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高三英语总复习sbi units 13新人教版.docx

1、高三英语总复习sbi units 13新人教版总复习SBI Units 13一、重要单词及词组1be fond of 喜欢归纳总结“喜欢做,对感兴趣”的表达法:be fond of sth. /doing sth.become /grow fond of sth. /doing into sth. /doing interested in sth. /doing sth.feel /have /show /take (an)interest in sth. /doing sth. with interestbe addicted into sth. /

2、doing sth.enjoy sth. /doing crazy about sth. /doing sth.feel like sth. /doing sth.归纳总结“对不感兴趣,不喜欢”的表达法:have /feel /show /take no interest in sth. /doing not interested in sth. /doing sth.dislike sth. /doing tired of sth. /doing /get bored with sth. /doing sth.2match用法归纳:n.

3、(1)比赛have a match with /against 与比赛a close match一场势均力敌的比赛(2)火柴a box of matches一盒火柴strike a match擦火柴(3)相配的人或物A and B are a good matchA与B相配Mary and Tom are a good match.玛丽和汤姆是天生的一对。The carpet and curtain are a match.地毡与窗帘很相配。(4)对手meet /find ones match 遇到对手You are no match for him.你不是他的对手。v.(1)匹配I want

4、 a curtain to match the carpet.我想要一幅窗帘来配这地毯。(相当于go with)(2)匹敌我的力气比不上你。I cant match you in singing.在唱歌方面我比不上你。(3)适应;满足match ones future needs 满足将来的需要satisfy /meet ones needs满足某人的需要3such as /for example /namely它们都有“例如”之意,但such as一般跟在总体部分后举例说明其中的一些。也可把such as分开,形成such总体as分支,such as不可独立使用。for example也指“

5、举例”,所举例子也属总体一部分,但位置较灵活,可放在句中作独立成分,也可放在句末。namely后面举的例子与前面所说之物内涵相同。例如:Many countries, such as Mexico and Japan have a lot of earthquakes.许多国家比如墨西哥和日本有很多地震。Many countries, for example, Mexico and Japan, have a lot of earthquakes.Two countries, namely, Mexico and Japan, have a lot of earthquakes.两个国家,即墨

6、西哥和日本有很多地震。4total v. & n. 主要用法:(1)sth. total数字(2)a total of数字(3)There are数字in totalThe number of the students totals 80.学生的总人数为80人。A total of 80 students are in our class.相当于:There are 80 students in our class in total.拓展:“总共”的表达法in total /in all /come to /total up to /altogether /add up toThere are

7、 80 students in total /in all / altogether.5equal adj. 相等的;胜任的vt. 等于,比得上(1)equally adv.平等地,同样地;equality n.平等;unequal adj.不平等的(2)be equal to sth. /doing sth. (在气力上、能力上)胜任的;能应付的Bill is quite equal to(the task of) running the office.比尔有足够的能力管理这个部门。(3)be equal to sth. /sb. 与平等;与相等The square are equal in

8、 size to that one.这个正方形与那个正方形大小一样。One dollar is equal to 100 cents.1美元等于100美分。相当于One dollar equals 100 cents. (vt.)(4)equal sb. /sth. (in sth.)在方面与某人/某物匹敌No one can equal her grace as a dancer. 论舞姿优美,我们谁也比不上她。No one can equal Tom in swimming. 游泳方面,谁也比不上汤姆。(equal也可换为match)其它表达:an equal contest 势均力敌的竞

9、赛(a close contest)It is equal to sb. whether /if对某人都一样(相当于It makes no difference to sb. whether /if)without equal (n.)无比;无敌6stand n.看台;台;摊;摊位;v.站;支持(1)坐落;位于The house stands on a hill. 房屋坐落于小山上。(2)坚持;维持(作系动词)The same remark stands good.这句话继续有效。(3)经受;忍受cant stand (bear) sth. /doing sth.I cant stand th

10、e pain /waiting any longer.我受不了这痛苦/再等下去了。stand the test of time 经受时间的考验(4)take a stand for /against sth.赞成/反对某事,相当于stand for /against(5)摊a fruit stand 水果摊(6)stand for 代表;主张;支持The CPC stand for the Communist Party of China.CPC是中国共产党的英文名称缩写。We stand for self-reliance.我们主张自力更生。(7)stand out突出,出色;显眼(outs

11、tanding adj. 出色的;显著的)The new road sign is easy to read; the words stand out well.新路标容易辨认,上面的字很醒目。Among the comedians Chaplin stands out as a real master.在众多的喜剧演员中,卓别林最为杰出,是一位真正的大师。(8)stand up 站起来(9)stand on ones foot /leg 单腿站立stand on ones head /hands倒立7compare vt.比较(1)compareto /with把与做比较/对照I compa

12、red the copy with /to the original, but there wasnt much difference.我比较了复印本和原件,不过差别不是很大。(2)compared to /with 与相比较(常用于句首)Compared to /with Paris, London is larger.与巴黎相比,伦敦较大。(也可作:London is larger, compared to /with Paris.)(3)compareto把比做/比喻为The poet compares the woman he loves to a rose.这位诗人把他所钟情的女人比

13、做玫瑰花。(4)compare notes with sb. 与某人交换思想/观点/意见(5)beyond /without compare 无与伦比派生词:comparison n. 比较in comparison with与比较a /the comparison betweenand 之间的比较8make oneself at home 别客气(1)也可作:make oneself comfortable 常用于祈使句。(2)be /feel at home 随便;无拘束;运用自如Hes completely at home with computers.他对电脑十分在行。拓展:Help

14、yourself to some fish!请吃一些鱼吧,别客气!The money was on the table and no one was there, so he helped himself (to it).钱放在桌子上,又没有人在那儿,因此他自行拿去了。9except for(1)主要用于对不同类的事物的排除,这时一般不用except或but,如:The bus is empty except for an old lady.公共汽车上除了一个老太太外,什么都没有。(bus与lady非同类)(2)主要用于对前面所陈述的订正、修正,for在此指的是原因、理由,可作“要不是”。Yo

15、ur composition is good except for some spelling mistakes.除了一些拼写错误外(要不是一些拼写错误),你的作文是可以的。(3)except for在其它情况下,可用作except。He answered all the questions except (for) the last one.除了最后一个问题外,他回答了所有的问题。Everyone is here except (for) John.除了约翰外,大家都到了。辨析:except /except for /besides /except从句 /but for /but(1)exc

16、ept可接名词、代词、介词短语或从句,多与表示“全部”概念词连用。(如:everything, nothing, anything, everyone, all等)(2)except for只接名词、代词。(3)besides作prep时作意为“除外,还有”后接名词、代词或动名词,常与指“部分”概念的词连用。如:another, other, else, more, as well等,相当于as well as, in addition to。There were three other people at the meeting besides Mr. Day.除了戴先生外,另外还有三人出席

17、了这次会议。Besides being a professional pianist, he is also a keen singer.他除了是位专业钢琴家之外,还是一位热心的职业歌手。besides还可作adv.,指“而且;还有”。常用作插入成分,相当于whats more, in addition, also等。可放在句中作独立成分,也可放在句末。I dont want to go; besides, Im too tired.我不想去,再说我也太累了。This is my best suit; I have two others besides.这是我最好的一套衣服,我另外还有两套衣服

18、。(4)except从句(常接that /when引导的句子)I know nothing about him except that he lives nearby.除了知道他住在附近外,我对他一无所知。I like her except when she is angry.我喜欢她,她生气时除外。(5)but for意为“要不是”,常用在虚拟句的条件中。But for your help, I couldnt have passed the exam.要不是你的帮助,我不可能通过这次考试。(6)but意义同except,多与不定代词如:no, all, nobody, nothing, e

19、verything, anything, anywhere和疑问词(who, where, what等)连用。如:Nobody but Mary and Kate is in the classroom.除了玛丽和凯特没有人在教室里。(谓语动词的数与but前面的主语一致)The car has been nothing but trouble!这辆车子,除了添麻烦,什么用处都没有。Who but George would do such a thing?除了乔治外,还有谁会做出这种事呢?重要句型:含有anything, nothing及疑问词what与do的句型中,but后动词不定式省掉。Th

20、ere is nothing (not anything) to do but do sb. have nothing( not anything) to do but docan do nothing (not anything) but doWhat can we do but sit and wait?我们除坐等外,还能做什么呢?注意:There is no choice but to do.(与choice连用时)the last /next but one /two /three 倒数第二、三、四His house is the last but one in this street

21、.他的房子就是这条街上的倒数第二家。提醒:下列情况,只用except,不可用but。后接介词短语时:The window is never opened except in summer.除了夏天外,窗子从来不打开。在no, all, nobody, anywhere, everything或疑问词who, where, when等后,只能用but,同时but后通常有名词或代词。Who else but John would have played a trick like that?除了约翰外,还有谁会如此恶作剧呢?They gave a toy to everyone but me.他们给

22、了每人一件玩具,除了我以外。10consider vt.考虑;照顾;认为(1)consider sth. /doing sth.(如接动词,只用动名词)He considered going to France next year.他考虑过明年去法国。We must consider this matter seriously.我们必须认真考虑这件事。(2)consider sb. /sth. (to be)I consider him (to be) a true friend.我认为他是一个可靠的朋友。(3)consider sb. /sth. asI consider you as a

23、good friend.我认为你是一个好朋友。(4)consider从句I considered that you should do it well.我认为你应该把它做好。电话被认为是贝尔发明的。Bell was considered to have invented the telephone.(invent与Bell是主动关系,且invent动作发生在consider之前)The telephone was considered to have been invented by Bell.(invent与the telephone为被动关系,且invent动作发生在consider之前)

24、A new computer is considered to be invented next year.(invent动作发生在consider后,且与主语computer为被动关系)He is considered to go abroad next year.人们认为他明年会出国。(go与he为主动关系,且发生在consider动作之后)注意:(1)可以说consider sb. /sth. to be(2)可以说:sb. be considered to do sth.归纳总结“认为是,把看作”的表达法:consideras/ (to be)regardasthink ofas(th

25、inkto be)look on /uponastreatastake /haveas拓展:(1)under consideration 在考虑之中The plan is under consideration. 这个计划在考虑之中。We should take everything into consideration when we make a plan for the sports meeting.当我们为运动会作准备时,应该把每件事情都考虑进去。Taking everything into consideration, the job is good.从各方面考虑,这个工作不错。(注

26、意:taking everything into consideration为一固定用法,不考虑其与句子的主语是否有主谓关系)(3)considering prep. & conj.就而论;考虑到Considering his age, he is strong.就他的年龄而论,他可以算得上强壮。(prep.)Considering hes only just started, he knows quite a lot about it.(conj.)鉴于他刚刚开始,他懂得已经不少了。(4)all things considered从各方面考虑,为一固定搭配,相当于taking everyth

27、ing into consideration.All things considered, the job is good.从各方面考虑,这工作不错。(5)be considerate to /towards sb. 对某人体贴/关心We should be considerate to /towards old people.我们应该关心体贴老年人。(6)Its considerate of sb. to do sth.Its considerate of you to let me know you are going to be late.事先让我知道你会迟到,你真是考虑得周全。二、重要

28、句式The same to you. 一样一样。(也祝你旅途愉快。)1The same to you. 常用来回答别人对自己的祝愿或祝福等,例如:Happy new Years Day!新年愉快!The same to you.一样一样。2拓展:(1)the sameas 或the same asthe same与as连用,指“与相同”,通常用来对两件事物的比较。I have the same bike as you.我的自行车与你的一样。或者:My bike is the same as yours.(2)It is the same with指“也一样”,一般用来指上述的情况,同样也适合于下一个情形与人。特别是前面的句子含有两个或两个以上不同的谓语动词,而下句通常不用“so /neither /nor助动词主语”句式。One should speak clearly and it is the same with writing.说话要清楚,写文章也要如此。Mike is a football player and likes arts, and it is (the same)with Jack.迈克是个足球队员而且喜欢艺术,杰克与他一样。

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