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1、 高二英语下学期期末考试试题高二英语下学期期末考试试题 2【2019 最新】精选高二英语下学期期末考试试题 2 高二英语试卷 时间:时间:100 分钟分钟 总分:总分:150 分分 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)分)第一节(共第一节(共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 分,满分分,满分 30 分)分)A We considered a list of the best American books-but wed need a whole issue to do them justice.Here are five that help defi

2、ne the national character.Most from a century or so ago,they still entertain,teach,and inspire us.Moby-Dick by Herman Melville First published in 1851,the adventure stories of Captain Ahab and his monomaniacal(偏执的偏执的)pursuit of the white whale draw us into a universe full of fascinating characters a

3、nd stories.The Education of Henry Adams by Henry Adams Awarded the Pulitzer Prize in autobiography(自传自传)in1918,descended from one of Americas most famous political dynasties,Adams provides insight into his family,including his experience as a private secretary to his father,minister to England durin

4、g the American Civil war.Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman When Whitman published Leaves of Grass in 1855,he wanted to define the American experience-singing of the new country in a new voice,reflecting the great changes in the American literary world that had taken place during his lifetime.Poems by

5、Emily Dickinson An enthusiastic poet whose works have had considerable influence on modern poetry,Dickinsons frequent use of dashes,occasional capitalization(大写大写)of nouns,and unconventional metaphors(隐喻隐喻)have contributed to her reputation as one of the most inventive(创新创新的的)poets of the 19th centu

6、ry American literature.The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow First published in 1855,this is Longfellows most popular and most recognized poem,the heroic life and death of a magic American Indian,sent by the Great Spirit to guide the nations in the ways of peace.1 Walt Whitman wrote Lea

7、ves of Grass in order to _.A.praise America and show the great changes in the American literary world B.reflect the great changes in America that had taken place during his lifetime C.give Americans encouragement in a new voice his talent and heroic life to us 2.The underlined word“considerab

8、le”probably means“_”A.satisfying B.exciting C.inspiring D.great 3.If you want to read a story about a magic American Indian,you can read _.A.Moby-Dick B.Leaves of Grass C.Poems D The Song of Hiawatha 4.What s the purpose of the wirer writing this passage?A.To make an advertisement for a bookstore.B.

9、To introduce several best American books to readers.C.To tell stories of several famous writers.D.To talk about some knowledge about literature.B Walking is so simple and convenient that it couldnt possibly count as exercise,right?WrongStudy after study shows that regular walking can help you lose w

10、eight and reduce your risk of heart disease The study published in Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice shows that the blood pressure of the overweight men being tested improved and the amount of body fat greatly decreased Thats good news,because walking has now become the most popular fitness ac

11、tivity in the United StatesConvenient,simple,and gentle on the joints,walking is perhaps the easiest form of exercise to maintainAccording to a survey,four out of five women who start a walking program continue to walk,while half of women who attempt other types of aerobic exercise(有氧运动),such as swi

12、mming,drop out during the first few months Here are some basics for walking exercise Walk at a pace that makes you breathe heavily,but still able to talk Your goal,first and foremost,is to walk five days a week,30 minutes a walkDo that,and you are getting the base-level amount of exercise that resea

13、rch says should maintain your health and vigor(精力)Walk for as long as you are comfortable the first week,even if it is just to your mailbox and backEach following week,increase that amount by no more than 10 percent Start every walk with five minutes of easy-paced walking,about the same pace at whic

14、h you do shopping,to get your body warmed upThen,cool down at the end of each walk with another five minutes of easy-paced walkingThis allows your heart rate to gradually speed up and slow down 5.The survey mentioned in Paragraph 3 shows that _ A 80 of the women surveyed are walking as a means of ex

15、ercise B 50 of the women surveyed want to swim as a means of exercise C walking is more easily maintained than other types of aerobic exercise D the effect of walking is as good as that of other types of aerobic exercise 6.Which of the following statements is TRUE about walking for exercise?A Walkin

16、g five days a week,30 minutes altogether,is the goal B Increase at least 10 of the amount of each previous week C Each walk should start with the pace of doing shopping D Walking as much as you can in the first week is suggested 7.What is the purpose of the easy-paced walking in every walk?A To help

17、 reduce your blood pressure B To help reduce your risk of heart disease C To help your body lose fat D To help your heart rate change gradually 8.What would be the best title for the passage?A How to Keep Healthy?B Walking for Exercise C Different Ways of Exercise D Is Walking a Type of Exercise?C T

18、he tradition of having a pine tree as a Christmas Tree is believed to come from Germany.Since the medieval time,lighting a candle on a tree is common to welcome guests.Such practice has evolved into the Christmas celebration.The formal Christmas Tree was introduced to England about 100 years ago whe

19、n Queen Victoria married German Albert.The evidence of Victorias love for Albert is not only expressed through inheriting the German tradition of having a Christmas Tree but also through the gold Albert Statues that Victoria had ordered to built for Albert,standing in many places in London.In Americ

20、a,the Christmas Tree idea was brought by German immigrants too.The custom of sending Christmas cards was initiated in England around 1850.The first cards were decorated with elaborate designs of flowers,birds and landscapes.As for Saint Nicholas,or Santa Claus,the story goes back to the third centur

21、y.Legend has it,Saint Nicholas dedicated all his life to helping mankind,especially children.He died on December 6,which marks the Saint Nicholas Day in many European countries and that was when gifts were given to children.Saint Nicholas bears many different names,such as Father Christmas in the UK

22、,San Nicolas in the Netherlands,Le Pere Noel in France,and Kriss Kringle in Germany.He also arrives on different dates to deliver presents to children in different countries,typically from chimneys.The chimney story was this:Santa flew over house tops in a sleigh,he dropped coins by accident and the

23、y landed in some stockings hanging next to the fireplace to dry.From then on,red stockings were hung by the chimney in hopes that Santa would fill them with gifts.9.The passage is most probably taken from _.A.a history book B.a geography book C.a folk story book D.a book on culture 10.Which of the f

24、ollowing descriptions about Santa Clause is NOT right according to the passage?A.In the UK,Santa Claus is Father Christmas.B.Santa Claus usually delivers presents to children through chimneys.C.Santa Claus became known to the British about 170 years ago.D.Santa Claus was devoted to helping mankind.1

25、1.We can infer from the passage that _.A.England is the birthplace of pine trees B.Santa Claus was very popular among children was the Germans who brought the Christmas tree to the United states D.Santa Claus is someone only existing in peoples imagination D It is often easy to feel overwhelmed

26、(受打击的)in the face of species loss and habitat destruction.The problem is large and complex,and its natural for individuals to feel powerless.Yet,everything you do is vitally important.It may not seem to amount to much in the grand scheme of things,but your seemingly small actions,added together,can

27、make a big difference.Here are some things you can do:Protect Wildlife Habitat.Perhaps the greatest threat to many species is the widespread destruction of habitats.Farming,development,and cutting down of forests all result in loss of wildlife habitats.In areas where rare species live,habitat destru

28、ction can quickly force a species to extinction.By protecting habitat,entire communities of animals can also be protected together.Parks,reserves,and other protected lands are too often the only places left untouched by habitat destruction.Reduce the threat of invasive(入侵的)species.The spread of non-

29、native species has greatly reduced native populations around the world.Invasive species compete with native species for resources and habitats.They can even prey on native species directly,greatly reducing their way to reduce the threat of invasive species is to grow native plants in

30、your garden and to welcome native animals into your yard.Place bird-shaped paper on your windows.It is estimated that as many as one billion birds in the United States die each year due to collisions with windows.You can help reduce the number of collisions simply by placing bird-shaped paper on you

31、r windows.Other simple steps you can take are to draw the shades and curtains during brightest parts of the day,and put screens on the outside of the windows.Slow down when driving.Many native animals live in developed areas,in other words,close to humans.Roads are a particularly big danger to them:

32、animals are at risk every time they try to cross.So when youre out and about,slow down,and keep an eye out for wildlife.12.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A.How Do Animals Become Extinct?B.The Importance of Protecting Wildlife.C.What Can We Do to Protect Wild life?D.Ne

33、w Ways of Saving Endangered Animals.13.The main idea of the second paragraph is _.A.more parks and reserves should be built B.we should keep wildlife habitats from destruction C.conditions of parks and reserves have been improved D.parks and reserves are best ways of protecting 14.People are advised to put bird-shaped paper on their windows to _.A.beautify their houses B.protect the windows from b

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