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1、形容词作状语用形容词作状语翻译下列句子:1.饥寒交迫,那个小女孩不住地哭泣。2.长途国外旅行之后,他精疲力竭地回到了家。3.他谦逊、开朗,使大家很快就一点也不紧张了。4.在我回家的途中,我看到一个中年男子躺在路边,烂醉如泥。5.回答不出老师的问题,学生们都保持沉默。6.又怕又冷,时光旅游者踏上了回到现在的旅程。1.Cold and hungry, the little girl kept crying.2.After the long journey from abroad, he got home , tired/ tired out/worn out.3.Modest and easy-g

2、oing, he soon put everyone at ease.4. On my way home, I saw a middle-aged man lying by the roadside , blind drunk./ very drunk.5.Unable to answer the teachers question, all the students kept silent.6.Scared and cold, the Time Traveller starts back towards the present. Scared and cold, the Time Trave

3、ller starts back towards the present. 又怕又冷,时光旅游者踏上了回到现在的旅程。scared, cold 是形容词作伴随状语。表示主语实施谓语动作时伴随的状态。He was lying in bed, awake, listening to the rushing winds. They broke into the bedroom and found the man lying on the floor, dead. Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear.形容词与分词作状语的关系:1. 形容词做原因状语

4、, 有无being区别不大:Afraid of being caught,the thief hid himself under a bed.Curious about everything,We lookaround.Unable to answer the question,the students keep silent.Being poor,he couldnt afford a TV set.(现在分词做原因状语)Poor,he couldnt afford a TV set. (形容词做原因状语)Being ill, I stayed at home.(现在分词做原因状语)Ill,

5、 I stayed at home(形容词做原因状语)但过去分词做原因状语时不可加being表示状态,加being表示正在进行的动作:Made of glass, the cup is fragile.Caught in the rain, he got wet all over.Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front.Being interviewed by the reporters, the manager has no time to see you.2. 形容词做时间状语, 不可以加being。Ripe,these a

6、pples are sweet. 熟了时这种苹果很甜。You had better eat vegetables fresh(= when they are fresh, 不可用being fresh)The fruits cant be eaten raw(生的).(= when they raw,不可用being raw)3. 做伴随状语时,形容词和过去分词(其实他们已经形容词化了)可以互换。但均不可加being。He got home late that night, hungry and tired.After his journey from abroad,Richard Jones

7、 returned home,worn out .4. 做方式状语时,不可以加being。 但他们可以加-ly.1)Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers outside the factory. Bravely and strongly, the activists talked to workers outside the factory.2)Nervous, she tore open the letter.Nervously, she tore open the letter.3)Helpless,we watched the

8、 house being destroyed before our eyesHelplessly,we watched the house being destroyed before our eyesSum up:形容词除了作原因状语,其他情况下一般不加being。而过去分词表示状态时一般也不加being(除非表示“正在被.”)补:可用作伴随状语的几种方式 1形容词 They all rushed up,eager to help She returned to work,unhappyThe thief hid himself in the corner, afraid of being

9、caught. 小偷躲在角落里,怕被人抓住.We watched the houses being destroyed by the storm, helpless.我们看着房子正在被暴风雨摧毁,无能为力.2现在分词 I dont like to sit here doing nothing He rushed out,even forgetting to take his overcoat 3过去分词 Accompanied by the professor,he spent several days doing experiments one after another 4介词短语 He cried in surprise.5独立结构和with结构He lay on his back,his hands crossed under his head The teacher came in,book in hand With the old man leading,they two started toward the mountain Now he could walk only with his brother supporting himWelcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!

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