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1、人教初中英语九年级月考卷芙蓉镇中学九年级英语月考卷2013.3 听力部分(25分)I听小对话,选出与你所听到内容相符的图片 (5分)1. Which animal does the girl like best? A B C2. What is the boy going to be in the future? A B C3. Whats the weather like in Taiwan now? A B C4. How will they travel to Yandang Mountain? A B C5. Whats the sign about? A B CII. 听较长对话,回

2、答问题,对话读两遍。(10分)听下面一段较长对话,回答第6至第7两小题。6. How was the womans holiday? A. Just so-so. B. Terrible. C. Wonderful.7. What didnt she do? A. Riding some horses. B. Going swimming. C. Flying some kites.听下面一段较长对话,回答第8至第10三小题。8. What might the man do? A. A teacher B. An engineer C. A salesperson9. What are the

3、 two speakers talking about? A. Socks. B. Sunglasses. C. Pants.10. Whats the final price of the product? A. 15 B. 20 C. 35 III. 听独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,完成信息记录表。(10分)Windy English ClubAdvantagesA good environment and lots of 11 teachers.Duration (持续时间) of the coursesAbout 12 months.Time for classesEve

4、ry 13 , from 7:00pm to 9:00 pm.CoursesGrammar, conversation and 14 skills.Telephone numberCall Allan at 15 .11. A. excellent B. patient C. special12. A. three B. six C. nine13. A. Thurday B. Friday C. Saturday14. A. listening B. reading C. writing15. A. 8473625 B. 7843625 C. 7483625笔试部分(95分)I.单选题(10

5、分)16. -Do you know man who is speaking on TV? -Yes, he is Li Keqiang, our new prime minister. A. a B. an C. the D. One17. -Japanese say Diaoyu Island belongs to them. -SHIT! We Chinese first found it _ Ming Dynasty. It has belonged to us for hundreds of years. Aon B. in C. at D. of18. - Do you want

6、to be a _? - No, Im very afraid of flying. A. engineer B. pilot C. athlete D. artist19. The air in mountain areas is _ that in big cities. A. as fresh as B. fresher than C. as dirty as D. dirtier than20. We should be ready to help the people _ are in trouble Awhose Bwhom Cwhich Dwho21. Smoking is no

7、t allowed in public places since May 1st. It may be a good chance for some people to _ smoking. A. put up B. give up C. pick up D. look up22. Food safety is important. Rules _ to stop people from food pollution. A. must make B. must be made C. cant make D. cant be made23. -Miss Smith will teach us E

8、nglish this term. -_ ! She is a very good teacher. A. Well done B. Youre lucky C. Its a pity D. Good job24. -Did you call Sara back? -I didnt need to, _ well have a meeting together tonight. A. though B. unless C. because D. if 25. -Excuse me, could you tell me_? -Sorry, sir. I wasnt there at that t

9、ime.A. how did the accident happen B. how the accident happened.C. how does the accident happen D. how the accident happensII.完型填空(15分) I never knew that one little “Im sorry” could mean so much. I never thought that one moment in time could _26_ the rest of my life. I was sitting in class one day _

10、27_ a short and shy kid called Victor came in. He sat down _28_ to me, looked at me, and looked away. I often talked to him, but he just smiled at me when our _29_ met. I didnt think he was the boy Id like to become friends with. One day I joined the unkind kids _30_ at him though I knew it was wron

11、g. “Do you have any friends?” A kid asked Victor who walked _31_ us alone, head down. “No, he hasnt got any friends. He is too foolish.” I said.Victor looked _32_ at me with sad eyes. That night, I couldnt sleep because I couldnt get Victors _33_ out of mind. In the next weeks, he never met my eyes

12、in class or smiled at me.It was really _34_ for me to ask to forgive me. I couldnt forget his sad eyes every time I saw him.The next day in class, I wrote him a note telling him how _35_ I felt. About five minutes later, I turned and saw tears in his eyes. Later he told me that I would never _36_ ho

13、w much my apology had meant to him. He said he hoped that we could become friends. We had a very _37_ talk over lunch that noon. And then, we become _38_ friends. When I think back, I realize that my apology made it _39_ for me to make good friends with Victor, a lovely person.So never _40_ a chance

14、 to tell somebody you are sorry. Apologies can really change your life.26. A. change B. call C. have D. get27. A. though B.because C.when D. since28. A. next B. nearly C. alone D. away29. A. ears B. eyes C. noses D. mouths30. A.looking B. smiling C.laughing D. knocking31. A. over B. along C. across

15、D. past32. A. down B. up C. over D. round33. A. look B. head C. heart D. body34. A. easy B. different C. hard D. bad35. A. happy B. well C. bad D. pleased36. A. worry B. mind C. regard D. realize37. A. angry B.pleasant C. sad D. hungry38. A. close B. open C. dear D. great39. A. comfortable B. possib

16、le C. terrible D. unable40. A. have B. want C. forget D. missIII.阅读理解(30分) AHuang XiaomingChinese actor Huang Xiaoming visited the panda base in Sichuan province.During his visit, Huang put on a keepers suit and tried cutting bamboo, cleaning cages and feeding the pandas.Huang also adopted a pair of

17、 panda twins with a gift of one million yuan.Angelina JolieHollywood actress Angelina Jolie can do all kinds of things on screen. It looks like shes good at everything, shooting, fighting and killing. But theres one thing shes afraid ofcooking. The 33-year-old actress says she was never able to mast

18、er cooking skills. “I dont cookits the one thing I cant do!” she says.Chen LuyuChinese hostess Chen Luyu is famous for her popular talk show. She set up an online version of her show at S.People have grown tired of Chens show, especially her habit of constantly asking guests, “really?”.But the produ

19、cer of the show supports Chen. “Shes one of the few Chinese hosts who knows how to control her desire to express herself and let the guests speak freely in an interview.”41. What kind of animals does Huang Xiaoming like?A. Pandas. B. Monkeys. C. Tigers. D. Lions.42. Which is TRUE about Angelina Joli

20、e?A. She is good at everything. B. She cant shoot well.C. She cant cook by herself. D. She can cook well.43.Why have people grown tired of Chen Luyus show according to the passage?A. Because she isnt famous for her talk show.B. Because she set up an online version of talk show.C. Because she has the

21、 habit of constantly asking, “Really?”.D. Because she likes to express herself. B My parents taught me not to waste food. My mum always found ways to make leftovers taste good. I went to Ilan to learn about some of their special food. As I was three, I learned about the food and the history of the a

22、rea. I learned that they dont waste food, either, and they use leftovers! Many years ago, there was not enough food for everyone. People learned to cook and eat almost everything. They had to think of ways to make special dishes. One of these dishes is kao zha. Its made with leftovers like meat, sou

23、p, oil and fat. That might not sound very good, but it does taste good. Today, kao zha is a special dish at big banquets (宴会). Another famous dish is called zao bing. Its made with fruit, meat and other things. I really liked it! But I didnt want to eat too much. It has a lot of fat in it. I smelled

24、 something burning and I saw smoke, so I found another special food of the I1an areaduck meat. The duck meat is put in a big oven to cook it. Smoke keeps the meat fresh. I dont usually eat meat, but this duck meat was delicious! It tasted sweet. Ilan is a great place with delicious food. I hope I ca

25、n come back again!44. The writer learns from her parents _.A. not to eat leftovers B. to eat good foodC. not to waste food D. to make good food45She finds that people in Ilan _.A. always waste food Bdont use leftoversC. dont have enough food D. can cook special food46Kao zha is a good dish that is m

26、ade with _.A. fruit, meat and other things B. fresh and sweet duck meatC. some different leftovers D. meat, soup and fruit47There are _ kinds of special foods mentioned in the passageA. two B. three C. four D. fiveC If we want to deal with the association between boys and girls properly, here are so

27、me “dos and donts” for you to follow.Keep a normal state of mind. Our schools and classes are made up of boys and girls. It is very nature for the boys and girls to make friends with each other. We should make as many friends as we can. We should keep touch with the other sex in public instead of in

28、 secret. Dont be too nervous or too shy. If you are a shy person, you can also find a way out. First of all, you can make friends with the students who have the same interest and hobby as you. As both of you have much in common, you may have much to talk about. If you keep doing like that, little by

29、 little, you will gladly find you are also as free to express yourself as others.Dont fall into the ditch of early love. The boys and girls at a adolescence are rich in feeling. They are easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love and fall in love with each other at an early age. In my opinion,

30、early love is a green apple that cant be eaten. An apple won,t taste sweet until it is full ripe. Boys and girls at middle school are too young to carry the heavy duty of love. Do keep out of early love.48. The main idea of the passage is to _.A. tell students to keep away from early loveB. give some advice on how to associate between boys and girlsC. tell students how to make friends D. teach boys how to talk with girls49. We should keep touch with the other sex in following ways EXCEPT _.A. with a good state of mind B. in real friendship C. i

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