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我搜集的nightwish 一些歌词 中英.docx

1、我搜集的nightwish 一些歌词 中英This is me for forever 这是永恒的我 One of the lost ones 一个来自迷失人群的人 The one without a name 一个没有名字的人 Without an honest heart as compass 一个没有象罗盘指示般真诚的心灵 This is me for forever 这是永恒的我 One without a name 一个没有名字的人 These lines the last endeavor 用尽最后的努力 To find the missing lifeline 去寻找丢失生命线

2、Oh how I wish 多么期待 For soothing rain 一场慰藉的暴雨 All I wish 我所想做的 is to dream again 是再次追逐梦想 My loving heart 我狂热的心 Lost in the dark 丢失在黑暗中 For hope Id give my everything 为了希望我愿意付出所有 My flower Withered between 曾经夹在书本的花朵 The pages two and three 在页码中逐渐干枯 The once and forever 永远永远, bloom gone with my sins 和我

3、的罪恶一起被吹散, Walk the dark path 走在黑暗的道路 Sleep with angels 我与天使同眠 Call the past for help 寻求过往能伸出援手 Touch me with your love 用你的爱触摸我 And reveal to me my true name 然后默示我的真名 Oh how I wish 多么期待 For soothing rain 一场慰藉的暴雨 All I wish 我多么希望 is to dream again 再次追逐梦想 My loving heart 我狂热的心 Lost in the dark 丢失在黑暗中 F

4、or hope Id give my everything 为了希望我愿意付出所有 Oh how I wish 多么期待 For soothing rain 一场慰藉的暴雨 All how I wish 我多么希望 is to dream again 再次追逐梦想 Once and for all 曾经或是永远 And all for once 一切的过往 Nemo my name for evermore Nemo,将会永远是我的名字 Nemo sailing home Nemo,扬帆回家吧 Nemo letting go Nemo,上路吧 Oh how I wish 多么期待 For so

5、othing rain 一场慰藉的暴雨 All I wish 我多么希望 is to dream again 再次追逐梦想 My loving heart 我狂热的心 Lost in the dark 丢失在黑暗中 For hope Id give my everything 为了希望我愿意付出所有 Oh how I wish 多么期待 For soothing rain 一场慰藉的暴雨 All how I wish 我多么希望 is to dream again 再次追逐梦想 Once and for all 曾经或是永远 And all for once 一切的过往 Nemo my nam

6、e for evermore Nemo,将会永远是我的名字The Kinslayer弑亲者 丧钟为谁鸣响? 猎物为谁悲泣? 在战争面前俯首 用宗教为它命名 有些伤口永不痊愈 有些泪水永不干涸 为凶暴流淌 为人类哭号 死人也会哭号 那是他们唯一的慰藉 杀掉你的朋友, 我不管 兰花般的孩子,被蒙蔽的视线 需要理解但不需要原谅 没有真相,没有意义要作为目标留下 “面对这不能承受的恐惧吧,像见到老朋友一般” “去死吧,可怜的朋友。你们让我这样!” “一万种宗教的世界上,人人都用同样的方式祈祷” “你祈祷是徒劳!一切就要完了!” “天父救我,在你身边给我保留一个位置!” “没有上帝,没有信条,只有我们自

7、己!” “不死就不算英雄,我们的种群是会吃掉伤员的” “痛饮你牺牲品的鲜血, 我确实感觉到你欠缺怜悯的伤痛, 对名誉的渴望,一场致命的游戏” “和你完美无瑕的亲人跑开吧!” “好的母亲生育了坏的子嗣们” 诅咒吗?上帝,为什么? 为每句谎言倒下 幸存者的罪孽 将长驻我们心中,直到永远 15根蜡烛 这个世界的救主 浸淫在伪善中: “我们那时,怎会知晓?”(意为知晓这场悲剧) The Kinslayer For whom the gun tolls For whom the prey weeps Bow before a war Call it religion Some wounds never

8、heal Some tears never will Dry for the unkind Cry for mankind Even the dead cry - Their only comfort Kill your friend, I dont care Orchid kids, blinded stare Need to understand No need to forgive No truth no sense left to be followed Facing this unbearable fear like meeting an old friend Time to die

9、, poor mates, You made me what I am! In this world of a million religions everyone prays the same way Your praying is in vain Itll all be over soon Father help me, save me a place by your side! There is no god Our creed is but for ourselves Not a hero unless you die Our species eat the wounded ones

10、Drunk with the blood of your victims I do feel your pity-wanting pain, Lust for fame, a deadly game Run away with your impeccable kin! - Good wombs hath borne bad sons. - Cursing, God, why? Falling for every lie Survivors guilt In us forevermore 15 candles Redeemers of this world Dwell in hypocrisy:

11、 How were we supposed to knowend of all hope希望终结这是所有希望的终结 失去孩子,信仰 结束一切的天真单纯 成为一个像我一样的人 这是所有希望的诞生 拥有我曾经拥有的 这种生活不该被原谅 它以一种诞生而结束 今天早上无人苏醒 看到另一朵黑玫瑰绽放 灵柩渐渐被风雪覆盖 天使,他们第一次降临 但是我还在这里 孤独一个人 当他们靠近 在天堂我的杰作最终会被唱响 受伤的鹿可以跳到最高点 而我受的伤那么深 关掉灯并让我拔掉电源 没有面容的mandylion没有祈祷者的遗愿 希望的终结 爱情的终结 实践的终结 其他都归于沉静It is the end of al

12、l hope To lose the child, the faith To end all the innocence To be someone like me This is the birth of all hope To have what I once had This life unforgiven It will end with a birth No will to wake for this morn To see another black rose born Deathbed is slowly covered with snow Angels, they fell f

13、irst but Im still here Alone as they are drawing near In heaven my masterpiece will finally be sung Wounded is the deer that leaps highest And my wound it cuts so deep Turn off the light and let me pull the plug Mandylion without a face Deathwish without a prayer End of hope End of love End of time

14、The rest is silenceI wish I had an angel我真的希望能有一个天使 I wish I had an ange我真的希望能有一个天使For one moment of love哪怕只为昙花一现般的爱情 I wish I had your angel tonight我真的希望今晚我能遇到你的天使 Deep into a dying day深深的藏在那消逝的一天 I took a step outside an innocent heart我在赤子之心外面采取着措施 Prepare to hate me fall when I may 准备着怨恨我随时可能的跌倒

15、This night will hurt you like never before 这个夜晚会前所未有的伤害你 Old loves they die hard年老的恋人炫丽般离去 Old lies they die harder而古老的谎言亘古不变 I wish I had an angel我真的希望能有一个天使 For one moment of love哪怕只为昙花一现般的爱情 I wish I had your angel我希望能拥有你的天使 Your Virgin Mary undone你的圣母玛利亚所未能完成的 Im in love with my lust我爱上我的情欲 Burn

16、ing angel wings to dust燃烧天使翅膀直到灰烬 I wish I had your angel tonight我真的希望今晚会有你的天使 Im going down so frail n cruel我正在坠落,那么的脆弱和悲惨 Drunken disguise changes all the rules酒醉的伪装更改了所有的准则 Old loves they die hard年老的恋人炫丽般离去 Old lies they die harder而古老的谎言亘古不变 I wish I had an angel我真的希望能有一个天使 For one moment of love

17、哪怕只为昙花一现般的爱情 I wish I had your angel我希望能拥有你的天使 Your Virgin Mary undone你的圣母玛利亚所未能完成的 Im in love with my lust我爱上我的情欲Burning angel wings to dust燃烧天使翅膀直到灰烬 I wish I had your angel tonight我真的希望今晚会有你的天使 Greatest thrill最大的震颤 Not to kill不是去屠杀 But to have the prize of the night而是去获得黑夜的奖赏 Hypocrite伪君子 Wanna b

18、e friend想要成为朋友 13th disciple who betrayed me for nothing!第十三弟子就是徒然出卖我的人吗! Last dance, first kiss最后的舞蹈,初吻 Your touch, my bliss你的抚摸,我的福佑 Beauty always comes with dark thoughts美丽总是与黑暗的思考并行I wish I had an angel我真的希望能有一个天使 For one moment of love哪怕只为昙花一现般的爱情 I wish I had your angel我希望能拥有你的天使 Your Virgin M

19、ary undone你的圣母玛利亚所未能完成的 Im in love with my lust我爱上我的情欲 Burning angel wings to dust燃烧天使翅膀直到灰烬 I wish I had your angel tonight我真的希望今晚会有你的天使 I wish I had an angel我真的希望能有一个天使I wish I had an angel我真的希望能有一个天使I wish I had an angel我真的希望能有一个天使I wish I had an angel我真的希望能有一个天使stargazers观星者A grand oasis in the

20、vastness of gloom 盛大绿洲之邸 隐匿于无尽幽冥之中 Child of dew-spangled cobweb Mother to the moon 月亮之子 于蛛网凝结的露水璀灿生处 Constellations beholders of the 3rd vagrant 观望星辰 开始第三次漂泊 Theater for the play of life 上演生命的轮回 Tragedienne of heavens 天堂里的悲剧女伶 Watching the eyes of the night 凝视黑夜的双眼 Sailing the virgin oceans 向陌生荒蛮的海洋

21、远征 A planet ride for the Mother and Child 一颗行星为这对母子而升起 Floating upon the quiet hydrogen lakes 漂浮在如此寂静的湖面之上 In this ambrosial merry-go-round they will gaze 神的佳肴如此芬美芳香 令人愉悦 Ephemeral life touched by a billion-year show 亿万年的久远时光 震撼了这卑微短暂的生命 Separating the poet from the woe 悲哀使诗人远走他乡 Tragedienne of heav

22、ens. 天堂里的悲剧女伶 Oracle of the Delphian Domine 来自神喻的天启 Witness of Adams frailty 亚当脆弱的见证 Seer of the master prophecy 掌握预言的卜者 The stellar world her betrothed 星光的世界是她的伴侣 Wanderers in cosmic caravan 宇宙中不停流浪的旅者 Universal bond - The Starborn 宇宙的纽带 星之子 A son in the search for the truth 搜寻真相的儿子 Following the p

23、ages of Almagest 在占星术中跋涉 Discovering the origin of dreams 发现了最原初的梦想 Stargazers ride through the ancient realms 观星者越过上古的王国 Tragedienne of heavens. 天堂里的悲剧女伶 2 Gethsemane 耶路撒冷 Toll no bell for me Father 不可为我父摇响钟声 But let this cup of suffering pass from me 因为这杯苦酒将置我于死地 Send me no shepherd to heal my wor

24、ld 无人指引 我亦将挽救我的世界 But the Angel - the dream foretold 因为天使在梦中告诉我 Prayed more than thrice for You to see 将为你所见的再三祈祷 The wolf of loneliness in me 而我内心的孤狼 not my own will but Yours be done. 虽不是我的意愿但是你却已经做到. You wake up wheres the tomb? 你在哪座坟墓中醒来 Will Easter come, enter my room? 从东方而来,进入我的房间 The Lord wee

25、ps with me 上帝为我而落泪 But my tears fall for you 但我落泪却是因你 Another Beauty 另一位美女 Loved by a Beast 爱上野兽 Another tale of infinite dreams 另一个无穷的梦境 Your eyes they were my paradise 你的双眼是我的天堂 Your smile made my sun rise 你的微笑是我的阳光 Forgive me for I dont know what I gain 原谅我吧 因我不知如何得到 Alone in this garden of pain

26、独自在伤痛的花园中 Enchantment has but one truth: 被迷惑只因为一个真相: I weep to have what I fear to lose 因为恐惧迷失而哭泣 You wake up wheres the tomb. 你在哪座坟墓中醒来 I knew you never before 我知道你无法回到从前 I see you never more 我知道你已离去 But the love the pain the hope beautiful one 但是爱人的痛苦期待 Have made you mine till all my years are don

27、e 掘尽你宝藏直到我死去的那天 Without you 没有你 The poetry within me is dead 我心中的诗篇已死 3 Devil and the Deep dark ocean 恶魔和深蓝之海 A snowy owl above the haunted waters 雪白的猫头鹰盘旋在鬼魂出没的水面之上 Poet of ancient gods 远古诸神的诗人 Cries to tell the never ending story 悲鸣着永不完结的故事 Prophecy of becoming floods 预言即将到来的洪水 An aura of mystery

28、surrounds her 在她身旁围绕着一种神秘光环 The lady in brightest white 女王夺目的纯洁 Soon the incarnate shall be born 即将幻化成形 The Creator of the Night 夜晚的创造者 Deep dark is His Majestys kingdom 无限的黑暗是他神圣的王国 A portent of tomorrows world 明日世界的预兆 There shall the liquid give Him power 这无常之变赋予他权力 The red-eyed unborn lord 火红双眼的未

29、来之王 Fatal embrace of the blood red waters 来自血色河流的致命拥抱 The cradle of infinite gloom 永恒黑暗的摇篮 The spell to master this Earth 对大地之主的诅咒 Carven on an infants tomb 雕刻在婴儿的墓碑之上 I will die for the love of the mermaid 我期待在海妖的爱中死去 Her seduction beauty and scorn 她的诱惑那么迷人却又轻蔑 Welcome to the end of your life 欢迎结束你的生命 - Hail the Oceanborn! 为欲海重生而欢呼 Disgraced is my virginity 不洁 就是我的童贞 Death has woven my wedding dress 我的婚纱 出自死亡的裁剪 Oh Great Blue breathe the morning dew 孕育中的蓝色汪洋 呼吸着清晨的露水 For you are the cradle of the image of

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