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1、八年级英语国庆作业八年级英语国庆作业(一)(Unit1-Unit2)班级 姓名 _ 学号 _ 一、 选出划线部分读音不同的单词。 ( )1. A .present B. guess C. same D. question ( )2. A. treat B. least C. seem D. ready ( )3. A. more B. important C. foreign D. sorry ( )4. A. radio B. photo C. borrow D. so ( )5. A. shout B. show C. wish D. dress二、 单项选择题。 ( )1._we get

2、 together, _well be. A. The more, the happier B. The much, the happy C. The happier, the happier D. The more, the happiest ( )2. Hush! The baby is sleeping, please talk _than usual or you may wake him up. A. quiet B. quietly C. most quiet D.more quietly ( )3. The _joke often makes the children_. . A

3、 .fun, laugh B. funny, to laugh C. fun, laugh D. funny, laugh ( )4. Max is one of_teachers in our school, and he teaches better than_teacher here. A. famousest; any B. the famousest; any other C. the most famous, any other D.the more famous; the other ( )5. - _? - He is tall and handsome. A. What do

4、es he look like B. What is he look C. What is he like D. What does he like ( )6. -How much does this young elephant_? -50 pounds _, it eats a lot for a meal. A. weight, at most B. weigh, at least C. weighs, mostly D. height, at least ( )7. Among all the students, Jason has _ juice and bread and Lily

5、 has_potato chips. A. the fewest; the least B. fewest; least C. the least; the most D. least; more ( )8. -Do you know the meaning of buddy? -Yes. It _ a close friend. A. means B. is meaning C. mean D. meaning ( )9. I dont think skiing is so_as skating. A. more dangerous B. danger C. most dangerous D

6、. dangerous ( )10. Look! My little brother_ a smile on his face.A .has B. is wearing C. wear D. with ( )11. When she feels_, I talk to her and make her happy.A. bored or unhappy B. boring or happy C. bored or happy D. boring or unhappy ( )12. I want to sing around the world just like Madonna_.A. in

7、the future B. in a future C. on future D. on the future ( )13. He is kind and helpful. He always thinks _of himself than the others. A. more B. fewer C. little D. less ( ) 14.The students have about twenty days _for Spring Festival every year. A .on B. out C. in D. off ( )15. - Im feeling so tired n

8、ow. - stop and have a rest? A. Why dont B. What about C. Why not D. Youd better三、完型填空Jack is my best friend. Weve been friends for 10 years. We were both born in 1991, so we are at the same 1 . We both study at a school 2 Yancheng Middle School. Jack is an easy-going person and he often makes friend

9、s 3 without too much trouble. Jack and I often share our own secrets between us, so we are 4 to each other.When I feel worried or unhappy, I can always go to him. A famous saying goes like this: A friend in 5 is a friend indeed. In some way, bad things always test our friendship. If someone is reall

10、y your lifelong friend, then he or she will give us enough 6 and necessary help. Do you agree? Every day, after class, we often go to the school library. Therere tens of thousands of books and magazines. The school library 7 good service(服务), for example the air-conditioner is always on and 8 drinks

11、 are always ready to give you freshness. Rich people always donate large sums of money to support the library. Everybody is happy about it. During the Reading Week, we always invite our friends to 9 interesting books. Every year, we have two long holidays, when were on 10 , we usually go to differen

12、t places. In a word, its lucky to have such a friend sharing interesting things together. ( ) 1. A. age B. year C. old D. ages ( ) 2. A. name B. named C. call D. is called ( ) 3. A. difficult B. hard C. hardly D. easily ( ) 4. A. lying B. smiling C. wrong D. true ( ) 5. A. sadness B. need C. happine

13、ss D. sorrow ( ) 6. A. trust B. money C. time D. food ( ) 7. A. gives to B. takes C. brings D. offers ( ) 8. A. expensive B. free C. most D. least ( ) 9. A. talk B. speak with C. say D. discuss ( ) 10.A. vacations B. holiday C. holidays D. vacation四、阅读理解 Kate and Peter like sports. In summer they sw

14、im and in winter they ski. Today they are planning a ski trip for this weekend(周末),but they dont know the weather. Its 7:30 now and they are listening to the weather report on the radio .The weatherman is giving the weather for the weekend:“Friday is going to be cold and cloudy, but its not going to

15、 rain. The temperature is going to be minus(零下)4 degrees(度). Its going to snow Friday night. Saturday and Sunday are going to be clear, cold and sunny.”Now Kate and Peter are excited. The weather is going to be perfect(完美的) for skiing. They are going to have a wonderful weekend in the mountains.( )1

16、. Kate and Peter like_. .A. basketball B. football C. sports D. music( )2. They are planning _for this weekend. A. a picnic B. to fish C. to skate D. a ski trip( )3. They want to know about _. A. the temperature B. the time C. the weather D. the degrees( )4. It _ on Saturday and Sunday. A. will rain

17、 B. will be stormy C. will be snowing D. will be clear, cold and sunny ( )5. Kate and Peter are excited because_. A. the weather is going to be perfect for a ski tripB. they are going to visit their hometownC. they are going to see their old friendsD. they are going to have a good meet with their fr

18、iends五、任务型阅读(每空至多两个单词) The coldest and most difficult place in the world for people to live is Antarctica(南极洲). Antarctica is the land of snow and ice near the South Pole(南极). Most people do not think there is much life in the icy(结冰的) waters around it. They are wrong. Antarcticas seas are full of l

19、ife. There are many kinds of fishes, water birds, seals, and whales(鲸). They eat the thick plant life in the sea and the smaller water animals. Some whales, for examples, eat more than a ton of food every day. The most famous animal of Antarctica is the penguin(企鹅). It struts(昂首阔步) around the icy be

20、aches as if it were a movie star walking down the street. 1. The most famous animal of Antarctica is _. 2. Antarctic is the _ and _ place in the world for living things. 3. Some whales eats_ than any other water animal. For example, they can eat a ton of food. 4. Antarctica is not _from the South Po

21、le. These two places are very close. 六、词形转换:用括号内所给词的正确形式填空 1. I am (real ) happy to tell you about my future plans. 2. Millie never lies, and she always says things (honest). 3. Millie has big (smile) eyes. 4. Does he keep (exercise)for an hour every day? 5. He went to Japan to have his _(far) study

22、 after his graduation from college.七、单词拼写:根据首字母或中文提示完成单词 1. Kate plans to become a _(社会的) worker. 2. I hate the (广告)when I watch TV. 3. I want to be a doctor in the (将来). 4. We all cant forget that (杰出的,极好的) teacher 5. Friendship becomes stronger when theres a c _ between two friends. In the game, y

23、ou can see each others advantages and disadvantages.(优点和缺点)七、句型转换:根据要求转换下列各句,每空一词。 1. School life is like a box of chocolate. (对划线部分进行提问) school life ? 2. Kitty is 15 years old. John is 13 years old.(合并成一句) Kitty is John. 3. Simon has the most paper clips in his class.(改为同义句) Simon has paper clips t

24、han the students in his class. 4. My book is more interesting than his book.(改为同义句)His book interesting as my book. 5. Usually, it takes John 30 minutes to practise football. (改为同义句) John often _30 minuts _football. 八、完成句子:根据汉语意思完成下列句子 1. 不要说别人的坏话,而要对人有耐心。Dont _ about anyone. You should _others. 2.

25、他很慷慨幽默,我认为他会成为一名出色的演员。Hes_and I believe hell _. 3. 学习外语就像是看电影一样。_ is like _.4. 他坚持用英语写作,他的日记里都是关于他的日常生活He keeps_ and his diary is all about _. 5. 当他的朋友有需要时,他总是乐于提供一些帮助When his friends are_, hes always _.九、首字母填空 Reading is always good for us. A nice book is just l 1 a good friend. Both of them can h

26、2 us with our lives. Most of us have our own f 3 writers or authors. I have mine too. A 4 all the famous novelists, Lin Yutang(林语堂) is my hero. His works usually m 5 people think deep. You can read all kinds of i 6 stories in his novels. His book “A Leaf in the Storm”(风声鹤唳) was a best-seller in Amer

27、ica. Master Lins books always show the readers Chinese ways of d 7 things. Through reading his books, westerners can understand China and Chinese culture b 8 . When you read, you feels like c 9 with him face to face even if(即使) it is not real. What a wonderful thing it is! People can live only once

28、in this world, but good books never d 10 . They can last forever! 1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._7._ 8._ 9._ 10._八年级英语国庆作业(二)(Unit1-Unit2)1、单项选择,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 1. What honest boy! And he is best student of all. A .a; a B .an; / C. a; the D. an, the( ) 2. Funny people can always _ when I feel _. A. make me

29、 happy; sad B. make me happy; sadly C. make me happily; sad D. makes me happy; sad ( ) 3. The Changjiang River is _in the world.A. the longer river B. the long river C. one of the longest rivers D. one of the longest river( ) 4. Strangely, the boys in our class can sing _ than the girls. A. more beautiful B. much beautifully C. mu

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