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专升本 英语复习题.docx

1、专升本 英语复习题西南科技大学网络教育专升本入学考试英语复习题(机考)一.单项选择题1.Companies usually ()a number of experiments before a new product is launched.答案:conduct2.Dont ask him how old he is-hes really () about it.答案:sensitive3.Have you ever played bridge?Yes. We()on weekend when I was in college.答案:used to play4.He () at the boy

2、 into silence.答案:almost5.He is not a stranger for me.I have met him on several().答案:occasions6.I hesitated for a long time ,and in the end I decided to () the job.答案:take7. Id like to go with you; (), my hands are full at the moment. 答案:however8.Id rather marry a man who had a(n) () of humor than on

3、e who was very attractive.答案:sense9.Im afraid I have to go now, Jim.Id rather you() go alone.Its already too late.答案:didnt10.Im sorry I cant see you immediately; but if youd like to take a seat, Ill be with you ().答案:in a moment11. If it had not rained yesterday, they () work on time.答案:would have f

4、inished12.If youre looking for a fully-furnished room to rent, I think theres a(n)() apartment in my building.答案:vacant13.In the first semester, I asked my teacher ().答案:what courses I should take14.() in thought while driving, he almost ran into the car coming in the opposite direction .答案:Lost 15.

5、Many children,() parents are away working in big cities, are taken good care of in the village.答案:whose16.More and more families have moved elsewhere because they cannot()the noise from the neighboring airport.答案:put up with17. Sea levels are () to rise between 7 and 2 inches by the end of 21st cent

6、ury.答案:expected18.She was so()in her job that she didnt hear anybody knocking at the door.答案:absorbed19.Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first ().答案:attempt20.Since you feel so strongly about this matter, you should make your vi

7、ews()to other committee members.答案:known21.Staying in a hotel costs () renting a room in a dormitory for a week.答案:twice as much as22. Take an umbrella with you in case it () .答案:rains23.The ancient Egyptians are supposed () rockets to the moon.答案:to have sent24.The boys spent the whole morning() po

8、ssible answers to the question.答案:discussing25.The company director has informed us that we must () department budget by 25%.答案:cut down26.The internet users visiting our website are ()young people between the age of 11 and 20.答案:mostly27.The little girl could not () the attraction of the piece of t

9、he chocolate.答案:resist28.The manager promised to keep me() how our business was going on.答案:informed 29.The ship () form behind the fog.答案:emerged30.The traditional approach () with complex problem is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems.答案:to dealing31.There are several mea

10、ns of mass communication. The newspaper is one .Television is ().答案:the another32.There arent many wild pandas () in the world today.答案:living33. These apple trees,()I planted tree years ago,have not borne any fruit.答案:which34.This disease is second only()heart attack as a cause of death all over th

11、e world.答案:to35.This is()for ten of us to sit at.Please get us a larger one.答案:too small a table36. We asked both John and Jerry, but()could offer a satisfactory explanation.答案:neither37.We forget to bring our tickets, but please let us enter,()?答案:will you38.We had borrowed two VCDs but didnt have

12、time to watch ()of them.答案:either39.We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to yield ()any military threat.答案:to40.Well visit Europe next year () we have enough money.答案:provided41.You cannot see the patient at the moment; he is now () medical treatment.答案:in42.()you eat the correct foods (

13、) be able to keep fit and stay healthy.答案:Only if; will you二.完形填空1.Scientists who study the brain have found out a great deal about how we learn. They have 1) that babies learn much more from the sights and sounds around them than We 2) before. You can help your baby by taking advantage of her hunge

14、r to learn.From the 3) beginning, babies try to imitate the 4) they hear us make. They “read”the 5) on our faces and our movements. That is 6) it is so important to talk, sing and smile to your child. Hearing you talk is your babys first 7) toward becoming a reader, because it 8) her to love languag

15、e and to learn words.As your child grows older, 9) talking with her. Ask her about the things she does. Ask her about the events and people in the story you 10) together. Let her know you are carefully 11) what she says. By keeping her in 12) and listening, you are 13) encouraging your child to thin

16、k as she speaks. 14) ,you are showing that you respect her knowledge and her ability to 15) learning.1)A. discovered B. heard C. watched D. written2) A. did B. hoped C. studied D. thought3) A. very B. suitable C. right D. early4) A. efforts B. faces C. sounds D. stories5) A. colors B. eyes C. lines

17、D. looks6) A. how B. why C. when D. what7)A. way B. time C. step D. set8) A. allows B. helps C. moves D. persuaders9) A. continue B. remember C. start D. try10)A. change B. read C. record D. tell11) A. accepting B. enjoying C. carrying out D. listening to12)A. talking B. singing C. smiling D. playin

18、g13)A. then B. already C. even D. also14)A. However B. Besides C. Otherwise D. Again15)A. begin B. depend on C. keep D. turn to答案:ADACD BCBAB DADBC2.Drawing a picture is the simplest way of putting an idea down on paper. That is 1) men first began to write, six thousand years ago or 2) .The alphabet

19、 we now use 3) down to us over a long period of time. It was developed from the picture-writing of ancient Egypt.Picture-writing was useful in many 4) .It could be used to express ideas as well as 5) . For example, a drawing of a 6) meant the object man. 7) a drawing of a man lying on the ground wit

20、h a spear in him meant 8) .Besides the Egyptians, the Chinese 9) the American Indians also developed ways 10) writing in pictures. But only 11) much could be said as follows. Thousands of pictures would have been needed 12) express all the ideas that people might have. It would have shown many thous

21、ands more to express all the objects 13) to men. No one could 14) so many pictures in a lifetime. Either could anyone learn the meaning of all 15) drawings in a lifetime.1)A. when B. because C. where D. how2) A. over B. more C. else D. Later 3) A. went B. showed C. appeared D. came 4) A. sides B. co

22、lors C. ways D. meanings5) A. stories B. animals C. objects D. subjects 6) A. creature B. being C. woman D. Man 7) A. But B. For C. Besides D. Because8) A. die B. death C. sleep D. down 9) A. and B. with C. helped D. followed 10) A. to B. about C. on D. of11) A. not B. very C. so D. too 12) A. to B.

23、 for C. possibly D. actually 13) A. known B. with C. called D. in14) A. write B. draw C. watch D. take 15) A. many B. some C. that D. such 答案:DBDCC DABAD CAABD3.I once went to a town in the north of England on businessIt was about 730 in the evening when I reached the hotelThe manageress, a strict o

24、ld lady of about 60, showed me to my roomWhen I asked her what time the dinner was, she said there was only one sitting at 630, and I had 1) it“Never mind, ”I said“Im not veryhungryIll just have a drink in the bar(酒吧)and a sandwich”“Bar!” she 2) her voice“This is a respectable hotel, young manIf you

25、 wantbeer, you must go somewhere else” She spoke 3) a glass of beer was a dangerous drugI went to a bar and had some beer and sandwiches and then went to the cinemaAt about 1130 I 4) Everything was in darknessI knocked at the door, but nothing happenedThe 5) sound was the church clock opposite, whic

26、h suddenly struck the half-hour with suchforcethat it made me jump. 6) a window opened upstairsThe old lady 7) and asked me what was going onI explained who I was and she let me 8) after ten minutes waitShe was in her nightdressShe told me seriously that guests were 9) to be back in the hotel by 11

27、oclockI went to bed but could not sleepEvery quarter of an hour the church clock struck and at midnight the whole hotel shook with the noiseJust before dawn, I finally 10) When I arrived at breakfast, everyone else had nearly 11) and there was not enough coffee to go round“Did you 12) well, young ma

28、n?” the old lady asked“ 13) , I dont think I could go through anothernight in that room,” I replied“I hardly slept at all” “Thats because you were 14) all night drinking!”she said angrily, putting 15) to the conversation1)A. had B. passed C. missed D. caught2)A. lost B. lowered C. dropped D. raised3

29、)A. even of B. since C. although D. as if4)A.went to bed B. walked to a club C. returned to the hotel D. drove to a restaurant5) A. only B. sharp C. sweet D. last6)A.Firstly B. Wonderfully C. Unfortunately D. Finally7)A. came out B. got up C. looked out D. woke up8)A. down B. out C. back D. in9)A. ordered B. expected C. taught D. encouraged10)A.fell asleep B. went to bed C. got up D. gave in11)A. arrived B. done C. finished D. started12)A. play B. sleep C. eat D. do13)A. First of all B. Never mind C. To tell you the truth

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