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3、性评估还是终结性评估,都应注重“人本”方法,即,学生是参与的主体,评估和测试都应以学生的需要和实际情况为出发点和落脚点。n整体设计:各种评估和测试手段应从整体考虑,纳入教学的整体安排中,评估过程要连续一致,在时间上、参与者上保持统一。n动态平衡:两种评估方式的具体形式和比例要根据学生实际和教学实际及时调整,动态变化。比例n进行性评估在整个成绩评定所占的比例为70%-80%左右。n终结性评估比例在整个成绩评定中为20%-30%左右。终结性评估n一级话题(8)n二级话题(8)n三级话题(8)n四级话题(to be continued)一级话题(1)SPORTn1.Tell your partner

4、 about your favorite sport,your way to exercise,how do you like it and why?n2.Can you offer creative plans or thoughts to help China successfully host 2008 Olympics?Lets work on it.n3.Tell your partner the knowledge of the sports mentioned,such as their rules,stars,histories,a memorable match,etc.一级

5、话题(2)FRIENDn1.Describe one of your best friends to your partner and explain why you choose him/her as your friend.n2.Tell your partner your understanding of the saying“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”and Give examples.n3.What role friendship plays in your life?一级话题(3)SEASONn1.To ask your partne

6、r which season is his/her favorite and why he/she likes it.n2.To give the Beijing Olympic Committee some suggestions on how to make Beijing Olympic Games more successfully in terms of weather forecast.n3.To ask your partners view on the relationship between the weather changes and human activities i

7、n todays world and explain why.一级话题(4)FOODn1.Talk with your partner about your eating habits,whether they are healthful?If not,try to offer suggestions to each other.n2.Talk with your partner about different food cultures in the world.n3.Which do you prefer:Chinese food or the Western food?一级话题(5)SH

8、OPPINGn1.Do you enjoy shopping?Why?Talk about your shopping habit with your partner.n2.What do you think of shopping on line?n3.Where do you prefer doing shopping:a large shopping mall or a small shop?一级话题(5)PETSn1.Have a discussion on why people keep pets?n2.Which is your favorite pet,dogs,cats or

9、some others?Why?n3.Do you think pets should be treated as human beings?Why?一级话题(6)HOBBIESn1.Have you got any hobbies,tell them to your partners.n2.Many people have some strange hobbies,do you know any?n3.What can hobbies do in your life and study?Are they healthful?一级话题(7)INTERNETn1.How convenient i

10、s it for you to use the internet on campus?What do you often do on the internet?n2.What are the positive and negative impacts of the internet on students?n3.Why are some students addicted to the internet?What can be done to help them?一级话题(8)STUDY n1.What is you major and why do you choose it?n2.What

11、 do you think is the most difficult in learning English?And how are you going to study it?n3.Are you satisfied with your schools and teachers?If not,what are the problems and how to improve them?二级话题(1)CAMPUS LIFEn1.How do you pay for school?And have you thought of supporting by yourself and how?n2.

12、Tell your partner whether you like your dorm life,and give the reasons.If you could choose,would you rather live on or off campus?Why?n3.Talk with your partner about the College English study here in our university,how do you like it?What are the problems you have encountered and what are your sugge

13、stions for the next term.二级话题(2)HEALTHn1.Talk with your partner about your life style,whether they are healthful?If not,try to offer suggestions to each other.n2.Talk with your partner about your opinion on“Happiness lies first of all in health”?n3.What factors contribute to peoples longer lives in

14、modern China?二级话题(3)ADVERTISEMENTn1.Describe one of your favorite ads and have a discussion with your partner.n2.Discuss with your partner on the advantages and disadvantages of ads.n3.Suppose you are a designer of ads.Design an advertisement for a certain product of your own choice.Explain your des

15、ign to your partner.二级话题(4)MONEYn1.You may notice that some college students spend money like water.What is your comment on it?n2.If you were given a billion dollar,what would you do with it?n3.How do you arrange your monthly money given by your family?二级话题(5)MUSICn1.Describe one of your favorite so

16、ngs/singers.n2.Suppose you are a journalist and your partner is a famous singer.Try to interview the singer on the factors lead to his/her success.n3.Can you explain why some Hong Kong singers are quite popular in the Chinese mainland?二级话题(6)MOVIESn1.Describe one of your favorite movies or your least favorite movies.n2.Suppose you are a director,what kind of movie would you make?Try to conceive a short plot and discuss it with your partner.n3.Comment on the phenomenon that nowadays many books ha

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