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1、美国校园俚语美国校园俚语!你以为knockout是淘汰的意思么? American Slang CollectionSlang is not so safe to use, but youd better understand it.Aairhead: stupid person. Believe it or not, he is really an airhead!amigo: friend (from Spanish). I met many amigos tonight.ammunition: toilet paper. Help! Were completely out of ammu

2、nition!antifreeze: alcohol. Im going to need a lot of antifreeze tonight! armpit: dirty, unappealing place. This cheap motel is an absolute armpit!assoffensive (1): backside. I fell on my ass on the ski slopes.ass(2): an unworthy and hated person. I cannot be friends when you act like an ass.awesome

3、: great and impressive. It is truly awesome here!Bbaby boomer: a person born from the end of the Second World War until the early 1960s. Bill Clinton was born in 1961, so hes considered a baby boomer.ball(1): a fun time. I really had a ball in the party last night.balloffensive (2): a testicle. Afte

4、r getting kicked in the balls, his voice seemed much higher.bang(1): a very powerful thing. Disneyland is really a bang!bang(2): a powerful effect. Japanese sake really has a bang!barf(1): vomit. My dog barfed all over the carpet.barf(2): vomit. Dont step on the barf!barf-out: a displeasing person o

5、r affair. That restaurant was a real barf-out.bazillion: an infinite number of something. Has Dennis really taught a bazillion students?B-ball: basketball. Do you wanna play b-ball with me?beans: money. Ive worked for this company for ten years, but I still dont have beans.beat: tired. Im really bea

6、t because I was awake all night.beemer: a BMW. He wants to buy a beemer when he makes more money.biggie: something important. I was hoping to get my homework completed, but its no biggie. biker: a motorcycle rider. Mike used to be a biker until he got into a serious motorcycle accident.bitchoffensiv

7、e (1): a very unpleasant woman. My boss can be such a bitch sometimes.bitchoffensive (2): complain. Stop bitching and finish your homework!bitchyoffensive: moody. I like him, even though he can be really bitchy.bod: body. Stalone has a great bod!bonkers; go bonkers: crazy. If you works too hard, you

8、 must go bonkers!booboo: a mistake. I made a booboo on the last question of the exam.boob tube: television. Benjamin is always in front of the boob tube.booze: alcohol. The party was fun, even though there wasnt any booze.boss: excellent; great. Hes always totally boss!bread: money. Can I borrow som

9、e bread?brew(1): coffee. Every morning I need a fresh cup of brew.brew(2): beer. Do you want another brew, dude?brewski: beer. I love drinking brewskies!B.S.:bullshit; lies. Im tired of listening to your B.S.bull: bullshit; lie. Thats a bunch of bull!bullshitoffensive: lie; dishonesty. I dont like p

10、eople that bullshit mebunspossibly offensive: the rear end; buttocks. Dont stare at my buns!bushed: extremely tired. Im completely bushed.butt: the buttocks. Stop sitting on your butt and help me wash the dishes!Ccatch some rays: get some sunshine. Lets go to the beach and catch some rays.cheesy: ch

11、eap; outmoded. Why are you wearing such cheesy clothes?chicken: coward. Dont be such a chicken!cool:excellent; superb. He is no cool!cooler, the: jail. If you drink and drive, youll end up spending time in the cooler.couch potato: a person who watches too much television. Why did I have to marry suc

12、h a couch potato?crapoffensive (1): something worthless. My furniture is a bunch of cheap crap.crapoffensive (2): excrement. Yuck! I stepped on dog crap!crapoffensive (3): falsehoods and lies. Ive had enough of your crap.Ddeck: to hit someone. His wife almost decked him when he returned home with li

13、pstick on his shirt.dicey: unpredictable; risky. Gambling is a dicey occupation.dinero: money (from Spanish). I wish I had more dinero!dirt: extremely bad person. My ex-boyfriend was dirt.dirty: offensive; pornographic. Stop looking at the pictures in that dirty magazine!dorky: strange; peculiar. If

14、 you keep acting so dorky, youll never get a girlfriend!dude: a male. Thats really cool, dude!dynamite: powerful; excellent. The speaker gave a dynamite presentation.dinosaur: something oldfashioned or out of date. Id love to surf the Net, but unfortunately my computer is a dinosaur.Eel cheapo: some

15、thing cheap. Since I dont make much money, I always purchase the el cheapo brand.evil: great; excellent. Your car is really evil!eyeball: to stare long and hard at someone or something. Bartlett eyeballed his daughters new boyfriend.eyepopper: something or someone visibly astounding. Wow, that girl

16、is truly an eyepopper!Ffab: fabulous. His claim is really fab!face-off: confrontation. I think its time we had a face-off.fartoffensive: to expel intestinal gas. Its embarrassing to fart on the first date.fender-bender: small accident. This morning I had a fender-bender on the Ventura Freeway.flaky:

17、 unpredictable. I waited four hours for my flaky friend to show up.flashback: sudden memory. In Little Tokyo I had a flashback to my days living in Japan.flick: movie. Lets go out tonight and watch a attractive, alluring person. Is it true that Marian is a fox?freebie: something that does

18、 not cost money. My trip to New York was a freebie.French kisspossibly offensive: kissing with the tongue. Bereas dog is always trying to French kiss her!Ggeek: someone who works too hard, is more intelligent than usual, and is slightly unattractive. Bill Gates is kind of a geek.get it: to understan

19、d something. Sorry, but I just dont get it.get nakedpossibly offensive: to completely relax and have agoodtime. Lets get naked tonight!glitch: flaw. There must be a glitch in this softwware.go bananas: go slightly mad. This project is causing me to go bananas!gomer: a dumb person. Stop acting like a

20、 gomer!goof(1): a silly and foolish person. What a goof you are!goof(2): make a mistake. I really goofed on the test today.goof off(1): waste time. Stop goofing off and help me clean the house!goof-off(2): someone who wastes time and isnt serious. A goof-off never does well in schoolgoof up: make a

21、mistake. Oh no! I really goofed up!goofy: silly. Kids always make me feel goofy!grabbers: hands. Have you washed your grabbers, Benjamin?grand: one thousand dollars. Hes making over a hundred grand a year!grass: marijuana. Have you ever smoked grass?grub: food. Wheres the grub?!grubby: not clean. I

22、always feel grubby in the morning.grungy: unclean and stinky. Hes always grungy!gut: a persons stomach; belly. Look at him, he must be getting a big gut!guts(1): courage. It took a lot of guts to ask his boss for a raise. guts(2): the nature of something. Lets get to the guts of the program!Hhairy:

23、difficult; dangerous. The steep and windy road was really hairy.hang a left: make a left turn. Hang a left at the next corner.hang a right: make a right turn. Hang a right at the next corner.head: toilet. I really need to use the head!hep: sensible; informed. He is really the heppest man in this town.hickey: a love bite on the skin. Wow! Is that a hickey on your neck?hip: sensible; informed. He really tries hard to be hip.hookerpossibly offensive: prostitute. Youll find a lot of hookers in the r

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