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广州英语各区初三一模 语法选择.docx

1、广州英语各区初三一模 语法选择2020-语法选择番禺区语法选择This was a very interesting story.I 1 thousands of classes since I started school nine years ago.But one class was 2 of all.It happened last term just after I had got a bad result in 3 exam I was sad and had lost my confidence.I decided 4 to a class 5 can tell me how t

2、o be successful.The speaker walked into the room. 6 he did not start talking like a teacher.Instead, he held up a twenty yuan note!“Who wants this?” he asked.Unsurprisingly, 7 of us in the class held up our hands.The speaker smiled.Then he put up the note on the blackboard and asked the same questio

3、n.Again, we put up our hands.The speaker kept 8 , but said 9 .Suddenly, he threw the note onto the floor! Then he asked the same question for 10 time.I didnt understand the speaker.Why was he asking the same question again and again? I didnt know 11 to do.I wanted the note, so I put my hand up again

4、. “You have all just told me how to become successful.” He said to us 12 the note in his hand. “The note is worth twenty yuan.It is always worth twenty yuan, even though I throw it on the floor.You are like the note. No matter what happens to you, you still have your worth.”Hearing those words, I 13

5、 deeply.Suddenly, I realized I was worth a lot.I may have failed, but it doesnt mean I 14 do well in the future.If I believe in 15 , I will be successful.( )1、 havingD.have had( )2、A.importantB.more importantC.most importantD.the most important( )3、A.aB.anC.theD./( )4、

6、goD.gone( )5、A.whichB.whoC.whenD.where( )6、A.SoB.OrC.ButD.And( )7、A.bothB.neitherC.allD.none( )8、 smile( )9、A.somethingB.anythingC.everythingD.nothing( )10、A.threeB.thirdC.thirdlyD.the third( )11、A.whatB.howC.whyD.which( )12、A.toB.byC.withD.for( )13、A.moveB.movedC.was mov

7、edD.has moved( )14、A.cantB.shouldntC.shouldD.can( )15、A.myB.meC.mineD.myself花都区语法选择I walked into a stranger as he passed by me.“Excuse me.” I said.He replied 1 a smile and said, “Please excuse me, too. I was in 2 a hurry that I didnt notice you.”We apologized and went for 3 own ways.Later that day,

8、when I 4 , my daughter was standing too near. When I turned to reach for 5 milk, I nearly knocked her over. “Move out of the way!” I shouted.She walked away sadly. But I didnt feel like 6 to her.While I was in bed that evening, my husband said to me. “While dealing with a stranger, you were polite.

9、7 with a daughter you love, you were unkind. Your daughter brought you a picture 8 she drew herself this afternoon.You will find it on the table in the living room. Have you seen the tears in her eyes?”I 9 went and sat down by my daughters bed.“Honey, I am so sorry.” I said. “The picture is so beaut

10、iful. It 10 by you this afternoon, right?”She said, “I saw 11 beautiful garden yesterday and I knew youd like it, so I drew it for you. Its as 12 as your dream garden.”I tearfully replied, “Sweetie, 1 13 really sorry for the way 1 acted today. I 14 shout at you.”“Its OK. I love you anyway.” She said

11、 as she kissed me on the cheek.My husband is right. 15 we can be polite to strangers, why cant we do the same for the ones we love?( )1、A.for B.byC.onD.with( )2、A.soB.suchC.muchD.very( )3、A.weB.usC.ourD.ours ( )4、A.was cookingB.have cookedC.cookedD.cook( )5、A.little B.fewC.anyD.some( )6、 apologi

12、zeB.apologizingC.apologize D.apologized( )7、A.And B.ButC.AsD.Or( )8、A.which B.whatC.whoD.whom( )9、A.quietnessB.quieterC.quietD.quietly( )10、A.has drawn B.will drawC.was drawnD.was drawing( )11、A.aB.anC. /D.the( )12、A.prettyB.prettier C.prettiest D.the prettiest( )13、 ( )14、A.shoul

13、dntB.mustntC.cantD.couldnt( )15、A.BecauseB. AfterC.UnlessD.If荔湾区语法选择Have you heard of the Chinese idiom “taoli mantianxia”?“Taoli”refers to peach and plum trees.Peach and plum trees 1 as a metaphor for a number of students.One of 2 things that can happen to a teacher is to see his or her students gr

14、ow up to be productive members of society.You 3 wonder:why are students compared to these two types of trees?It actually 4 from an ancient story about Zizhi, an official 5 lived in the state of Wei during the Spring and Autumn Period(BC 770-BC 476).Zizhi, an educator, was a wise person.But the king

15、didnt like him at the time.Zizhi had to leave his state 6 he was not well liked by the emperor.Zizhi opened a private school and started to teach students to make a 7 .After 8 the school, Zizhi chose his students based on neither their wealth 9 _Social status.He often gave his students useful advice

16、.He often pointed at a peach and a plum tree in his garden and said “You should become 10 useful person and work hard to benefit society, just like when the peach and plum trees bloom and yield fruit.”Keeping teachers words in 11 minds, many of Zizhis students went on to different places around the

17、country and achieved great things along the way.They planted many peach and plum trees to show their gratitude and respect 12 their teacher.Later, 13 Zizhi travelled around the country, he saw his teachers and the trees they had planted.He was 14 moved. “My students are like peach and plum trees.The

18、y are everywhere, and they 15 great results.” he said.( )1、A.useB.are usingC.are usedD.used( )2、A.goodB.bestC.the betterD.the best( )3、A.mayB.shallC.needD.have to( )4、 comingD.has come( )5、A./B.whomC.whoD.whose( )6、A.butB.becauseC.thoughD.or( )7、A.livesB.liveC.livingD.leave( )8、A.op

19、 openD.opening( )9、A.norB.orC.andD.but( )10、A./B.theC.anD.a( )11、A.theyB.theirC.theirsD.themselves( )12、A.atB.inC.forD.with( )13、A.whenB.whileC.ifD.though( )14、A.deepB.deeperC.deeplyD.deepest( )15、A.achievesB.achievedC.have achievedD.had achieved越秀区语法选择 Once upon a time, there lived a

20、greedy and selfish man named David.He always wished to hare a lot of money and often cheated others 1 money.David never shared anything with 2 of his family and friends. One day, 3 small bag full of gold coins was missing, there were 50 gold coins in the bag.David became very worried.He searched ins

21、ide and out for the bag. 4 found nothing. After a few days, a ten- year-old daughter of one of the workers of Davids named Tina found the bag.The worker knew David 5 for the missing money everywhere, so he went to David. David was overjoyed to get the coin 8 back.Because of his greedy nature; he dec

22、ided to play a trick on his poor worker. He shouted at his worker, “There 6 75 gold coins in this bag, but you gave me only 50! Where are 7 coins? You have stolen them! You are a thief.” The worker was shocked to hear his and tried his best to explain.However, David still took him to the count. The

23、judge 8 heard both the sides.David said, “Its quite clear 9 they have stolen 25 coins!” The clever judge knew that David was 10 .Everyone in that place knew about David and his nature.Soon, the judge made his judgement. “Since David lost a bag 11 had 75 gold coins and the bag found by Tina had just

24、50 coins,it seems that the bog that 12 does not belong to David.It was lost by someone else.If anyone 13 a bag of 75 gold coins, please tell me.As there is no report about the loss of 50 coins, I order the girl and his father to take those 50 coins 14 a prize of appreciation for their 15 !”( )1、

25、 makeC.makingD.made( )2、A.oneB.someC.anyD.all( )3、A.aB.anC.theD./( )4、 )5、 lookingB.would lookC.have lookedD.have been looking( )6、A.isB.areC.wasD.were( )7、A.otherB.othersC.the otherD.another( )8、A.patientB.patientlyC.patienceD.impatient( )9、A.thatB.whenC.whereD.why( )10

26、、A.liedB.layC.lainD.lying( )11、A.whatB.whichC.whoD.there( )12、A.findingB.findsC.foundD.was found( )13、A.seeB.sawC.seesD.seeing( )14、A.asB.withC.ofD.for( )15、A.honestB.honestlyC.honestyD.dishonest增城区语法选择One day, I had a meal in 1 expensive restaurant. A young couple with a small boy ordered a piece o

27、f the cheapest beef steak. “Sir, anything else? One piece is not enough for all of you!” The waiter said.The dad was a little 2 . He said, “Thanks. Its enough. We just want to bring the guy to have beef steak, and we 3 supper.”I watch 4 for a while. I found that the parents not only took the boy to

28、have beef steak, but also regarded as a process of 5 . The parents taught the kid 6 to use the knife and fork and told him some table manners.Id like 7 good friends with the family. Then I walked over and asked 8 . “ 9 I offer each of you a cup of coffee?” They accepted my coffee with a smile. We be

29、gan to chat. “To be honest, we are very poor, 10 we cant afford any expensive food at all. However, we have every confidence in our boy. He lives in a poor family, but I believe he 11 great success in the future. Thats why we teach him the good table manners,” said the dad. “We hope our kid can be a

30、 person 12 respects himself and others.”We became friends and got on well 13 each other. Afterwards, great progress 14 by the kid, and he succeeded. And I have the honor to drink a cup of coffee from him, especially in 15 restaurant in England.( )1、A.aB.anC.theD./( )2、A.embarrassB.embarrassedC.embarrassingD.embarrassment( )3、A.eatB.are eatingC.have eatenD.will eat( )4、A.theyB.themC.theirD.theirs( )5、 learnD.learning( )6、A.howB.wh

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