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1、济南市中考英语试题word版及答案中考英语试题(绝密)第I卷一、听力测试A)听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子读两遍。(5分)1.A. lean See a map On the Wall-B.YOU must IOOk after your watch.C.She flies kites m the Park every autmm.2.A Do you IIke ChineSe tea?B.WOUId you ke SOme hot water?C.Are there any trees In the PlCnIre?3.A. Wat food do you ke?B.W

2、rhOSe COatS are these?C.Xrhere are OUr books?4.A. The best time to COme to Chlna is In spring.B.There was a StrOng UTnd the day before yesterday.C.JIm couldnt wash himself or get dressed5.A. ve never been to that form before.B. SOme Of the PIayerS Were IIard to stop.C. I told her to Stay m bed all t

3、omorrow.B)在录音中,你将听到五段对话及五个问题。请根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。每段 对话及问题听两遍。(5分)6.A. LUCyS new hat C. Lucys new bike.7.A. A CUP Of tea.C. A glass Of water.8.A. The blue one.B. LUCyS IIeW kite.D. Lly,s OId hatB. SOme orange.D. SOlnething to eatB. The Ied one.C. The green one.P. A. At 8:00.D. Neither.B. At $30. C. At 9

4、 00.D. At 9:30.10. A. ICS made m ShanghaL B. Its made Of cotton.C. It,s made Of wool D. ICS made In Jinan.C)在录音中,你将听到一段对话及五个问题。谙根拯对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话及 问题读两遍。(5分)11. A.At SChOOLBlnKFC.C. At home.12. A. Chicken.D ina food shop.B. Vegetable sandwiches.C. Bread and milkD. ChICken sandwiches.13. AwaShhIS fa

5、ce.B. WaSh InS hands.C. Clean his teeth.D. Wake his father up.B.He,s going to the station.D. He,s meetmg his friend.A.He Went to the StatIOn to meet his friend.B.He Wrote to his friend till Iate IaSt nightC.He could,t find the Way to the StatIOn IaSt mghtD.He Iead a book till Iate IaSt mghtD)在录音中,你将

6、听到一篇短文及五个问题。请根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案。短文及问题读两颯。(5分16.A. It WaS vmdy. B. It WaS cloudy.C.It WaS wet. D. It WaS dry.17.A. She was going homeR She WaS going to her friends house.C.She WaS going to her Office.D.She WaS going to her UllCle,s house.18.A. BeCaUSe It WaS windy.B.BeCaUSe She couldnt find her glasses.

7、C.BeCaUSe She couldnt find her frend,s house.D.BeCaUSe It was IamIng and the traffic WaS bad.19.A. She turned Off the radio.B.She drove slowly.C.She Went to a hotel.D.She Iead the road signs.20.A. The first thing. B. The SeCOnd thing.C. The third thing. D. The fourth thing.II单词辨音:从每组单词中,选出一个划线部分读音与所

8、给音标读音相同的词。(5分)HI.选择填空:从每题A. B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(20分)26.ThlS IS empty bottle. COUId you give me full one?B.A. a, aan, a C. the, the D. /, a27.It,s too hot today. PleaSe give a bottle Of orange.A.IlIlne B. he C. her D. OUr28. Our football team failed In the match. We did OUr best.A.ThOUgh B. BUt C. B

9、eCaUSe D. AS29.XIran IS One Of CaPltal m ChiIIa.A.older. Clty B. the older, CItyC.oldest, CitIeS D. the oldest, CitleS30.The river is Very IOng and It IS about .A.20 metres wide B. 15 metres IOng C. 30 metres high D. 50 metres tall31. a year does your SChOOl have SPOrtS meeungs?TWlCe a year.A.Howoft

10、en B. HOw SOOnC. HOw Iong D. HOW many times32.Taran is Part Of Chma. It is the SOUtheaSt Of OUr B. On C. in D. at33.TheSe books ShOUId to the IIbmyOn tune.A. SendC. give backB. be IenIrnedD. be got back34. WbUld you Ilke to go and WatCh the football game with me?A.NOt at all B. EXCUSe m

11、e, I can,tC. Yes. d IOVe to D. ThatS right35.The Plane to HOngkOng at this time Of day.A.takes Off B. gets to C. IeaVeS for D. takes away36.Readmg In bed sn,t Olir eyes.A.good at B. Weak m C. bad for D. good for37. Children there are m a family, their fe WIll be.A.The less, the better B. The fewer,

12、the betterC. FeweE richer D. More, POOrer38.He has for three or four a headache B. fallen ill C. CaUght a COId D. had a CoUgh39.They decided at the ed Of this IeaVe B. going back C. travel D. not Start OUt斗O. Where have you been these days?I have been to BeI Dalhe WIth a friend

13、 .A.m ChmeSe B. Of JaPan C. OfAInenCan,s D. from Canada41.We find It to do Some IeadIng evef day.A. easily B. be enjoyable C. helftl D. IlltereSted42.Which Of the diagrams below ShOWS the air teeratre Of BeIJmg In a year?43.Mike IeamS a IOt about internet. And .A. I don,t, either B. SO do I C. SO am

14、i D. I am. too44.My father mil InV a holiday next month. Hell take me to Qmgdao.A. ten days B. ten day,s C. ten-days D. ten days*45.He asked me .A.WhO did kick the first goal m the WdTld CUPB.when WaS the APEC meeting heldC.when Chma became a member Of the WTOD.Where will the 200S OlymPICS be heldIV

15、完形填空:阅读短文,然后从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入文章中相应 空白处的最佳答案。(5分)Many PeoPle have to Work 46 . SOme PeOPle do IIOt mind. OtheI PeOPle think IeS terrible.One man thinks that WOrkmg at the WeekendS Canbe 7 . He IS GeOrge Smith. Mr SInlth rorks In an office, m Brighton. England.On SatUrday, May 24. 1986. he ,ent t

16、o the OffiCe to do SOme work. After he 48_ the lift, It StOPPed between floors. Mr SnlIth COUId not get OUt Of the IIft He began to shout, but 49_ head him. Then Mf SmIth IemeIllbered that It WaS a holiday In England. NO One WaS going to COme to Work 50 Tuesday.There WaS 51 for Mr SmIth to do. He ha

17、d to rait Imtll One OfhIS workmates Came to Work and fmdV阅读理解:阅读短文,.然后从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能回答所提问题或完 成所给句子的最佳答案。(15分)(A)JOhn Sem his mother expensive PreSentS On his mothers birthday everyr year. He IIked to ShOw her how c he was.,I must find Somethmg WollderfUl for her. and It must be the OnIy One In

18、 the WhOle world. MJOhn thought.He advertised (登丿亠告)in the newspapers.* Wantedthe best PreSent for the woman rho has everylhmg., For many days his telephone did not StOP ringing. PeOPIe PhOned him from all OVer the world. They Wanted to SelI him Mthe best PreSent. BUt they did not have anything that

19、 was the Only One In the WhOle XVOlId.Then IeSS than a Week before InS mother*s birthday, a man Came to InS Office. He WaS Canymg a cage, ad In the Cage there was a Iarge bird.,Ths bud, MtiIe man said, ,can SPeak ten IangUageS and Slng any POP song. There IS no Other bird Ilke It In the world. MI wi

20、ll sten to it, ,John said. Hlf What you SaId IS true, I will buy the bird from you.HThe man SPOke to the bird. nTalk to me m FrenCh. , e said. The bird SPOke to him In French. MTeil me a JOke in Japanese, H e said. The bird told him a JOke m Japanese. ,Smg a famous POP song, ,e said. The bird Sang a

21、 famous POP SOng.,T11 buy it, ,Jolm said. MHOw much do you want?MOne hundred thousand dollars, ,*the man said. ThlS WaS a IOt Of money but JOhn Pald him. Then he Sent the bird to his mother with a birthday card.The day after IIlS moler,s birthday he PhOned her. ,11, mother, ,he said. MIS the bird WO

22、nderftil?M,0h, It ras decious, dear, MShe said.56.Why did JOhn Send her mother expensive PreSentS for her birthday every year?A.BeCaUSe e IOVed his mother Very much.B.BeCaUSe his mother needed these presents.C.BeCaUSe he Wanted to ShOW he had a IOt Of money.D.BeCaUSe e WaS the richest man m the worl

23、d.57.HOW did PeOPle know JOhlI Walned the best PreSent In the world?A.They Iang JOhn up.B.They knew It from the newspapers.C.JOhn PhOned them OIIe by one.D.They knew It On TV5& When did the man Wlth a bud COme to ViSit John?A.TWO WeekS before Johns mothers buthday.B.On Johns mothers birthday.C.AbOUt

24、 five days before John,s mothers birthday.D.LeSS than a Week after John,s InOIhefS birthday.59.Why did JOhn Pay the man a IOt Of money for the bird?A.BeCaUSe It WaS such a beautiful bird.B.BeCaUSe he ranted to help the POOr Inan with the bird.C.BeCaUSe Ihe bird COUld IOOk after InS mothe.D.BeCaUSe J

25、Ohll thought the bird COUId Inake his mother happy.60.Wat does the SentenCe MIt WaS delicious, Hreally mean In the story?A.HIS mother ate the bud.B.HIS mother Iet the bud fly away.C.HIS mother began to Iearn IangUageS from the bird.D.HIS mother thought It was the most expensive PreSent In the world.

26、(B)BambOO (ft 子)is One Of nature,s (自 most SUrPnSmg plants. Many PeOPle Call this Plant a tree, but It IS a kind Of grass.Like Other kinds Of grass, a bamboo PIalIt may be CUt VeryIoW to the ground, but It will grow back very quickly. A JaPaneSe SCIentlSt IePOrted One bamboo PIant WhlCh grew 1. 5 me

27、tres(4 feet) In 24 hours! BambOO grows almost everywhere m the WOrld except Europe. There are more than 1. OOO kinds OfbanIboo.NOt all bamboo IOOkS the same. SOme bamboo PlantS are Yery thin. Tiley may Only grow to be a few CentImetreS Vide WhIle OtherS may grow to more than 30 CentUnetreS (1 foot)

28、across. ThIS Plant also COmeS in different colours, from yellow to black to green.BambOO has been USed to make many things SUCh as hats and kitchen tools(厨房用具).BeCaUSe It IS strong, bamboo is also USed to build buildings.Many ASIan COUntneS have USed bamboo for hundreds Of years. They OftelI USe bam

29、boo for buildings and SUPPOrtmg (支撑)new buildings and bridges Whlle they are being built.In Africa. POOr farmers are taught ho, to find Water USnIg bamboo. TheSe AfrlCan COmltrIeS IIeed CheaP ray to find Water because they have no money, and their fields Often die from no Iain and no Water- BambOO e

30、s( 子)help POor farmers bring Water to their thirsty fields without SPending a IOt Of money.61.HOw is bamboo IIke grass?A. It grows quickly. B. ICS wood. C. It is easy to cut. D. It is Very thin.62.ThOUgh you Can See bamboo everywhere, H doesn,t grow .A. m Chma B. In EUrOPe C. On mountains D. In AfrI

31、Ca63.Why is bamboo USed by African PoOr farmers? BeCaUSe .A. It IS CheaP B. It has dfierent COlOlIrSC.It is StrOng D. it has been USed by ASianS64.BallIbOO PlPeS Can .A. make money B. be trees C. grow quickly D. Cany Water65.InASla. bamboo has been USed for .A.a short tuneB.many thousands Of yearsC.many hundreds Of yearsD.about IOO years(C)MOSt PeOPle around the WOrld are IIght-handed. ThIS also SeenIS to be true In history In 1799. SCIentlStS SnldIed WOrk$(作品)Of art made at differe

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