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6A U7 Protect the Earth上培优教案.docx

1、6A U7 Protect the Earth上培优教案主 题6A Unit7 Protect the Earth (上)学习目标1.通过学习Story time的单词、短语和句型,培养学生词汇和句型的运用能力。2.训练Grammar time部分的句型use sth to do sth和should 的用法。教学内容【课堂导学】1、上次课后巩固作业复习; 2、互动探索1、根据上节课预习思考的要求,让学生对保护地球发表自己的想法并给出一些措施;2、根据图片的内容引出本课的主题Protect the Earth。plant more trees【知识点梳理】重点词汇和句型【知识梳理1】Water

2、 is useful. 水是有用的。We drink water and use water to clean things every day. 每天我们喝水,用水清洗东西。use to 使用某物做某事;use water _ _ _使用水清洗东西use chopsticks_ _ _ 用筷子吃面条use the nose_ _ 用鼻子闻Keys: to clean things; to eat noodles; to smell形容词 useful反义词:useless注意:a useful book 一本有用的书;a useful pen 一支有用的笔总结:本课use to do sth

3、的相关短语:用水清洗物品 _用塑料制作包和瓶子_用木头制作桌椅和其它东西 _Keys: use water to clean things; use plastic to make bags and bottles; use wood to make tables, chairs and other things【例题精讲】例.My mother often uses knife to cut fruit. 我妈妈经常用刀切水果。【巩固练习】1. My grandpa can use wood _(make) a kite.2. This book is very _(use), and I

4、can learn a lot from it.答案:to make;useful【知识梳理2】In many places, there isnt much water. 在许多地方没有很多水。 There is not much coal and oil.没有很多煤和油。 There is +可数名词单数形式/不可数名词There be句型There are+可数名词复数形式总结:本课出现的不可数名词:水_ 能源_ 石油_ 煤_ 木材_ 塑料_ 纸_常用来修饰不可数名词的有_;常用来修饰可数名词的有_;可数不可数都可以的有_;答案:water; energy; oil; coal; woo

5、d; plastic; paper修饰不可数:(too)much; little; a little; 修饰可数:(too) many; few; a few都可以:a lot of/ lots of; some; any【例题精讲】 例1.Is there any paper in my schoolbag? 我的书包里还有一些纸吗?例2.I dont have too much money in my pocket. 我的口袋里没有太多钱。【巩固练习】1.I can see _ (许多)plastic bags in the classroom.2.There _(be)lots of w

6、ood and trees in the forest.答案:many;is【知识梳理3】We should not waste water.我们不应该浪费水。 We should not drive so much.我们不应该驾驶太多。 We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles.我们不应该使用太多的塑料袋或瓶子。We should not cut down too many trees.我们不应付砍伐太多树木。We should use paper bags and glass bottles. 我们应该使用纸袋和玻璃瓶。We sh

7、ould save energy. 我们应该节约能源。情态动词should后面需要接动词_形式;否定为_;答案:原形;shouldnt【例题精讲】例1.We should protect our Earth. 我们应该保护我们的地球。例2.We shouldnt throw the rubbish into the river.我们不应该把垃圾扔进河里。【巩固练习】Should we _ (finish) our homework on time?答案:finish【知识梳理4】Most of our energy comes from coal and oil.Wood comes from

8、 trees.不可数名词作主语要看作_,谓语动词需要用_形式;come from意思是_,它的同义短语是_;答案:第三人称单数;三单形式;来自;be from【例题精讲】例1.Does he come from the USA? 他来自美国吗?例2.She isnt from Japan. 她不是来自日本。【知识梳理5】重点短语梳理1.保护我们的地球_ 2. 再利用和节约水 _3. 有用的水 _ 4. 浪费水 _5. 用水清洗东西_ 6. 在许多地方 _7. 太多水 _ 8. 在地球上 _9. 许多煤炭和石油 _ 10.节约能源 _11.我们的大部分能源_ 12.开那么多车 _13.来自石油和

9、煤炭 _ 14.挽救树木 _15.使用很多能源 _ 16.来自树木 _17.砍伐太多的树 _ 18. 对地球有害_19.太多塑料 _ 20.使用木头做椅子 _21.太多塑料袋 _ 22.许多别的东西 _23.使用纸袋和玻璃杯 _答案:1.保护我们的地球protect our Earth 2. 再利用和节约水 reuse and save water3. 有用的水 useful water 4. 浪费水 waste water5. 用水清洗东西use water to clean things 6. 在许多地方 in many places7. 太多水 too much water 8. 在地球

10、上 on Earth9. 许多煤炭和石油 much coal and oil 10.节约能源 save energy11.我们的大部分能源most of our energy 12.开那么多车 drive so much13.来自石油和煤炭 come from coal and oil 14.挽救树木 save trees15.使用很多能源 use a lot of energy 16.来自树木 come from trees17.砍伐太多的树 cut down too many trees 18. 对地球有害be bad for the Earth19.太多塑料 too much plast

11、ic 20.使用木头做椅子 use wood to make tables21.太多塑料袋 too many plastic bags 22.许多别的东西 many other things23.使用纸袋和玻璃杯 use paper bags and glass bottles 【巩固练习】一、翻译下列词组。 1、drive so much _ 2、保护地球 _3、plastic bottles _4、太多的纸袋 _5、reuse paper_ 6、使用玻璃瓶子_7、Earth Day _ 8、砍下,砍倒_9、most of our energy_10、节约用树_答案:开太多车;protect

12、 the Earth;塑料瓶;too many paper bags; 再利用纸;use glass bottles;地球日;cut down;我们大部分的能源;save trees二、根据首字母提示填空。1、Most of our e comes from coal and oil.2、In many places, there is not m water.3、We use w to make tables, chairs and many other things. 4、We use p to make bags and bottles, but too much plastic is

13、bad for the E .5、We should use p bags and glass bottles.6、We should not c down trees. 7、Trees help keep the air c .8、I can r paper to make a box. 9、We should love and p our Earth.答案 2.much 3.wood 4. plastic, Earth 5.paper 6.cut 7.clean 8.reuse 9. protect 三、选择。( )1. There is so much_in the r

14、oom. A.smoke B. people C. children( )2. There are _plastic bags in the playground. A.too much B. so much C. too many( )3. Its _ useful toy robot. A.a B. an C. /( )4、Coal is _useful energy. A.a B. an C. /( )5. There was much coal and oil_the Earth long long ago.A.on B. in C. at( )6.We use water_cloth

15、es every day. A.wash B. to wash C. washes( )7. Mr Brown _ from the US. A.come B. comes C. is comes( )8. There are too many_in the river. A.rubbish B. fish C. plastic( )9.Smoke is bad_ the air. A.for B. at C. on( )10.There _ a lot of _on the desk. A. is papers B. is paper C. are paper答案:ACACA BBBAB四、

16、根据中文,完成句子。1、我们每天喝水,用水洗东西。We _ water and _ water _ _ things every day.2、在许多地方没有足够的用水。 _ _ _ , there is _ _water.3、我们所用的绝大部分能源来自煤炭和石油。 _ of our _ _ _ _ and _ .4、我们应该少开车,因为汽车需要使用很多能源。We should not _ _ _because cars _ a lot of _.5、我们用木材来制作许多东西。We _ _ _ _many things.6、我们不应该砍伐太多的树木,因为树木有助于净化空气。We should n

17、ot _ _ _ _ trees because trees_ _ the air clean.7、我们用水来洗衣服。We_ _ _ _clothes.答案:1. drink; use; to clean 2.In many places; not much 3.Most; energy comes from coal; too much; use ;energy 5.use wood to make 6.cut down too many; help keep 7.use water to wash【课堂回顾】1.There be句型如何运用?There is+可数名词单

18、数/不可数名词; There are+可数名词复数2. “用来做某事”如何表达? useto do sth3.本课出现的不可数名词有哪些?water/energy/oil/coal/wood/plastic/paper【课后作业】 一、选出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A .coal B. energy C. reuse( ) 2. A. earth B. wood C. sun( ) 3. A. glass B. oil C. poster( ) 4. A. useful B. throw C. drive( ) 5. A. wood B. cut C. plastic答案:CBCAB二、英汉

19、互译。1. glass bottles _ 2. 来自 _3. too many trees _ 4.节约用水 _5. Earth Day _ 6.制作海报_7. waste coal _ 8.砍伐_9. reuse plastic bottles _ 10.保护地球_答案:1.玻璃瓶 2. come from 3.太多的树 water 5.地球日 6.make posters 7.浪费煤炭 8.cut down 9.循环使用塑料瓶 10. protect the earth三、单项选择。( ) 1. There are _ plastic bags in the playgro

20、und. A. too much B. so much C. too many( ) 2. Mike,you shouldnt do that. . A. Sorry B. Thank you. C. Yes, I can( ) 3._ from factories makes the air dirty. A. Smokes B. Smoke C. smoking ( ) 4. There isnt water in the river. A. many B. much C. more( ) 5. Is Earth Day on _? Yes, it is.A.22nd April B. 2

21、1st April C. 5th June ( ) 6.We shouldnt drive so _.A. many B. much C. lot( ) 7. We use wood _ some useful things. A. make B. making C. to make( ) 8. Are your desk and chair _? A. cleaning B. clean C. cleans( ) 9. Water is _ for us. A. use B. useful C. used( ) 10. We should _ in the library.A. keep q

22、uiet B. keeping quiet C. kept quiet( ) 11. Those signs _“Danger”.A. means B. mean C. meaning( ) 12. Most of our energy _ from oil.A. come B. comes C. coming( ) 13.We _ some cakes to the park and _ them last Sunday.A. bring, eat B. brought, ate C. take, ate( ) 14. We shouldnt _in the street.A. litter

23、 B. letter C. littering( ) 15. Do you often use _ bags and _ bottles?A. paper, glasses B. papers, glass C. paper, glass答案:1-5 CABBA 6-10 BCBBA 11-15 BBBAC四、连词成句。1. we, reuse, should, water (.)_2.they, plastic, use, to, bags, make(.)_3. trees, keep, help, air, the, clean (.)_4. can, how, we, these, reuse, t

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