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1、演讲稿之可口可乐杯演讲比赛可口可乐杯演讲比赛【篇一:“21世纪可口可乐杯”全国英语演讲比赛】 第十八届中国日报社“21世纪可口可乐杯”全国英语演讲比赛 华北水利水电学院选拔赛落幕本报讯(记者 柳春光)11月24日上午9:00,由中国日报社、可口可乐大中华区联合主办,华北水利水电学院外国语学院学生会承办,外国语学院学习部协办的“第十八届中国日报社21世纪可口可乐杯全国英语演讲比赛华北水利水电学院选拔赛在龙子湖校区校区8213教室隆重举行。外国语学院副院长党兰玲,教授张富生,副教授周金洁,李玫等担任了本场比赛的评委。共有9名选手参加了本次选拔赛,最终来自外国语学院学院的徐彩丽荣获比赛一等奖,他将代

2、表我们学校参加全国大学生英语演讲比赛河南省决赛。 比赛分为自我介绍,三分钟定题演讲和评委问答三个环节。比赛过程中,选手们以清晰标准的口语向在场的评委和现场观众展示了“my view on social networking”的主题思想,深厚的知识底蕴,从容的心态,良好的逻辑思维赢得了阵阵掌声。选手们展示过后,各位评委进行了评分,并提出了很多建议,外国语学院副院长党兰玲对大家的表现给予了很高的评价。 这次比赛充分调动了我校大学生学习英语的积极性,为华水学子展现自我提供了一个良好的平台,选手们通过参加此次演讲比赛不仅可以提高自己的英语口语水平,还能锻炼自己的英语表达能力和逻辑思维能力,对以后的发展

3、有着深远影响。【篇二:第20th可口可乐杯全国英语演讲比赛湖南地区决赛主持人串词】before start 各位观众朋友,我们的比赛马上就要开始了,请您尽快就座。请关掉您的手机或 者调为震动。请不要随意走动,不要大声喧哗,谢谢您的合作。 ladies and gentlemen, as the competition is about to begin, please be seated and make sure your cell phones are switched off or in mute mode. please do not walk around or speak loud

4、ly during the competition. thank you for your cooperation. opening address (m) good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. welcome to the 20th china daily “21st century ? coca-cola cup” national english speaking competition regional final in changsha. im(f) thank you i cant believe that i could come back

5、again as a host in this competition as i myself was a former contestant at the regional/national final last year. lots of memories here! and im so proud of the huge popularity of it in china! what about you? isnt that really amazing to be here and meet so many friends today? or :thank you i am super

6、 excited because it is the first time for me to stand on this stage and ive known that this competition has achieved huge success and popularity in china! what about you? isnt that really amazing to be here and meet so many friends today? (m) thats true! as an “ex”-contestant, i can tell you i feel

7、so great about returning to the stage and im sure that all the contestants will “wow”all of us today! or: thats true! even though i am kind of new here, im sure that all the contestants will “wow”all of us today! (f) as we know, the “21st century cup” national english speaking competition was initia

8、ted by china daily in 1996 to improve chinese english learners communicative abilities in english. from the first year on, the competition has served as chinas qualifying contest for the annual international public speaking competition in london, which is organized by the english-speaking union. the

9、 winners of the national final have won awards including championship, first runner-up, best non-native speaker award and audience choice award. (m) this year, the competition is co-sponsored by china daily and coca-cola, and organized by 21st century english education media. china daily, being one

10、of the most authoritative providers of news and views in china, shoulders the responsibility of increasing the exchange between china and the rest of the world by improving chinese peoples overall english abilities. and actually we have a lot more to do beyond this competition. in 2014, 21st century

11、 english education media organized a series of “think like the elite” seminars as part of its “21st century cup” national english speaking competition project. a number of outstanding contestants, elite businesspeople, and corporate executives were invited to give talks and seminars on campus. they

12、shared their opinions on hot issues for college students today and gave them advice on career planning. the “think like the elite” seminars were a bridge between campus and society, promoting efficient communication and helping college students to eich their lives and broaden their horizons. (f) wow

13、, sounds so attractive and i believe that all these activities will definitely bring more english lovers,not just the elites, together to share and enjoy the charm and fun of them.and thanks to the 21st century english education media, china dailys subsidiary newspaper group, it has always committed

14、 to promote english language teaching in various ways, including the newspaper 21st century weekly, online services on , apple and android apps, as well as activities such as this competition. you can get the latest news and competition updates on wechat or sina weibo via the public account of 21st

15、century english newspapers. seriously, i have been followed their account for a long time and just get so much information from it everyday! bravo! (m) me too. besides, we have several co-sponsors to support this event, including 国际英语联合会the english-speaking union (dont read the numbers) (rules of co

16、mpetition) (f) now lets go over the rules of todays competition. the contestants will be given 3 minutes to present a prepared speech, 2 minutes to present an impromptu speech, followed by a 2-minute question-and-answer session. the theme for todays prepared speeches is “seeing is not believing”. th

17、e topic of the impromptu speech will be read to the contestants after their prepared speeches. (m) the highest possible score for each contestant is 100 points. the points are divided into three parts: 30 points for the prepared speech, 40 points for impromptu speech and 30 points for the question-a

18、nd-answer session. the contestants performance will be measured on content, language and the way they deliver the speech. (judges) (f) ladies and gentlemen, todays competition will be mediated by a panel of 6 judges. four of them will be responsible for scoring contestants performances. lets meet th

19、em. they are: *m/f take turns to introduce, dont read the numbers+ (m) also on the panel are 2 question masters who will be responsible for raising questions to todays contestants. they are: (f) ladies and gentlemen, here are the procedures of todays competition: xxcontestants. (m) on the basis of t

20、he contestants final scores, there will be a champion, first and second runners-up, xx first-prize winners, xxsecond-prize winners, xx third-prize winners. the champion, and the first runner-up will be invited to participate in the semi-finals of the 20th china daily “21st century ? coca-cola cup” n

21、ational english speaking competition to be held next year. (f) the remaining xx contestants and all tutors will receive certificates. competition session (f) okay, is everyone clear on this? i just can wait to meet the contestants! so, are you ready? all right, time to go! (m) lets give a warm appla

22、use to contestant no. 1. (m) thank you. here is the topic for your impromptu speech: (f) thank you contestant no. 1. lets give a warm welcome to contestant no. 2 . (f) thank you contestant no. 2. the topic for your impromptu speech is: no. 3no. 4no. 5no. 6 (m) thank you, contestant no. 6. the contes

23、tants above did a wonderful job. now lets have a fifteen-minute recess. please be back by (fifteen-minute break) (m) welcome back. lets welcome contestant no. 7. (m) thank you. here is the topic for your impromptu speech: no. 8no. 9no. 10no. 11no. 12 (f) thank you contestant no. xx. this is the conc

24、luding speech in the afternoon. we want to thank all of this afternoons contestants for their wonderful jobs. we will call an end to the afternoon session here. * awarding ceremony (speeches from honored guests) changsha. today, we have invited some distinguished guests, and they are: (f) name and t

25、itle (m) name and title thank you for coming. (m) while the winners are being selected, we would like to ask to come up and say a few words about the competition on behalf of china daily. lets give him/her a warm welcome. (name and title speaking) (f) thank you, . as we can notice that the competiti

26、on receives generous sponsorship from coca-cola. now, we would now like to invite_to come on stage and say a few words. (if any)(可口可乐代表讲话) (name and title speaking) (m) thank you,successful without the effort to . now, it say a few words. (if any) (name and title speaking) (f) thank you, now, it is

27、my honor to invite one of our distinguished guests to say a few words. (if any)(外籍评 委) 中国日报社“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛由中国日报社主办、二十一世纪英语教育传媒承办。自1996年创办以来,大赛作为每年5月在英国伦敦举行的国际英语演讲比赛的中国区选拔赛,获胜者将代表中国在国际舞台上展示中国青年学子的风貌。中央电视台知名主持人刘欣、芮成钢等均曾作为大赛获胜者参加国际比赛荣获大奖。多年来,作为国内档次最高的英语学习竞赛,大赛已在北京、上海、广州、深圳等大陆主要城市及香港和澳门巡回举行,并得到国际权威英语教学

28、和考试机构的大力支持和高度重视,英国国际英语联合会(esu)、美国世界英语教师协会(tesol)、美国教育考试服务中心(ets)、navitas英语集团、英国大使馆文化教育处等都是大赛的长期合作伙伴。同时,大赛还得到了国家相关部委、企事业单位、新闻媒体等社会各界的广泛关注和支持。国家教育部、国务院新闻办公室、北京奥组委等机构均曾有领导亲临比赛现场,并为获奖选手颁奖。 本届赛事于2012年7月12日启动,面向全国高校本、专科在校学生举行。比赛赛区划分如下:京津赛区(北京、天津)、川渝赛区(四川、重庆)、湖南赛区、广东赛区、福建赛区、陕西赛区、辽宁赛区、上海赛区、浙江赛区、湖北赛区、山东赛区、江苏

29、赛区、晋冀豫赛区(河北、山西、河南)、黑吉赛区(吉林、黑龙江)、云南赛区、其他赛区(含除上述地区外的中国大陆所有其他省/直辖市/自治区)。 比赛全程将分三个阶段:(1)互联网选拔赛/校园选拔赛(2012年7月-11月);(2)地区决赛(2012年12月);(3)全国半决赛/总决赛(2013年3月-4月)。 第一阶段:互联网选拔赛/校园选拔赛互联网选拔赛覆盖所有赛区。在互联网选拔赛的基础上,大赛组委会在各赛区邀请一批不同类别的高校合作组织现场校园选拔赛,直接选拔部分选手进入地区决赛。组织现场校园选拔赛的学校的选拔方式参见各校校园选拔赛章程,根据组委会要求组织现场校园选拔赛的学校每校至少有1-2名

30、选手入围地区决赛。以下为除组织校园选拔赛的学校以外的其他学校选手参与互联网选拔赛的程序: (一)参赛范围:国家承认的具有高等学历教育招生资格的普通高等学校在校本、专科学生均可报名参加,年龄、专业不限。 (二)比赛时间:比赛于2012年7月12日开始,各赛区互联网选拔赛结束时间详见大赛官方网站通知。 (三)参赛及选拔方式: 1. 参赛方式:参赛选手登陆大赛官方网站,注册、提交作品并接受 投票及评判。 2. 作品要求:参赛选手根据比赛演讲主题自拟题目完成一篇500字左右的演讲稿,并模拟现场 演讲进行录像/录音,音频/视频长度为3-4分钟。选手必须将演讲稿和演讲视/音频文件上传到比赛官方网站。 3.

31、 演讲主题:my view on social networking 4. 选拔方式: (1) 互联网选拔赛投票期内,参赛选手所在学校以该校获得评审分数最高的选手分数为依据进行排名。大赛评委会专家针对所有选手作品进行打分。 (2) 截至互联网选拔赛投票期结束时,分数靠前的学校将各有2名分数最高的选手进入电话口试。各赛区的入围电话口试的学校数量将于投票期开始前在本赛区互联网选拔赛页面上公布。各赛区获网络投票数及短信投票数总和最多的12名选手以“最佳人气奖”身份直接入围地区决赛。 (3) 比赛合作单位推荐的各赛区最多6名优秀选手经大赛评委会确认可直接入围电话口试,但仍须上传演讲作品以供审查并获得网

32、上演讲作品的分数。 (4) 电话口试阶段,大赛评委会将通过电话问答形式测试选手即席演讲水平并打分。 (5) 凡2012年度内、互联网选拔赛结束前取得雅思(ielts)考试成绩的选手,报名时须在选填项“雅思(ielts)考试成绩栏”填写考试成绩、口语单项成绩和考试相关信息。其中,雅思(ielts)成绩在7分(含7分)以上,且口语单项成绩在7分(含7分)以上的全国前20名选手将直接获得进入其所在赛区“地区决赛”的资格。同等分数下每个赛区最先报名、并上传有效雅思考试成绩的参赛选手可优先获得晋级名额。2012年度内、互联网选拔赛期间报考多次雅思考试的考生将以最高得分为准。但选手仍需上传演讲稿和音频或视频文件作为参

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