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B4U3New words新视野单词.docx

1、B4U3New words新视野单词Unit 3 Section Arectangular a. having a shape with four straight sides, two of which are usu. longer than the other two, and four 90 angles at the corners 长方形的;矩形的This room has got a rectangular table and some old-style wooden chairs in it. 这间房里有一张长方形的桌子和一些老式的木头椅子。reshuffle vt. 1 p

2、ut in a new order; rearrange 重新安排Many people had to reshuffle their priorities in life as a result of the rising cost of health care. 由于医疗保健费用不断上升,许多人不得不重新安排生活中的优先事项。2 change the jobs or responsibilities of the people in a particular group or organization (机构或组织内)人事调整,改组The prime minister reshuffled

3、 the cabinet and adopted a more radical policy. 首相改组了内阁,并采取了更加激进的政策。disperse v. 1 spread or make things spread in different directions over a wide area 传播;散发All kinds of stories were dispersed about what really had happened in the factory. 有关那家工厂究竟发生了什么,有各种传闻四下蔓延。2 go or cause to go in different dir

4、ections (使)分散;驱散The gathering last night changed into a riot, and the police had to use tear gas to disperse the crowd. 昨晚的集会演变成了一场骚乱,警方只好用催泪瓦斯驱散人群。exquisitea. extremely beautiful and delicate 精致的;精美的As I passed each exquisite painting, I said to myself that he was a real artist. 当我在一幅幅精美的画作前走过时,我心想

5、他是一位真正的艺术家。stockholder n. C (BrE shareholder) sb. who owns stocks in a business 股票(证券)持有人;股东The scandal of the company affected the confidence of its stockholders, which led to a decline in its stock price. 公司丑闻影响了其股民的信心,导致了该公司股票价格下跌。deduce vt. (fml.) know sth. as a result of considering the informa

6、tion or evidence that you have 推断;推理From the cultural relics nearby, it is easy to deduce that there are rare treasures hidden inside the tomb. 从附近的文化遗迹可以很容易地推断,该墓穴藏有稀世珍宝。clan n. C a large group of families that often share the same name 家族;宗族;氏族The old church in the village was built on land donate

7、d by the Romney clan. 村子里老教堂是在罗姆尼家族捐赠的土地上建造的。juvenilen. C 1 (very fml.) a young person 少年If you think his books are only for kids and juveniles, you fail to see the real value of his works. 如果你认为他的书只是给儿童和青少年看的,那你就是没领会他作品的真正价值。2 a young person who has committed a crime or is accused of committing a c

8、rime 少年犯This detention center harbors juveniles between the age of 12 and 17 and adolescents between 18 and 21. 这个拘留中心关押1217岁的少年犯及1821岁的青少年犯。a. (only before noun) relating to young people who have committed a crime or who are accused of a crime 少年犯的They are discussing whether juvenile cases should b

9、e moved to adult court. 他们在讨论未成年人犯罪案件是否该被转到成人法庭。invalid n. C a person made weak or disabled by illness or injury 病弱者;伤残者Linda isnt an invalid. She can take care of herself. 琳达不是病号,她可以照顾自己。a. 1 (only before noun) ill or injured, esp. permanently 久病的;残疾的;(尤指)永久残疾的He had kept house for an invalid woman

10、 for years until she died. 他给一位病弱的妇女做了好多年管家,直到她去世。2 not legally effective (法律上)无效的,作废的Credit card companies allow you to cancel invalid transactions even after theyve cleared. 信用卡公司允许你取消无效的交易,哪怕操作已经完成。alloy n. C, U a metal that is made by combining two or more metals 合金The designers used materials m

11、ade of a new alloy to reduce the weight of the machine. 设计人员采用了一种新型合金制造的材料来减轻机器重量。skyline n. C the shape made by buildings or mountains against the sky (建筑物或群山在天空映衬下的)轮廓(线),天际线The New York Citys skyline was dramatically changed by the September 11 tragedy in 2001. 纽约市的天空轮廓线被2001年9月11日那场悲剧大大改变了。terra

12、in n. U an area of land, usu. one that has a particular physical feature (常指带有独特地貌的)地带,地形,地势Horses were still the transportation of choice for traveling over hilly terrain. 马在地形崎岖的山区仍然是首选的交通工具。radarn. C, U a system that uses radio signals for finding the exact position of sth., e.g. an aircraft or s

13、hip 雷达The airborne radar could detect approaching planes. 机载雷达可以探测到靠近的飞机。navigationn. U 1 the skill of choosing a path so that a ship, plane, or car can go in a particular direction, esp. by using maps or instruments 领航术;导航术;航海术Modern systems can offer navigation information with real-time traffic u

14、pdates. 现代化系统可以提供实时交通导航信息。2 the movement of a ship or an aircraft along a planned path 航海;航空;航行Local officials hope to rebuild the riverside dams while minimizing the impact on tourism and navigation channels. 当地官员希望重建河畔堤坝,同时能把对旅游业和航行通道的影响减到最低。revive v. 1 become or make sth. become active, successfu

15、l, or popular again (使)复兴;(使)重新流行He proposed a reduction in the tax rate as an effort to revive the economy. 他提出了一项降低税率的提案以期恢复经济。2 make sb. become conscious or alive again (使)苏醒;(使)复活The doctor did his best to revive the patient and succeeded in the end. 医生竭尽全力使病人苏醒,最后他成功了。alumnusn. C (pl. alumni) (

16、mainly AmE) (fml.) sb. who was a student at a particular school, college, or university 校友A lot of alumni attended the grand celebration of the 50th anniversary of their school. 许多校友参加了母校50周年校庆的盛大活动。administratevt. (also administer) manage and be responsible for the running of a business, organizati

17、on, etc. 管理;掌管Some board members had trouble getting the latest information, which greatly hampered their ability to administrate the project. 有些董事会成员难以得到最新信息,这大大妨碍了他们管理这个项目的能力。charter n. 1 U the practice of paying money to a company to use their boats, aircraft, etc., or the boat, aircraft, etc. us

18、ed in this way (船、飞机等的)包租;包租的船(飞机等)Simpson will take a charter flight back to his home in Miami. 辛普森将乘包机回到他迈阿密的家。2 C an official document describing the aims, rights, or principles of an organization 章程;宪章The Charter of the United Nations was signed on June 26, 1945 in San Francisco.联合国宪章是1945年6月26日

19、在旧金山签署的。3 C a signed statement from a government or ruler which allows a town, organization, or university to officially exist and have special rights (政府或统治者特许城镇、组织或大学存在并享有特权的)特许状,许可证In 1953, his father was granted the charter for the first bank in the Northeast. 1953年,他父亲被颁发了特许状,在东北开设第一家银行。vt. hir

20、e a boat, plane, or bus, esp. for the use by a group of people (尤指群体)包租(船、飞机、公共汽车)We chartered a helicopter and set off for the biggest adventure of our visit. 我们租了一架直升机,开始了我们参观中最具冒险色彩的环节。disrupt vt. interrupt sth. and prevent it from continuing by creating a problem 中断;扰乱The earthquake disrupted th

21、e power supply of the whole area. 地震中断了整个地区的电力供应。draft vt. write a plan, letter, report, etc. that will need to be changed before it is in its finished form 起草,草拟(计划、信件、报告等)Immediately following the conference, the team drafted a document introducing the project. 会议一结束,该团队就起草了一份文件介绍这一项目。n. C sth. su

22、ch as a plan, letter, or drawing that may have changes made to it before it is finished (计划、信件或绘画等的)草稿,草案We have all read the draft of the essay. I will propose some modest changes. 我们都已读过文章的草稿了,我提议做些适当修改。prototype n. C the first form of sth. new, made before it is produced in large quantities 原型;雏形

23、;样本They continued working for 10 days and succeeded in designing a prototype for their product. 他们持续工作了十天,终于成功设计出了产品的模型。region n. C a large area of land whose politics, geography or culture is different from other areas 地区;区域They started their research in a region where environmental health studies

24、are rare. 他们在一个环境卫生研究较少的地区开始了自己的研究。quantify vt. (fml.) calculate the value of sth. and express it as a number or an amount 用数量表示;量化;测定的数量They havent been able to quantify the loss yet, as the statistics were kept a secret. 他们一直都不能测定损失,因为统计数据是保密的。elapse vi. (fml.) (of time) pass or go by (时间)过去,流逝A m

25、onth or so might have elapsed before the results of his experiment would turn out. 等他的实验结果出来怕是个把月都过去了。interim n. (in the ) in the period of time between two events 在此期间The new secretary starts in June, but in the interim, we will have to type our own letters. 新秘书六月份到任,这期间我们必须自己打信件。a. (only before no

26、un) intended to last or perform an activity only until sb. or sth. permanent or final is available 临时的;暂时的;过渡性的He was elevated from interim coach to head coach after the 2012 season. 2012赛季以后,他从临时教练被提升为主教练。patriot n. C sb. who has strong feelings of love, respect, and duty toward their country 爱国者Sh

27、e is a true patriot because she was willing to give her life for the country. 她是真正的爱国者,因为她愿意为国家牺牲生命。fuse v. join together or make things join together to become a single thing (使)融合;(使)结合When hydrogen atoms fuse together, they form another atom, helium. 当氢原子融合时,它们形成另一个原子,即氦。n. C an object in electri

28、cal equipment that makes it stop working when there is too much electricity flowing through it 保险丝After the little boy showed me the location of the fuse box, I switched the power on again. 小男孩把保险丝盒的位置指给我看后,我再次打开了电源。intermediary a. (only before noun) situated, acting, or coming between 中间的;中介的Local

29、intermediary agents receive orders from their clients, then go to the factories to buy the specified quantities of furniture. 当地的中间代理商先从客户那里接受订单,然后去工厂购买指定数量的家具。n. C sb. who talks to each of the people or groups involved in sth., usu. passing information from one to the other or trying to persuade th

30、em to agree with each other 中间人;调解人She started acting as an intermediary between the patients and the doctors, trying to help with their communication. 她开始承担起了病人与医生之间调停人的角色, 努力帮助他们进行沟通。hub n. C the central and most important part of an area, system, activity, etc., which all the other parts are conn

31、ected to(地域、系统、活动等的)中心,枢纽Thanks to the Museum of Art, the city has become an international cultural hub. 因为有艺术博物馆,这座城市已成为了一个国际文化中心。streamline vt. 1 improve a business, organization, process, etc. by making it more modern or simple 精简(企业、组织、流程等)使效率更高Its no use to streamline the government workforce o

32、nly by cutting its number of employees. 仅仅通过削减人数来提高政府劳动力效率是没有用的。2 design or make sth. with a smooth shape so that it will move more quickly through air or water 把设计成流线型;把做成流线型All these new cars have been streamlined. 所有这些新汽车都被设计成了流线型。disjointed a. lacking an orderly sequence or connection 不连贯的;不协调的;杂乱无章的It was anothe

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