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1、五年级英语上册Unit3Myfavoritefoodishamburgers教案My favorite food is hamburgers单元(组)序号Unit 3单元(组)名称My favorite food is hamburgers.课时数4学习目标1、能听、说、读、写有关一日三餐的词汇: China, the USA, fruit, drink, food, chocolate, hamburger, coffee 和 delicious;二、能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型:1. Whatyour favorite food?2. My favorite food is / I l

2、ike best. 3. Mom is drinking coffee. Thats her favorite drink.情感目标一、 培养学生用英语交流自己喜欢的食物、饮品的意愿。二、鼓励学生和他人进行小组合作,培养学生的合作能力。教材分析本单元讨论和学习的话题是饮食,在以前所学的相关食物话题的基础上引入对西餐的介绍,以及对饮食喜好的讨论。本单元出现的主要的四会词汇有China, the USA, fruit, drink, food, chocolate, hamburger, coffee 和 delicious; 本单元的功能结构是就他人的喜好进行问答以及表述:Whatyour fa

3、vorite food? My favorite food is / I like best. Mom is drinking coffee. Thats her favorite drink. 等。课时教案教学内容Unit 3 My favorite food is hamburgers.第几 课时一共几课时四学习目标能听、说、读、写有关一日三餐的词汇:China, the USA, fruit, drink, food, chocolate, hamburger, coffee 和 delicious;教学重、难点教学重点:能听、说、读、写单词China, the USA, fruit,

4、drink, food, chocolate, hamburger, coffee 和 delicious;教学难点:能根据教师指令灵活运用上述单词。 教学流程二次备课一、课程导入(Leading In)1新课导入(1)教师可自行安排时间,引导学生一起完成Warming-up 的第一部分 Think and match. (2)接下来介绍Li Shan 和Kitty所在国家的国旗,让学生想一想猜一猜这两个中西方的孩子各自会喜欢什么食物。二、课程展示活动和过程 1通过展示PPT、单词卡片或者课本第18页的图片进行新单词的教授。(1)向学生介绍各个国家的名称,重点强调China 和the USA.

5、 (2) 教授单词fruit,一边向学生展示水果,复习这些水果的英文名称,引出新单词fruit。(3)介绍单词food 和drink。 通过以旧引新的方法,引出单词food和drink。(4) 教授单词chocolate 和hamburger. 这两个单词是多音节词,让学生尝试着按音节来拼读拼写单词。2巩固活动和应用 利用单词卡片,小组内巩固所学单词。三、操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)1 字母重新排列组合单词。2 同桌为一组,进行以上游戏。3 听声音找卡片课堂检测翻译下面短语favorite_food_hamburger_theUSA_chocolate_1

6、、学生独立完成检测题2、教师巡视3疑难问题,师生解疑课后练习1、抄写“四会”词汇各两行。板书设计Unit 3 My favorite food is hamburgers.China, the USA, fruit, drink, food, chocolate, hamburger, coffee , delicious;教学反思课时教案教学内容Unit 3 My favorite food is hamburgers.第几 课时二共几课时四教学目标学习掌握以下句型:1. Whatyour favorite food?2. My favorite food is / I like best.

7、 3. Mom is drinking coffee. Thats her favorite drink.教学重、难点教学重点: 能在日常生活的交流中正确运用上述功能句型。教学难点: 通过实际练习,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。教学流程二次备课一、课程导入(Leading In)1课前问答教师将上节课所学的词汇融入到课前的回答中,如: T:Good morning,boys and girls.Now, look at these pictures, Whats this in English? S: 2新课导入 教师引导学生一起完成Warming-up 的第二部分,look and tick,

8、学习功能句:Whatyour favorite food?My favorite food is / I like best. 二、课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presen.tation)1新课展示:(1)创设情境,学习新知T: Hello, everyone! My name is Colin. Im from the USA. Where are you from? Ss: Im from China.T: I like green. So green is my favorite color. Whats you favorite color? S5: My favorite colo

9、r is red.T: How about you? Whats you favorite color? S6: (2)Lets talk 部分的呈现 边看课本,边听对话,提出问题:Question 1: Who are talking? Question 2: What are they talking about?Question 3: Whats Colins favorite food? Question 4: Whats Liu Zhaoyangs favorite food? Question 5: What do people in the USA often eat? 2听录音

10、,学习Lets talk部分。(1) 教师讲解课本当中的重点句型 Whatyour favorite food?My favorite food is / I like best. (2)两人一组进行对话练习 (3)教师板书重点句型: Whatyour favorite food?My favorite food is / I like best. (4)将全班学生分为两组,男女生歌一组来练习对话,完成后教师可让学生两人一组练习对话。三、操练活动的设计与实施1.巩固活动(1)教师带领学生分角色表演会话内容,引导学生根据内容来表达语气、动作等。(2)教师给学生几分钟的准备时间,让学生两人一组提前

11、进行练习。(3)教师请几位同学到讲台前表演对话,并借助所准备的头饰增加表演的趣味性。(4)“击鼓传花”:游戏2Part B : Do a survey and report课堂检测选词填空1.-_(what,whats)yourfavoritefood?-_(I,My) favoritefoodishamburgers2.Ilikedumplings_(best,favorite).3.Ilike_(Chinese,China)food.hamburger,4._(Whatabout,Whatsabout)you?课后练习1、抄写新学“四会”句型各两行,两人一组练习对话。2、完成配套练习第一页

12、练习题。板书设计 Unit 3 My favorite food is hamburgers.1. Whatyour favorite food?2. My favorite food is / I like best. 3. Mom is drinking coffee. Thats her favorite drink.教学反思课时教案教学内容Unit 3 My favorite food is hamburgers.第几课时三共几课时四教学目标1.能听懂、会说下列句型:Mom is drinking coffee. Thats her favorite drink.2. 能听懂会唱Let

13、s sing部分的歌谣。3. 完成Ask and answer部分的问答。教学重、难点教学重点:能在实际生活中灵活自如地运用所学句型教学难点:Mom is drinking coffee. Thats her favorite drink.教学流程二次备课一、课程导入(Leading In)日常口语练习,以下内容供参考: Good morning,boys and girls! Whats for breakfast?/What do you have for breakfast? Do you like bread for breakfast? What do you like for br

14、eakfast? Whatyour favorite food?二、课程展示活动和过程1教师创设情景,学习新单词。(1) Lets learn more 部分的呈现。(2)学生带着问题听短文了解课文大意Question 1: What day is it today? Question 2: Whats the time now?Question 3: What are Kevins family doing? Question 4: Whats his mothers favorite drink? Question 5: Whats his fothers favorite thing?Q

15、uestion 6: What about his grandpa and his brother? Question 7: Whats Kevins favorite thing?(3) 小组内对所提的问题进行讨论。(4)教师引领学生阅读短文,核对所提问题的答案。2 Lets learn more (1)时间表达和星期的复习。(2)文中涉及的语法:现在进行时和一般现在时。三、操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)1Part B Lets sing(1)通读歌词,理解歌词大意。 (2)播放歌曲,学生小声跟唱。(3)请几个小组上讲台表演。 2.Part C: Ask

16、and answer 两人一组,就对方家庭成员朋友等的喜好进行问答。课堂检测照例子用所给单词写句子。例:(food、rice)Whatisyourfavoritefood?Myfavoritefoodisrice.1.(,coke)1、学生独立完成检测题2、教师巡视3.难问题,师生解疑课后练习1、完成配套练习册。2、预习新知。板书设计Unit 3 My favorite food is hamburgers.Mom is drinking coffee. Thats her favorite drink.(food、rice)Whatisyourfavo

17、ritefood?Myfavoritefoodisrice.教学反思课时教案教学内容Unit 3 My favorite food is hamburgers.第几课时四共几课时四教学目标1理解ren and discuss部分的小故事。2引导完成listen and tick or corss 部分、 Think, match and say 部分及Look, think and write 部分的练习。教学重、难点教学重点:理解ren and discuss部分的小故事教学难点:listen and tick or corss 部分、 Think, match and say 部分及Loo

18、k, think and write 部分的练习教学流程二次备课一、课程导入(Leading In)课前热身播放上节课学习过的Let s sing 部分的英文歌曲。二、课程展示活动和过程1Red and discuss 部分的呈现,学生自读,划出不认识的生字。2. 回答以下问题:Question1: Who has a small shop?Question2: Is he in China now ?Question3: Whats in his shop?Question4:What does the woman want to buy? Question5:Do you know whe

19、re the hamburgers are? 3Red and discuss 部分的拓展,四个人为一组,自编对话,将对话写在练习本上,然后上台表演。三、操练活动的设计与实施 1Part C Listen and tick or cross 2. Part C Think, match and say.3. Part C Look, think and write. 课堂检测连词成句。1.theHerearecakes(.)2. likeIbestcookies(!)3.lookTheyverynice(.)4.hisWhereHamburgersare(?)课后练习1、听说读写本课新授句子。2、和你的搭档运用新学句型进行对话练习。板书设计单元知识总结重点短语:onSunday,have tea,verymuch,asmallshop重点句型:CanIhelpyou?WhatcanIdoforyou?Whatdotheylike?Whatisyourfavoritefood?Whatisyourfavoritefood.?MyfavoritefoodisIlikebest.Iloveverymuch.教学反思

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