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1、11学位英语考试模拟试题一及答案华东理工大学网络学院学位英语考试模拟试卷一English for Qualification TestPart I Use of Language (10 minutes)Directions: There are 10 incomplete dialogues in this part. For each dialogue there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the dialogue. Then mark the correspo

2、nding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. Reading is the best way to pass time on the train. 阅读是打发时间最好的方式在火车上 _, I never go traveling without a book. 我从来没有不带一本书去旅行。A) You are joking B) Thats true是真的C) I dont think so D) It sounds like fun2. I get at least half an hour

3、 of exercise almost every day. 我几乎每天至少半个小时的运动。 Oh great! _.哦,太棒了!坚持下去 A) Good luck B) Cheer up使高兴;高兴起来;使振奋C) Same to you D) Keep it up坚持下去3. What are you going to do this weekend?这个周末你打算做什么一_. If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my friends.如果时间允许,我可以和我的朋友去上海。A) Dont mention it不用谢 ; 不客气 ; 别客气

4、; 没关系B) It doesnt matter C) It depends看情况而定 D) Forget it 4. I really cant remember these grammar rules! 我真的不记得这些语法规则 _. Practice more. 你不是一个人,要多练习 A) Youre not alone 不是你一个人 B) Its hard to say C) Im afraid not D) Its up to you5. I would never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible and th

5、e price is high!我永远不会再来这家餐厅。食物是可怕的,价格高 _.A) Nor am I B) Same with meC) Neither would I 我也不会 D) So do I6. Oh, dear! Ive just broken a cup. 哦,天哪!我刚刚打破了一个杯子。 _.A) Great B) Dont worry 不要紧,不用担心C) Thats fine D) Not at all 一点也不,别客气7. Sorry. I have taken your bag by mistake. 对不起。我拿错了你的包。 _.A) Thats right B)

6、 Youre welcome C) It doesnt matter D) All right8. Thats a beautiful dress you have on! _.A) Oh, thanks. My husband gives it to me as a birthday gift B) Sorry, its too cheap C) You can have it from your husband D) See you later9. How do I get to the cinema? _. You cant miss it.A) Its very far B) Yes,

7、 there is a cinema near hereC) Its well known D) Go down this street and turn left10. If you dont mind, I can mail this letter for you?如果你不介意的话,我可以寄这封信给你 _ .A) Thats very kind of you 谢谢你 B) You are so cool C) Please give me a hand 我需要你的帮助 D) You are so greatPart II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)

8、Directions: There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage OneQuestions 11

9、 to 15 are based on the following passage. In the United States, it is important to be on time for an appointment, a class, a meeting, etc. However, this may not be true in all countries. An American professor discovered this difference while teaching a class in a Brazilian(巴西的)university. The two-h

10、our class was scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. and end at 12. On the first day, when the professor arrived on time, no one was in the classroom. Many students came after 10 a.m. Several arrived after 10:30 a.m. Two students came after 11 a.m. Although all the students greeted the professor as they arri

11、ved, few apologized for their lateness. Were these students being rude? He decided to study the students behavior. The professor talked to American and Brazilian students about lateness in both an informal and a formal situation: at a lunch with a friend and in university calls respectively. He gave

12、 them an example and asked them how they would react. If they had a lunch appointment with a friend, the average American student showed clearly lateness as 19 minutes after the agreed time. On the other hand, the average Brazilian student would be 33 minutes late. In an American university, student

13、s are expected to arrive at the appointed hour. In contrast, in Brazil, neither the teacher nor the students always arrive at the appointed hour. Classes not only begin at the scheduled time in the United States, but also end at the scheduled time. In the Brazilian class, only a few students left th

14、e class at 12:00; many remained past 12:30 to discuss the class and ask more questions. Arriving late may not be very important in Brazil, neither is staying late.在美国,重要的是要准时赴约,上课,开会,等。然而,这可能不是真正的在所有国家。一个美国教授在巴西发现了这种差异,教学类(巴西的)大学。两个小时课,按计划将于上午10点开始,12点结束。第一天,当教授准时到达,没有人在教室里。许多学生是在上午10点。几个在上午10:30到达。


16、西迟到并不是非常重要,延时离开也一样11. The American professor studied the Brazilian students behavior because _.因为美国教授研究了巴西学生行为A) he felt angry at the students rudenessB) he felt puzzled at the students being lateC) he wanted to collect data for his research他想为他的研究收集数据D) he wanted to make students come on time later

17、12. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage? 下面哪个不是文中提到的A) Both American and Brazilian students will often be late for a lunch appointment. 美国和巴西的学生经常迟到的午餐约会B) Classes begin and end at the scheduled time in the United States. 在美国课程都在预定时间开始和结束。C) Brazilian students dont mind staying la

18、te after class. 巴西的学生下课后不要介意待到很晚。D) Brazilian students usually arrive late and leave early.巴西的学生通常迟到和早退。13. What can we infer from the professors study of lateness in the informal situation? 我们能从教授的非正式迟到的情况的研究中推断出什么A) Neither Brazilian nor American students like to be late in social gatherings. 巴西和美

19、国学生喜欢在社交聚会迟到了。B) American students will become impatient if their friend is ten minutes late. 美国学生将会变得不耐烦,如果他们的朋友迟到十分钟。C) Being late in one culture may not be considered rude in another culture. 迟到在一种文化中可能不被认为是不礼貌的在另一种文化。D) Brazilian students will not come thirty-three minutes after the agreed time.

20、 巴西的学生不会33分钟后同意的时间到来。14. From the last paragraph we know that in Brazil, _.A) it is acceptable for professors to be late for class它是可以接受的教授上课迟到B) it is rude to keep a professor staying after class课后还留下教授是不礼貌的C) it is important to arrive at the appointed time重要的是在约定的时间到达D) it is normal for students t

21、o leave during lectures重要的是在约定的时间到达15. What does this passage tell us?A) People learn the importance of time from the country in which they live. 人们从他们所居住的国家学习时间的重要性B) The importance of being on time differs among cultures. 在不同的文化里准时的重要性。C) Students being late for class should explain the reason to

22、their teacher. 学生上课迟到了, 应该向老师解释理由。D) It is important to come to class on time in Brazil. 在巴西重要的是准时来上课。Passage TwoQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.The internet has led to a huge increase in credit-card fraud. Your card information could even be for sale in an illegal Website. Web

23、sites offering cheap goods and services should be regarded with care. Online shoppers who enter their credit-card information may never receive the goods they bought. The thieves then go shopping with your card number or sell the information over the Internet. Computer hackers (黑客) have broken down

24、security system, raising questions about the safety of card holder information. Several months ago, 25,000 customers of a CD universe, an online music retailer (批发商), were not lucky. Their names, addresses and credit-card numbers were posted on a Website after the retailer refused to pay US $ 157,82

25、8 to get back the information. Credit-card firms are now fighting against online fraud. Master-card is working on plans for Web only credit-card, with a lower credit limit. The card could be used only for shopping online. However, there are a few simple steps you can take to keep from being cheated.

26、 Ask about your credit-card firms online rules: under British law, cardholders are responsible for the first US$ 78 of any fraudulent spending. And shop only at secure sites: send your credit-card information only if the Website offers advanced secure system. If the security is in place, a letter wi

27、ll appear in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. The Website address may also start http:/-the extra s stands for secure. If in doubt, give your credit-card information over the telephone. Keep your password safe: most online sites require a user name and password before placing an order. T

28、reat your password with care.互联网已经导致大量增加信用卡欺诈。你的信用卡信息甚至可以出售在一个非法网站。网站提供廉价的商品和服务应该小心。在线顾客输入他们的信用卡信息可能永远不会买收到货物。然后小偷去购物和你的卡号或出售在互联网上的信息。电脑黑客(黑客)分解安全系统,提高持卡人信息的安全问题。几个月前,宇宙CD 25000客户,在线音乐零售商(批发商),不幸运。他们的姓名、地址和信用卡号码被发布在网站零售商拒绝支付157828美元后返回信息。信用卡公司正在打击网络诈骗。6正在计划为Web只有信用卡,信用额度较低。卡片可能仅用于网上购物。然而,有几个简单的步骤可以防

29、止被骗。询问你的信用卡公司的在线规则:根据英国法律,持卡人负责任何欺诈的第一个78美元支出。和商店只在安全的网站:把你的信用卡信息只有在网站提供先进的安全系统。如果安全到位,一封信将出现在屏幕的右下角。网站地址也开始http:/-the额外的“s”代表安全。如果有疑问,在电话里给你的信用卡信息。保持你的密码安全:大部分网站需要用户名和密码之前订购。小心对待你的密码。16. The word fraud in the first paragraph probably means _.“欺诈”这个词在第一段可能意味着A) cheating行骗,欺骗行为 B) sale 出售、拍卖 C) payme

30、nt付款、支付 D) use使用17. According to this passage most people worry about shopping on the Internet because _.根据这篇文章大多数人担心在网上购物,因为A) great number of stolen credit-cards are sold on the Internet every day大量的偷来的信用卡每天都在互联网上出售B) fraud on the Internet happens very often在网络上诈骗经常发生C) many Websites break down ev

31、ery day每天很多网站被黑客攻破D) there are too many illegal Websites on the Internet在互联网上有太多的非法网站18. Thieves usually get the information of the credit-card _.小偷通常获得的信用卡的信息A) because many customers lost their cards因为许多客户失去了卡片B) by paying money for people working in the information companies通过支付钱给人在信息公司工作C) because of the carelessness of the customers因为粗心的顾客D) by stealing the information from Websites通过窃取来自网站的信息19. If the passwords of your credit-card

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