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1、商务英语4形成性考核自测5一、选择填空题(每题10分,共5题)题目1不正确获得10.00分中的0.00分未标记标记题目题干Are the Project Managers linking up OK?They seem to be, yes._ .选择一项:A. One of them hopes to quit now 不正确B. Theres been a good atmosphere at the first management meetingsC. They dont seem to know each other反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“探讨团队工作”的交际用语。第一说话

2、人询问项目经理们是否联系良好,回答是“是的”,顺着这个正面答复继续谈论的只有选项B“第一次管理会议气氛良好”,所以答案是B。正确答案是:Theres been a good atmosphere at the first management meetingsAre the Project Managers sharing information and contacts and so on? _ .选择一项:A. Yes, theres really nothing to worry aboutB. Yes, they hesitate to do itC. No, they are doi

3、ng very well反馈你的回答正确解析:本题考核“探讨团队工作”的交际用语。选项A做出积极的正面回答;选项B和C的回答各自前后矛盾,所以答案是A。正确答案是:Yes, theres really nothing to worry about题目3正确获得10.00分中的10.00分标记题目题干_ you have a job, you may be in the market for another one.选择一项:A. Even ifB. WhenC. Since反馈你的回答正确译文:即使你有工作,你也会去市场上找另一份工作。解析:even if引导让步状语从句,意为“即使”;whe

4、n 引导时间状语从句;since引导原因状语从句。根据句意,答案应该是A。正确答案是:Even if题目4正确获得10.00分中的10.00分标记题目题干Cooperating is simply working together _ teammates _ the good of the team.选择一项:A. asforB. withatC. foron反馈你的回答正确译文:合作就是为了团队的利益成为团队成员并一起努力。解析:介词as表示“作为”;词组for the good of意为“为了的好处,为了的利益”,所以答案是A。正确答案是:asfor题目5正确获得10.00分中的10.00

5、分标记题目题干Respecting fellow teammates keeps everyone in a good _ and encourages overall team spirit.选择一项:A. moodB. stateC. situation反馈你的回答正确译文:尊重队友让每个人都有好心情,还能振奋团队精神。解析:in a good mood 是固定搭配,意为“好心情”;state表示“状态”;situation表示“情况,形势”;所以答案是A。正确答案是:mood标记题目信息文本二、阅读理解/翻译/完形填空(题型随机)(共50分)题目6部分正确获得50.00分中的20.00分

6、标记题目题干阅读理解:根据上下文,补全对话内容(每题10分)。In business, people have to deal in person回答all kinds of people. You may have to use English when talking to different people within your company who dont speak your language; these may be colleagues or co-workers, superiors or subordinateswho may work with you in your

7、 own department, in another part of the building or in another branch. And you may also have to deal in English with people from回答the organization: clients, suppliers, visitors and members of the public. Moreover, these people may be friends, acquaintances or strangerspeople of your own age, or peop

8、le who are回答or older than you. The relationship you have with a person determines the kind of language you use.This relationship may even affect what you say when you meet people: for example, its not回答to say “Hi, how are you!” when meeting the Managing Director of a large company or to say “Good mo

9、rning, its a great pleasure to meet you” when being introduced to a person youll be working closely with in the same team.Remember that people form an impression of you from the way you speak and behavenot just from the回答you do your work. People in different countries have different ideas of what so

10、unds friendly, polite or sincereand of what sounds rude or unfriendly! Good manners in your culture may be considered bad manners in another.Remember also that your body language, gestures and expression may tell people more about you than the words you use.反馈解析:1. 这里考查的是动词deal固定搭配的用法。deal in表示“经营,经

11、销”;deal with有“对付,处理”之意;另外,in person 是“亲自”的意思;所以选C。2. 这里考查的是通过上下文判断句意的能力。从后面所举的例子clients, suppliers, visitors and members of the public中可以看出,这些都是公司外部人员,而且刚好与前句所述相对,所以选B。3. 这里考查的是形容词比较级的用法。or应当连接两个相等的成分,从older判断,此处应用young的比较级,所以选A。4. 这里考查的是通过上下文判断词义和词性的能力。approval是名词,意为“批准、认可”; appropriate是形容词,意为“合适的,

12、恰当的”,appreciate是动词,有“感激”之意。从词义和词性的角度,应该选B。5. 这里考查的是判断近义词的能力。method 意为“方法”;style意为“风格”;way表示“方式”;上文中the way you speak and behave“你讲话和行为方式”与下文the way you do your work“你工作的方式”形成照应,所以选C。一、选择填空题(每题10分,共5题)题目1不正确获得10.00分中的0.00分未标记标记题目题干Im really fed up with Larry! _选择一项:A. Im sorry to hear that. 不正确B. Rea

13、lly?C. Hey, whats up?反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“应对抱怨”的交际用语。第一说话人情绪比较激动,抱怨自己受够了拉里,回答者应对其表示关切,积极询问原因,所以答案是C。正确答案是:Hey, whats up?题目2不正确获得10.00分中的0.00分未标记标记题目题干Larry is the biggest airhead Ive ever met. He always makes careless mistakes, and hes a pain to work with. _ . Youll always have some co-workers that are

14、harder to work with than others, you know.选择一项:A. I have the same feeling to you 不正确B. You really have itC. You shouldnt be so negative反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“应对抱怨”的交际用语。第一说话人抱怨自己的同事没脑子,经常犯错误,答语后半句话的意思是“人总会遇到一些比较难相处的同事”,可见第二说话人在安慰前者“你不该如此消极”,所以答案是C。正确答案是:You shouldnt be so negative题目3不正确获得10.00分中的0.00分未标记标

15、记题目题干The team members are _ and helping each other out. 选择一项:A. going on 不正确B. getting alongC. setting up反馈你的回答不正确译文:团队成员和睦相处、互帮互助。解析:go on意为“继续、进行”;get along意为“与和睦相处”;set up意为“建立、创立”;只有和睦相处,才能互相帮助,所以答案是B。正确答案是:getting along题目4不正确获得10.00分中的0.00分未标记标记题目题干I really _ the effort you have put in on your

16、teams current project. 选择一项:A. thank 不正确B. gratefulC. appreciate反馈你的回答不正确译文:我非常感激你为团队当前所做的项目付出的努力。解析:这三个单词都表示“感激、感谢”。thank通常作动词,常见于thank sb. for sth., 意为“感谢某人做某事”;grateful是形容词,表示“感激的”;appreciate是动词,意为“感激”。此处需要动词作谓语,所以答案是C。正确答案是:appreciate题目5不正确获得10.00分中的0.00分未标记标记题目题干You can show respect to your tea

17、mmates _ everyone fairly and equally.选择一项:A. to treat 不正确B. treatedC. by treating反馈你的回答不正确译文:你可以通过公平对待每个人的方式对你的队友表示尊敬。解析:选项A是动词不定式,一般用来表示目的;选项B是过去分词形式,通常表示动作的完成或被动;选项C是介词by +动名词结构,表示“通过方法、手段、方式”。根据句意,答案应该是C。正确答案是:by treating未标记标记题目信息文本二、阅读理解/翻译/完形填空(题型随机)(共50分)题目6部分正确获得50.00分中的20.00分未标记标记题目题干翻译:为句子选

18、择正确的翻译(每题10分)。1. Team building skills are critical for your effectiveness as a manager or entrepreneur.回答正确A. 为了经理或企业家的有效性,团队建设技能很关键。B. 作为一名经理或企业家,团队建设技能对提升有效性至关重要。C. 团队建设技能对经理或企业家的有效性持批判态度。2. In real life, team work success rarely happens by itself if there are no focused team building efforts or a

19、ctivities.回答不正确A. 实际生活中,如果没在团队建设上付出过专注的努力或活动的话,团队工作是很难独自成功的。B. 实际生活中,如果没有关注的团队建设努力或活动的话,团队工作本身是不会成功的。C. 实际生活中,如果没有聚焦的团队建设努力或活动的话,团队工作自己也是会成功的。3. Teammates who have team spirit are better able to work together and achieve team goals.回答不正确A. 团队中,谁有团队精神,谁就能一起合作并实现团队目标。B. 有团队精神的队友能更好地协同工作,实现团队目标。C. 有团队精

20、神的队友比较好,能一起合作并实现团队目标。4. Acting cooperatively is a good way to show team spirit because doing so contributes to the overall success of the team.回答不正确A. 合作是表现团队精神的好方法,因为这样做有助于整个团队的成功。B. 合作行动是展示团队精神的好方法,因为这样做能构成整个团队的成功。C. 互助合作是好路子,能展示团队精神,也能帮助整个团队成功。5. Team members must fulfil their duties with their f

21、ull efforts.回答正确A. 团队成员必须用全部的努力来实现自己的义务B. 团队成员必须凭借全部的努力来满足自己的义务。C. 团队成员必须尽全力履行自己的义务。反馈1. 答案:B解析:本句几个词的翻译非常重要:critical 意为“至关重要”,而非“批判的”;effectiveness意为“有效性”;as意为“作为”;所以答案是B。2. 答案:A解析:本句难点是rarely,by itself和focused的翻译。rarely意为“很少地,难得地,罕见地”;by itself 意为“独自地,无需外力地”;focused意为“专注的,关注的,聚焦的”,所以答案是A。3. 答案:B解析

22、:who have team spirit是定语从句,修饰teammates;are better able to意为“能更好地做某事”。4. 答案:A解析:句中的Acting cooperatively和doing so都是动名词短语作主语;because引导了一个原因状语从句;词组contributes to意为“有助于”;所以答案是A。5. 答案:C解析:本句难点是fulfil ones duty和with ones full effort的翻译。fulfil ones duty意为“履行自己的义务”;with ones full effort意为“尽全力”,所以答案是C。一、选择填空题

23、(每题10分,共5题)题目1不正确获得10.00分中的0.00分未标记标记题目题干Henry, what do you think of the new team? _ , I think the team is starting to get along quite nicely.选择一项:A. Yes, youre right 不正确B. Not so goodC. Very well on the whole反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“询问信息”的交际用语。第一说话人征求对方对新建团队的意见,答语的后半句话表明,团队进展得很不错,因此应给出正面评价,所以答案是C。正确答案是:Ver

24、y well on the whole题目2不正确获得10.00分中的0.00分未标记标记题目题干Are the Project Managers sharing information and contacts and so on? _ .选择一项:A. Yes, theres really nothing to worry aboutB. Yes, they hesitate to do it 不正确C. No, they are doing very well反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“探讨团队工作”的交际用语。选项A做出积极的正面回答;选项B和C的回答各自前后矛盾,所以答案是A。

25、正确答案是:Yes, theres really nothing to worry about题目3不正确获得10.00分中的0.00分未标记标记题目题干The people in your department seem so _ and nice to be around.选择一项:A. capacity 不正确B. capableC. capably反馈你的回答不正确译文:你们部门的人看起来那么能干,那么好相处。解析:副词so 表示程度,常常用来修饰形容词或副词。capacity是名词,意为“能力,容量”;capable是形容词,意为“能干的,能胜任的”;capably是副词,意为“能干

26、地”。句中的nice是形容词,and应当连接两个相等的成分,所以答案是B。正确答案是:capable题目4正确获得10.00分中的10.00分未标记标记题目题干Teammates who have team spirit are more satisfied _ their team activities. 选择一项:A. toB. with 正确C. at反馈你的回答正确译文:有团队精神的队员对团队活动更满意。解析:be satisfied with是固定搭配,表示“对感到满意”,所以答案是B。正确答案是:with题目5不正确获得10.00分中的0.00分未标记标记题目题干Even thou

27、gh hes _ out of college and still a bit green, he is a great co-worker. 选择一项:A. flesh 不正确B. freshC. flash反馈你的回答不正确译文:尽管他刚从大学毕业,还有点生涩,却是个很棒的合作者。解析:flesh意为“肉、肉体”;fresh意为“刚从来的,刚经历过的,无经验的”可与out of搭配使用;flash意为“闪光的,闪耀的”;所以答案是B。正确答案是:fresh未标记标记题目信息文本二、阅读理解/翻译/完形填空(题型随机)(共50分)题目6不正确获得50.00分中的0.00分未标记标记题目题干阅

28、读理解:根据文章内容,选择正确答案(每题10分)Team SpiritTeam spirit can make or break a team. Teammates who have team spirit are better able to work together and achieve team goals. They are also more satisfied with their team activities. John Wooden, a former basketball coach at UCLA, said, “Team spirit means you are w

29、illing to sacrifice personal considerations for the welfare of all. That defines a team player.” There are certain skills team members develop that serve as good examples of team spirit.CooperationCooperating is simply working together as teammates for the good of the team. Cooperation is a skill th

30、at team members can sharpen during practice. For example, basketball players must practice passing the ball in different plays and situations. Team efficiency is directly related to the cooperation of its members. Acting cooperatively is a good way to show team spirit because doing so contributes to the overall success of the team.MotivationTeam members must fulfil their duties with their full efforts. Staying motivat

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