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1、精选美文女生节英文祝福语1、不赶早,不赶晚,就要赶个巧。早了,祝福无意义,晚了,就怕送不到,就赶在女生节这天送到。祝你节日快乐,心情美妙!If you dont catch up early or late, youll catch up. Early, blessings are meaningless, late, afraid not to send, rushed to girlsday. Wishing you a happy holiday and a wonderful mood! uuuuuuuuuuu2、在茫茫人海中,当你收到这封真挚的祝福,请你用尽全身力气把头往墙上撞,看见

2、没有,你眼前无数的星星,就是我的祝福。In the vast sea of people, when you receive this sincere blessing, please do your best to hit your head against the wall. See, you see countless stars in front of you, that is my blessing.3、此时今日:所有的和尚为你蓄发,所有的总统给你电话,所有的帅哥给你送花,所有的男人为你变成傻瓜。节日快乐!Today: All monks grow hair for you, all

3、 presidents call you, all handsome guys send flowers for you, all men become fools for you. Happy holidays!4、祝航专女同胞:上网免费;年轻十岁;上学不累;帅哥排队;无所不会;老吃不肥;衣服不贵!Female compatriots of Zhuhang College: free Internet access; young 10 years old; not tired of school; handsome guys queuing; omnipotent; old food is

4、not fat; clothes are not expensive!5、累时记得放松,苦时还有友情,笑时美丽生动,甜时风都含情,美女爱恨分明,生活五彩纷呈,祝美女女生节快乐。Relax when tired, have friendship when bitter, beautiful and vivid when laughing, affectionate when sweet, beautiful women love and hate clearly, life is colorful, I wish beautiful women a happy Festival.6、愿女生节的欢

5、声笑语和欢乐气氛永远萦绕着你。请记得,有一个朋友一直在祝福你!期待你一切都如意!女生节快乐!May the joy and laughter of GirlsDay linger with you forever. Please remember, a friend has been blessing you! I hope everything goes well with you! Happy Girls Day!7、时间因祝福而流光溢彩,空气因祝福而芬芳袭人,我愿你开心此时此刻,幸福今生今世,预祝您节日快乐美丽动人!Time is shining with blessings and t

6、he air is fragrant with blessings. I wish you happiness at this moment, happiness in this life and in this world. I wish you a happy and beautiful festival! uuuuuuuuuuu8、昨晚我看到一颗流星从天空划过,我赶紧闭上眼睛,合起双手祈祷。你想知道我许的什么愿吗?告诉你吧:女生节快乐!Last night I saw a meteor passing through the sky. I closed my eyes and close

7、d my hands to pray. Do you want to know what I wish for? Tell you: Happy GirlsDay!9、没有太阳,花朵不会开;没有爱,幸福不会来;没有妇女,也就没有爱;没有你我不知道什么叫未来,祝福女生节快乐!Without the sun, flowers will not blossom; without love, happiness will not come; without women, there will be no love; without you, I do not know what the future

8、is. Happy GirlsDay!10、有了你,世界才有了安宁;有了你,人间才有了姻缘;有了你,日子才有了美好;有了你,才有了女生节,有了我的祝福。With you, the world will be peaceful; with you, the world will be married; with you, the day will be beautiful; with you, there will be GirlsDay, with my blessing.11、女生节到,好妙好妙的祝福送给娇艳妩媚的你;愿美丽的你一如美丽的字,漂亮一辈子。GirlsDay is coming.

9、 Good wishes to you. May you be beautiful as a beautiful word, beautiful all your life.12、小妹妹们,你们是快乐的,因为你们很单纯,所以不要轻易去爱,也不要轻易去恨,让青春多留下些潇洒的印痕。Young sisters, you are happy, because you are very simple, so dont love easily, dont hate easily, let youth leave more chic marks.13、今天我看到一颗流星从天空划过,我赶紧闭上眼睛,合起双手

10、祈祷。你想知道我许的什么愿吗?告诉你吧:女生节快乐!Today, I saw a meteor passing through the sky. I closed my eyes and closed my hands to pray. Do you want to know what I wish for? Tell you: Happy GirlsDay!14、美丽的雨露将你滋润,青春的阳光将你包围,快乐的花朵将你点缀,好运的日子让你陶醉。女生节到了,愿可爱的你幸福快乐!Beautiful rain and dew will moisten you, the sunshine of you

11、th will surround you, happy flowers will embellish you, and lucky days will make you intoxicated. GirlsDay is coming. May you be happy and lovable! uuuuuuuuuuu15、今年女生节不送礼,发张卡片送给你。健康快乐长伴你,幸福美满粘着你,还有我要告诉你,财神已经盯上你!GirlsDay this year does not give gifts, send you a card. Health and happiness accompany y

12、ou, happiness clings to you, and I want to tell you, God of Wealth has been on you!16、今天女生节,一起来美容:仰起头对着阳光,张开手呼吸花香,眼睛慢慢闭上,嘴角微微上翘。每天做一次,愿你心情甜蜜。Todays GirlsDay, lets do some beauty: raise your head to the sunshine, open your hands to breathe the fragrance of flowers, close your eyes slowly, and raise y

13、our mouth slightly. Do it once a day. May you be in a sweet mood.17、阳光是我的笑容,大海是我的心胸,而你们是一朵朵从我身边拂过的云,调和着我的生活。Sunshine is my smile, the sea is my heart, and you are clouds that brush past me and harmonize my life.18、如果漂亮是一种罪,你已罪恶滔天!如果气质是一种错,你已一错再错!祝天下第一漂亮兼气质美女女生节快乐!If beauty is a sin, you are guilty!

14、If temperament is a mistake, you have made mistakes again and again! Happy Festival to the First Beautiful and Temperamental Beautiful Girls in the World!19、想送束花给你,却怕你误会我的意思;想写一首诗给你,却发现别人已经写过好多,我只能用张卡片对你们说句:女生节快乐!I want to send you a bouquet of flowers, but Im afraid you misunderstand my meaning; I

15、want to write a poem for you, but find that others have written a lot, I can only use a card to say to you: Happy Festival for Girls!20、女生节到,向你问个好;身体倍健康,心情特别好;好运天天交,口味顿顿妙;家里出黄金,墙上长钞票。GirlsDay is coming, say hello to you; be healthy and in a good mood; be lucky and have a wonderful taste every day; m

16、ake gold at home and have long money on the wall.21、成熟中有丝青涩,艳丽中有丝高贵,优雅中有丝自恋,浪漫中有丝童真,微笑中有丝狡黠,这就是你,可爱的女生!女生节快乐。There are silks of green and astringent in maturity, of nobility in beauty, of narcissism in elegance, of innocence in romance, and of cunning in smile. This is you, lovely girl! Happy Girls

17、Day.22、大学生活多精彩,女生如花笑开颜。飘逸脱俗赛天仙,知识渊博人称赞。意志坚定勤奋学,他日职场辉煌建。祝你女生节快乐!College life is so wonderful that girls like flowers and smiles. Elegant and free from vulgarity, celestial fairies, knowledgeable people praise. He is determined and diligent to learn, and he has built a brilliant career day by day. Hap

18、py GirlsDay to you!23、世界因女性诞生分外美丽;今天全世界女性心灵因梦想靠得更近!祝你们女生节快乐!The world is particularly beautiful because of womens birth; today, womens hearts around the world are closer because of their dreams! Happy GirlsDay to you!24、有才华的女人可以吸引男人,美丽的女人可以迷惑男人,现在的我被你吸引被你迷惑了!你说怎么办?Talented women can attract men, bea

19、utiful women can confuse men, and now I am attracted by you and confused by you! What do you say?25、此时今日:所有的和尚为你们蓄发,所有的总统给你们电话,所有的帅哥给你们送花,所有的男人为你们变成傻瓜。节日快乐!Today: All monks grow hair for you, all presidents call you, all handsome guys send you flowers, all men become fools for you. Happy holidays!26

20、、玫瑰是我的热情,糖果是我的味道,星星是我的眼睛,月光是我的灵魂,一并送给你,女生节快乐!Rose is my passion, candy is my taste, stars are my eyes, moonlight is my soul, together with you, Happy GirlsDay!27、女孩如花;花如女孩。也许,你便是那如诗如梦的花仙子。在这特殊的日子里祝你愈加秀丽,日臻成熟!Girls are like flowers; flowers are like girls. Maybe you are the flower fairy like a dream.

21、 May you be more beautiful and mature on this special day!28、葡萄香蕉红苹果,祝你想念有结果!萝卜黄瓜大白菜,祝你天天有人爱!可乐清茶白开水,望你夜夜都好睡!女生节快乐!Grape, banana, red apple, wish you miss fruitful! Radish, cucumber and Chinese cabbage, I wish you love everyday! Coke tea, boiled water, I hope you have a good nights sleep! Happy Girl

22、s Day!29、一天我擦亮阿拉丁的神灯,灯神说:我会满足你一个愿望。我说:请祝福正在看的女生节日快乐!One day I polished Aladdins lamp and the genie said, Ill give you a wish. I said: Please wish the girls who are watching a happy holiday!30、一年一度女生节,可爱的你好好歇。工作不累,钱还是满满;烦恼滚蛋,开心围绕。美得轰轰烈烈,乐得真真切切!Annual GirlsDay, lovely you have a good rest. Work is not

23、 tired, money is full; Worry away, happy around. Beautiful and vigorous, really happy!31、阳光送去我美好的期待,春风送去我深深的祝愿,云天点缀你的生活,白鸽将祝福捎到你的身边。祝女生节快乐!Sunshine sends me good expectations, spring breeze sends me deep wishes, clouds embellish your life, white pigeons will bring blessings to you. Happy GirlsDay!32

24、、这一季,有我最深的思念。就让风捎去满心的祝福,缀满你甜蜜的梦境,祝你拥有一个更加灿烂更加辉煌的来年。This season, I have my deepest thoughts. Let the wind carry your heartfelt wishes, fill your sweet dreams, wish you a more brilliant and more brilliant year.33、如果将我对你的每一次赞扬化为一朵鲜花,那我的周围将永远是开满鲜花的花园,祝优秀的你节日快乐哦!If I turn every praise I give you into a f

25、lower, I will always be surrounded by a garden full of flowers. Happy holidays to you!34、我要把一切喜庆变成奶油,所有祝福揉成巧克力,永远快乐做成蛋糕。砸向你!然后说声女生节快乐!I will turn all festivities into butter, all blessings into chocolate, and make cakes happily forever. Hit you! Then say Happy Girls Day!35、今天是三七女生节,我要做的是以下几条:一、美女你永远

26、是对的。二、如果美女错了,我会参阅第一条。Today is the GirlsDay of March 7. What I want to do is the following: First, you are always right. Second, if the beauty is wrong, I will refer to the first one.36、世界因为女性的诞生,显得分外美丽!一个小小的问候,却是一份浓浓的真意!女生节快乐!The world is very beautiful because of the birth of women. A little greeti

27、ng, but a strong real meaning! Happy Girls Day!37、愿所有的期许及祝福涌向你,让你的佳节洋溢着喜悦,更祈望你一年比一年更加璀璨美好。女生节快乐!May all expectations and blessings flow to you, so that your festival will be filled with joy, and hope that you will be more brilliant and beautiful year by year. Happy Girls Day!38、忙忙碌碌又一年,女生节日送心愿。衷心祝愿各

28、姐妹,爱情比蜜甜。工作好好干,钞票多多赚!Another busy year, girls wish for the festival. I sincerely wish all sisters that love is sweeter than honey. Work hard and earn more money!39、每年的这个时候,祝福就会象海洋涌向你,希望我的祝福象一叶轻舟,载你乘风破浪,到达成功的彼岸!女生节快乐!At this time of year, blessings will pour to you like the ocean. I hope my blessings

29、 will be like a light boat, carrying you through the wind and waves to the other side of success! Happy Girls Day!40、想着你念着你,就像老鼠爱大米,为了永远记着你,所以每天积攒米,终于攒够一袋米,趁着节日送给你,愿你越来越美丽!Think of you and miss you, just like a mouse loves rice. In order to remember you forever, it saves rice every day, and finally

30、saves a bag of rice. May you be more and more beautiful while the festival is giving you!41、女生节快乐!许个美好的心愿祝你快乐连连!许个美妙的心愿祝你事业圆圆!许个美丽的心愿祝你爱情甜甜!Happy Girls Day! Make a good wish and wish you happiness! Make a wonderful wish to wish you a successful career! Make a beautiful wish to wish you sweet love!42

31、、送你一盘鸭吃了会想家;还有一碟菜天天有人爱;配上一碗汤一生永健康;再来一杯酒爱情会长久;祝你女生节节日快乐!Give you a plate of duck to eat will miss home; there is a dish of vegetable everyday loved; with a bowl of soup life will never be healthy; another glass of wine love will last forever; I wish you a happy Festival girls!43、上网免费,年轻十岁,上班不累,帅哥排队,无

32、所不会,海吃不肥,衣服不贵。女生节快乐!Internet free, young 10 years old, not tired at work, handsome men queuing, omnipotent, seafood is not fat, clothes are not expensive. Happy Girls Day!44、繁星点点,夜色宁静,在你回家的路上,送上我真挚的祝福。繁星如我,伴你同行,道一声朋友,祝你女生节快乐!Starry, quiet night, on your way home, send my sincere wishes. Stars like me, accomp

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