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1、Lesson 36 Across the ChannelThe Channel The English Channel often referred to simply as the Channel,is an arm of the Atlantic Ocean that separates southern England from northern France,and joins the North Sea to the Atlantic.Channel crossingsBy boat By carBy swimmingBy bikeNew words and expressions

2、record 记录记录 train 训练训练strong 强壮的强壮的 anxiously 焦急地焦急地swimmer 游泳运动员游泳运动员intend 打算打算succeed 成功成功 solid 固体的,硬的固体的,硬的 1.record n.1)记录 a record of sth .的记录 set up/create/make/establish/build up a new world record 2)唱片 a pop/jazz record 3)成绩,经历,前科 a school record a criminal record v.记录,记下 eg.His speech was

3、 recorded on the tape.recorder 录音机,录像机2.strong 反义词 weak 1)强壮的,有力的 as strong as a hourse 2)强项的,擅长的 strong points weak points 3)气味大的,味道重的 strong tea weak tea 4)权威的,有力的 a strong evidence 3.swimmerswim-swam-swum4.succeed in sth/in doing sth 做某事成功 eg:We succeeded in the debate.Did he succeed in passing t

4、he exam?反义词:fail fail to do 没能做成某事 fail in sth 在某方面失败 fail in doing sth 做某事失败n.success eg.The meeting is a great success.adj.successfuladv.successfully eg.I passed the examination successfully._5.train v.develop ones skill eg.I was trained as a nurse.He has trained his daughter for to do st

5、h eg.He trained his dog to stand on its hind centre 培训中心trainer 教练 trainee 受训练的人 6.anxiously you all right?He asked anxiously.adj.anxious an look eg.I am anxious about her for sth 期盼,渴望 eg.We are anxious for your safe return.beto do sth 渴望做某事 befor sb to do sth 渴望某

6、人做某事 eg.She was anxious for them all to leave the room.n.anxiety eg.He caused his parents a lot of anxiety.nervous-worried-anxious 紧张-担心-焦虑annoyed-angry-irritated 恼火-生气-暴怒7.intend to do sth 打算做某事(一般现在时)plan to do sth 计划做某事 mean to do sth 打算做某事 eg.She intends to go abroad.They intend to marry.have in

7、tended to do sth/intended to do sth本打算做某事(虚拟,想做却没做)eg.I have intended to go for a walk,but it rained.So I cancelled it.n.intention 8.solidn.固体 液体 liquid 气体 gasadj.固体的;结实的,牢固的 a solid table 液体的 liquid 气体的 gaseousKey structure 一般现在时1.will do sth/shall do going to do sth 打算、准备做的事,即将发生或肯定发生的事 eg

8、.We are going to put up a building here.Whos going to speak first?I think it is going to snow.She is going to have a baby.How are you going to spend your holiday?在疑问句和陈述句中,常用be going to来替代will或shall,但在条件句中,则不用be going to eg.You will enjoy yourself if you travel by sea.(判断,推测)will VS be going

9、going to 表示眼下或近期要发生的事情,will表示较迟的事情 He is going to visit her./He will visit going to 表示主观上判断发生的事情,will表示客观上将要发生的事情 He is seriously ill.He is going to die.He will be twenty years old.3.有迹象预料的情况用be going to Look at the clouds.Its going to rain.4.原本就打算的事用be going to,及时打算用will “Kate is in hospit

10、al.”“Yes,I know.I am going to see her this afternoon.”“Kate is in hospital.”“Oh,really,I didnt know.I will go and see her at once.”3.某些动词表示按计划或时刻表要做的事情,用一般现在时或进行时表示一般将来时。mean to do:I mean to go tomorrow.plan to do:I plan to stay here./I am planning to stay here.hope to do:We hope to visit this place

11、 again.intend to do:We intend to leave at 6 oclock.4.趋向性动词,一般用进行时表达将来时(go,come,arrive,leave,meet,start,die.)Im coming to see you.The train is to do sth 按计划安排将要发生的事情或用来征求对方意见 When is the factory to go into about to do sth 正要做.We are about to leave.Text Comprehension Q:Wha

12、t is Debbie going to try to do?Debbie Hart is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow.When will Debbie set out?She will set out at five oclock in the morning.How old is Debbie?She is 11 years old.Who is going to keep Debbie company?Debbies father will set out with her in a small boat.Will

13、Debbie be allowed to eat or drink while acrossing the Channel?She will have something to drink but she will not eat any solid food.Debbie Hart is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow.She is going to set out from the French coast at five oclock in the morning.Debbie is only eleven years

14、old and she hopes to set up a new world record.She is a strong swimmer and many people feel that she is sure to succeed.Debbies father will set out with her in a small boat.Mr.Hart has trained his daughter for years.Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she swims the long distance to England

15、.Debbie intends to take short rests every two hours.She will have something to drink but she will not eat any solid food.Most of Debbies school friends will be waiting for her on the English coast.Among them will be Debbies mother,who swam the Channel herself when she was a girl.Debbie intends to take short rests every two hours.ExercisesPage168 B&C

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