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1、 Reward for virtue By:WingWhich kind of food mustnt you eat too much?Which one is the rich food?HamburgerVegetablesWhich do you think is healthy food?Which is junk food(垃圾食品)(垃圾食品)?To keep healthy,we should eat more _ we should eat less_.How to lose weight?take exercisetake a strict dietHealthy ways

2、How to lose weight?take operationtake medicineUnhealthy waysfatIf the pig wants to get thinner,it has to eat less food and take more exercise.Take enough exercise such as running,playing football,swimming.ect.thinIf Mr.Black wants to be fatter,he has to eat more food.【New words and expressions】rewar

3、dn.报偿virtuen.美德dietn.节食forbidv.禁止forbadeforbiddenhurriedlyadv.匆忙地embarrassv.使尴尬guiltilyadv.内疚地strictadj.严格的rewardv.给奖赏occasionallyadv.偶尔地Key words reward award punish,punishment (1)n.报酬、奖赏、酬谢、赏金eg:He received a medal in reward for his bravery.他因表現勇敢而获得了一枚奖章.eg:He worked hard without(any)hope of rewa

4、rd.他辛勤工作,但卻不期待得到报酬。(2)v.給予報酬,酬謝,報答eg:Is this how you reward me for my help?eg:I will reward you later.以後我会报答你。rewardingadj.报酬的,有益的,值得的a rewarding experience一次富有价值的经历virtue=morality(1)美德、善、清高(反意詞:vice惡行,缺德行為)amanofvirtue有德之人eg:Honesty is a virtue.诚实是一种美德。eg:Virtue is its own reward.(諺)做好事即乐在其中.(2)优点、

5、长处eg:My room has virtue of being warm even in winter.virtualadj.v:tjul实质的,实际上的eg:Our deputy manager is the virtual head of the n.节食(1)节食 go on a diet be on a diet 实行节食lose weight 減重 put on weight gain weight 增胖(2)(日常的)饮食a balanced diet 均衡的饮食;diet sheet(病人的)規定食谱forbidv.禁止禁止forbid+n./doi

6、ngeg:Who can forbid our marriage?誰可以禁止我們的婚姻?forbidsb禁止某人.eg:If you want to go,I cant forbid you.如果你想去,我不能阻止你。forbidsbtodo.禁止某人做某事eg:My father forbad me to watch television.forbiddenadj.(被)禁止的forbidden fruit 禁果;非法的歡愉the Forbidden City 故宮,紫禁城eg:God forbid that we should have class tomorrow.上帝保佑,我們明天不用

7、上課。hurriedlyadv.匆忙地、草率地匆忙地、草率地 speak hurriedly 匆促地讲匆促地讲hurriedadj.倉促的,慌忙的;a hurried meal 匆忙吃了頓飯 a hurried trip 匆忙之旅hurryv.匆忙,催促,赶紧eg:Dont hurry.不要急。eg:Hurry up.快點eg:He hurried home.他匆匆趕回家。hurryto+地點:匆忙趕到某地eg:He hurried back to his office.他急忙趕回他的辦公室。eg:They hurried into the car.他們急忙上車。embarrassv.使尴尬使

8、尴尬embarrasssb使某人难堪eg:Your sharp words embarrassed him a lot.你尖酸的話令他很難堪。eg:Are you trying to embarrass me?你想要我難堪?eg:She was embarrassed by his loud laughter.他的大笑令她感到尷尬。embarrassingadj.令人困惑的、難堪、尷尬的embarrassedadj.感到困惑的、難堪、尷尬的eg:It was obvious that he was very embarrassed.显然他感到很窘financially embarrassed

9、short of money囊中羞涩,经济窘迫embarrassmentimbrsmntn.窘迫;困惑;为难an embarrassment of riches 好东西太多而难以选择blush in embarrassment 因难为情而脸红guiltilyadv.内疚地内疚地eg:She smiled guiltily as she saw me.guilt(1)責任、罪行、罪狀(2)不安、內疚eg:Guilt was written all over her face.feeling of guilt 內疚感、罪恶感guiltygiltiadj.有罪的,內疚的eg:I feel guilt

10、y about cutting classes.旷课我感到內疚。eg:I feel guilty because I have no money to lend guilty.裁決某人無罪.guiltless(innocent,clear)giltlisadj.不熟悉.的,無罪的strict(1)adj.严格的,严厉的bestrictwithsbbestrictinsb对某人严厉be strict in ones work/study 對工作/學習嚴格eg:First of all,you must be strict with yourself.a strict tea

11、cher一位严格的老師;strict rules严格的規定(2)adj.严密的,正确的the strict truth 確定的事实、绝对真实 in the strict sense 严格来说strictlystriktliadv.严格地,完全地eg:Strictly speaking,you are not fit for your job.occasionallyadv.nowandthen,attimes偶而地偶而地eg:I occasionally go to the movies with him.occasionaladj.偶而的occasional visits 偶尔的拜訪eg:W

12、ell have occasional snow during the night.occasionkeinn.時刻,場合;盛會;時機;起因vt.引起on one occasion一次,on another occasion 另一次on this/that occasion 在這種/那種場合eg:Its always the same on this kind of has had few occasions to speak French.Read the text then answer the questions below1.What did Hugh

13、do when he decided to go on a diet?He worte out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden.2.What did Hugh do when the writer entered his room?He led me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk.3.Why did Hugh say that he had to reward himself occasionally(偶尔偶尔)?Because th

14、e diet was too strict.Text analysis1.My friend,Hugh,has always been fat,but things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet.He began his diet a week ago.sothat如此如此以致;結果使,以致以致;結果使,以致eg:Its so cold that the pond has frozen.soastodo到做某事的程度eg:She was so kind as to help the old lady off the bu

15、s.decidetodosth決定做某事goonadiet节食2.First of all,he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden.The list included most of the things Hugh loves:butter,potatoes,rice,beer,milk,chocolate;and sweets.First of all 第一,首先First of all,let me say a few words about our plan.Write out (正式)写出,全部写出W

16、rite out a report a list of 一張的清单、一份名单3.Yesterday I paid him a sb a visit =visit sb.拜访某人pay a visit to sb./someplace 拜访某人/某地.call up/on sb.拜访某人 call at sp.拜访某地4.I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Hugh was still as fat as fat as ever=as fat as he ever was状语从句 as+adj./adv.+as 像一样eg:He is as smart as you.asas ever 像往常一样,照旧,依然He led me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk.lead v.=show the way,especially by going in front 給.指路,領路eg:He led/show

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