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高中英语外研版必修2同步练习62《Integrating SkillsCultural Corner》.docx

1、高中英语外研版必修2同步练习62Integrating Skills Cultural Corner.单词拼写1Would you like to tell me the _(情节)of the film?2The last s_of the book is the most interesting part.3The _(背景)of the film is a small village.4As a writer, she is very _(成功的)5Zhang Yimou is one of the greatest film d_in China.答案:1.plot2.section3

2、.setting4.successful5.directors.短语互译1_ 就某事和某人争论2_ 一直,始终3_ 干得好,好棒4from time to time_ 5at the age of_6make a mistake_答案:1. argue with sb. about sth.2.all the time3.good for you4.有时,不时5.在岁时6.犯错误.选词填空section, setting, drama, plot, channel, occasionally, argue, entertain 1All my family enjoy reading the

3、recipes (食谱) in the newspaper, as well as the Styles _.2The worlds first popular museum of natural science mainly covered displays of animals in their natural _.3In the old days in Tianjin and elsewhere, temple fairs (庙会) and markets were the main places for crosstalkers (相声演员) to perform, although

4、they _ also appeared in theaters.4He plays a Russian spy in the comedy _ “Sleepers”5The film had an exciting _.6If youd like to watch a game show, you could turn on the TV to _ 5 at 6:00.7The people who guard the Tower will _ you with stories of its past.8There is no point in _ any further. It wont

5、help much.答案:1.section2.setting 3.occasionally4. drama5.plot6.Channel7.entertain8.arguing.完成句子 1.因为一些小事他常和妻子争论。He often _ small matters.2我喜欢在家里用音乐和点心招待朋友。I like to _ music and refreshments at home.3我已经说服他戒烟了。I have _.4我偶尔和他去看电影。I _ go to the movie with him.5Tom擅长短跑。Tom _ shortdistance run.答案:1.argue

6、s with his wife about2.entertain my friends with3.persuade him into giving up smoking4. good at.句型转换1The reporter reported that the millionaire married the actress last month._ that the millionaire married the actress last month.2I was surprised that he himself was the writer I had

7、always wished to meet._, he himself was the writer I had always wished to meet.3The actress went to Hollywood when she was twenty years old.The actress went to Hollywood _ twenty.4If you dont study hard, you will fail in the exam. _ or youll fail in the exam.答案:1.It is reported 2.To my surprise3at t

8、he age of4.Study hard.完成句子1_(据报道) they find a new way of making papers.2_ (听从)the advice of the doctor, _ (那么)youll be well very soon.3He will never succeed, _ (不管怎样)he tries.4It is suggested that the meeting _(应该推迟)5Take the chance, _(否则)you will regret.答案:1.It is reported2.Follow;and3.however4.sho

9、uld be put off5.or.单句语法填空1. _(find) ways to praise your children often,and youll find they will open their hearts to you.解析:考查“祈使句and陈述句”结构。句意:经常找一些方法表扬你的孩子们,你会发现他们将会向你敞开心扉。答案:Find2He entertained us for hours _ his stories and jokes.解析:句意:他既讲故事又说笑话,把我们逗乐了好几个小时。entertain sb. with sth.用使某人快乐。答案:with3I

10、 really dont know where it was_ I put my wallet after I paid the bill.解析:考查名词性从句及强调句型。句意:我真的不知道我付过账单后把钱包放在什么地方了。强调句特殊疑问句的语序为:特殊疑问词is/was itthat其他。根据句意可知,know后面是宾语从句,所以用陈述语序,故填that。答案:that4In Australia,surfing is a popular sport among young people _ they can seek excitement and adventure.解析:考查定语从句。本题

11、的先行词是sport,在从句中充当状语,因此选用关系副词where,相当于in which。答案:where5The girl failed in the beauty contest and went home _(upset)解析:句意:那个女孩在选美比赛中未能成功,闷闷不乐地回家了。upset为形容词作状语,用来说明主语的状态。答案:upset6Anna,you look so tired and are wet all over!You know,all morning I _(move) my properties to my new office on the third floo

12、r.解析:考查时态。句意:“安娜,你看上去很累,浑身都湿了!”“你知道,我一上午都在把我的东西搬到三楼的新办公室。”根据句意可知,此处应用现在完成进行时,表示一上午一直持续的动作。答案:have been moving7Mary often argues _ her friends _ small things angrily,which sometimes makes them very unhappy.解析: 句意:玛丽经常气愤地就一些小事和朋友争论,这有时使得他们非常不高兴。argue with sb. about sth.就某事和某人争论。答案:with; about8The purp

13、ose of this project is to make children _(interest)in reading aloud.解析:句意:这个项目的目的是使孩子们对朗读感兴趣。此处interested in reading aloud是ed结尾的形容词短语作宾语补足语。答案:interested.完形填空Who do you think came up with the idea for the Paralympics (残奥会)?The man who organized the sporting events which became the Paralympic Games _

14、1_ was a doctor,Ludwig Guttmann.In his teens,Ludwig Guttmann was interested in medicine and worked as a _2_ in a hospital. Then he _3_ from medical school and became a doctor when he was 25 years old.Ludwig Guttmann _4_ a successful career for the next few years. _5_ ,because Ludwig Guttmann and his

15、 family were Jews,life in Germany was becoming very _6_ for them.In 1938 Ludwig Guttmann _7_ to the UK with his family where he continued his research _8_ he best way totreat patients.The Second World War was going on and there were a lot of soldiers _9_ in the fighting.Often they _10_ the use of th

16、eir legs and needed _11_ and help. The disabled soldiers were often _12_ and angry for they couldnt really live a normal life. Ludwig Guttmann used his new _13_ to look after their injuries and he also tried to give them emotional strength.Ludwig Guttmann _14_ taking part in sports could helpa perso

17、ns body as well as his mind and began to use _15_ as a treatment to help his patients. He wanted to give them back their selfrespect and dignity and _16_ them to take part in sports.In 1948 the hospital held a sporting event called “The International Wheelchair Games”By 1952 the event began to _17_

18、bigger with disabled athletes from other countries attending. By 1960 the games were called the International Stoke Mandeville Games and they were held in Rome alongside the _18_ Summer Olympics. By 1968 there were 750 athletes from 29 different countries. Ludwig Guttmann himself died in 1980,even _

19、19_ the games were called “Paralympics”,but there is no _20_ that he is the founder and father of the Paralympic Games. Its thanks to his hard work that we are all able to enjoy the Paralympics.1A.hurriedly BeventuallyCtemporarily Bsteward Cvolunteer Ddirector3A.exited Bbenefi

20、tedCsuffered Dgraduated4A.enjoyed Baccepted Cdesigned Dexplored5A.But BHoweverCTherefore DOtherwise6A.ambiguous BdifficultCapparent Ddiverse7A.moved BpouredCsubmitted Dflooded8A.of Bover Cabout Dinto9A.dying Bsacrificing Cwounded Ddestroyed10A.made Blost Creduced Dlacked11A.treatment BmovementCdevel

21、opment Dachievement12A.exhausted Bchallenged Cdepressed Dastonished13A.materials BexperimentsCmodels Dmethods14A.knew BdeniedCallowed Bmedicine Csports Dparties16A.forced Bencouraged Callowed Ddrove17A.seem Bgo Crun Dget18A.yearly BlocalCindependent Dofficial19A.before Bafter Cunt

22、il Dsince20A.evidence BwonderCdoubt Dproblem答案与解析:Ludwig Guttmann是一位医生,也是残奥会的创始人。1解析:这个组织了体育赛事并最终(eventually)发展成残奥会的人是一名医生。答案:B2解析:十几岁时他就对医学感兴趣,并在一家医院做了志愿者(volunteer)。答案:C3解析:25岁时,他从医学院毕业,成为了一名医生。graduate毕业。答案:D4解析:接下来几年里他的事业很成功。enjoy拥有,享有。答案:A5解析:然而(However),由于他和他的家人是犹太人,他们在德国的生活变得非常艰难(difficult)。答

23、案:B6解析:参见上题解析。答案:B7解析:1938年他和家人搬(moved)到英国。答案:A8解析:research into对的研究,为固定搭配。答案:D9解析:二战期间,有很多士兵在战争中受伤(wounded)。答案:C10解析:通常,他们的腿不能走路需要治疗(treatment)和帮助。答案:B11解析:参见上题解析。答案:A12解析:残疾士兵由于不能过正常的生活而感到压抑(depressed)和生气。答案:C13解析:他用他的新方法(methods)照顾伤员,而且尽力给他们情感上的力量。答案:D14解析:他知道(knew)参加体育运动不仅有益于一个人的身体,而且有益于他的心灵。答案:

24、A15解析:他开始用体育运动(sports)这种方式治疗他的病人。14空后的“taking part in sports”是线索提示。答案:C16解析:他想让他的病人找回自尊和尊严,并且鼓励(encouraged)他们参加体育运动。答案:B17解析:到1952年时,国际轮椅比赛规模开始变大。get变成,符合语境。答案:D18解析:到1960年这项赛事和夏季奥林匹克运动会一样成为官方的(official)赛事。答案:D19解析:他于1980年去世,甚至在此项运动被命名为残奥会之前(before)。答案:A20解析:毫无疑问他是残奥会的创始人。there is no doubt that.毫无疑问。答案:C

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