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1、话题作文及倍数练习专题一 英语倍数表达法专项训练1. The mother elephant is _ than the baby elephant. (heavy )这只母象比小象重一百倍。 2. The box is_ than that one. (big)这个盒子比那个盒子大三分之一。 3. Asia is_ as Europe. (large)亚洲的面积是欧洲的两倍。 4. The plane flew_ as high as the kite. (more) 那架飞机的飞行高度是那个风筝的十多倍5. An ordinarytrain, approaching the station

2、, _ as the loudest jet. (loud)普通火车进站时发出的声音可能是喷射机的两倍。 6. My command of English is not_ as yours. (half)我英语掌握得还不及你的一半儿好。 7. The earth is _ the moon. (size)地球的体积是月球的 49 倍。 8. The length of the road is four times_ three years ago. (what)这条路的长度是三年前的 4 倍。 9. The size of the sun is _ the earth. (than)太阳的体积

3、比地球的体积大一百万倍。 10. She spent _ as you. (half)她花掉的钱只有你花掉的一半。 11. He runs _as I do. (fast) 他跑得比我快3倍。 12. The length of the road is _ ago.(what) 这条路的长度是十年前的2倍。 13. This well is _that one. (depth) 这口井的深度是那口井的3倍。 14. Fear of danger is _than danger itself. (terrifying) 对危险的恐惧感比危险本身可怕一万倍。15. There is _to hos

4、t the Olympics as to win Olympic medals. (competition) 在国家与国家之间举办奥运会和赢得奥运会金牌有着同样多的竞争。16. There are _than in yours. (more) 我们图书馆的书是你们的5倍。17. There is _as in that one. (much) 在这个瓶里的水是那个瓶里的4倍。 18. There are twice as_ in the town. (expect) 这个镇上的人数是我预料的人数的2倍。19. He has collected more than _as I have. (ma

5、ny) 他收集的邮票是我的3倍多。20. Charges of airmail are almost _ of a normal mail. (twice)空邮的收费几乎是正常邮费的23倍21. The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be_ .(as)正在为下届亚运会而建设的新体育场将是目前这个体育场的三倍。22. Houses cost _ they did last year.(than)今年的房价比去年跌了四分之一。23. The new building is _ the old one.(than)这座新楼

6、比那座旧楼大三倍。24. A computer costs _ now.(less)现在计算机的价格降了百分之二十。25. The number of people in that area _ in ours.(as)那个地区的人口是我们这个地区的五倍。26. The Atlantic Ocean is _ the Pacific.(as)大西洋的面积只是太平洋的一半。27. This restaurant _that other restaurant we went to.(as)这家饭店没有我们去的别家饭店一半好。28. This box is _ .(as)这只箱子的重量是那只箱子的四

7、倍。29. Some fish can produce sounds _ your speaking voice.(as)有些鱼发出的声音几乎是你说话声音的两倍。30. Peters jacket looked just the same as Jacks, but it cost _ (as) 彼得的夹克衫看起来和杰克的一样,但花了他的那件的两倍的价钱。31. This flat is only _ we previously had.(as)这套房子只是我们原先那套房子的三分之一大。32. The newly-built bridge is _ the old one.(length)这座

8、新桥的长度是旧桥的两倍多。33. The speed of bullet trains _ of ordinary ones.(as)动车的速度可以达到普通火车的两倍。34. The reptile, whose neck _ other animals , uses its neck to hunt.(length)这种爬行动物用脖子来狩猎,它的脖子是其他动物脖子的两倍长。35. There are _I expected.( as)人数是我预料的人数的七倍。36. The hall _our classroom.( than)这个大厅的面积比我们教室大五倍。37. The size of

9、the newly broadened square _the previous one.( of)新扩建的广场为以前的四倍大。38. The production is now _ten years ago.( what)现在的产量是十年前的三倍。39. There are_ in his bag than in yours.( more)他书包里的书比你书包里的书多九倍。40. Shes_.( age)她的年龄是我的两倍。41. The average income of the staff_ compared with last year.( increase)与去年相比,该单位职工的收

10、入已增加了50%。42. He _three times.( by)他跑得比我快三倍。43. This road is six times_.( of)这条路是那条路的六倍长。44. There is_ in that one.( as)这个杯子里的咖啡是那个杯子里的五倍。45. Staying in a hotel for a day costs _renting a house in the country for a week. (as)在旅店住一天的花费是在乡村租一星期房子的两倍。46. We have produced _this year as we did last year.(

11、twice )我们今年生产的棉花是去年的两倍。47. With professor Zhus new seeds the peasants have produced_.(as)因为朱教授的新种子,农民们生产了三倍于从前的稻米。48. The length of the road is _three years ago.(what)这条路的长度是三年前的四倍。49. The price of meat is _last year.(what)肉价是去年的两倍。50. In this workshop the output of July was _.(time)这个车间七月份的产量是元月份的3

12、.5倍。51. After the technique was introduced,the factory produced _(as)采用新的技术以后,那个工厂1988年生产的拖拉机是前一年(1987年)的两倍。52. We have produced _last year. 我们今年生产的粮食比去年增长一倍。(than)53. There are six times_(as)学生的数量是我们预期的六倍。54. The dictionary costs_(use)这本字典现在花的钱是十年前的三倍。55. The new street is 10 miles long, almost _ w

13、hat it used to be. (Length)这条新街道有10英里长,几乎是它过去的三倍长。56. It is said that the new model car _than the old one. (run) 据说 这个新的汽车模型是旧的快两倍。57. The new building is _of the old one(height)这个新建筑的高度是旧的的四倍58. In area, Australia is approximately the same size as the USA, which, however, has _as Australia.(many)在面

14、积上,美国几乎和澳大利亚一样大,然而人口却是它的14倍。59. If we develop our study skills, we may find that learning a foreign language doesnt have to be _(两倍的难度) as learning our mother tongue. (hard) 如果我们发展我们的学习技能,会发现学习外语不一定是学习我们母语的两倍难。60. The shop assistants are sure to be better paid this month since the sale is almost _ (

15、上个月的两倍) . (double)这个月店员的收入肯定要好一些,因为这个月的销售量几乎是上个月的两倍。61. With the rapid development of agriculture and industry, now the city is _ what it was ten years ago. (size) 随着工农业的快速发展,现在的城市是十年前的两倍大。62. I like these blue jacket very much; it costs _the one hanging in the window. (as)我非常喜欢这些蓝色的夹克,它是挂在窗户的那件的三倍价

16、钱。_专题二 开放式作文训练第一篇:“读书周”活动中我校英语网站以That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit.(好书开卷引人入胜,闭卷使人获益)为主题进行征文比赛。请以中学生的视角,结合你最喜欢的一本书写一篇120左右的参赛文章。注意:无须写标题;除诗歌外,文体不限;开头已给出,不得再抄写,不计入总词数;文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;词数为120左右。I dont think I have read many books; nevertheless, I attach much imp

17、ortance to reading. 第二篇: 请根据以下提示,结合你生活中的一个事例,用英语写一篇短文。A bad experience is an experience as well. You can learn from your mistakes and situations you were not happy about.注意:无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;除诗歌外,文体不限;内容必须结合你生活中的一个事例;文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;词数为120左右。第三篇:请根据以下提示,结合你的校园生活,就学校是否在学生中开展课外体育运动这一话题,用英语写一篇短文。A lot of

18、 kids and adults think that sports out of class in campus have become too intense. Injuries and burnout are on the rise among young people. Schools, especially parents are anxious about the kids safety. What do you think? 注意: 无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;除诗歌外,文体不限;内容必须结合校园生活中的一个事例;文中不得透漏个人姓名和学校名称;词数为120左右。第四篇: “Good health is the foundation of a fulfilling life said Chairman Mao“Hea

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