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1、通用版版高考英语一轮复习Unit2Cloning讲义新人教版选修8Unit 2Cloning一、单词表词汇全查验运用多媒体,提问默写词汇 .阅读词汇(英译汉)第一屏听写1twin n 双胞胎之一;孪生儿之一adj. 成对的;成双的2straightforward adj. 简单的;直接的;坦率的3carrier n. 携带者;搬运工;运输工具4arbitrary adj. 任意的5fate n. 命运;天命 第二屏听写6medium n( 媒介;手段;工具7the media 大众传播媒体(如电视、报纸等)8conservative adj. 保守的;守旧的9constitu

2、tion n. 宪法;章程10compulsory adj. 必须做的;义务的;强迫的;强制的11opera n. 歌剧;歌剧团;歌剧院 第三屏听写12chorus n 合唱;合唱队13loaf n. 一条(面包)14flour n. 面粉15claw n. 爪;脚爪16turkey n. 火鸡17feather n. 羽毛 .高频词汇(汉译英)第四屏听写1differ vi. 不同;相异2exact adj. 精确的;准确的3identical adj. 同一的;一模一样的4commercial_ adj. 商业的;贸易的5complicated adj. 复杂的;难懂的6undertake

3、 vt. 着手;从事;承担7breakthrough n. 突破 第五屏听写8procedure n 程序;步骤;手续9cast vt. 扔;投;掷10altogether adv. 总共;完全地11correction n. 改正;纠正;修正12object vi. 反对;不赞成13objection n. 不赞成;反对;异议14obtain vt. 获得;赢得 第六屏听写15attain vt. 获得;到达(水平、年龄、状况等)16forbid vt. 禁止;不准17accumulate vt.&vi. 积累;聚积18owe vt. 欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于19shortly adv.

4、 立刻;不久20retire vi. 退休;离开 第七屏听写21bother vt. 打扰vi. 操心n. 烦扰22assumption n. 假定;设想23regulation n. 规则;规章;法规24popularity n. 受人喜爱;流行25strike_ vt.&vi. 打;撞击;罢工n. 罢工 第八屏听写26adore vt. 崇拜;爱慕;喜爱27hatch vt.&vi. 孵出;孵卵;孵化28reasonable adj. 合情理的;讲道理的;公道的29resist vt. 抵抗;对抗30drawback n. 缺点;不利条件31merely adv. 仅;只;不过32deco

5、ration n. 装饰 第九屏听写33unable adj. 不能的;不会的34initial adj. 最初的;开始的35impact n. 撞击;冲击;巨大的影响36moral adj. 道德(上)的;伦理的37vain adj. 虚荣的;自负的;徒劳的38in_vain 白费力气;枉费心机39(be)_bound_to_(do). 一定或注定(做) 第十屏听写40strike_._into_ones_heart 使刻骨铭心41from_time_to_time_ 不时;偶尔42bring_back_to_life 使复生;使复活43in_favour_of 赞成;支持44in_good

6、/poor_condition 状况很好(坏);情况很好(坏)45cast_down 使失望;使沮丧46pay_off 得到好结果;取得成功;偿清 二、单元核心考点初热身提供语境,单元考点自测回顾(一)分类识记单词用时少功效高识记单词写对.知其意(英译汉)1.twin n双胞胎之一;孪生儿之一adj. 成对的;成双的2.straightforward adj. 简单的;直接的;坦率的3.arbitrary adj. 任意的4.medium n. 媒介;手段;工具5.conservative adj. 保守的;守旧的6.constitution n. 宪法;章程pulsory adj. 必须做的

7、;义务的;强迫的;强制的8.opera n. 歌剧;歌剧团;歌剧院9.chorus n. 合唱;合唱队10.loaf n. 一条(面包)11.flour n. 面粉12.claw n. 爪;脚爪13.feather n羽毛14.turkey n. 火鸡.写其形(汉译英)1.exact adj. 精确的;准确的2.cast vt. 扔;投;掷3.shortly adv. 立刻;不久4.strike vt.&vi. 打;撞击;罢工n. 罢工5.vain adj. 虚荣的;自负的;徒劳的6.owe vt. 欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于7.initial adj. 最初的;开始的8.hatch vt.

8、&vi. 孵出;孵卵;孵化9.moral adj. 道德(上)的;伦理的10.impact n. 撞击;冲击;巨大的影响11.adore vt. 崇拜;爱慕;喜爱核心单词练通1.We are supposed to undertake (承担) the responsibility to lead a lowcarbon lifestyle, which is of great significance.2.With medical breakthrough (突破), people are living a healthier and longer life.3.As is well kno

9、wn to all, there are altogether (总共) seven continents in the world. 4.Nowadays, energy can be obtained_(获得) through various sources such as oil, coal, natural gas, solar heat, the wind and ocean tides. 5.Our school is a nonsmoking school.So smoking is forbidden (禁止) here.6.So I have no choice but to

10、 bother_(打扰) you to correct my mistakes in the material I attach to the letter.7.But just as a coin has two sides, Internet has its own drawbacks_(缺点) which should not be neglected. 8.A real modernized country will be a welldeveloped country not merely (仅) in cars but in every aspect, I believe.9.I

11、regret to inform you that we are unable (不能的) to offer you employment.拓展单词用活记全记牢1.differ vi.不同;相异different adj.不同的difference n差异;不同2.identical adj.同一的;一模一样的identity n身份;同一性;一致mercial adj.商业的;贸易的commerce n商业;贸易plicated adj.复杂的;难懂的complicate vt.使复杂化complication n复杂5.correction n改正;纠正;修正correct adj.正确的

12、 v改正6.object vi.反对;不赞成objection n不赞成;反对;异议7.accumulate vt.&vi.积累;聚积accumulation n积累;增加8.retire vi.退休;离开retirement n退休;引退9.assumption n假定;设想assume vt.假定;设想10.regulation n规则;规章;法规regulate vt.调节;管理11.popularity n受人喜爱;流行popular adj.流行的;通俗的;受欢迎的12.resist vt.抵抗;对抗resistance n抵抗;对抗resistant adj.有抵抗力的;抵制的13

13、.decoration n装饰;装修decorate v装饰;装修14.reasonable adj.合情理的;讲道理的;公道的reason n原因;道理用准用活1.When you set up your passwords on the Internet, youd better complicate them, because the more complicated your passwords are, the safer your Internet becomes. (complicate)2.The purpose of education is not only the acc

14、umulation of knowledge. And it also means accumulating intelligence as well as abilities. (accumulate)3.From the appearance, we cannot tell the differences between the twins, though they always have some different ideas. And as for this phenomenon, ideas differ among many people. (differ)4.Grey deci

15、ded to move to the countryside and his mother made no objection to it, while his father objected to it. (object)5.Dont assume that you are a princess and stop living in assumptions any more. (assume)6.Nowadays few people can resist the temptation of smartphones, for so many interesting things in the

16、m make anyone trying to be resistant to them finally give up their resistance.(resist)7.He retired from the post as a manager. After his retirement,_he settled down in a remote village. (retire)1.“动词副词”构成的合成名词drawback缺点breakdown 崩溃;故障farewell 告别feedback 反馈setup 计划;组织breakup 分手;中断2.含词根sist的词集锦resist

17、v抵抗insist v. 坚持persist v. 坚持assist v. 协助 assistant n. 助手 consist vi. 由组成3.表示“反对;拒绝”的词荟萃against prep.反对oppose v. 反对object vi. 反对disagree vi. 不同意reject vt. 拒绝refuse v. 拒绝(二)语段串记短语不枯燥兴趣高先 写 对再 用 准第一组1.cast_down使失望;使沮丧2.in_favour_of 赞成;支持3.bring_back_to_life 使复生;使复活4.(be)_bound_to_(do) 一定或注定(做)5.in_good

18、/poor_condition 状况很好(坏);情况很好(坏)Are you in_favour_of cloning human beings? Especially when your health is in_poor_condition,_you are_bound_to want to bring yourself back_to_life. Dont worry. Human cloning technology doesnt cast you down.第二组1.object_to 反对2.pay_off 得到好结果;取得成功;偿清3.in_vain 白费力气;枉费心机4.fro

19、m_time_to_time 不时;偶尔5.strike_.into_ones_heart 使刻骨铭心Only if you dont object_to cloning human beings can what you do for your health pay_off. The successful organs cloning contributes to the patients recovery. I believe it will strike the advanced medical technology into_your_heart.1.“in名词of”短语全接触in f

20、avour of赞成;支持in search of 寻找in view of 鉴于;由于in memory of 为了纪念in honour of 为了纪念in terms of 就而言2.“”短语荟萃pay off 偿清cut off 切断take off 起飞turn off 关闭put off 推迟give off 发出光/热/气体等3.“in名词”短语一览in vain白费力气;枉费心机in relief 如释重负地in short 总之;简言之in trouble 陷入麻烦in need 在困难中;急需in danger 在危险中(三)仿写用活句式造佳句表达高背 原 句明

21、句 式学 仿 写1.Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill. 接着传来了多莉病重的坏消息。then 位于句首时句子用全部倒装。然后传来了令人兴奋的消息,我们队赢得了比赛。Then_came_the_exciting_news_that our team won the game.2.What do you think is the writers point of view in this reading passage?你认为在这篇阅读材料中作者的观点是什么?do you think作插入语。这本书中

22、你认为哪一部分最有趣?Which_part_of_this_book_do_you_think is the most interesting?3.The advantage is that if there is a new illness some of these animals may die . 其优点是如果发生某种新的疾病,这类动物中的一些可能会死掉that引导的表语从句。骑自行车上班的优势是我们可以过一种低碳生活。The advantage of cycling to work is that_we_can_live_a_lowcarbon_life.考点新组合阅读微技能The

23、future of human cloningWhen _ comes to human cloning, many people object to it. Because they think it will bring people disasters. Maybe it can bother your normal daily life. To our relief, we neednt be worried about it because human cloning is forbidden by the laws in many countries. However, some

24、severe patients need to be cloned if their health is in poor condition. In this_case, they maybe benefit from the cloned organs.1.处应填的词为_it_。2.处“To our relief”的意思为让我们感到欣慰的是。3.What does “this case” in the paragraph refer to?(B)A.Human cloning is forbidden by the laws in many countries.B.Some patients

25、 in poor condition need to be cloned.C.Human cloning brings people disasters.D.The cloned organs are not very expensive.1object vi.反对;不赞成 (1)object to 反对;不赞成(to是介词)(2)objection n. 不赞成;反对;异议objective adj. 客观的;真实的;宾语的题点全练单句语法填空A majority of students objected to being_arranged (arrange) for extra lesso

26、ns during holidays and weekends.The villagers raised an objection_(object) to building a chemical plant beside the river.You should stop blaming yourself and be more objective (object) about your ability, which I feel is a sure way to promote your confidence.2bother vt.打扰 vi.操心 n烦扰 bother to do sth.

27、 操心/费心做某事bother (about) doing sth. 费心做某事bother sb. with sth. 为某事打扰某人bother sb. to do sth. 麻烦某人做某事多角练透单句语法填空He is always bothering me to_lend (lend) him money.Dont bother to_look/looking_(look) for my umbrella, and it will turn up some day.单句改错Im sorry I have bothered you to so many questions.towith3

28、forbid vt.(forbade, forbad; forbidden)禁止;不准 forbid doing sth. 禁止做某事forbid sb. to do sth.forbid sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事多角练透单句语法填空It is high time that we forbade setting (set) off fireworks in urban areas.I think the middle school students should be forbidden_to_use (use) smartphones at school.单句改错I think it necessary to forbid shops and supermarkets offering free plastic shopping bags.offering前加from名师指津forbid后不能直接跟动词不定式作宾语,但可直接跟动名词作宾语,也可用forbid sb. to do sth.形式,有类似用法的单词还有:allow, permit, advise等。4in good/poor condition状况很好(坏);情况很好(坏) 归纳拓展out of condition 健康状况欠佳

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