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1、upstairs的用法总结大全upstairs的用法总结大全 upstairs的用法你知道哪些?今天给大家带来了upstairs的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。upstairs的用法总结大全upstairs的意思adv. 在楼上,往楼上,在高空adj. 楼上的n. 楼上upstairs用法upstairs可以用作副词upstairs用作副词时意思是“在楼上,往楼上”。upstairs常修饰动态动词,在句中可用作状语(常置于句末)或表语。upstairs无比较级和最高级形式。upstairs用作副词的用法例句Jim lived upstairs.吉姆住在楼上。They

2、 tiptoed upstairs so as not to wake the baby.他们踮着脚上楼,生怕把孩子吵醒。The boy ran upstairs quickly.男孩很快地跑上楼。upstairs可以用作形容词upstairs用作形容词意思是“楼上的”,在句中只用作定语。upstairs用作名词时的意思是“楼上”,是单数名词,多与the连用。upstairs用作形容词的用法例句The upstairs rooms are much warmer than those on the ground floor.楼上的房间要比底层的暖和得多。He is skilled in ups

3、tairs politics.他精通上层政治。upstairs可以用作名词upstairs用作名词时的意思是“楼上”,是单数名词,多与the连用。upstairs用作名词的用法例句She doesnt use the upstairs at all any more.她不再使用楼上了。The upstairs rooms are much warmer than those on the ground floor.楼上的房间要比底层的暖和得多。He is skilled in upstairs politics.他精通上层政治。upstairs用法例句1、You dont have to go

4、 running upstairs every time she rings.用不着她一来电话你就往楼上跑。2、They actually moved down from upstairs because the rents that expensive.他们确实从楼上搬到了楼下,因为房租太贵了。3、The restaurant is upstairs and consists of a large, open room.饭店在楼上,有一个宽敞的开间。downstairs 与 upstairs 用法综述两个词虽为反义词,但用法相同,故放在一起讲述。1. 用作副词时,主要用作状语。如:Ive l

5、eft my glasses upstairs. 我把眼镜留在楼上了。Can you help to carry this table upstairs? 你能帮忙把桌子搬到楼上去吗?Downstairs, they were having tea together. 在楼下,他们在一道饮茶。He tripped over the cat and fell downstairs. 他被猫绊倒,从楼上摔了下去。另外,它们还可以用作表语、宾语补足语和用于名词后作宾语。如:The office that deals with passports is upstairs. 办护照的办公室在楼上。If

6、you are looking for Peter youll find him upstairs. 如果你是在找彼得,到楼上就会找到他。He turned the radio down so that he shouldnt disturb the old lady downstairs. 为了不打扰楼下的老太太,他把收音机音量调低了。2. 用作形容词时,只能放在名词前作定语。如:The manager says that we may leave our coats in the downstairs toilet. 经理说,我们可以把外衣留在楼下洗手间里。由于 downstairs 用作

7、副词时要放在名词后作定语,而用作形容词时要放在名词前作定语,所以类似“楼上(下)的厕所”这样的表达可有两种表达:the upstairs toilets 和the toilets upstairs。3. 用作名词,可直接用作主语或宾语。如:The downstairs (upstairs) isnt inhabited. 楼下(楼上)还没有人住。We havent painted the downstairs (upstairs) yet. 我们还没有给楼下(上)的房间刷漆。虽然可用作名词,但其前不能用 in, at, to 之类的介词,不过若语义需要,其前可用介词from。如:The noi

8、se from downstairs prevented me from sleeping. 楼下的吵闹声使我睡不着觉。常考词的语法与用法:downstairs upstairs , dozen,score,hundred,thousand million , dreamdownstairs upstairs adv.1. 用作副词时,两者除可用作状语外,还可用作表语或放在名词后作定语。如:He lives downstairs (upstairs). 他住在楼下(上)。Is anyone downstairs (upstairs)? 楼下(上)有人吗?Our neighbours downs

9、tairs (upstairs) are very noisy. 我们楼下(上)的邻居很吵闹。2. 用作形容词时,只能放在名词前作定语。如:The downstairs (upstairs) rooms are already full ofpeople. 楼上的房间已住满了人。注:由于 downstairs 用作副词时要放在名词后作定语,而用作形容词时要放在名词前作定语,所以类似“楼上(下) 的厕所”这样的表达可有两种译法:the upstairs toilets /the toilets upstairs3. 两者都可用作名词。如:The downstairs (upstairs) isn

10、t inhabited. 楼下(楼上) 还没有人住。We havent painted the downstairs (upstairs) yet. 我们还没有给楼下(上)的房间刷漆。注:虽然可用作名词,但其前不能用 in, at, to 之类的介词:他们在楼下(上)等你。正:Theyre waiting for you downstairs (upstairs).误:Theyre waiting for you at downstairs (upstairs).dozen,score,hundred,thousand million这些词的用法极为相似,需注意的用法有:1. 当这些词与具体数

11、字连用时,通常不加复数词尾-s, 也不后接介词 of,I want three score eggs. 我要60只鸡蛋。He is a man of three score years. 他六十岁。Two hundred (thousand) students went there. 有两百(千)学生去了那儿。About three million workers were on strike. 参加罢工的大约有三百万工人。注:有人认为 score, dozen 之后有时也接 of, 但惯用法认为省略 of 则常见。另外,当 million 用作中心词(即其后不接名词或数词)时,有时也可带复数

12、词尾-s。如:The population of New Zealand is now three million(s). 新西兰现有人口三百万。2. 当这些词不与具体数字连用,而是表示不确定的泛指数时,则不仅要加复数词尾-s, 而且要后接介词 of, 然后才能接名词。如:Ive read it dozens (scores) of times. 我读过它几十次。Thousands of students entered the contest. 数千名学生参加了这次比赛。Millions of people died in the war. 有数百万人在这次战争中丧生。注:若不出现名词,则不

13、用介词 of。如:Millions (of people) are homeless. 千千万万的人无家可归。3. 当这些词与 a few, several, many 等数目不很具体的词连用时,带不带复数词尾 -s 均可,但是注意:若不带复数词 -s, 其后的介词 of 可以省略;若带复数词尾-s, 则其后介词 of 不能省略。如:在那儿我见到了数百外宾。正:There I saw several hundred(s) of foreign guests.正:There I saw several hundred foreign guests.注意 some hundred persons

14、与 some hundreds of persons 含义不同:前者指“大约一百人”,其中 some=about a;后者指“几百人”。4. 当这些词后面的名词有了 the, these, those等特指限定词修饰时,或其后的接的是 us, them 这样的人称代词时,则此时必须用介词 of。如:two dozen of them 它们中的两打three scores of these eggs 这些鸡蛋中的三打five hundred of the workers 这些工人中的五百人5. 注意以下与介词 by 连用的例子:The eggs are sold by the dozen. 鸡蛋

15、按打出售。The ants arrived at the picnic by the hundred(s). 成群的蚂蚁来到野餐的地方。They were sold by the thousand(s). 它们被大批大批地(论千地)出售。比较:Pack them in dozens. 把它们成打地包起来(即每12个一包)。dream v.表示“想见”或“梦想”,注意以下用法:1. 后接介词 of 或 about。如:He often dreams of about home. 他经常梦见自己的故乡。He had always dreamed about of a trip to this co

16、untry. 他曾一直梦想到这个国家来游览。2. 接 that 从句。如:I dreamed that I could fly. 我梦见自己能飞翔。She dreams shell marry a rich man. 她梦想嫁给一个富翁。(3) 其后可接 of doing sth, 但不接不定式。如:We dream of buying a computer. 我们想买台电脑。He dreams of becoming a teacher. 他梦想当教师。注:用作名词的 dream 用法也是如此。如:Will he ever realize his dream of going to college? 他会实现他上大学的梦想吗?

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