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1、 品管常用英文品管常用英文 English words and expressions for QA 1.品管常用朮語品管常用朮語 2.常見不良項目常見不良項目 3.藍圖英語藍圖英語 4.連接器品質特性及功能測試連接器品質特性及功能測試 5.其他專業詞匯其他專業詞匯Content 一一.品管類常用朮語品管類常用朮語 QC Quality control 品質管控/品檢員4FQC Final quality control 最終品質管制/人員4IPQC In process quality control 制程品管/製程品檢員4OQC Output quality control 出貨品質管制/

2、人員4IQC Incoming quality control 進料品質管制人員4TQC/TQM Total quality control/management 全面質量管理4POC Passage quality control 段檢人員4QE Quality Engineer 品質工程/品質工程師4CS Customer Service 客戶服務4SQE Supplier Quality engineer 供應商品質工程師4FAE Field Application Engineer 產品應用工程師4QA Quality Assurance 品質保證4OQA Outgoing Quali

3、ty Assurance 出貨質量保證4DQA Design Quality Assurance 設計品質保證 4MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 製造品質保證4SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 銷售及服務品質保證 1.品管名稱類品管名稱類:一一.品管類常用朮語品管類常用朮語2.品管運作類品管運作類:4AQL Acceptable Quality Level 允收品質水準4S/S Sample size 抽樣檢驗樣本大小4ACC Accept 允收4REJ Reject 拒收4CRI Critical 極嚴重的4

4、MAJ Major 主要的4MIN Minor 輕微的4Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service品質/可靠度/服務4QIT Quality Improvement Team品質改善小組4L/N Lot Number 批號4ZD Zero Defect 零缺陷4FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件檢查報告4PPM Percent Per Million 百萬分之一 4FAI First article inspection 新品首件檢查4QCC Quality Control Circle 品管圈4CAR Corrective Ac

5、tion Report 矯正行動報告4VDCS Vendor Defect Correction Sheet 進料品質異常回饋單一一.品管類常用朮語品管類常用朮語2.品管運作類品管運作類:FAR Failure Analysis Report 失效分析報告LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率OOBA Out of Box Audit 開箱檢驗ORT Ongoing Reliability Test 實時信賴性測試QP/QT Quality Policy/Quality Target 品質政策/品質目標MRB Material Reject Bill 退貨單DFR Defect Fai

6、lure Rate 不良率8D/5C Eight Discipline 8D 報告/5C報告C/T Cycle Time 制程周期L/T Lead Time 前置時間 Refer to attached 8D/5C format for details:3.品管手法類品管手法類:一一.品管類常用朮語品管類常用朮語一一.品管類常用朮語品管類常用朮語4.制程統計品管制程統計品管:SPC Statistical Process Control 統計製程管制GR&R Gauge Reproducibility&Repeatability 量具再現性及重復性評估CPK Capability proces

7、s index 製程能力參數FMEA Failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析 MCA Measurement Capability Analysis 量測系統能力分析MSA Measurement System Analysis 量測系統分析BKM Best Known Method 已知最佳方法RFC Response Flow Checklist 異常反應流程DPU Defects per Unit 單位缺點數COPQ Cost of Poor Quality 低劣品質成本DOE Design of Experiment 實驗設計UCL/LC

8、L Upper/Lower Control Limit 管制上限/下限CP Capability of Process 製程精密度CA Capability of Accuracy 製程準確度一一.品管類常用朮語品管類常用朮語4.制程制程統計統計品管品管:一一.品管類常用朮語品管類常用朮語Refer to attached file for details:4.制程統計品管制程統計品管:一一.品管類常用朮語品管類常用朮語5.5.通用類通用類 :ECNEngineering Change Notice 工程變更通知(供應商)ECREngineering Change Request 工程改動要求

9、(客戶)PCNProcess Change Notice 工序改動通知PMPProduct Management Plan 生產管制計劃SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 製程檢驗標準程序SOPStandard Operation Procedure 製造作業規範IS Inspection Specification 檢驗規範BOMBill of Material 物料清單PS Package Specification 包裝規範CP Control Plan 控制計劃VMI Visual Mechanical Inspection 目視外觀檢驗AOI Auto

10、matic Optical Inspection 自動光學檢驗SPECSpecification 規格DWGDrawing 圖面DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直徑一一.品管類常用朮語品管類常用朮語5.5.通用類通用類 :WDRWeekly Delivery Requirement 周出貨需求MRPMaterial Requirement Plan 物料需求計劃 TPMTotal Production maintenance 全面生產保養QANQuality Alert Notice 品質異常通知BTOBuild To Order 按定單生產BTIBuild to I

11、nventory 按庫存生產BTNBuild to Need 按客戶需求生產MTBF Mean Time Between Failures 平均無故障時間CRM Customer Relation Management 客戶關係管理PDCA Plan Do Check Action PDCA循環APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning 先期產品質量策劃PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生產性零件批准程序COP Customer Oriented Process 顧客導向過程MOP Management Oriente

12、d Process 管理導向過程SP Support Process 支持過程PM Predictive Maintenance 預知保養4一).成型零件:4 1.Blister(起泡):Bumps or depressions in the plastic caused by en-4 trapped air bubbles or plastic deformation.4 2.chip(疤痕,霧狀):Areas of missing material.The areas will appear 4 dull in color or uneven.4 3.Crack(裂紋):Seperati

13、on of plastic typically resulting from an im4 -pact or manufacturing process.4 4.Crazing(微裂紋,碎裂):multiple,tiny clustered cracks due to the 4 stress exerted on the part during manufacture.二二.常見不良常見不良45.Discoloration(變色):Any change from the original color standard in 4 any localized area with a defini

14、te border not due to surface finish,4 grain size structure or grain size.46.Stain(污臟):Any surface discoloration or noticeable surface marking4 which detracts from the desired finish.47.Drag mark(拉傷):Clusters of scratches from plastic dragging against4 mold or other surface.Some drag marks are intent

15、ional in an effort4 to bias the part to remain on the ejection side of the tool.48.Flash(毛邊):An excess of material at the mold parting line,edges4 or corners.This is normally very thin and flat protrusions of plastic4 along an edge of the part.二二.常見不良常見不良49.Foreign Material(異物):Particles or compound

16、s adhering to or imbedd-ed within the material surface,not present by design.410.Incomplete Mold,Short Shot(不飽模/短射):Dis-continuity of material not called for by design caused by incompletefilling of the mold cavity during injection.411.Mold Scratch(模具刮傷):Mold scratches caused by imperfections in4 the mold(repeatedly identified from part to part)will not be allowed.412.Scratch(刮傷/擦傷):A surface imperfection due to abrasion that re-4 moves a channel of material.二二.常見不良常見不良二二.常見不良常見不良4二).衝壓零件4 1.Bur

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