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本文(itybased costing method in the enterprise作业成本法在物流企业中的应用分析外文翻译学士学位论文.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

itybased costing method in the enterprise作业成本法在物流企业中的应用分析外文翻译学士学位论文.docx

1、itybased costing method in the enterprise作业成本法在物流企业中的应用分析外文翻译学士学位论文Jonathan Berk.Operating managementD.Peoples Education Press,2006:112.作业成本法在物流企业中的应用摘 要随着经济的蓬勃发展,中国的物流业得到了快速发展,逐渐成为一个占有重要地位的行业。随着物流业的快速发展,传统的成本核算已经不能满足物流企业管理的需要,突出表现在间接费用分配不合理,不能提供准确全面的成本信息,从而使成本核算失去其客观性和决策相关性。本文将针对物流企业成本管理中存在的问题,结合物流

2、企业的特点,对作业成本法在物流企业中的应用进行探讨。关键词: 物流;成本; 作业成本法作业成本法在物流企业中的应用作业成本法的观点在20世纪40年代就已经产生,但到了20世纪80年代才得到理论界的认同和实业界的重视,有其特定的经济背景。作业成本法的兴起主要基于以下两个方面的原因:间接费用在产品总成本中所占比例越来越大;多样化产品生产。根据物流企业营运间接费用在营运成本中所占比例高以及物流企业的个性化服务要求高的特点,应当考虑采用作业成本法。一下面对作业成本法在物流企业应用的适用性进行分析。1.营运间接费用比例高。间接费用比例高的企业采用单一的分配标准进行间接费用的分配,往往造成产品成本计算结果






8、配到客户或服务(成本计算对象)。作业动因反映了客户或服务消耗作业的逻辑关系,根据作业动因将作业成本库中的成本分配到客户或服务。如配送过程中的订单处理作业,其作业动因主要为订单数量;而仓储、拣货等作业的成本则由出箱数量决定;配送作业发生的成本由运输距离及运输重量(货运周转量)决定。7.计算客户或服务(成本计算对象)的总成本。由作业成本库分配到产品或服务的间接费用,加上直接追溯的直接人工和直接材料费用,就可以得到客户或服务的总成本。结 论准确计算企业物流成本本身没有更多的意义,运用成本信息帮助企业的管理者决策才是核算的本质所在。通过了解、分析、控制物流成本,不断完善物流作业,提高物流作业效率。目前

9、物流成本管理还只是停留在成本核算方面,成本控制缺乏力度,作业成本法作为一种先进的思想方法在物流成本管理中应该得到重视。作业成本法可以通过分析物流作业动因,了解引起物流成本的因素,从而有目的、有重点地抓住关键的物流要素,有效地控制物流成本;并且可以通过分析作业成本的归属,了解该作业的效率,进而改善作业,清除不增殖作业。物流成本已经成为企业应对市场竞争和维护客户关系的重要的战略决策资源,对物流成本的研究就是为了掌控这一战略资源,利用作业成本法核算物流成本是降低物流总成本,增强企业竞争优势的有效途径。 附:The activity-based costing method in logistics

10、enterprise applicationAbstractWith the vigorous development of Chinese economy, the logistics industry has been developed rapidly, and gradually become an important industry. With the rapid development of the logistics industry, the traditional cost accounting can not satisfy the need of logistics e

11、nterprise management, outstanding performance in indirect cost allocation is not reasonable, do not provide accurate comprehensive cost of information, making cost accounting and lose its objectivity and decision-making correlation. This paper will focus on logistics enterprise cost the problems exi

12、sting in the management, combining the characteristics of logistics enterprises, the activity-based costing method in logistics enterprises in the application are discussed.Keywords: logistics ; cost ; Activity-based costing The activity-based costing method in logistics enterprise application The a

13、ctivity-based costing method viewpoint in the 1940s had produced, but in the 1980s to get the theory identity and business attention, has its particular economic background. The rise of the activity-based costing method based on the following two main reasons: (1) the total cost in product indirect

14、expenses increasing proportion of; (2) the diversity of products. According to the logistics enterprise operating indirect expenses in operating costs and high proportion of logistics enterprise personalized service requirement high characteristic, should consider using the activity-based costing me

15、thod. 一Meet the activity-based costing method in logistics enterprise application applicability for analysis. 1. Indirect cost ratio is high operating. Indirect charge a high proportion of enterprise USES a single standard of distribution for indirect cost allocation, often caused the product cost c

16、alculation results distortion. The activity-based costing method is proposed in view of this situation. Logistics enterprise in the service process, involving the indirect expenses directly forehead far higher than the cost of material, the direct labor forehead. In this case, the activity-based cos

17、ting method can provide more traditional cost accounting methods more accurate cost data. This also is many western logistics enterprises to adopt the initial motive of activity-based costing. 2. Logistics enterprise personalized service requirement is high. Logistics enterprises provide is invisibl

18、e service, every customer required services are not the same. The activity-based costing method in product (service) in many varieties and craft and changeful, often adjust production operation of particularly applicable. For logistics enterprise, application of activity-based costing, can not only

19、by area or according to customer, according to transport routes cost calculation, the cost of providing detailed information, satisfy personalized service management requirements; and can assist service pricing and customer profitability analysis, etc.3. Logistics service process can decompose sex.

20、Logistics service process although complex, but can be decomposed into a series of individual activities (), such as the homework can be decomposed into loading and unloading, and storage handling, acceptance, processing and replenishment, and so on, this is logistics enterprise application provides

21、 the basis for the activity-based costing method.4. Optimizing enterprise value chain. Logistics enterprise application activity-based costing, can not only provide accurate detailed cost data, and can use the homework cost calculation of logistics cost data provide every link of practice, through a

22、nalysis of the business process reengineering, remove the value-added homework assignments, optimization, improve the appreciation of enterprises value chain.5. Improve the management level of the enterprise. Logistics enterprise application activity-based costing, can not only accurately grasp the

23、cost of logistics services, and auxiliary products pricing, customer profitability analysis etc, and can strengthen of the various departments of the performance evaluation, the assessment and analysis of the utilization of the enterprise resources optimizing enterprise resource allocation. Therefor

24、e, the activity-based costing method for the application of logistics enterprise, will provide the scientific basis for decision-making and management, improve logistics enterprise management level.二 logistics enterprise application of activity-based costing steps Long-term since, in the actual oper

25、ation of logistics enterprises, the logistics cost accounting and cost analysis is always a problem bothering logistics managers. Traditional cost accounting cannot provide accurate and detailed cost information, and cant meet the needs of enterprise management and decision-making. Based on the oper

26、ation of activity-based costing is accounting and control the logistics cost the most effective method. Logistics enterprise application of activity-based costing procedure is as follows: 1. Clear import activity-based costing purpose and cost calculation object. In calculating cost activity-based c

27、osting, the first to clear before importing purpose, identify cost calculation object, is to grasp according to customer, by area or press the route computation, still want to master logistics cost is calculated according to the logistics cost service category. 2. Survey logistics enterprise layout,

28、 analyzing workflow. The import of activity-based costing solutions with logistics enterprise layout and business processes are closely linked, through the investigation and analysis, can optimize logistics business process, agent and homework assignments for sure cost center lays the foundation, ho

29、mework cost implementation plan for the design to complete the preparatory work. 3. Define logistics system of homework. From the goods to the customer to deliver the goods, to destination, need to pass through more than one companys many departments, including receiving, packaging, transportation,

30、unpack, delivery and so on many link, each link includes one or more homework. To facilitate the activity-based costing, must deal to define each link assignments. Homework definition is used the key link of activity-based costing, homework excessive number increases cost accounting workload, assign

31、ments, small number will affect the accuracy of the cost accounting. Therefore, quantity and homework assignments range of size should be based on the needs of enterprise management on defining.4. Confirm the resources involved in logistics system. These resources include can deal directly to custom

32、ers or services (cost calculation object) direct resources (direct costs), such as packaging materials, direct artificially, etc.; Also includes most of the indirect materials, indirect artificially, asset depreciation, utilities such as indirect resources (overhead). These indirect resources are different cost share resources, need to target deal or allocated to homework first, and then according to homework assigned cost calculation object motivations.5. Confirm resources and resource allocation, actors to homework. For homework amount of resources, some belong

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