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1、补充阅读3科比撰文宣布退役:亲爱的篮球Dear Basketball, 亲爱的篮球From the momentI started rolling my dads tube socksAnd shooting imaginaryGame-winning shotsIn the Great Western ForumI knew one thing was real:I fell in love with you.从我最初穿上父亲的直筒袜想象着我在大西部论坛球馆投中制胜球的样子我就清楚知道我爱上了你。A love so deep I gave you my all From my mind &

2、bodyTo my spirit & soul.这爱如此深切,我已为你倾入所有从我的思想和身体到我的精神和灵魂。As a six-year-old boyDeeply in love with youI never saw the end of the tunnel.I only saw myselfRunning out of one.六岁的我深深地爱着你我从未看见过隧道的尽头。我只看到我自己用力朝尽头奔跑。And so I ran.I ran up and down every courtAfter every loose ball for you.You asked for my hus

3、tleI gave you my heart我不停奔跑。我在每一块球场上来回奔跑为争取每一次得到你的机会你需要我拼尽全力我为你献出真心Because it came with so much more.因为这付出让我获得更多。I played through the sweat and hurtNot because challenge called meBut because YOU called me.I did everything for YOUBecause thats what you doWhen someone makes you feel asAlive as youve m

4、ade me feel.我在球场流尽血汗、一身伤病不是因为困难在挑战我而是因为你在呼唤我。我为你做了一切因为你也在这样对我我们让彼此感觉到生命力。You gave a six-year-old boy his Laker dreamAnd Ill always love you for it.But I cant love you obsessively for much longer.This season is all I have left to give.My heart can take the poundingMy mind can handle the grindBut my b

5、ody knows its time to say goodbye.你让6岁的孩子实现了湖人梦为此我将永远爱你。但是我无法继续迷恋你。这个赛季是我献给你的绝唱。我的心脏能承受打击我的意志能应对艰难可我的身体知道,是时候说再见了。And thats OK.Im ready to let you go.I want you to know nowSo we both can savor every moment we have left together.这样也好。我已准备好与你告别。现在就跟你说再见是为了让我们尽情地享受剩下的每一刻。The good and the bad.We have gi

6、ven each otherAll that we have.无论好的坏的。我们已经给了对方各自的所有。And we both know, no matter what I do nextIll always be that kidWith the rolled up socksGarbage can in the corner:05 seconds on the clockBall in my hands.5 4 3 2 1我们都知道,无论我接下来做什么我将永远是那个穿着老爸的直筒袜瞄准角落里的垃圾桶想象着0.05秒倒计时手里拿着篮球的小孩54321Love you always,Kobe6

7、 Interesting Facts About The History Of Halloween1. The Origins of Halloween 万圣节的起源Halloween is thought to have originated around 4000 B.C., which means Halloween has been around for over 6,000 years as we know it today, borrow traditions from different festivals namely: the Roman feralia festival c

8、ommemorating for dead, the roman Pomona festival honoring the goddess of fruit and trees, the Celtic festival Samuin, meaning “summers end”, which comprise the bulk of origins of Halloween traditions, the Catholic Hallowmas period of “All souls Day” and All Saints Day which was instigated around 800

9、 by a church to try to replace Samuin.万圣节起源于公元前4000年,迄今为止已经延续六千年了。万圣节汲取了几种不同节日的传统:纪念死者的Feralia节、纪念果树女神的Pomona节、凯尔特Samuin节(万圣节的主要传统习俗均源于此)、万灵节,以及圣人节(公元800年时由一家教堂发起,替代之前的凯尔特Samuin节)。2. ColorBlack and orange are the international colors of Halloween. Black, of course, is a sign of death, gloom and the

10、foreboding night, which are all associated with Halloween. Orange is a traditional emblem of fortitude, survival and power, which signify the harvest, and the colors of fall. Halloween is where death (winter) takes over from the life-giving fall harvest, hence the mixtures of black and orange come f

11、estival time.黑色和橘红色是万圣节的标配。黑色,意味着死亡、忧郁,预示着夜色到来。橘红色代表着不屈不挠、重生、力量,标志着秋收累累。万圣节过后,死亡(冬季)取代硕果累累的秋季。因此,万圣节的颜色是黑色和橘红色。3. CostumesThe custom of wearing costumes or masks comes from Celtic tradition of young men impersonating evil spirits, by 万圣节的装扮源自凯尔特年轻人模仿幽灵的传统,年轻人穿dressing up in white costumes with black

12、ened faces or masks in an attempt to placate these spirit. 衣服,把脸涂黑,着白色或者带上面具,以安抚幽灵。4. Trick or Treat Trick or Treating has a short history. In 19th century Scotland and Ireland, there is some records of children travelling door-to-door praying for souls or performing for money or cakes on All Hallow

13、s Eve. However, the tradition is a short step from the medieval practice of souling, in which beggars went door to door on October 31 to pray for souls in return for food. The food given was often a Soul Cake, which was a small round cake which represented a soul being freed from Purgatory when the

14、cake was eaten. Today Trick or Treat means “gives us a treat or well pull a prank on you”. “不给糖,就捣蛋”历史较短。十九世纪,一些苏格兰和爱尔兰儿童在万圣节前夕,挨家挨户为灵魂祈祷,或进行表演,索要饼干或小费。然而,相比于中世纪时期乞丐们在10月31日挨家挨户地为灵魂祈祷以换取食物,这已经迈出了一小步。那时,给乞丐们的食物被称作灵魂饼,一种小圆饼。当饼干被吃掉的时候,一个灵魂就会从炼狱中释放出来。如今,不给糖就捣蛋的意思是“给我们糖果,不然我们就会给你来场恶作剧”。5. Jack OLanterns

15、南瓜灯According to Irish legend, Jack OLanterns are named after a man named Jack. This crafty fellow fooled the devil on numerous occasions and, as a result, his soul was condemned to hang about Earth for all eternity. Jack, barred 爱尔兰传说中,南瓜灯以一个男人的名字Jack命名。Jack愚弄恶魔很多次,最终,他死后,灵魂被罚永世在天地间游荡。from both heav

16、en and hell, put the burning ember given to him by Beelzebub into the very first ”jack-o-lantern”, in order to ward off any more encounters with the Evil one.他的亡灵既不能上天堂,也不能入地狱,只好把Beelzebub给他的蜡烛放在第一个南瓜灯内,以免自己遇到恶魔。6. Turnips Instead of Pumpkins 萝卜还是南瓜The first Jack OLanterns were actually made from tu

17、rnips by the Celts to ward off evil spirits during Samuin, The Celts would hollow out turnips then carve faces in them and place candles inside. The turnips were then either placed in the windows to keep evil spirits from encountering a home or carried around as lanterns. The tradition eventually me

18、lded with the North American tradition of carving pumpkins. 事实上,第一个南瓜灯是由白萝卜做的。凯尔特人挖空白萝卜,在表面雕上人脸的形状,再把蜡烛放在里面。然后把它放在窗户上,以免幽灵进入房间,或者随身携带。后来,这一习俗和北美人民雕刻南瓜的习俗融合在一起,形成了现在的南瓜灯。Best way to get yourself a sickie? Tell the boss you have tummy trouble呕吐获评最佳病假理由 最能俘获上司同情While more than half of bosses are skepti

19、cal of employees who phone in sick, a new study has revealed what is most likely to earn you the day in bed - and its not having the sniffles.虽然超过一半的老板会对员工的病假电话表示怀疑,但一个最新的调查揭示了什么理由最有可能让你请到一天假,而且连喷嚏都不用打。Taking a break from vomiting to call your boss will get the most amount of sympathy with nearly th

20、ree quarters of respondents saying this would be reason enough to stay home.吐完休息一下给老板打电话请假会得到最大的同情,近四分之三的调查者表示,这个理由足以请假在家。The latest survey, which polled 2,500 employers and employees across the UK named diarrhoea the second most worthy excuse with 71 percent of people admitting they wouldnt want to

21、 stray too far from their loo when struck down with the trots.英国最新的一项涵盖了2500人的调查显示,拉肚子是第二大常见借口,有71%的人表示,在肚子不舒服时,他们不愿意在外面,这样会离卫生间太远。The research, conducted by UK healthcare provider Benenden, is just the latest to look at the nations best (and worst) reasons for calling in sick - and the ones most li

22、kely to be believed by employers and your colleagues.这是一项由英国医疗保健供应者博耐顿(Benenden)发起的最新的调查,调查内容是最好、最差的和最能让你老板和同事相信的病假理由。But despite staunch advocacy efforts, workers who give reasons like stress or mental health issues garner much less sympathy and are much less likely to be believed.尽管舆论一直呼吁关注压力和心理健康

23、,但把压力问题或者心理健康问题当成是请假的理由,不仅获得的同情较少,而且被相信的可能性也较低。Earlier this year, it was revealed that employers were more likely to accept back pain as a reason for not coming into work 今年早些时候的调查显示,比起压力大或者其他心理健康问题,雇主更能接受腰酸背痛这一病假理由。than stress or mental health.Just 19 percent would call in sick for stress, and only

24、 17 percent said they would stay home if suffering from mental health issues.只有19%的人会因为压力大请假,17%的人表示会因为心理问题请假。There is a strong commercial case for having a healthy and engaged workforce, yet employers are evidently ignoring the impact of an employees physical and mental well-being on productivity,

25、absenteeism and length of service,” Inci Duducu, director of healthcare provider Benenden, which conducted the latest study told The Independent.“拥有一支勤奋健康的劳动力队伍是商业的重要课题,但是雇主显然忽视了员工的身体和心理健康对生产力、缺勤率和服务年限长短的影响。”这项新调查的发起者博耐顿医疗保健供应主任Inci Duducu对独立报说道。According to research by healthcare company AXA PPP, t

26、wo-thirds of employers dont believe that suffering from stress, anxiety or depression is a serious enough reason for employees to be off work, despite it affecting one in four people on average every year.医疗保健公司安盛集团的调查显示,尽管每年平均有四分之一的人受到压力大、焦虑、心情低落的困扰,但有三分之二的雇主不相信这些问题严重到需要请假。 Vocabularydiarrhoea: 腹泻a

27、bsenteeism: 旷工;缺勤英国首个快速步行道开通Liverpool becomes first city to open fast walking lanesBritains first ever fast pedestrian lane has opened in Liverpool city centre - following research that claims 47% of the nation finds slow walking the most annoying aspect of high-street shopping.英国首个快速步行道在利物浦市中心开通,此前

28、有调查称,47%的英国人表示他们在商业街购物时最讨厌别人慢悠悠地走路。Opening on the citys St John Street, the fast lanes will allow users to speed through the crowds while perusing the three-storey Liverpool One shopping centre.这条快速步行道位于利物浦的圣约翰路(St John Street)。在三层的利物浦一号(Liverpool One )购物中心逛街时,使用这条快行道可以快速穿过人群。The research, conducted

29、 by Argos, also revealed shoppers hated battling through crowds, people chatting in the middle of the street and pavement hoggers.这项由英国百货零售连锁商Argos开展的调查还显示,购物者还讨厌在人群里挤来挤去、站在路中央聊天的人和霸占人行道路面的人。However, it seems the idea of fast lanes is more popular with younger shoppers than the old, as 69% of the 16

30、 to 24 year-olds surveyed were in favour of fast lanes, while only 37% of over-55s backed the plan.不过,比起老年人,快行道这个想法似乎更受年轻人的欢迎。16至24岁的人群中,有69%的受访对象支持设立快行道,而在55岁以上的人群中,只有37%的人支持这个计划。The most popular reason for supporting the lanes was to avoid wasting time, with 31 per cent of shoppers saying they wer

31、e annoyed by people blocking the pavement.支持设立快行道的 最普遍原因是这样可以避免浪费时间。31%的购物者说他们曾因为人群挡道而恼火。People checking phones was also a frustration for 18 per cent of those surveyed.18的受访对象说他们讨厌那些低头玩电话的人。In 2014, National Geographic conducted a social experiment by introducing separate lanes for pedestrians who

32、wanted to use mobile phones and those who didnt, the Daily Mail reported.据每日邮报报道,2014年国家地理(National Geographic)进行了一项社会实验,为那些想要使用手机的行人和不使用手机的行人分别设置了人行通道。Although some people stopped to take pictures of the markings - on their mobile phones - they were mostly ignored.虽然有些人停下来用手机给路面指示标拍照,不过这些指示标基本上被人们忽略了。

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