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1、高二上学期英语非谓语动词专项练习 非谓语动词用法对比【专项训练】:1、They knew her very well. They had seen her up from childhood. Agrow Bgrew Cwas growing Dto grow2、Tom kept quiet about the accident lose his job. Aso not as to Bso as not to Cso as to not Dnot so as to3、She reached the top of the hill and stopped on a big rock by th

2、e side of the path. Ato have rested Bresting Cto rest Drest4、The next morning she found the man in bed, dead. Alying Blie Clay Dlaying5、Only one of these books is . Aworth to read Bworth being read Cworth of reading Dworth reading6、The squirrel was lucky that it just missed . Acatching Bto be caught

3、 Cbeing caught Dto catch7、Most of the people to the party were famous scientists. Ainvited Bto invite Cbeing invited Dinviting8、She didnt remember him before. Ahaving met Bhave met Cto meet Dto having met9、 Good morning. Can I help you? Id like to have this package , madam. Abe weighed Bto be weighe

4、d Cto weigh Dweighed10、There was a terrible noise the sudden burst of light. Afollowed Bfollowing Cto be followed Dbeing followed11、The murderer was brought in, with his hands behind. Abeing tied Bhaving tied Cto be tied Dtied12、On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Green went to the market, some bananas and

5、visited her cousin. Abought Bbuying Cto buy Dbuy13、The secretary worked late into the night, a long speech for the president. Ato prepare Bpreparing Cprepared Dwas preparing14、I can hardly imagine Peter across the Atlantic Ocean in five days. Asail Bto sail Csailing Dto have sailed15、John was made t

6、he truck for a week as a punishment. Ato wash Bwashing Cwash Dto be washing16、I would appreciate back this afternoon. Ayou to call Byou call Cyour calling Dyoure calling17、John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes . Aopen Bto be opened Cto open Dopening18、 a reply, he decided to write ag

7、ain. ANot receiving BReceiving not CNot having received DHaving not received19、Charles Babbage is generally considered the first computer. Ato have invented Binventing Cto invent Dhaving invented20、 “Cant you read?” Mary said to the notice. Aangrily pointing Band point angrily Cangrily pointed Dand

8、angrily pointing21、Rather than on a crowded bus, he always prefers a bicycle. Aride, ride Briding, ride Cride, to ride Dto ride, riding22、The missing boys were last seen near the river. Aplaying Bto be playing Cplay Dto play23、The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, that he

9、had enjoyed his stay here. Ahaving added Bto add Cadding Dadded24、The first text books for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. Ahaving written Bto be written Cbeing written Dwritten25、We agreed here but so far she hasnt turned up yet. Ahaving met Bmeeting Cto meet Dt

10、o have met26、You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. Well, now I regret that. Ato do Bto be doing Cto have done Dhaving done27、The patient was warned oily food after the operation. Ato eat not Beating not Cnot to eat Dnot eating28、 in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of

11、 him. ALosting BHaving lost CLost DTo lose29、Is this raincoat yours? No, mine there behind the door. Ais hanging Bhas hung Changs Dhung30、The Olympic Games, in 776 B.C., did not include women players until 1912. Afirst playing Bto be first played Cfirst played Dto be first playing31、We saw the bird

12、flap its wings and away. Afly Bflied Cflew Dflying32、I insisted that the dictionary to be bought at once. Arefers to Brefer Creferred Dreferring33、 , ice will be changed into water. AHeating BHeated CIf heating DTo be heated34、The foreigner seemed his way. Ato be losing Bto have missed Cto have lost

13、 Dmissed35、Dont leave me alone at home. Ato stay Bstay Cstaying Dstayed36、Whatever must well. Ais to be done, be done Bare to do, do Cis to dobe done Dare to be done, do37、The officer ordered the wounded soldier at once. Ato operate Bbe operated Cwas operated on Dto be operated on38、With the walls w

14、hite , the room seems larger. Apainting Bpainted Cto be painted Dhas been painted39、Can I help you? Id like to have the shoes , for they are a bit smaller. Achanging Bchanged Cto be changing Dbe changed40、On hearing the news, the woman stood there . Afrightened Bfrightening Cto frighten Dto be frigh

15、tened41、 the train, they decided to wait for another. AMissed BMissing CHaving missed DBeing missed42、There no bus, I had to walk home. Ais Bwas Cwere Dbeing43、At present, there is a new airport and supermarket in the south of the town. Abuilt Bto be built Cbeing built Dis being built44、The young ma

16、n told the doctor that he didnt need his heart . Ahaving, checked Bto have, checked Chaving, to check Dto have, to check45、Try the back door if nobody answers the front door. Ato knock at Bknocking at Cand knock at Dand knocking at46、We have to do something to stop wild animals . Akilling Bto be kil

17、led Cbeing killed Dto kill47、 , we plan to hold a class meeting. ATime permitting BTime permits CIf time is permitted DTime permitted48、With the boy the way, the soldiers got to the position in time. Aled Bleading Cbeing led Dwas leading49、The Emperor ordered the wonderful cloth for him without dela

18、y. Ato weave Bto be woven Cto have woven Dto be weaving50、Look at his look. It seems as if he had met a tiger. Afrightened, frightening Bfrightening, frightened Cfrightened, frightened Dfrightening, frightening51、 , the players began the game. AHaving taken our seats BTaking our seats CAfter we took

19、 our seats DBeing taken the seats52、 him before, she didnt know he was her uncle. ANot having seen BHaving not seen CNot seeing DNot being seen53、 many times, but he made the same mistake again. AHaving been told BAlthough he had been told CHe had been told DHaving told54、The glass of water is too h

20、ot. I prefer some cold water. Aboiled Bboiling Cto boil Dhaving boiled55、The little boy entered the classroom without . Anoticing Bnoticed Cbeing noticed Dnotice56、Were considering English in pairs after class. Apractising speaking Bpractising to speak Cto practise speaking Dto practise to speak57、

21、the mixture, the teacher showed it around the classroom. ATo see BMore students to see CFor more students to see DSeen58、I apologize for my promise. Anot to keep Bbeing kept Cnot having kept Dhaving not kept59、The book on the desk to her. Alying, belonging Blay, belong Clying, belongs Dbeing lie, is

22、 belong60、 , Mary had to stay at home to look after her. ABeing ill BTo be ill CHer mother was ill DHer mother being ill61、 much English troubled him a lot. AHis not knowing BNot he knowing CHis having not known DHis not known62、He wont attend the meeting unless to give a speech. Ainvited Binviting

23、Cbeing invited Dhe will be invited63、He got the first and won the prize as . Aexpected Bexpecting Cto be expected Dexpect64、He stood there with his eyes me. Afixing Bfixing on Cfixed to Dfixed on65、Mother warned him after drinking. Ato never drive Bnever to drive Cnever driving Dnever drive66、I reme

24、mber something like that. Athat he say Bhim to say Chis saying Dhim having said67、Did you smell something ? Aburnt Bto burn Cto be burning Dburning68、Because of air pollution, this city is no longer . Aa good place to live in Ba good place for living in Ca good place to live Da good place to be live

25、d in69、Let the day . Ato be remembered Bremembered Cbe remembered Dremember70、His parents , the orphan is now taken care of by the villagers. Adead Bdying Chave died Dhaving died71、Would you be to do me a favour? Aas good as Bso good as Cenough good Dgood enough as72、He had us all through the party.

26、 Alaughing Bto laugh Claugh Dlaughed73、The nurse suggested the old man , for he had a long time to wait. Ato sit down Bsit down Cwould sit down Dsat down74、Those who have questions , raise your hands. Aasked Bask Casking Dto ask75、This room is used food. Ato store Bstoring Cto storing Dstored76、We c

27、ant keep our eyes to all this. Ashut Bshutting Cto shut Dshutted77、I dont feel like to the cinema. Ago Bgoing Cgone Dto go78、 you the truth, I dont like the design he offered. ATell BTold CTelling DTo tell79、 at the station, they found the train . AArriving, going BArrived, go CArriving, gone DArriv

28、ed, gone80、What he said made us . Ato surprise Bsurprise Csurprising Dsurprised答案: 1、A 2、B 3、C 4、A 5、D 6、C 7、A 8、A 9、D 10、B 11、D 12、A 13、B 14、C 15、A 16、C 17、A 18、C 19、A 20、A 21、C 22、A 23、C 24、D 25、C 26、D 27、C 28、C 29、A 30、C 31、A 32、C 33、B 34、C 35、C 36、A 37、D 38、B 39、B 40、A 41、C 42、D 43、C 44、B 45、B 46、C 47、A 48、B 49、B 50、A 51、C 52、A 53、C 54、A 55、C 56、A 57、C 58、C 59、C 60、D 61、A 62、A 63、A 64、D 65、B 66、C 67、D 68、A 69、C 70、D 71、B 72、A 73、B 74、D 75、A 76、A 77、B 78、D 79、C 80、D沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无

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