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2、子结构的方法很多,现将常用的几种列举如下。一、拆句将原文中的一个句子拆开,译成两个或两个以上的句子,称为拆句翻译法。1、时候既然是深冬,渐近故土时,天气又阴晦了,冷风吹进般舱中,呜呜的响。鲁迅故土It was late winter. As we drew near my former home the day became overcast and a cold wind blew into the cabin of our boat.2、中国两国是近邻,只隔一衣带水,我们两国的关系已有一千多年的历史。China and Japan are close neighbours separate

3、d by just a strip of water . The relations between our two countries have a history of more than 1,000 years.3、健全自己的身体,保持合理的规律生活,这是自我修养的物质根底。周恩来我的修养原那么Keep fit, lead a reasonable and regular life. This is the material basis for personal training.二、合句将原文中两个或两个以上的句子合并译为一句,称为合句翻译法。1、从那时到现在,已经整整五十年了。这是光

4、芒的五十年,不平凡的五十年。Fifty years have elapsed since that day-fifty glorious years, fifty extraordinary years.2、我们必须扫除这个最大的障碍。这个障碍的扫除要靠中美两国政府的共同努力。We must clear away this biggest obstacle, the removal of which depends on the joint efforts of the Chinese and American governments.三、改变句子结构将汉语的句子译成英语时,由于两种语言的句子

5、结构不同,或由于两种语言的习惯表达法不同,或由于上下班下文和其他原因,往往需要改变原文的句子结构。句子结构的改变情况多样而又复杂,现举出以下实例说明一局部情况,读者可以“举一反三,靠自己从实践中去更深地体会。1、分句译为短语1中国昂首挺立于世界之林,越来越成为任何人都不能无视的巨大力量。Standing firm and proud among the nations of the world, China has become an ever stronger force which no one can ignore.2中日两国是近邻,只隔一衣带水。China and Japan are

6、close neighbours separated by just a strip of water.省去主语的分句译为分词短语2、复句中的第一个分句的谓语局部译为短语;在这种情况下,第二个分句的主语和第一个分句的主语一样,故第二分句的主语常被省去不译。1某些居心叵测的政客们只知道挖空心思为“独立制造理论依据,却没有想到使他们自己陷入自相矛盾的境地。Some ill-intentioned politicians, racking their brains to fabricate a theoretical justification for “Tibet independence is

7、unaware that they have landed themselves in self-contradiction.3、主谓结构中的谓语译为短语。1我们用自己动手的方法,到达了丰衣足食的目的。By using our own hands we have attained the goal of “ ample food and clothing .4、改变主谓结构的其他情况1有些青年人认为超前消费才显得豪华气派,这种想法是错误的,是不适合我国的国情的。Some young people think that spending money ahead of time may show

8、their rich and mighty way of living. This wrong view does not tally with our national conditions.5、动宾结构的改变与其译法。1认为经济开展了,就难保持收支平衡的观点是没有根据的。There are no grounds to believe that economic development will make it difficult to maintain a balance between revenue and expenditure.2老科学家有长期搞科研的丰富经历。因此,他们的意见特别

9、值得我们尊重。Veteran scientists have behind them rich experiences in research projects. Their ideas, therefore, deserve our particular attention.6、主动结构变为被动结构或被动结构变为主动结构。125年前尼克松访华以后,中美两国建立了外交关系。Diplomatic relations were established between China and the United States after the Nixons visit to China 25 yea

10、rs ago.主动变为被动2为了追求高额利润,西方资本主义兴旺国家也进展过技术改造。但是,它是建立在绝大多数农民、工人破产和失败的根底上的。In its thirst for super-profit, the capitalist developed countries in the Western world also went through technical renovation. But it could do so at the cost of bankrupting the overwhelming majority of the peasants and workers an

11、d throwing them out of work.第二句在意义上是被动,但译成英语的主动结构汉译英词类互换法与代换法词类互换法是汉译英最常用的方法之一。由于汉语和英语是两种完全不同的语言,因此在翻译时不能按照原文的词类机械地照搬不误。例如汉语运用动词的场合较多,译成英语时,不一定也用动词,而可以用介词或名词。如果我们运用得当,就可以使译文更加符合英语的习惯用法,读起来通顺流畅,明白易懂。现将汉译英常用的词类互换法分述如下:一、汉语的动词转换成英语介词或介词短语1、联合国的大多数成员国都不赞成所谓“人权的提案。A great majority of member nations in th

12、e United Nations were not in favour of the so-called“human rightsproposal. 动词介词短语2、他们不顾一切困难险阻,勇往直前。They kept going forward courageously in spite of all dangers and difficulties.动词介词短语二、汉语的动词转换成英语的名词1、在这所敬老院里,所有的老人都受到很好的照顾。In this RetirementCenter for the Aged, all the senior citizens are taken good

13、care of.动词名词;副词形容词2、要制止青少年犯罪,首先应加强思想教育和严格查禁黄色书刊和吸毒。To check juvenile delinquency, first of all, we should intensify our moral education and a strict ban of drugs and pornographic books and periodicals must be placed.动词名词;副词形容词三、汉语的动词转换成英语的形容词1、得悉贵国南方地区遭受水灾,国际红十字会深表关切,为此,特向你们捐赠以下救济物资。The Internationa

14、l Red Cross is deeply concerned at the news that a big flood has hit the southern areas of your county. The following relief items will be specially denoted for this purpose.2、要是你们只满足于现状,你们就不能在竞争中求得开展。You cannot survive in the competition for further development, if you are only content with things

15、as they are.四、汉语的名词转换成英语的动词1、我对这个城市的绿化留下很深的印象。I was deeply impressed by the afforestation plan of this city.2、工艺美术品厂的产品主要特点是工艺精湛,价廉物美。The products of Chengdu Arts & Crafts Factory are mainly featured by their fine workmanship and reasonable price.五、汉语的形容词或副词转换成英语的名词1、在全国卫生城市的评比中,已消除了脏、乱、差的现象。In the

16、nationwide evaluation of clean cities, Chengdu has got rid of all its uncleanness, disorder and discourtesy.2、街中的一切逐渐消失在灰暗的暮色里。巴金家Everything in the street was gradually disappearing into a dusk of gloomy grey.六、其他词类的转换1、随着生产的开展,群众生活水平的提高,人民的购置力将逐步增长。The purchasing power of the whole people will incr

17、ease step by step as production grows and the living standard of the masses is improved.形容词名词;名词动词2、我国高科技开展的实践,再一次证明了这位科学家的论断完全正确。The practice of the high-tech development in China once more bears out how absolutely correct is the inference of this scientist.形容词副词;名词形容词汉译英除了常运用词类转换法conversion外,我们还可用

18、代换法substitution来进展翻译。汉语里同一个名词尤其是当这个名词指事物的时候常常重复使用,英语里那么多用代词替换,有时可以不译出。除代词外,英语里还可用一些其他词语来代换。例如:1、英译汉并不比汉译英容易。Translation from English into Chinese is not easier than the other way around.2、我们这本书主要讲汉译英而不讲英译汉的根本技巧。This book deals with the basic skills of translation from Chinese into English not vice v


20、ple might see from his speech what he is for and what he is against, what he likes and what he bitterly hates.如不加用“people一词就不符合英语的习惯用法2、不少大学毕业生响应政府的号召到和边疆地区参加工作。Quite a number of college graduates responded to the call of our government to work in Tibet and some frontier areas.二增补连词:1、留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。So

21、 long as green hills remain, there will never be short of firewood.2、送君千里,终有一别。You may see off a friend and escort him miles and miles away, but you still have to part company in the end.三增加介词和冠词介词和冠词是英语中用得最多的词类,也是中国学生最容易犯错误的地方。汉语里未用介词,译成英语时,往往需要加介词;汉语里根本不用冠词,译成英语时必须加上冠词。因此在汉译英时,增补介词或冠词是必不可少的翻译技巧。1、

22、我们看问题不要主观片面,对问题应作全面分析。We should not take a subjective and lopsided view, instead we should make an overall analysis of a problem.2、人为万物之灵。Man of all creatures is the one endowed with intelligence.二由于意义上或语气上的需要汉语和英语的习惯用法不同,如果将汉语生搬硬套逐词译成英语,就会造成误解,甚至产生汉语式英语。1、其实,不把散文底子打好,什么也写不成。As a matter of fact, wit

23、hout a good foundation in prose-writing, one cannot hope to be successful in any kind of writing.2、理论固然重要,实践尤其重要。1Theory is something but practice is everything.2It is true that theory is important, but practice is most important of all.3、这种矛盾包括国家利益、集体利益同个人利益之间的矛盾。These include the contradictions be

24、tween the interests of the state of the individual on the other.原文的意思是以国家利益、集体利益为一方,个人利益为另一方,三者之间不是并立关系,所以译文中加了on the one hand 和 on the other,否那么就不能将原文中确实切含义表达出来。二、减词翻译法翻译既有增补词语的译法,也有减少词语的译法。但应当说明的是,减词决不是将原文的容删掉不译,而是指原文中有些词在译文中虽未译出来,但从上下文中已可看出其含义。减掉一些可有可无的词或违背译文习惯表达法的词语,既可使译文用词不显得累赘、臃肿,又使译文更加简洁、流畅。现

25、举例说明如下:一删减原文中重复的词语1、我们要培养分析问题、解决问题的能力。We should develop our ability to analyze and solve problems.2、他们为国家作的奉献比我们作的奉献要大得多。They have done much more contributions for the state than we have.二汉语中不少虚词如“就、“又、“还、“都;名词如“情况、“情景、“观点、“面貌、“开展、“质量、“事业等都可以省去不译。1、师生关系愈好,就愈有利于教学质量的提高。The closer relations between te

26、achers and students, the more chances for improving teaching.省去“质量未译,如译成“the quality of teaching那么不符合英语的习惯用法2、迅速改变我国贫穷落后的面貌,是我国各族人民的强烈愿望。1It is the burning desire of all the people to end our countrys poverty and backwardness quickly.2To quickly end our countrys poverty and backwardness is the burni

27、ng desire of the Chinese people of all nationalities.三、变词翻译法有时,为了使译文更加传神,需要改变一下原文的字面意义,因为在汉语中往往可以从字里行间领会其言外之意。在汉泽英时,好的译者应尽量将字里行间的含义译出来,这就需要改变一下原文的词才行。例如:“老王,你怎么知道?老王道:“县里哪个不晓得?“How did you get to know of him, Old Wang?“Is there anyone in the county who doesnt know him?retorted Old Wang.虽然上文中的汉语是个“道字,但从这部小说的故事情节来看,这儿的“道却有“反驳道的含义,因此,译者在这里译为“retorted,既符合原文的语气,又使译文更加生动

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