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1、Lesson 57 An unusual dayReview1.seasonsspring、summer、autumn/fall、winter 2.monthsJanuary、February、March、April、May、June、July、August、September、October 、November、December 3.询问来自哪个国家?(?(两种问法)Where do you come from?=Where are you from?I come from China.=I am from China.4.询问是哪个国家的人?What nationality are you

2、?Im Chinese.Review5.询问 你最喜欢哪个季节?Which seasons do your like best?6.询问方位?在中国的北方 in the north of China 在邯郸的西边 in the west of HandanReview7.询问 在早上/在正午/在下午/在晚上/在夜间?in the moring/at noon/in the afternoon/in the eveing/at night8.询问不及物动词live+arrive?live+in+?live+at+?arrive+in+?arrive+at+?Review9.一般现在时的用法:当主

3、语是第三人称时,它的构成是:?:?主语+频率副词+三单+其他 当主语不是第三人称时,它的构成是:?:?主语+频率副词+动词原形+其他 10.频率副词有哪些?Reviewalways(100%)usually(80%)often(60%)sometimes(40%)seldom(20%)hardly(10%)never(0%)textLesson 57 An unusual dayunusual njuladj.不寻常的;与众不同的;unusually nju:uladv.非常;异乎寻常地;显著地(un 否定前缀)usually adv.通常 usuallyusuallytodaytoday8:

4、00children go to school by cargo to school by car10:00Mrs.Sawyerstaystays s at home at home4:00Mrs.Sawyerdrinkdrinks s tea tea in in the the living roomliving room6:00childrendo their homeworkdo their homework9:00Mr.Sawyerreadreads s his newspaper his newspapergoing to school on footgoing to the sho

5、psdrinking tea in the gardenplaying in the gardenreading an interesting book 1.It is eight oclock.The children go to school by car every day,but today,they are going to school on foot.现在是现在是8 8点钟。点钟。孩子们每天都乘小汽车去上学,而今天,他们正步行去上学。孩子们每天都乘小汽车去上学,而今天,他们正步行去上学。by+交通工具乘.1:00 one oclock2:00 two oclock3:00 Thr

6、ee oclockoclock adv.点钟时间表达时间表达Whats the time?/What time is it?Its oclock.(表示整点)past(“过了”,表示半点前)Ten past seven.half(“半”,表示半点)Its half past“差”,表示半点以后)Ten to seven.quarter(表示一刻钟)qA quarter past one.在日常生活中,常用下列简单方法表示时间。以小时、分钟为单位分别读出数字。6:31 读作 six thirty-one10:26读作 ten twenty-six14:03 读作 fourte

7、en o three16:15 读作 sixteen fifteen18:30 读作 eighteen thirty23:55 读作 twenty-three fifty-five注:时刻表上的时间大多采用24小时表示法,这样就不需要用a.m.表示上午,p.m.表示下午了。1212 345 67891011Whats the time?/What time is it?2.It is ten oclock.Mrs.Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning,but this morning,she is going to the shops.现现在在

8、是是1010点点整整。上上午午,索索耶耶夫夫人人通通常常是是呆呆在在家家里里的的,但但今天上午,他正去商店买东西。今天上午,他正去商店买东西。shoppn.商店Shopping 购物Shopping mall 商场Window shopping 只逛不买Go shopping 购物,购物,“血拼血拼”3.It is four oclock.In the afternoon,Mrs.Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room.But this afternoon,she is drinking tea in the garden.现现在在是是4 4点

9、点钟钟。下下午午,索索耶耶夫夫人人通通常常在在客客厅厅里里喝喝茶茶,但但今今天天下午,她正在花园里喝茶。下午,她正在花园里喝茶。4.It is six oclock.In the evening,the children usually do their homework,but this evening,they are not doing their homework.At the moment,they are playing in the garden.现现在在是是6 6点点钟钟。晚晚上上,孩孩子子们们通通常常是是做做作作业业,而而今今天天晚晚上上,他们没做作业。此刻,他们正在花园里玩

10、。他们没做作业。此刻,他们正在花园里玩。at the moment 此刻;当时for a moment 片刻,一会儿;暂时for the moment 暂时,暂且;目前at this moment 现在;在这个瞬间At the last moment the player was able to hit the ball in.在最后一刻,那位运动员终于击进了一球。You should breathe.And enjoy the moment.你应该深呼吸,享受这一时刻。Moment mumnt n.片刻,瞬间片刻,瞬间5.It is nine oclock.Mr.Sawyer usually

11、 reads his newspaper at night.But hes not reading his newspaper tonight.At the moment,hes reading an interesting book.现现在在是是9 9点点钟钟。索索耶耶先先生生通通常常是是在在晚晚上上看看报报,但但今今天天晚晚上上他他没看报。此刻,他正在看一本有趣的书。没看报。此刻,他正在看一本有趣的书。语法知识:语法知识:一般现在时一般现在时现在进行时现在进行时一般现在时第三人称复数第三人称复数主语主语谓语谓语The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.The c

12、hildren go to school.They often drink tea together.The children come home from school.They arrive home early.The children always do their homework.They go to bed.He and his wife watch television.动词原形:动词原形:do一般现在时第三人称单数第三人称单数主语主语谓语谓语Mr.Sawyer goes to work.Their father takes them to school.Mrs.Sawyer

13、stays s at home.She does the housework.She always eats her lunch/sees her friends.Mr.Sawyer usually reads his newspaper.Mr.Sawyer comes home from work.He arrives home late.动词动词+s/es 一般现在时一般现在时句式:表经常或习惯性的动作句式:表经常或习惯性的动作肯定句肯定句:主语主语(I/We/You/They)+动词动词+其他其他 e.g.I stay at home every day.主语主语(He/She/It)+

14、动词加动词加s/es+其他其他 e.g.He stays at home on Saturdays.否定句否定句:主语主语(I/We/You/They)+do+not+动词原形动词原形+其他其他 e.g.I dont stay at home on Saturdays.主语主语(He/She/It)+does+not+动词原形动词原形+其他其他 e.g.He doesnt stay at home on Saturdays.一般疑问句一般疑问句:Do+主语主语(I/we/you/they)+动词原形动词原形+其他?其他?e.g.Do you stay at home on Saturdays?

15、Does+主语主语(he/she/it)+动词原形动词原形+其他?其他?e.g.Does he stay at home on Saturdays?特殊疑问句:疑问词特殊疑问句:疑问词+do/doesdo/does+主语主语+动词原形动词原形+其他?其他?e.g.What do you want?What does she want?What do you do?What does she do?How do you spell it?How does he spell it?时间状语时间状语/频度副词频度副词:every day/often/always/usually/every morn

16、ing/sometimes例如:例如:1、我们每天都上学。、我们每天都上学。2、下课后我们打扫教室。、下课后我们打扫教室。3、有时我们在操场上踢足球、有时我们在操场上踢足球。4、我们在学校吃晚饭。、我们在学校吃晚饭。5、他喜欢英语。、他喜欢英语。6、他是一个学生。、他是一个学生。We go to school every day.We clean the classroom after class.We sometimes play football on the playground.We have dinner at school.He likes English.He is a student.1.Look!They are running.2.Listen!Someone is singing in 3.the next room.4.3.The Greens are watching a football5.match now.现在进行时现在进行时表示现在、说话瞬间正在进行或发生表示现在、说话瞬间正在进行或发生的动作。构成:的动作。构成:be动词动词(am/is/are)+动

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