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本文(地球脉动第一季中英对照剧本 BBC的自然纪录片.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

地球脉动第一季中英对照剧本 BBC的自然纪录片.docx

1、地球脉动第一季中英对照剧本 BBC的自然纪录片“Planet Earth”地球脉动在年播出时曾轰动全球被无数纪录片迷封为神作。 第一集 一百年前A hundred years ago 地球上生活着亿人there were one and a half billion people on Earth. 如今 已有超过亿人拥挤在 我们这颗脆弱的星球上Now, over six billion crowd our fragile planet. 尽管如此 地球上仍有一些 人类极少涉足的地方But even so, there are still places barely touched by hu

2、manity. 这部专题片将把你带到最后的蛮荒之地This series will take to the last wildernesses 展示这个星球的风貌 和你以前从未见过的野生动物and show you the planet and its wildlife as you have never seen them before. 想象一下一个没有太阳的世界Imagine our world without sun. 雄帝企鹅正在挑战地球上最严酷的环境Male Emperor Penguins are facing the nearest that exists on planet

3、Earth 南极洲的冬天winter in Antarctica. 黑夜漫无休止Its continuously dark 气温下降到零下and temperatures drop to minus seventy degrees centigrade. 其它动物早已逃离 只有企鹅留了下来The penguins stay when all other creatures have fled 因为每只企鹅都护卫着一件宝贝because each guards a treasure: 一颗躺在它们脚背上的蛋a single egg rested on the top of its feet 依靠

4、耷拉下来的肚皮上的绒毛保持温暖and kept warm beneath the downy bulge of its stomach. 它们没有食物 也没有水There is no food and no water for them, 而且整整个月见不到太阳and they will not see the sun again for four months. 这绝对是动物们经受过的最严酷的考验Surely no greater ordeal is faced by any animal. 太阳已远离南极As the sun departs from the Antarctic 照耀在遥远

5、的北方天空it lightens the skies in the far north. 现在是三月Its March 阳光重返北极腹地and light returns to the high Arctic, 驱走了个月的黑暗sweeping away four months of darkness. 一只北极熊苏醒了A polar bear stirs. 整个冬天 它都在洞穴里度过She has been in her den the whole winter. 它的出现标志着春天的到来Her emergence marks the beginning of spring. 长达数月的地下

6、闭居已经结束After months of confinement underground 它从斜坡上一滑而下she toboggans down the slope. 也许是为了清洁皮毛Perhaps to clean her fur, 也许只是因为高兴perhaps for sheer joy. 它的幼熊们第一次注视着 这个明亮的新世界Her cubs gaze out of their bright new world for the very first time. 母熊召唤着熊崽The female calls them, 但在这个陡峭的斜坡上 踏出第一步可不太容易but this

7、steep slope is not the easiest place to take your first steps. 可是它们太饿了But they are hungry 急切盼着来到母亲身旁and eager to reach their mother, 在这个特别的日子里 母熊已经推迟了喂奶的时间whos delayed feeding them on this special day. 现在该是履行承诺的时候了 乳汁是巨大的诱惑Now she lures them with the promise of milk, 自从熊崽们两个多月前又聋又瞎地 在雪下出生以来 母乳就是它们唯一

8、的食物the only food the cubs have known since they were born deaf and blind beneath the snow some two months ago. 它们的母亲已有个月没有进食了Their mother has not eaten for five months 失去了一半的体重and has lost half her body weight. 现在它将仅剩的一点脂肪 变成乳汁喂养它的宝贝们Now she converts the last of her fat reserves into milk for her cu

9、bs. 春天的太阳带来了温暖The spring sun brings warmth 但对母熊而言却是一个问题but also a problem for the mother. 海面的冰层开始融化It starts to melt the sea ice. 而母熊则需要在那里捕杀海豹 喂养幼熊That is where she hunts for the seal she needs to feed her cubs. 因此它必须在冰层破碎之前到达那里And she must get there before the ice breaks up. 而现在的气温仍然有-For now thou

10、gh its still minus thirty degrees 熊崽们必须回到洞中避寒and the cubs must have the shelter of the den. 现在是北极熊现身后的第天Its six days since the bears emerged 春色匆匆and spring is advancing rapidly. 但即使是现在 暴风雪 仍会在毫无征兆的情况下来袭But even now blizzards can strike without warning. 幼小的熊崽很容易冻僵 躲在洞穴中可能会更舒服些Being so small, the cubs

11、 are easily chilled and they will be more comfortable resting in the den. 可是母熊必须得把它们带到外边活动But their mother must keep them out and active. 饥饿将它折磨得虚弱不堪Shes becoming weak from hunger 而这片产仔的斜坡上没有一点食物and theres no food on these nursery slopes. 海面上的冰层依然坚固The sea ice still holds firm, 但是这种情况不会持续太久but it wo

12、nt last much longer. 第天Day , 母熊已经带领幼熊离巢英里远and the mother has led her cubs a mile from the den. 现在该是考验它们的时候了Its time to put them to the test. 它们的信心日益膨胀Theyve grown enormously in confidence, 不过它们并不像母熊那样着急but they dont have their mothers sense of urgency. 最后 它们似乎做好了旅行的准备At last it seems that theyre rea

13、dy for their journey 它们刚好赶得及and theyre only just in time, 离岸几英里远的海面上 冰层已经开始崩裂for a few miles from the coast the ice is already splitting. 现在母熊将猎杀海豹 获取紧需的食物Now the mother can start hunting for the seals they must have, 而它也正带着熊崽们 进入一个危险的新世界but shes leading her cubs into a dangerous new world. 大约有近一半的幼

14、熊 会在第一年的冰上历险中丧生Nearly half of all cubs die in their first year out on the ice. 夏季意味着全天小时的日照Summer brings hours of sunlight 融化的冰雪不断改变着地貌and the thawing shifting landscape. 在更远的北极苔原上 冬雪几乎已经完全消失Further south the winter snows have almost cleared from the Arctic tundra. 这里是加拿大北部荒野Northern Canadas wild fr

15、ontier. 大自然正在此上演着一幕最壮观的演出Here nature stages one of her greatest dramas - 每年 万迁徙的北美驯鹿 都将穿越北极苔原Every year three million caribou migrate across the Arctic tundra. 庞大的鹿群只有在空中 才能完全领略它的壮观The immensity of the herd can only be properly appreciated from the air. 有的鹿群一年得走上多英里 才能到达新鲜草场Some herds travel over , miles a year in search of fresh pastures. 这是动物界中最长的陆地迁徙This is the longest overland migration made by any animal. 它们总是不停地赶路Theyre constantly on the move. 新生的小鹿必须 在出生的第一天就站起来奔跑Newborn calves have to be up and running the day they are b

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