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1、八年级八年级英语下册半期考试题含答案【八年级】八年级英语下册半期考试题(含答案) 北京市101中学2021-2021学年八年级下学期期中考试 英语试题 理解(共26分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。(共4分,每小题1分) 1. 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共12分,每小题1分) 请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。 5. Whats wrong with Peter? A. He had a cold. B. He had an arguent wit

2、h his best friend. C. He lost his oney. 6. Why cant Peter go to his friends house? A. Because he doesnt like writing. B. Because he doesnt want to talk about it on the phone. C. Because he doesnt want to surprise hi. 请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题。 7. How uch did Bill get in the English test? A. 45. B. 55. C. 65.

3、 8. What does Alice think is a helpful way for Bill to learn English well? A. To talk with foreigners. B. To ake flashcards. C. To listen to tapes. 请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。 9. Where are the faily going for their suer vacation? A. Beijing. B. Taiwan. C. Sichuan. 10. Who does Kate want to see? A. Her teache

4、r. B. Her classate. C. Her pen pal. 请听一段独白,完成第11至第13小题。 11. How any persons were there in the roo when soeone was knocking at the door? A. One person.B. Two persons.C. Three persons. 12. Who was the young an? A. He was a friend of the writers. B. He was a friend of the writers brothers. C. He was a

5、strange an to the. 13. What was probably the end of the story? A. The young an was taken away by the police. B. The young an becae their friend. C. The young an ran away. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。 14Who created Spideran? AStan Lee Barvel CPeter Parker 15What happened to Peter Parker after he was bitten by

6、 the spider? AHe was sick BHe becae a spider CHe developed aazing powers 16In what areas does Peter have probles that are siilar to noral people? Aoney, tie and studying. Boney, work and tie. CSports, oney and work 三、听短,根据所听到的短内容和提示词语,记录关键信息。短读两遍。(共10分,每小题2分) A letter to parents Event: School Sports

7、 eet Tie: 27 _(17)_, 2021 All need to Coe to school in their school _(20)_Junior 1 and 2 studentsCoe by _(18)_ a. Disissed (解散) between 12:00 and 12:30 p. Ask your child to have _(19)_ Senior 1 and 2 studentsCoe by 12:30 p. Disissed between 4:30 and 5:00 p. TransportationPrivate CarsGet there yourse

8、lves School BusesDeparture: 101 School Need to:_(21)_ the School Bus drivers Welcoe all of you to watch the Sports eet at Haidian Stadiu! 知识运用(共25分) 四、单项。(共13分,每小题1分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 22. He said: “ary, I will call you later.” He told ary he would call _ later. A. hi B. her C. e

9、D. you 23. I think there will be _trees in the future if we often cut down the trees to ake houses. A. less B. ore C. fewer D. any 24. He usually has breakfast at hoe _ Sundays. A. in B. on C. at D. of 25. -What were you doing this tie yesterday? -I _ soe cleaning at hoe. A. a doing B. was doing C.

10、do D. did 26. _ the students were talking and laughing, the teacher cae into the classroo. A. While B. Until C. Because D. If 27. To always gets _ when he sees his report card fro school because he doesnt do well in all the subjects. A. surprised B. strange C. interested D. nervous 28. - Where are y

11、ou going on ay Day? -I dont want to go _. any people are here and there. A. soewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere 29. -I a going to bring y new IPad to school. -Oh, no, are you ad? If the teacher knows, he _let you in. A. doesnt B. didnt C. havent D. wont 30. y friend had a fight with e, she

12、 didnt talk to e. What _ I do? A. ight B. should C. ust D. ay 31. Teaching in the ountain area is an unusual _ for Yang Lei. A. experienceB. exercise C. exaple D. excuse 32. The plane fro Beijing to Shanghai is supposed to _at 6:30a. toorro A. find out B. take off C. call up D. keep out 33. -What ak

13、es you _ I a a professional athlete? -I think you look strong and healthy. think B. think C. thinking D. will think 34. Do you know _ the Art useu? -Next Friday. A. when we will visit B. when we visited C. when will we visit D. when did we visit 五、完形(共12分,每小题1分) 下面的短,掌握其大意,然后从短后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项

14、中,选择最佳选项。 When youre a teenager, a huge proble ight be that you just have to have a new CD, 3our parents wont give you the oney for it. I thought life was so unfair when things like this happeneduntil Septeber 11, 2001. I was in P.E. when the planes hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. As so

15、on as I got hoe and for weeks after, I saw the disaster shown on TV. Seeing the innocent people running for their 36 as the debris(瓦砾) started coing down the fire and soke rose out of the buildings brought tears to y eyes. I couldnt help iagining what the people on the 37 and in the buildings were t

16、hinking and going through, not 38 what was going on. I adired the courage of the firefighters who rushed in and risked their own lives to 39 others. It tore y heart apart to watch the hopeless looks on the faces of so any people who didnt know if their loved ones were dead or alive while 40 in all t

17、he debris. Then it 41 e: All y life I had thought ainly of yself. I had it easy in life and had been taking it all for granted. A feeling of coldness ran down y back, and I cried just thinking of the possibility that it could have easily 42 to y faily. y o or dad could have been killed like that, an

18、d I would never, ever see the again. I began to evaluate what a real need in life was. This disaster 43 e that awful things can happen to anyone at any tie. Nohen y o or dad or sister go soewhere, even if its just to the store, I try to reeber to tell the that I love the because I know there is a 44

19、 that I ay never tell the that again. Not getting a new CD is not going to ake or 45 y life. I can live with those kinds of probles. But losing soeone I love would 46 ake y life iserable. 9/11 showed e just what I a. 35. A. soB. but C. orD. for 36. A. failies B. livesC. housesD. friends 37. A. stree

20、ts B. planesC. cornersD. seats 38. A. believingB. thinkingC. knowing D. caring 39. A. saveB. joinC. eetD. cal 40. A. hiddenB. found C. trappedD. placed 41. A. pushedB. surprisedC. toldD. hit 42. A. turnedB. copared C. cae D. happened 43. A. taught B. reindedC. seeedD. influenced 44. A. storyB. doubt

21、C. chanceD. plan 45. A. changeB. break C. spareD. end 46. A. ratherB. usuallyC. probablyD. truly 理解(共44分) 六、阅读下列短,根据短内容,从短后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共26分,每小题2分) A Here is the tietable of science activities in the Childrens Palace. Tie table onday 19:00 21:30 Space and an Dr. Thoas West Would you lik

22、e to know ore about the outer space?(4 weeks) Tuesday 18:30 20:30 Photography r. Brown fro Italy Learn to take good pictures, please bring your own caera.(5 weeks) Wednesday 18:30 21:00 Coputer Science Prof. Harry orison fro Oxford University Learn how to use Windows 2000. (12 weeks) Thursday 19:00

23、21:00 odern edicine Prof. Lucy Green Would you like to know edical advances? (4 weeks) Saturday 14:00 17:00 Technical English Prof. Rose Beet Do you want to learn the technical words and articles?(16 weeks) Sunday 8:30 11:30 Exhibition of Personal Inventions You can see any inventions by the student

24、s; you ay also bring your own inventions.(2 weeks) 47. If you want to know ore about odern edicine, whose class should you go to _. A. Dr. Thoas West B. Prof. Harry orison C. Prof. Rose Beet D. Prof. Lucy Green 48. The coputer science class ay last for about _ . A. 2 weeks B. 4 weeks C. 12 weeks D.

25、16 weeks 49. The teacher who teaches photography is fro _. A. England B. Italy C. Aerica D. China B. Everyone has a drea job and we all hope our dreas can coe true. r Black works as a reporter at a TV station. He wants to knohat jobs teenagers are going to do when they grow up. He went to the Evergr

26、een School to do a survey last Friday. r Black asked the students to discuss with each other and then fill in the for with a pen. He told the to tell the truth. r Black thought ost students would be teachers. The teacher is one of the best professions in the world. aybe soe students would be scienti

27、sts. Rich knowledge would help the. A few students would be soldiers because they could keep our country beautiful and peaceful. Teachers helped r Black before school was over. They gave out one thousand eight hundred papers to the students. When the surveys result cae out, r Black and the teachers

28、were surprised. Please look at the results. professionactor(actress)scientistteachersports playersoldierfarer (or else) Proportion (比例)30%25%20%15%5%5% 50. Fro the first paragraph, we know this passage ay talk about_. A. teenagers drea jobs B. r Black and his job C. how dreas coe true D. how to ake

29、a survey 51. Why did r Black do a survey last Friday? A. Because he wanted to find a job for hiself. B. Because he wanted to know about students drea jobs. C. Because he was always interested in doing a survey. D. Because he wanted to know how uch oney teenagers got a week. 52. How any teenagers wan

30、t to be teachers in the future? A. 90. B. 360. C. 900. D. 1800. C. In a roo at Texas Children Cancer Center in Houston, eight-year-old Siran Jatar lay in bed with a drip (点滴) above her to fight her bone cancer. Over her bald (秃的) head, she wore a pink hat that atched her clothes. But the third grade

31、rs cheery dressing didnt ask her pain and weary eyes. Then a visitor showed up. “Do you want to write a song?” asked Anita Kruse, 49, rolling a cart equipped with an electronic keyboard, a icrophone and speakers. Siran stared. “Have you ever written a poe?” Anita Kruse continued. “Well, yes,” Siran said. Within inutes, Siran was reading her poe into the icrophone. “Soe bird soaring through the sky,” she said softly

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