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1、初三英语第十单元教案初三英语第十单元教案【篇一:九年级英语第十单元导学案】 九年级英语第十单元导学案 2008-09-13 06:45:31| 分类: 默认分类 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 九年级英语第十单元导学案 section a 一,学习目标; 1,words: gotten oversleep rush lock relative broke 2,phrases: go offon time break down stay up rush off come by give sb a ride 二,轻松起航 1,读一读,译一译。 1gotten_2.oversleep_(过去式)_

2、3.rush_ 4.lock_(过去式)_ 5. relative_ 6.broke_ 2,英汉译 1go off_ 2.on time_3. break down_ 4.stay up_ 5.rush 三,教材研学 1, 1a first write by the time_ on the blackboard and tell the class the meaning of it say this sentence to the class: by the time the teacher came in, the students had begun reading english 译

3、:_. 2,1b ask the students to read the instructions together have them look at the two columns, a and b ,in the chart point out the sample answer read the two parts of the sentence then go over the other unconnected parts of sentences, too 3,1c first play the recording in activity 1b again and let th

4、e students read after it do it at least twice then read the instructions together with the whole class 4,2aread the instructions to the class be sure that all of them know what to do play the recording the first time, students only listen play the recording again and ask the children to number each

5、picture check the answers with the class and see who have ever got the correct answers without listening 四,帮你学 1. when i got to school, i realized i had left my backpack at home. (p76)我到学校时才发现把书包 落在家了。 (1)had left my backpack at home 这是一个过去完成时的句子,表示在过去某一时间或某一动作之 前完成的动作或存在的状态。 by three oclock yesterd

6、ay afternoon we had finished the work. 到昨天下午三点,我们已经完成了工作。 she had learned a lot of english before she went to school. 在上学之前,她已经学会了很多英语。 2)left是leave的过去式,在此处意为“遗忘”,“忘记”,后面常有地点状语。 li min left his dictionary in the reading-room yesterday. 昨天李民把词典忘在阅览室里了。 特别提示 forget作“遗忘”解时,后面没有“遗忘”的地点。 i have forgotten

7、 the book. 我忘记拿书了。 2. my alarm clock didnt go off, and by the time i woke up, my father had already gone into the bathroom and i had to wait for him to come out. (p78)我的闹钟坏了,因此等我醒来的时候,我父亲已经 进去洗澡了,我只好等他出来。 (1)go off 是“(闹钟)闹响”的意思,即“发出声音”。 the thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went off. 防盗警报器一响,窃

8、贼立刻逃走了。 (2)by the time i woke up 中的by the time意为“到的时候”。 by the time he was ten, tom built a chemistry lab himself. 等到了十岁的时候,汤姆自己建了一个化学实验室。 3. i started walking, but i knew i couldnt get to school on time. (p78)我开始步行,但我知道我已经 不能按时到达学校了。 (1)start to do sth和start doing sth都表示“开始做某事”,常可相互替换。at the age of

9、 12, he started writing his own newspaper. = at the age of 12, he started to write his own newspaper. 他十二岁时,开始编写自己的报纸。 4, (1)luckily是个副词,意为“幸运地,有运气地”,在句中常用作状语。 luckily, he didnt hurt himself when he fell. 算他运气好,跌倒了没有受伤。 luckily, she was in when i called. 真走运,我打电话时她正好在。 (2)give sb a ride意为“让人搭便车”,其中r

10、ide是名词。 please give me a ride to my school, im going to be late. 请把我带到学校去,我要迟到了。 if you go to station, i can give you a ride. 如果你去车站,我可以带你一程。 五,测一测 1,im sorry i o_ and missed the early bus. 2,i had a quick breakfast and r_ to the bus stop. 3, my friend _ _ _ _ on my way to work yesterday.(我搭了朋友的便车)

11、学后记: 九年级英语第十单元导学案 section b 一,学习目标; 二,轻松起航 三,教材研学 四,帮你学 in 1938, a radio program by actor orson welles announced that aliens from mars had landed on the earth. (p80)1938年,由orson welles主持的电台节目宣布来自火星的外星人在地球上登陆了。 (1)announce 意思是“宣布”,常指首次公开或正式宣布人们关心的某件事情。 the new government announced its policy at once.

12、新政府立即宣布了它的政策。 the headmaster announced the result of the exam. 校长宣布考试成绩。 知识拓展announcer,名词,“宣布者”,“播音员”;announcement名词,“宣告”,“通告”,“预告”。 (2)aliens是“外侨”的意思,在这里指的是“来自另一世界的生物”,与from mars搭配,表示“来自火星 的外星人”。 (3)on the earth意为“在地球上”,而in the earth却是“在地里”,“在地下”的意思。 we live on the earth. 我们生活在地球上。 in the winter so

13、me animals hide in the earth. 冬天有些动物藏在地下。 特别提示 on earth表示“究竟”,“到底”,常用在who, what, where, when, why等特殊疑问词后,以加强疑问的 语气;也可以用在否定词之后,以加强否定的语气。 how on earth did you know it? 你到底是怎么知道的? nothing on earth could make him change his mind.无论什么都不能使他改变注意。 on earth还可意为“在世界上”,“世间”,有时用于最高级之后,以加强其含义。 you are the happie

14、st man on earth. 你是世界上最幸福的人。 8. welles was so convincing that hundreds of people believed the story, and panic set off across the whole country. (p80)welles的话是如此具有说服力,以至于成百上千人相信了他的话,全国处于一片 恐慌之中。 (1)so.that在这里引导结果状语从句,表示“如此以至于”,that后面接从句,常见的句型有: 主语+系动词(be, become等)+so+形容词+that从句。 the computer is so u

15、seful that each of us wants to buy one. 计算机太有用了,我们每个人都想买一台。 主语+行为动词+so+副词+that从句。 he ran so fast that we couldnt catch up with him. 他跑得太快,我们追不上他。 so.that后面也可以跟so many/few加复数可数名词或so much/little加不可数名词。 he had so many falls that he could ride a bike at last. 他摔了很多跤,终于学会了骑车。 theres so much noise in the

16、meeting room that i cant hear the speaker clearly. 会议室里的噪音太大,我听不清演讲者的发言。 知识拓展 so.that句型转换的四种方法 当从句的主语与主句中的主语一致,且that从句是否定式时,常用转换。 the little girl was so tired that she couldnt walk farther.=the little girl was too tired to walk farther. 这个小女孩太累了,她不能再走路了。 当从句的主语与主句中的主语不一致,且that从句是否定式时,常用

17、r sb to do sth转换。 the work is so difficult that we cant finish it in time. =the work is too difficult for us to finish it in time. 这份工作太难了,我们不能按时完成。 当从句的主语与主句中的主语一致,且that从句是肯定式时,常用.enough to do sth转换。 he is so strong that he can lift the heavy box. =he is strong enough to lift the heavy box.他强壮得足以举起

18、那个重箱子。 当从句的主语与主句中的主语不一致,且that从句是肯定式时,常用.enough for sb to do sth转 换。 he spoke so clearly that i could hear him. =he spoke clearly enough for me to hear him.他说得很清楚,我能听明白。 特别提示 so that连在一起使用,意为“为了,以便”,表示目的,此时主句和从句的主语不一定一致;另外,还 可以引导结果状语从句,前面一般用逗号。 speak louder so that we can hear you. 说大声点儿,以便我们听得见。 she

19、 was ill, so that she was unable to go with you. 她病了,不能和你一起去了。 (2)convincing 是由动词convince加后缀-ing构成的形容词,意为“令人信服的、有说服力的”,主语 通常由表示物体的词来担任。 his speech was very convincing. 他的演讲非常有说服力。 convince是及物动词,表示“使信服”,“使确信”。 you have convinced me that i should go.你已经说服了我,我应该去。 短语链语 convince sb of sth“使某人相信某事” 特别提示

20、convinced作形容词时,表示“坚定不移的、有坚定信仰的”,在句中用作定语,其主语是人。 mr smith is a convinced christian. 史密斯先生是一个虔诚的基督徒。 (3)短语动词set off在本句中是“引起、激起”的意思。 a letter from home set off an attack of homesickness. 一封家信激起了一片思乡之情。【篇二:人教新目标九年级英语第十单元导学案】 unit 10 by the time i got outside, the bus had already left . 导学案 12 34 5【篇三:九年级

21、英语第十单元sectionb导学案】 section b(1a2c) 【学习目标】:1.熟记单词、词组:fool , costume, embarrassed, empty, show up, exhausted, april fools day. 2. 进一步学习、运用过去完成时态谈论最近经历的事情。 3.了解有关愚人节的情况。 【学习重点】:1.进一步学习过去完成时态的用法。2. 听力训练 【学习过程】: 【课前预习】 英汉互译。1.发出响声_ 2.get dressed _ 3.出席4.整晚熬夜 5.化装舞会_ 6.在愚人节7.happen to dave 8. invite sb. t

22、o+地点首字母填空: 1. last sunday my friend i_ me to his home for dinner. 2.i opened the box quickly ,but it was e_. 3. the little girl has gotten d_ herself. 4.tom was e_ because he had stayed up all night working. 5.i will go to the c_ party tonight. would you like to go with me? 【课内探究】 小组讨论,完成1a. 愚人节也称万愚

23、节,是西方也是美国民间传统节日,节期在每年4月1日。较普遍的说法是起源于法国。把上当受骗的保守分子称为“四月傻瓜”或“上钩的鱼”。人们在4月1日互相愚弄,成为法国流行的风俗。18世纪初,愚人节习俗传到英国,接着又被英国的早期移民带到了美国。 听力练习。完成2a, 2b。 知识点拨: 1、fool n.傻瓜,呆子;v.愚弄。其形容词为foolish. dont take him for a fool. we cant fool our coach. 2、empty a.空的;v.倒空。the meeting-room is empty.he emptied the bottle. 3、happe

24、n happen to sb/sth 意为“发生在某人身上/某事上”。例如: 收音机怎么啦?what_ _ the radio? (= what is wrong/the matter/the trouble with the radio?) 她希望不会有坏事发生在他身上。she hoped nothing bad would _ _ him. happen意为“碰巧”,通常用于“happen to do sth或it happens + that从句”。例如: 那天我碰巧没带钱。i _ _ have no money with me that day. (= it_ that i had n

25、o money with me that day.) 【课堂练习】 单选。6*6=36% ()1. we _ too late last night , so we are quite exhausted now . a. showed upb. called up c. stayed up d. set up (?a. was happened b. happened?c. happening d. happen? () was such an _ joke that everyone felt really _. a. embarrassing; embarrassed b. em

26、barrassed; embarrassing c. embarrassed; embarrassed d. embarrassing; embarrassing ()4. percy called me to come to the party, but she herself didnt _. a. show aroundb. show upc. come outd. put up()5.dont try to _me . im not as _ as you think. a. foolish ;foolb. fool; foolc. fool; foolishd. foolish; f

27、oolish ()6.what do you do _ april fools day?a. onb. in c. at d. for 填空:4*6=24% 1.nick(熬夜)last night because of the math test.? 2.john was going to meet me earlier but he didnt (露面).? 3.she was (embarrass)that he didnt know what to say at the moment.? 4.愚人节那天,人们互相开玩笑._play jokes on each other. sectio

28、n b(3a4) 【学习目标】 1.掌握本课的单词、短语:announce, mars, convincing, panic, set off, authority, reveal, hoax, flee, fled, spaghetti, farmer, sell out, girlfriend, marry, thrill, get married, ending, embarrassing, a piece of 2.理解3a短文。3.回忆过去,以便更珍惜现在。 【学习重点】:用过去完成时来写作。 【学习过程】: 【课前预习】 预习单词:1.宣布_ 2.火星_ 3.令人信服的_ 4.恐慌

29、_ 5.权威机构_ 6. 揭露_7.骗局_ 8.逃走_ 9. 意大利细面条_ 10.嫁、娶_11.结局 _ 把下列英语表达和中文意思连起来。? () programa.一个令人高兴的结局? () on b.逃跑、逃离? ()3.set off c. 嫁给某人;与某人.结婚? ()4.move acrossd.引起? ()5.flee from e.着陆? ()6.a very happy ending f.穿越? ()7.marry sb. g.广播节目 ()8. a piece of paper h.尽可能 ()9. fool sb.i. 愚弄某人 ()10. asas one can j.一张纸 汉译英 1.当权威机构认识到这是个骗局时,数以千记的人们已经离开了家乡。 _ 2.当人们意识到这是个玩笑时,整个国家的意大利面已经售完了。 _3.这个电视明星既失去了他的女朋友,又失

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