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本文(高考英语一轮复习第1部分基础知识解读Unit5Thepowerofnature题型组合课时练新人教版选修6.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、高考英语一轮复习第1部分基础知识解读Unit5Thepowerofnature题型组合课时练新人教版选修6Unit 5 The power of nature.阅读理解(2017辽宁部分重点高中协作校高三联考)This summer,nearly a million people have been affected by heavy rain hitting several Chinese provinces,causing houses to collapse,destroying crops and blocking highways.Continuous storms have aff

2、ected 360,700 people from 14 counties,districts and cities in Central Chinas Hubei Province since Wednesday and about 13,000 people have been relocated,the provincial Civil Affairs Department said.Wang Xiao,a famous journalist,wrote about the rainstorm.“As of 2 pm on Thursday,about 36,950 hectares o

3、f cropland have been damaged and 145 houses have collapsed,resulting in direct economic losses of 67.79 million yuan.”Heavy rainstorms inundated Wuhan City,capital of Hubei,turning buses into boats.The maximum rainfall in downtown Wuhan surpassed (超过) 100 mm,the citys Flood Control and Drought Relie

4、f Headquarters said.The Wuhan meteorological (气象的) department on Thursday issued a red alert for rainstorms.The citys public transport has also been affected.The meteorological department warned that Wuhan would see more heavy rain from Thursday night to Friday.The Hubei Provincial Government has al

5、located a relief fund of 138 million yuan to help the affected people.In Central Chinas Hunan Province,more than 9,000 people have been relocated since a rainstorm started on Wednesday,according to the provincial Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters.The heavy rain,surpassing 250 mm in rainf

6、all in certain places,has affected 361,000 residents and damaged 19,800 hectares of farmland,the Headquarters said.Four people died after downpours hit Liancheng County in eastern Fujian Province early on Wednesday morning,making streets covered with water and cutting off power supply.Longyan City,w

7、hich administers Liancheng,reported 3,200 collapsed houses.More than 323,000 people were affected,with 136,200 of them left.Heavy rain has also hit the southern province of Guangdong,affecting 233,200 people and forcing the withdrawing of over 6,200.Direct economic losses in the province have reache

8、d 122 million yuan,the provinces emergency response office said.【语篇解读】2015年夏季中国有几个省遭受暴雨袭击,近一百万人受到影响。大雨造成房屋坍塌、庄稼受损和公路阻塞。1Why was Wang Xiao mentioned in this passage?ATo ensure the reliability of the passage.BTo show how destructive the rainstorm was.CTo present a clearer picture of the rainstorm.DTo

9、make people keep an eye on the rainstorm.B推理判断题。第三段中提到了Wang Xiao对暴雨的报道“As of 2 pm on Thursday,about 36,950 hectares of cropland have been damaged.losses of 67.79 million yuan”,由此可推知,文章中提到Wang Xiao的目的就是要说明暴雨的破坏性有多大。2Whats the meaning of the underlined word “inundated” in Paragraph 4?AFlooded. BReache

10、d.CDamaged. DAttacked.A词义猜测题。根据画线词前的“Heavy rainstorms”和其后的“turning buses into boats”可知,画线词的意思是“淹没”,与A项意思相近。3According to the Wuhan meteorological department, Athe rain might stop from Thursday night to FridayBmore heavy rain might worsen the present situationCgovernments response to the incident was

11、 not satisfyingDthe rainfall in Wuhan reached a historical peak this yearB细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The meteorological department warned that Wuhan would see more heavy rain from Thursday night to Friday”可知选B。4How does the writer develop the passage?ABy listing figures.BBy giving examples.CBy telling stories.DB

12、y making comparisons.A写作手法题。纵观上下文,并结合文中频频出现的数据可知,本文作者主要是通过列数据的手法来行文的。.阅读填句(2016全国乙卷)Secret codes(密码) keep messages private.Banks,companies, and government agencies use secret codes in doing business, especially when information is sent by computer.People have used secret codes for thousands of years

13、.1. Code breaking never lags(落后) far behind code making.The science of creating and reading coded messages is called cryptography.There are three main types of cryptography.2. For example, the first letters of “My elephant eats too many eels” spell out the hidden message “Meet me.”3 You might repres

14、ent each letter with a number, for example.Lets number the letters of the alphabet,in order,from 1 to 26.If we substitute a number for each letter, the message “Meet me” would read “13 5 5 20 13 5.”A code uses symbols to replace words, phrases, or sentences.To read the message of a real code, you mu

15、st have a code book.4. For example, “bridge” might stand for “meet” and “out” might stand for “me.” The message “Bridge out” would actually mean “Meet me.”5. However,it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long.So codes must be changed frequently.AIt is very hard to break a code without the c

16、ode book.BIn any language,some letters are used more than others.COnly people who know the keyword can read the message.DAs long as there have been codes, people have tried to break them.EYou can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.FWith a code book, you might write

17、down words that would stand for other words.GAnother way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。人们用密码来传递信息已有几千年历史。设置密码与破解密码的斗争也是永久不变的话题。文中作者给我们介绍了三种主要类型的密码学,让我们一起来领略这门神秘科学的魅力吧!1D解本题可用关联逻辑法。空格前一句说“人们使用密码已有几千年了”,空格后又说“破解密码从不远远落后于设置密码”,由此语境可知选D项

18、“只要有过的密码,人们就试图破解”。本设空类型为过渡句类。2E解本题可用词汇锁定法。由空格后举例中的the first letters可锁定E项中的the first letters。代入后,E项“你可以隐藏一条信息,通过每个单词的首字母来把它拼写出来”符合语境,故为答案。本设空类型为过渡句类。3G解本题可用关联逻辑法。前一段作者说有三种主要类型的密码学并介绍了第一种,根据逻辑关系可推知,本段应介绍第二种,故锁定G项中的Another way to.。本设空类型为段落主题句类。4F解本题可用词汇锁定法。空格前说“要读取真正代码的信息,你必须要有一个密码本”,由a code book可锁定F项中

19、的With a code book。F项“有了密码本,你可以写下代表其他单词的单词”符合上下文语境。本设空类型为过渡句类。5A解本题可用词汇锁定法。分析语境可知,该空仍然在谈论密码本的事情,由此可锁定A项“没有密码本很难破解密码”,这与后一句“但是,长期保持密码本的秘密也很难”语意衔接紧密,可确定为答案。本设空类型为过渡句类。 【导学号:30892227】.语法填空(2017广东六校教育教学联合体高三统考)Do you ever stop and think about this big,beautiful world we live in?Its home 1. so many people

20、 and animals.We all live in this amazing place,so we all have the 2. (responsible) to take care of it,too.A long time ago,I started thinking about what I could do to help take care of the planet.I wondered 3. I could use my talents for good.I love creating websites and making art and designing cloth

21、es.Thats what 4. (inspire) me,at age 8,to start an online company.I donate part of my profits to organizations 5. (try) their best to save our environment.After I launched my business,I started getting 6. (invite) to give presentations to young people about my company and the environment.I also talk

22、 about something else that 7. (be) meaningful.One thing Ive learned is that a lot of people feel like 8. small contribution to any cause is just a drop in the bucket and wont make a difference.But thats not true!9. (actual) when it comes to saving our environment,every small action counts.The 10. (t

23、iny) thing is better than the greatest intention.【语篇解读】保护环境,从我做起;拯救地球,从小做起。作者8岁时创立网络公司,把一部分利润捐给热衷环保的组织。最小的行动胜过最大的打算。你行动起来了吗?1to考查介词。be home to意为“的栖息地”,为固定搭配。2responsibility考查词性转换。我们都住在这个令人惊叹的地方,因此人人也都有责任照顾它。根据空前的“have the”可知此处应填一个名词,responsibility意为“责任,职责”。3how考查宾语从句,分析句子结构可知,空处引导的从句作wondered的宾语,且根据

24、句意可知,此处表示方式,故用how引导该从句,表示“我想知道我如何能把我的才能发挥好”。4inspired考查时态。空处的前一句和后一句都用的是一般现在时,但是根据空后的时间状语“at age 8”可知,此处描述的是过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时。5trying考查非谓语动词。我把收益的一部分捐给尽最大努力挽救我们的环境的组织。分析句子结构可知,organizations与try之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故此处应用现在分词形式作后置定语。【易错点拨】此处容易错填to try,考生以为空处是不定式作目的状语。但是,如果填to try,那么try的主语就成了I,后面的“their”就与之矛盾了。6i

25、nvited考查非谓语动词。创业后,我开始受邀给年轻人作关于我的公司和环境的讲座。此处是get done“被”结构,故填过去分词。7is考查主谓一致和时态。that引导定语从句并在从句中作主语,that指代的是something else,表示单数含义,故从句谓语动词用单数形式。此外,这里表示客观的情况,故应用一般现在时。综上可知本空填is。8a考查冠词。很多人觉得对任何事业的小小贡献都是杯水车薪,不会有什么影响。这里表示泛指,且contribution是可数名词,故用a。注意:feel like后面是一个省略了引导词的从句。9Actually考查副词。但那是错误的!事实上,谈到拯救环境,每一

26、个小小的行为都很重要。空处作状语修饰整个句子,故要用副词。actually“事实上”。10tiniest考查形容词最高级。本空难度较大,很多考生不知道此处应该怎么填,但是根据空前的“The”和句意“最微小的事情也比最伟大的打算好”,空处要填最高级跟后面的“the greatest”形成对比。.短文改错(2017山西八校高三联考)For ages,sailors have said that it is a good luck to see dolphins swum alongside boats.Their presence meant that land is near,which wil

27、l also be vital informations if a boat and her crew are in danger.Some dolphins have even protected sailors which suffer shipwreck from sharks.There is no wonder that these unique and fascinating creatures have long known as our friends.Dolphins are thought to be intelligent animals because of its q

28、uick ability to learn.They communicate through a combination of whistles and clicks.While scientists dont know exact what they are talking about,it is thought that dolphins are telling each other that food is nearby,or warning each other for approaching danger.【答案】For ages,sailors have said that it

29、is good luck to see dolphins alongside boats.Their presence that land is near,which will also be vital if a boat and her crew are in danger.Some dolphins have even protected sailors suffer shipwreck from sharks. is no wonder that these unique and fascinating creatures have long known as our friends.

30、Dolphins are thought to be intelligent animals because of quick ability to learn.They communicate through a combination of whistles and clicks.While scientists dont know what they are talking about,it is thought that dolphins are telling each other that food is nearby,or warning each other approachi

31、ng danger.卷增分练(五).语法填空(2017合肥高三质量检测)Sammy Armstrong was driving to his office when he 1. (notice) a car was stuck on railroad tracks.Then he heard a train whistle.Sammy threw down his sunglasses and keys and ran toward the car.2. elderly man, Jean Papich,eightyfour,sat in the drivers seat,3. (turn)

32、the key and hitting the gas.His wife,Marion,seventyeight, was looking 4. (nervous) at him. Then Sammy walked 5. the car and pushed it forward,but his boots slipped on the warm asphalt (沥青)He could see the train approaching fast.It might be 6. (easy)to push the car backward, Sammy thought.He ran around to the front to the vehicle and shouted at Jean 7. (put)

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