束了,新学期又开始了,且下讲到了学校里的事情,故选shl。(D)12 A peple B ities languages D plaes【解析】D。下的例子既不是城市也不是人或语言而是两个国家,只有选plae

11、s。(B)13 A interesting B true lngD sae【解析】B。别人问起她夏天的旅游情况时,她只有编织一些不真实的事情骗大家,故选true。(A)14 A England B Geran far D he【解析】A。下老师让她讲在英国旅行的情况,说明她骗大家去了英国,故选England。()1 A thin B see reeber D read【解析】。老师让罗莎对过去的事情进行回忆并讲述,故选reeber。三、阅读理解A段【2016模拟题】阅读下列短,从每题所给的四个选项中(A、B、和D)中,选出最佳选项。(201•西省四校联考)Shar eeperGet

12、 up lse and ver persnal ith the Aquarius largest exhibit and its biggest predatrs(食肉动物) ith the ne Shar eeper prgra! After eah partiipant prepares t feed the shars and ther fishes in the 120,000&sh;galln Lst it f Atlantis Exhibit, the ill then get the ne&sh;in&sh;a&sh;lifetie hane t feed ur sand tig

13、er shars! Partiipants ill als experiene a tur f ther behind&sh;the&sh;senes anial are r areas and tae he a real&sh;life shar tth可知。Prgra utline:Greeting fr EduatrEduatinal Prgra: isunderstandings abut shars, bilg, pitures, shar tth parisns, anial vervie, hat t expet during the experieneBehind&sh;the

14、&sh;senes fd prepBrief vervie f Safet and PliiesFeedingShedule:ndas, Thursdas, and Saturdas at 3:40 pSessin: 3:40 pLength: 60 inutesRequireents: All partiipants ust be 16Prie: $000, plus Adissin(ebers: $400) Spae is urrentl liited t three partiipants per sheduled sessinH t B: Phne: 631 208 9200,extH

15、2(426)nline: hen purhasing ur Adissin tiet, please selet the Shar eeper add&sh;n under the Aquati Adventures setin f the shpping artGuests ith Speial Needs:Lng Island Aquariu ≈ Exhibitin enter aes ever effrt t adate guests ith speial needs Please be aare that t partiipate in this prgra, guests us

16、t be able t navigate the anial habitat spaes ith iniu assistane, and ust be able t understand and tae diretin in English fr staff ebers T ensure the best experiene, please ntat the all enter at 631 208 9200, ext H2(426) t disuss ur individual needsanellatins(取消):There is a 72&sh;hur anellatin pli An

17、 anellatin ade ithin 72 hurs ill nt be refunded N&sh;shs ill nt be refunded r resheduled Guests arriving late (after the required prgra he&sh;in tie) ill nt be peritted t partiipate in the prgra and ill nt be refunded r resheduled e enurage guests t arrive at the Aquariu ith plent f tie t par, enter

18、, and he int the prgra Adventurers shuld reprt t the ain Entrane at least ten inutes ahead The sessins ill begin quil at the sheduled tie Please plan ardingl大意:主要提供了去水族馆参观喂食鲨鱼的活动,以及活动日程安排、要求、门票价格等。1After ining the prgra, u ill _Afeed shars ne a life tieBget a real shar tth as a suvenireet the bigges

19、t predatrs f sharsDdra se pitures f shars答案:B细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句Partiipants ill als experiene a tur f ther behind&sh;the&sh;senes anial are r areas and tae he a real&sh;life shar tth可知2As a guest ith speial needs, u are expeted t _Aae sure f ur individual needsBve arund the enter alnefll the diretins f

20、staff ebersDsee as uh assistane as pssible答案:细节理解题。根据Guests ith Speial Needs: and ust be able t understand and tae diretin in English fr staff ebers可知。3If u ant t give up the prgra, ud better _Areprt it t the enter 10 inutes befre the sessinBanage ur plan again ith 72 hursexpet t refund fr the enter

21、Dreprt the enter 3 das in advane答案:D细节理解题。根据anellatins(取消):There is a 72&sh;hur anellatin pli An anellatin ade ithin 72 hurs ill nt be refunded 取消的话需要72小时,也就是3天。4hat infratin an e learn fr the prgra?Au an b the prgra in advane nlineBThere is n liit t the age f partiipantsu need t pa $9 at least fr t

22、he prgraDA sessin is sheduled fr 3 hildren ever ee 答案:A细节理解题。根据H t B: Phne: 631 208 9200,extH2(426) nline:,可知,可以网上订票。B段【2016高考训练题】阅读下列短,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、D)中,选出最佳选项。 Three Bs and a Dad Brad lsed the dr sll as Sue left he t visit her ther Expeting a hle da t relax, he as thining hether t read the nespap

23、er r ath his favurite TV tal sh n his first da ff in nths “This ill be lie a al in the par,” hed tld his ife “Ill l after the ids, and u an g visit ur “ Things started ell, but ust after eight l, his three little “gd ids”ie, Rand, and Alexae dn the stairs in their night lthes and shuted “breafast, d

24、add” hen fd had nt appeared ithin thirt sends, Rand began using his spn n Alexs head as if it ere a dru Alex started t shut ludl in tie t the beat(节拍) ie hanted “heres tast, heres tast,” in the bagrund Brad realized his nespaper uld have t ait fr a fe sends Life beae rse after breafast ie re Rands u

25、nderear n his head Rand led hiself in the bathr, hile Alex shuted again beause he as ging t et his pants Nbd uld find lean ss, althugh the ere befre their ver ees Sene naed “Nt e” had spilled a hle glass f range uie int the baset f lean lthes Brad ne the tal sh had alread started B ten l, things ere

26、 ut f ntrl Alex as ndering h the fish in the ar refused his bread and butter ie as tring t sh ff his talent b derating the ithen all ith his lur penils Rand, thanfull, appeared t be reading quietl in the fail r, but lser exainatin shed that he as eating apple a straight fr the bttle ith his hands Br

27、ad realized that the tal sh as ver and reading uld be ipssible At exatl11:17, Brad alled the daare entre(日托所) “I suddenl have t g int r and ifes aa an I bring the bs ver in a fe inutes? “ The anser as bviusl “es” beause Brad as siling1 hen his ife left he, Brad expeted t _ A g ut fr a al in the par

28、B ath TV tal sh ith his hildren en his first da ff r D read the nespaper t his hildren2 hih f the flling did Rand d? A Draing n the all B Eating apple a Feeding the fish D Reading in a r3 h did Brad as the daare entre fr help? A Beause he anted t lean up his huse B Beause he suddenl had t g t his ff

29、ie Beause he fund it hard t anage his bs D Beause he had t tae his ife ba he4 This text is develped _ A b spae B b parisn b press D b tie参考答案、BD 四、七选五(201•郑州市第二次质量预测)Are u ne t experiening relatinships? ell, let e give u advie n having a health and pssibl lng&sh;ter relatinship_1_ D nt hide th

30、ings fr the, d nt lie Dnt be afraid t sa things that isnt ver flattering abut urself Getting the t trust u is the st iprtant eleent in an relatinship If theres n trust, theres nthing there S please be hnest and thell learn t pen up t uae sure u give the respet N respet isnt ust sipl treating her r h

31、i niel Theres a lt re t it u have t learn t adust t their liing _2_ Dnt ust thin abut urself, thin abut hat ur partner needs ut f it as ell_3_ Alas be illing t help the and give the hnest and psitivit at the sae tie ae the feel u are sene the an reall unt n and build a future ith This is an iprtant step in a relatinship ur partner has t be able t unt n u hen needed ae sure u have a gd sense f hur ith the Laughter is the e t happiness Laugh a lt ith the, e ith the Laughter a see sill, but

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