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1、工业气体供应协议中英文目录TABLE OF CONTENTS第一条定义Article 1. Definitions第二条数量、供应和购买保证Article 2. Quantities, Supply and Purchase Commitments第三条质量Article 3. Quality第四条交接点Article 4. Delivery Point第五条计量Article 5. Metering第六条设备维护Article 6. Equpment Maintenance第七条定价和付款条款Article 7. Pricing and Payment Terms第八条不可抗力Article

2、 8. Force Majeure第九条保险Article 9. Insurance第十条责任Article 10. Liability第十一条日程和期限Article 11. Schedule and Term第十二条转让Article 12. Assignment第十三条适用法律和争议解决Article 13. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution第十四条土地Article 14. Land第十五条通知Article 15. Notices第十六条部分或全部无效Article 16. Partial or Total Invalidity第十七条保密Ar

3、ticle 17. Confidentiality第十八条修改Article 18. Amendments第十九条完整协议Article 19. Entire Agreement附件一交接点产品质量APPENDIX 1 Product Quality at the Delivery Point附件二交接点、管道线路和计量站APPENDIX 2 Delivery Point, Pipeline route, and Metering Station42附件三甲方提供的公用工程条件APPENDIX 3 Utilities and Facilities Provided by party A第一条定

4、义Article 1. Definitions1.1.“本协议”系指本书面协议,包括其所有的附件。Agreement shall mean this written Agreement including all the appendixes attached hereto.1.2.“交接点”系指第4条所确定的位置。Delivery Point shall mean the points as defined in Article 4.1.3.“标准立方米(Nm3)”系指标准立方米,一标准立方米气体系指在绝对压力为101.325kPa,温度为零摄氏度下充满一(1)立方米体积的气体量。Nm3:

5、shall mean normal cubic meter. One normal cubic meter of gas means that quantity of such gas which occupies a volume of one cubic meter at a temperature of 0 Celsius and an absolute pressure of 101.325 kPa1.4.“标准立方米每小时(Nm3/h)”系指每小时的标准立方米数,为气体瞬时流量计量单位。“Nm3/h” shall mean Nm3 per hour and is the unit u

6、sed for measuring instantaneous flowrate of gas.第二条数量、供应和购买保证Article 2. Quantities, Supply and Purchase Commitments2.1.乙方将安装一套液氧、液氮储存及汽化系统,以在空分装置停车期间,或在甲方用气量超出上述保留数量之额外的气体产品数量时供应其需氧气和氮气。供应能力不超过:party Bshall install a set of liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen storage and vaporization system to supply

7、Oxygen and Nitrogen for intermittent use during ASU(s) shutdown period or additional requirement for Products when party As consumption exceeds the additional gaseous product quantities above the Reserved Quantities. Supply capacity does not exceed:乙方安装有高压氧气缓冲罐。如果空分突然停车,氧气将通过减压阀从缓冲罐送出;同时乙方将启动液氧泵继续提供

8、8小时的后备氧气产品。party B will install high pressure Oxygen buffer to supply Oxygen through pressure reducing valve if ASU trips. Simultaneously party B will start liquid oxygen pump to supply back up Oxygen for 8 hours.乙方安装有氮气缓冲罐。如果空分停车,高压、中压和低压氮气将通过减压阀从缓冲罐送出;同时乙方将启动液氮泵继续提供24小时的后备高压氮气以及8小时中压和低压氮气产品。party

9、B will install Nitrogen buffer to supply HPGAN, MPGAN and LPGAN Nitrogen through pressure reducing valve if ASU trips. party B will start liquid nitrogen pump to supply back up HPGAN for 24 hours, MPGAN and LPGAN Nitrogen up to 8 hours.乙方安装有后备仪表空气压缩机和仪表空气缓冲罐,如果空分跳车或停车后将由乙方继续提供0.5小时的后备仪表空气。乙方will ins

10、tall back up Instrument Air compressor and buffer to supply back up Instrument Air for 0.5 hours after ASU trips or shuts down.2.2.若甲方设施发生计划外停工,甲方和乙方应进行紧急电话联络(并通过传真作出确认),以决定乙方是否维持其空分装置的运行。Should party As Facilities shut down under an un-scheduled condition, party A and party B should make emergency

11、phone calls (and to be confirmed by fax) to decide whether party B should maintain the operation of its ASU.若甲方和乙方同意维持空分装置的运行,则甲方应按照该期间内交付的产品数量,且至少按照最低购买量全额付款。In case party A and party B agree to maintain the operation of ASU,party A shall pay for the quantity of product delivered during this period

12、 and shall pay at least the“Minimum Purchase Quantities”when the actual delivered volume is lower than the Minimum Purchase Quantities.若甲方和乙方双方同意关闭空分装置,则甲方应向乙方偿付空分装置的启动费,但对于第一合同年和第二合同年内的每年4次计划内停车以及自第三合同年起的每一合同年内的3次计划内停车如需乙方关停和重启空分,甲方不需支付乙方空分启动费。In case both partyA and party B agree to shut down the

13、ASU,partyA shall reimburse party B for the Start-up Cost of the ASU(s). Nevertheless, partyA shall not pay the ASU Start-up Cost to party B in case it is necessary for party B to shut down and restart the ASU for such four times of scheduled shutdowns per year in the first Contract Year and in the s

14、econd Contract Year, and three times of scheduled shutdown in each Contract Year as from the third Contract Year.2.3.空分装置的最短运行时间:Minimum Operation time of the ASU:尽管本协议有任何其他规定,在本协议规定的条件下,甲方应至少按照第一合同年6000小时,此后每合同年最低7200小时向乙方支付最低购买量的付款。Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, under the

15、terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, partyA shall at least pay for the “Minimum Purchase Quantities” based on a minimum of 6000 hours for the first Contract Year and 7200 hours per Contract Year thereafter.第三条质量Article 3. Quality3.1.乙方将负责在线测试产品是否符合附件一确定的规格。若任何一方发现产品不符合附件一确定的规格,一方须尽快通知另一

16、方。乙方为甲方提供产品质量的信号节点,甲方可以将此信号接入其监视系统中。party B will be responsible for testing on-line the conformity of the Products to the specifications set forth in Appendix 1. In case of discovery by either Party of non-conformity of Products to the specifications set forth in Appendix 1, the Party shall inform t

17、he other Party as soon as possible. party B should provide to partyA the product quality signal to be available for partyA to integrate into its monitoring system.3.2.若任何产品未达到附件一规定的规格,则甲方有权拒绝接收该等产品。如果在甲方明知接收不合格产品交货的情况下,应同样适用第7条有关定价的规定和其他合同条件,且其适用范围应等同于该等产品数量符合有关规格要求时的适用范围。尽管本协议另有约定,对于甲方根据本协议接收和交付的产品

18、所提出的任何质量索赔要求,甲方须在有关产品数量交付后的二十四(24)小时内书面通知其索赔要求,否则该等索赔要求应视为被放弃和被永久性地撤销。For any Products which fail to meet the specifications set forth in Appendix 1, partyA has the right to reject such Products. To the extent that partyA knowingly accepts delivery of non-conforming Products, the pricing provisions

19、of Article 7 and other contractual conditions shall apply in the same manner, and to the same extent, such would have applied if such volumes of Products do meet such specifications. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, any claim of partyA with respect to the quality of Products t

20、aken and delivered pursuant to this Agreement shall be deemed as waived and forever barred unless it is confirmed by partyA in writing within twenty four (24) hours after the delivery of the relevant volume of Products.3.3.以上同样的原则适用于甲方根据本协议附件三向乙方交付的动力和公用工程。The same principle applies to the Power and

21、 the Utilities delivered by partyA to party B hereunder the specifications set forth in Appendix 3 of this Agreement.第四条交接点Article 4. Delivery Point4.1.在本协议项下,对于乙方向甲方交付的所有产品应以附件二确定的位置为交接点。乙方将向甲方提供产品流量、质量,压力和可行的运行的输出信号,甲方可将此信号接入其监视系统。Under this Agreement, for all Products delivered from party B to pa

22、rtyA, the Delivery Points have been defined in Appendix 2. party B will provide output signals of the Product flow rate, quality, pressure and workable operation to be available for party A to integrate into its monitoring system.4.2.对于乙方向甲方交付的产品,其所有权和风险应在相关交接点转移给甲方。乙方仅对交接点上游的产品的所有权和风险负责和承担责任,甲方仅对交接

23、点下游的产品的所有权和风险负责和承担责任。Title and risk of the Products delivered from party B to party A shall pass to and vest in party A at the Delivery Point. party B shall be solely liable and responsible for the title and risk of the Products upstream of the Delivery Point and party A shall be solely liable and r

24、esponsible for the title and risk of the Products downstream of the Delivery Point.4.3.在乙方的人员遵守甲方场地的安全规定的前提下,甲方应允许乙方的人员在本协议整个期限内按双方约定进入计量站和接触乙方管道,以便该等乙方的人员能够对该等设施进行正常或特别操作和维护。甲方应向乙方提供适用的相关规定的书面文件及其更新版本。Provided that party Bs personnel comply with the safety regulation of party As site, party A shall

25、 provide party Bs personnel access to the metering station and get to party Bs Pipeline as per the agreement between both Parties throughout the term of this Agreement in order for party Bs personnel to perform normal or special operation and maintenance on such A shall provide party

26、B written copies of any such regulations including periodic updates, as applicable.4.4.在交接点的下游,将产品输送至使用地点和调节产品流量和压力所必须的所有管道和其他设备应由甲方自费进行安装和维护,并将成为甲方的财产。Downstream of the Delivery Point, all the pipeline and other equipment necessary to deliver and regulate the Product flowrate and pressure up to the

27、 points of use will be installed and maintained by party A at its own expenses and shall be party As property.第五条计量Article 5. Metering5.1.本协议项下交付至甲方的产品的所有流量计量将按照技术上被接受的中国标准进行,双方另有约定的除外。乙方应负责为向甲方交付产品而安装的计量站的投资、安装、测试、运行和维护。All flow measurements for the Products delivered to party A hereunder will be m

28、ade according to technically accepted Chinese standards, unless otherwise mutually agreed. party B shall be responsible for the investment, installation, testing, operation, and maintenance of the metering station installed for the delivery of Products to party A.5.2.在事先书面通知甲方以后,乙方将按照国家计量法规的要求每合同年至少


30、请求前三十(30)天内的计量数量应做相应更正。该等检定机构的费用应由与检定机构的结果相比存在较大误差的一方支付,或,如果双方误差相等或均无误差,由提出检查要求的一方承担。party B, at its expense, and after prior written notice to party A, will test and calibrate the metering equipment according to the state regulations governing the metering at least once per Contract Year when party

31、 A may have its representatives present and the result of such test and calibration shall be reported to party A in written form. In case of doubt regarding the accuracy of the metering equipment, either Party may request in writing a crosscheck to be made by party As and party Bs technical department. The Party requested may not defer the crosscheck beyond eight (8) days after the date of the request. Either Party shall bear its costs related to the crosschecks. The quantities registered during the period elapsed sin

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